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14.28% Picked up a book in a dungeon and became strong. / Chapter 4: Chapter 4.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4.

Saturday morning. Chi Lie went to my house carrying bunch of books. She wore a beautiful white dress and a elegant hat under a hot sun.

....Hi Ms. Chi Lie, it looks like you brought a lot of books. Let me help you.

_Oh thank you Mr. Kang. Your house is amazing. It is like a palace. It is very pleasant in the eyes.

...Thank you Ms. Lie. Take a seat so that we can start translating.

_Okay. Thanks.

I escorted her to my study area and brought her cookies and tea. I also brought my books.

...Ms Chi Lie. I want you to promise me to never tell anyone about this book. Only you knows it and If something happens. I know who will be judged. And also, I will pay you 3 good in translating one page.

_Three Gold? You're not kidding right!? That is 1 week worth of my job earnings from the library.

...I am not kidding. It is true. And if you translate faster, I can add more. So deal?

_Alright then, Deal.

So I gave her the book...She began reading the first book in ancient language. Judging by her face, it feels like she is struggling or there is something's wrong.

...What's the matter? Is everything good?

_Oh. No, not really.

...Why? Can't you understand it?

_No. It is not like that. I can read it all but I can't understand what it says. Just bunch of nonsensical sentences. Just hear this one.

" You should have the yin and yang. Heaven and Earth. Fire and water. To become strong. "

And there is also a bunch of steps listed in this. Here this. "Pulverize to powder. Cut into stripes. Drink everyday"

Even this one. "Enchant this. Next is to let it cool."

Where is the enchant? What to let cool off?

I think this book is a puzzle. Judging from what I read. There is missing lines in between these sentences. And maybe we can find it inside this book. Maybe some clues are written or maybe be we should jumble the sentences to become complete. I had the feeling that it is indeed incomplete yet. Ohh this is interesting, I do enjoy some challenge.

...Cough* cough* Ahem. Ms. Chi Lie, relax for a moment. I think you have been talking for a while now. You might lose your voice. Drink this first and calm yourself.

_Oh. Am I? I'm sorry and thanks. I think we might solve this puzzle book in a long time. It is would be hard.

...(I think she is talking about the other book. Should I also show it to her? Or keep it a secret and just let her translate the ancient language book?)

...Ms. Chi Lie. I think I have a clue to complete it but can you please maybe just leave the puzzle part for me. I like to be the only one to read the complete meaning of the book's contents.

_Oh. Is that so? Okay. But I'm curious. How did you know that your clue is right?

...Okay I will tell you. Actually there is another book. And I think this and that book is a pair.

_Oh. That is really wonderful. So I just need to translate this and then you can do your thing.

.. Yes. You're right. Okay I will write down what I translate.

She began to read and translate the words and write it on a piece of paper.

Hmm. If I combined correctly, the first sentences in the other book and this first sentences will be this..

"My name is Khen Krah. This is my diary starting when I became a powerful. You should have the yin and yang. Heaven and Earth. Fire and water. To become strong.

For these are one."

I think the ying yang, refers to these books. First is because of the color. The one is black and the diary is white. But I think I cant understand the Heaven, Earth, Fire, Water. These are four of the main elements.

Oh I see. If I think carefully, yin and yang refers to being equal. Not too much or too little on tlhe other side. So, the first sentences means that I should have the balance between the four elements.

But there is a problem. How can anyone balance the four elements? The first person to have more than one main attribute is the Queen Eliza. Maybe there still more clue in the succeeding pages. I need to understand more of it.

A lot of time has passed and we didn't realized that it was night already. Chi Lie was still engrossed in translating the pages and she already translated 3 pages.

...Ms. Chi Lie, it is night already. Let's continue this next time. Thank you again.

_Sure. I will comeback next weekend.

As we approach the front door, my mom saw us and invited Chi Lie to have a dinner with us.

Chi Lie was hesitant at first but my mom is very pushy so she agreed.

At the dinner. I introduced Chi Lie to my family.

...This is Chi Lie. She is the librarian in the city library. I asked her a request regarding a book that I own, that is why she is here. Don't think of any ideas

MOM: My. My. This is the first time Kang Garou brought a girl home. Are you sure that is the only thing you request her? Ayiee.

Sister: Yes. I think so too. Brother could have bring the book into the library to her. But he personally requested her into our house. Maybe there is a hidden agenda.

Chi Lie began to blush and she become quiet.

...Hey. Don't be like that. Look, she is embarrassed already. Stop it.

Mom: I am so sorry dear. We are just teasing Kang. Don't take it seriously.

_Yes maam.

We finished having dinner and I escorted Chi Lie back into her house because it pretty late already.

_Thank you for this day Mr Kang.

... Don't be. I should be the one thanking you. I hope we can be friends after this. I really like you.

She became flustered and shy. Then suddenly she kissed me in my cheek. And whispered..

_We are already friends.

I was surprised of what she did.

She then enters her house and I went home.

...This is the start. I am making progress. I think we can finished all of it in shorter amount that I expected. And the knowledge in that book must be priceless. I need to learn more.

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