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Chapter 23: Chapter 23


Tywin looked at Jamie winning the joust against a knight from house Frey and had to hold back a smile at the pride he felt for his son.

The pride then quickly turned into annoyance as he remembered how his golden heir defied his orders and continued to serve as a glorified guard for another worthless king.

"Heh! Good work Kingslayer. You showed those Freys what they're made of." King Robert's booming voice entered his ears and he held back a frown as he saw that the king was already deep in his cups and openly groping a serving girl in front of everyone.

The fact that King Robert forced him to host a tourney after the end of the Greyjoy Rebellion was one thing. The fact that he was not even paying any attention to the Tourney was another thing entirely.

If he got up and left all of a sudden the it would seen as highly disrespectful so he forced himself to sit beside his son-in-law who was cheating on his wife in full view of everyone else.

He was brought out of his thoughts as there was a sudden commontion outside the Tourney grounds. He frowned at the screams and yells coming from out there as the guards rushed outside to contain whatever or whoever it was that was making all this fuss.

"Tyrion." He said in a commanding voice and the misshapen dwarf whom he had the misfortune to sire turned around to look at him.

"Go and check what all this commotion is about." He ordered and the dwarf took one last sip from his goblet before he nodded and left the area on his stunted legs.



Tyrion cursed his father for disturbing his drinking binge as he moved toward the place where all the commotion was happening.

Regardless, he was also curious about all the screaming and shouting that had been going on outside the area until he heard a loud roar from and his feet stopped at once.

He had very familiar with that roar from the lions that were caged inside Casterly Rock.

Was it possible that some of the lions broke through their cages and came down to Lannisport.

That was highly unlikely as the guards would kill it before it could do too much harm.

So does that mean that a stray lion had entered Lannisport.

That thought in itself was laughable as well so he shook his head and forced his stunted legs to move faster as he finally reached an area where a lot of smallfolk had form a large circle around someone.

"Excuse me. Move aside please. Let me through." He said as he carved a path through the people until he finally arrived in a clearing where half a dozen Lannister guards were pointing their spears at…

A boy riding on top of a Lion.

Tyrion rubbed his eyes and wondered if he had drunk a little too much before he looked he at scene once again and found that the boy and the lion were still there.

The boy who was looking nonplussed at the Lannister guards who were shaking in their feet as the Lion gazed at them.

The boy couldn't have been older than a 6-8 years old and was wearing a regal looking red colored robe of the finest quality with a Wierwood sigil on his chest and he suddenly understood everything.

This was the boy who from the North who rode on the back of a giant direwolf. The boy who made that other Northern lord piss and shit his pants in fear. The boy suggested ending the House of Greyjoy by sending their men to the Wall and women to the Silent sisters.

The boy… what was his name again?

"I want to meet with someone who's in charge. Could you lead me to them?" the boy's clear yet authoritative voice pierced through all the murmers and whispers as the guards looked at them fearfully.

Tyrion couldn't understand why they were so afraid of the lion when it was clear that the boy was able to command it, judging by how he easily sat upon its back.

"I… I…" the guard stammered and Tyrion felt ashamed on behalf of all the Lannisters and moved forward to introduce himself in case the guards fuck this up.

"Hello there my friend. My name is…" that was as far as he went before the lion turned it's gaze upon him and he felt a spike of terror shoot through his heart and froze until the boy put his hand on top of the lion in a comforting gesture and it lowered it's head in submission.

Tyrion took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off his face all the while thanking the gods that he didn't piss his breeches. That would be rather embarrassing. A lion of the Casterly Rock pissing himself upon meeting a real lion.

He turned to look at the boy once again and started to introduce himself once again before the boy cut him off.

"I know who you are. You're Tyrion Lannister. Son of Tywin Lannister and heir of the Casterly Rock." The boy said and gave him a nod which he returned.

"That I am" he replied, even if it was unlikely that he'll ever inherit the Rock. "But I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage my lord."

"I'm Lord Domeric Bolton." The boy said before he took out a well designed golden scabbard from behind himself.

The guards standing behind Tyrion tensed upon seeing the scabbard and the sword but he quickly mentioned them to stay behind and not fuck this meeting up as he had a feeling that Lord Bolton would not come here without any reason.

"As for why I came here." The boy said and took out the blade from it's sheath and Tryion gaped as he saw the rippling effect that was said to be present in all the Valyrian swords.

Since when did the Boltons have a Valyrion sword of their own.

"I heard that your father has been asking around for a Valyrian sword. I wonder… does he still want one?" the boy asked but the smirk in his face clearly showed that he already knew the answer.

"Y…" he gulped and tried once again "Yes. My father still want a Valyrian Steel sword for our house. Definitely."

"Then please lead me to your father." The boy said and Tyrion nodded quickly before he turned to face the guards who were still pointing their spears at the boy or the lion and cursed the fools in his mind.

"Lower your weapons you fools. This is Lord Bolton. Our esteemed guest." He shouted and hoped that the mindless fools wouldn't offend the boy lord.

If his father found out that he was about to receive a Valyrian Steel Sword but didn't because the guards disrespected the person who wanted to sell him the sword, he doubted that the guards would live to see another day.

And as he took the boy and the lion toward the Tents outside the Tourney grounds, he wondered how much gold his father would pay in order to get the sword for the Lannister House.

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