Seoyeon felt Jung Hwa's words of the wolves went back to her ears. Her feet stealthily moved one step back as she watched the four-legged creature coming out from the shadows. The growl was high at first, like a growl of a dog who was hungry but instead, the creature in front of her was larger than a normal dog. When the light fell at the wolf, she felt her body shuddered in fear and her eyes studied the animal who had bared his teeth in front of her.
The fur was deep black unlike what Seoyeon thought would be gray in color. The size of the carnivorous beast was three time larger than a dog would ever be. But what caught Seoyeon to be alarmed was the wolf's sharp canines. They were large and sharp, white in color and glimmering as if it was a sharp weapon. Seoyeon was sure with one large bite, the wolf could tear any flesh he had taken a bite on. The thought make her gulp.
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