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3. A problem

Night clubs. That is where most fair people like to hang out, especially vampires and werewolves.

Gliding across the air, riding on the scythe, Shina speeds up to get there, blood starts to boil slowly. Someone's been abandoning his post, without the mistress' permission, and that someone needs a punishment for leaving that post.

The club was like a bar, can also be a casino. Different drinks and liquors displayed in shelfs, tons of arcade in the second floor, and outside is a little pool, good for three hundred people.

Shina landed smoothly on the ground, walking towards the club. She pulled the hood to hide her face, fairies and witches gaze followed Shina as she swooped in the club.

It was loud inside the club, lots of lights, music, you name it. A nymph jangled the glass, performing bartending tricks, others sitting around the couches laughing, and having a good time.

Caesar here is also having a good time, flirting with a pretty lady vampire, forgotten about his post.

"So, I see you're just passing by?" Caesar cooed, pulling a soft lock of hair from a female vampire.

"Yeah, I am. Me and my clan will be leaving at dawn, but I'm free right now."

She replied

"Well, that's nice. Let me offer you a drink." Caesar offered, standing from the couch then walks to the bartender, leaving the female vampire grinning.

"Eyy yo! Dimitri give me the best you got." Caesar called, eyeing a male nymph bartender focused on mixing the cocktails while doing tricks.

"Oh, Caesar. Shouldn't you be on your post right now?" Dimitri asked, distracted by his sudden presence.

"I'm a little worried you know?"

"Oh come on! I was having just a quick break, no need to worry about me! Besides, it's not like mistress is in Black Valley right now." Caesar scoffed, feeling carefree about his situation.

"I'm not actually worried about you, I'm worried about the hearth stone, I heard that the legendary thief is after it." Dimitri said, putting ice on each glass then poured the liquor. Cold sweat running down to Dimitri's face, preparing Caesar his requested drink.

Nymphs can sometimes see visions, either it's a hint or a warning, this skill is only passed down to males. Dimitri saw a quick vision a few moments ago, like a scene flashed in his mind. That vision isn't for luck, but a warning instead, like he tried to tell Caesar to return to his post, and he seemed to be acting carefree. Are vampires always like this?

"Here." said Dimitri, sweeped the cocktail across the table.

"Thanks dude." Caesar thanked, carrying two glasses in both his hands.

Caesar went back to the couch, leaving Dimitri frozen, staring at Caesar with that laid-back smile.

"Caesar, I'm warning you! You should go back to your post!" Dimitri called, eyebrows furrowed, Caesar didn't seem to listen. He knows that a so called legendary thief is after the hearth stone, and his visions are always right. His heart began to beat pretty quick, continuous sweat flowing down.

On second thought, how would the thief find Black valley? You can't find it in the kingdoms, it is hidden, so hidden that it will take you hundreds of years finding it. Black Valley does have a strong shield, to prevent thieves from stealing the valuables.

Dimitri sighed in relief, he continues to make punches and cocktail to serve his awaiting customers. Let's just hope that his vision is wrong this time.

Laying on the couch with problems behind him. Caesar was surrounded by 5 female vampires, his hand placed across a chic beside him, and a glass of cocktail on his other hand.

"You know what? I used to be a traveler myself, until I got tired and began to work here." Caesar bragged, taking a sip from the glass.

"Where did you go?" A female vampire giggled, crossed her legs and leaned back at the couch.

"Well, I've been to the galactic palace, to Silver Kingdom, and I think I've visited Asgard, well I forgot now." said Caesar, telling stories to the chics that surrounded him. Caesar is pretty good at making stories, he's good at making people believe what he says too.

" And you know, I been to this place. "

Caesar started, making gestures as he goes on." It's so mysterious, where there's no flying broom! No witches, no fairies, no mermaids! And the scary part, no vampires!"

The female vampires gasped in chorus, eyes wide, stunned by his story.

" An they call it... Human world... They have this things they used to ride on, and round thing-a-ma jigs keeps that ongoing. " He continued.

" Wow! You are truly awesome! " A vampire praised.

"Totally!" one agreed.

"And so so, good looking!" another said.

Caesar grinned at their praises, feeling proud of himself, telling stories that worth listening, surrounded by chics. This is life! Breathtaking, you can chill out, without worrying stuff, no services, no posts to attend, no one ordering, no one yelling, and most of all... NO LITTLE MISS GUARDIAN MISTRESS!

All those thoughts disappeared, when a tingling sensation transmitted through his body, Caesar's sly smile turned into a frown, and a chill an down to his spine.

His surroundings suddenly turned silent, hearing one thing, like two metals striking each other with great force.

His eyes grew wide, darting from corner to corner as if spotting for a dangerous predator. Then a distorted voice entered his ear, the voice is cold and calm, but bold.


The voice tingled in his ear, giving him more chills that made him grip harder to the glass.

"Caesar." His eyes widened instantly when he heard the cold and calm voice, and turned his head abruptly when he saw a black tall clothing standing in front of him holding a scythe, bringing cold temperature with it.

"WOAH! M-m-m-mistress, heyy, uhh hehe what are you doing here?" Caesar asked awkwardly, jumped in surprised, the female vampires quickly moved away when they sensed Shina's presence.

"I should be the one to ask you that." Shina asked in a cold voice, glaring at Caesar who stood there like an idiot.

"Wha--- I err--"

"Now tell me... Why did you abandon your post?" Shina asked, making a move towards Caesar.

"Umm, Errr..." Caesar lost his voice to his mistress' question, his trembling hands showing fear in front of Shina.

"Mistress, I'm sorry!"

"You know how valuable your post is, why did you leave it? Who knows that it could be taken now!" Shina snapped, her forehead gem glowed scarlet, making the surrounding turn quiet, the lights turned off, the sound stopped, and every creature in the club turned their heads to them. The surrounding is very dark, but Caesar can see clearly because of his vampire eyes.

Caesar bent to his knees and bowed to Shina, pleading not to destroy him.

"Mistress, I'm s-s-s-s-sorry." Caesar begged, cold sweat running down to his pale skin.

Shina's eyes turned bright blue, a huge flame of rage inside her. She raised her scythe at Caesar, she was ready to strike him as punishment for leaving such valuable post. But Shina hesitated, her eyes turned back to normal, lowered the scythe, then turned to the someone calling her.

"Mistress! We got a problem." The bartender, Dimitri called, holding a vocal stone glowing bright green.

"Dimitri, we need you here, and the mistress." The stone blinked as it produced a voice, working like a walkie-talkie.

"The mistress and I will be there." Dimitri replied, he and the mistress exchanged glances. Dimitri nods at the mistress then disappeared leaving blue dust behind.

Shina's eyes widened, glanced at Caesar kneeling then stormed out of the club riding her scythe.

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