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100% The Dark Fate / Chapter 8: The City of Auron

Chapter 8: The City of Auron

Auron was quite a vivid city, with citizens walking about and colorful mansions as far as the eye could see. Ashley and her accomplices had appeared in the center of the city.

"Welcome to the city of Auron," the Spirit of Determination said. "This lovely city is the capital of Gemstone Island and is home to Charlie the magnificent."

Ashley perked up at the mention of that name. "Charlie lives here?" she asked.

"Precisely. Do you know her?"

"Of course I do! She' best friend."

"Well, before we pay her a visit, let's take your friend here to the hospital."

The group went to the nearest hospital and approached the front desk, where an elegantly dressed woman was sitting.

"How may I help you?" she asked. She spotted Curtis, who appeared to be on the brink of death. "Dr. Angus, come quick!"

A doctor rushed into the room. He immediately took notice of Curtis and snatched him from Tod. Curtis was taken to a different room.


"You have yet to tell us your name," Ashley said to the spirit while sitting in the waiting room.

"My name is Theo," said the spirit. "I am one of the eight Mavericks, a special group of people dedicated to protecting this island—that is, until those Glounces turned us into spirits."

"Are you saying they you were not a spirit to begin with?" Cindy asked.

"That is correct."

"What are Glounces, anyway?" Ashley asked.

"A species of idols that watch over the island while we Mavericks are elsewhere."

Dr. Angus entered the room. "I have some good news and some bad news," he said. "Which would you like to hear first?"

"What's the...bad news?" Andrew gulped.

"The bad news is that your friend flat-lined."

"This cannot be?" Ubaid wailed.

"Well, what's the good news?" Tod asked.

"We managed to save his life," Dr. Angus replied in a toothy grin.

"That's a relief," Ubaid sighed.

"May we speak to him?" Tod asked.

"Of course," Dr. Angus said. "Right this way."

The doctor led everyone to the room in which Curtis was lying in. Dr. Angus then walked away.

"Feeling any better?" Nathaniel asked his boss.

"Much better," Curtis said in response. "Thank you for being considerate for once."

"This is no time for arguing," a feminine voice said from the doorway.

Everyone turned to see a slim girl, most likely around the age of fifteen or sixteen, wearing an ancient robe. Ashley was rather shocked by the figure's appearance, being as the girl was now see-through.

"Charlie!" she exclaimed. "You're really here! I—I...missed you."

"I missed you too," Charlie said, smiling. "When I heard that one of you was seriously injured, I came as quickly as I could."

"So you're Charlie," said Cindy, absolutely awed. "It is a pleasure to meet you, even if you know."

"You mean a spirit? That is...a rather long story. I may explain later." Charlie suddenly noticed that Theo was in the room. "Theo! How have things been lately?"

"Leave me alone, craven," Theo grumbled.

"Please, turning you into a spirit may have been my idea, but it was for the greater good."

"Greater good? Those Glounces only did so for the fear that I—we—would be assassinated!"

Charlie turned her attention to everyone else. "Let's all go to my place. I want you to receive as much intel as possible about The Dark Fate."

"Can I join you?" Curtis begged.

"Of course—once you're fully healed, that is."


Inside Charlie's home, which was amazingly a mansion, everyone sat on sofas in a rather spacious living room.

"Do you have the Summoner with you, Nathaniel?" asked Charlie.

"How do you know about that invention?" Nathaniel asked.

"Just answer the question."

"Well, um—as a matter of fact, I do have it." Nathaniel pulled a small, red button out of his pocket and pressed it. The Summoner instantly appeared in his hands.

"Could you please bring all of Curtis' employees?"

Ashley wondered where exactly Curtis and his employees worked, but that did not matter at the moment. All she could really think about was the fact that she could see her best friend again, even if she was nothing more than a spirit.

Nathaniel did as he was told. He pressed a button on the small contraption, causing Curtis' employees to appear in the room.

"Where are we?" David asked as he looked around.

Charlie cleated her throat to get everyone's attention. "Who are you?" Terrence asked.

"I am Charlie the Magnificent," Charlie replied. "I have watched over you since you first arrived on the island."

"Why have you done so?" Peter asked.

"Because you have helped Ashley, who is part of a prophecy known as The Dark Fate." Charlie pulled a scroll out of her robe and read its contents. "According to the prophecy scrolls, Cindy, Curtis, Tod, Andrew, and Ubaid are involved as well. I would say who else is part of it, but I think I will let you figure that out for yourselves. I may tell you more about The Dark Fate later. For now, go and explore the city. Surely you'll discover many wondrous things!"


That night, Ashley, Cindy, and Theo were taking a stroll around the city, taking notice of the many diverse people that lived there.

"We should go to a restaurant," Cindy suggested. "I'm famished. What about you two?"

"I do not have to eat while in this state," Theo said.

"As for me, I'm starving," Ashley said. "Where is the nearest restaurant?"

"It is on the other side of the city. Allow me to lead you there."

The trio later reached a restaurant known as Eternal Blossom. The name was white peculiar to Ashley and seemed like an illusion. She had almost forgotten that she was in a world where nothing seemed real.

David, Ron, Peter, Mark, and Jack happened to be in the restaurant. They were sitting around a large table, with five plates of food sitting atop it.

"You came just in time," David said to Cindy and Ashley, barely even taking notice of Theo. "We just ordered some food for you."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that," Cindy said.

"What do you mean? We may be enemies, but it appears like we'll have to work together until this whole debacle is out of the way. Now sit down and eat."

Jack's cell phone began to ring. He grabbed it out of his pocket and answered it, holding it up to his ear.

"Hello, Tod," he said. "What's that? Curtis is out of the hospital? That's wonderful! And he's—oh dear. We will be there shortly." Jack ended the fall and slid the phone back into his jeans pocket. "Tod wants us to meet him on 31st Street, wherever that is. Seems like Curtis is causing trouble."

"Like always," Ron remarked.

"Do you know where 31st Street is, Theo?" asked Ashley.

"I sure do," Theo replied. "After you all are finished eating, I will take you there."

The group later went to 31st Street, where they saw Tod standing on the sidewalk with his mouth agape.

"What's wrong?" Ashley asked.

Tod pointed star Curtis, who was on top of a limo while holding a machine gun. "Get down from there!" Tod ordered.

"Make me!" Curtis retorted.

Tod used his sceptre to set the limousine on fire. Curtis quickly jumped off and ran to the sidewalk, glaring at Tod.


Later that night, everyone met inside the mansion and sat in the living room once more. "I am glad that you are all here," Charlie began. "Fortunately, there are enough rooms in my home for you to stay in until your journey is complete."

"It is a pleasure to be staying here," Andrew said, "but I have a small question. When we crash-landed on the island, how is it that we survived?"

"The prophecy prevents any of you from dying until it has been fulfilled. Now it's time for you all to rest. Tomorrow will hopefully be a day of rest and relaxation."

Everyone went upstairs to their respective rooms, almost immediately falling asleep.

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