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Chapter 2: 2: Shina

Shina had lived her years of hiding from other gods, especially minors. She doesn't want to be bothered by them again. Ever since that happened, terrible things was cast into her life. Her grandparents didn't feed her for weeks, after her mother's burial, her father had gone mad and began to abuse her and ended up in prison, and died years later . After that, gods of her age started bullying her.

Black Valley

Black valley is a place where fair people rest or to get a break. It's a stop for travelers going from kingdom to kingdom. Black valley once belonged to a powerful elementalist, and is passed down to Shina.

Black Valley is kind of a camp site for mythical creatures and other fair people, it is where fair travelers rest before they move to another kingdom to explore, other fair people have fun here, relaxing or doing activities.

Black valley is quite mysterious. If you try to find it, it will never show itself, unless if you need a place to rest a portal will appear where you are. This portal also has limited time to show itself, will disappear in thirty minutes if a fair people ignores it.

"I guess that's it for today." Shina said, closing a thick book then putsbit back to the shelf.

"Shall I accompany you majesty?" A spirit asked Shina, standing by the door.

"No, it's fine." Shina refused with a calm voice. "You should get back to your post, the new arrivals do need a welcoming."

"Yes majesty."

The spirit bowed then disappeared like a smoke in the air.

Shina sighed. She picked her cloak from a chair then wears it and covered her head with the hood.

For almost six centuries, Shina have been running the land of the dead. Welcoming the new dead corpse, helping them to get their second life, or throw them to hell. That is with the help of spirits and grim reapers. Shina is a reaper herself, with her black cloak and scythe. Shina didn't like the land of the dead at first, it was full of bones, dead bodies, and other disgusting stuff.

Shina stood on her scythe, and rode on it like a hover board. Her cloak flapped behind her as the wind blew in front of her. Shina landed on a patch of black roses, in front of her was a thick wall of vines that covered an establishment.

Shina looked to her right, a three foot cerberus was sleeping, tired of last night's guarding. Shina tilted her head and smiled at the cerberus.

"Alpha, hey boy." Shina called. The dog blinked it's eyes and stood up, the dog wiggled it's tail immediately at the sight of Shina.

"How are you? You okay?" Shina asked, drew herself closer and bends her left knee to level her head at the dog.

Alpha barked in high pitch in reply, ears facing forward.

Shina cupped her hand in front of her, a bluish sparkle slowly floated on her hands, going in circles until it disappeared leaving a hand sized purple fruit. Alpha opened his mouth and placed the fruit in his mouth.

Alpha looks very happy chewing the fruit. Shina stood on her feet and stepped back to the thick vines.

She raised her hand over the scythe and it floated to her level.

Alpha barked at Shina, showing appreciation for the snack.

"I'll give you another chorus fruit when I come back." Shina promised.

She then walked towards the vines. A portal showed up, emiting white light and a swirling cloud like in the sky. Then Shina walked directly to it.

The portal lead her to a dim place, only lanterns are lighting the way hanging on trees. This place was peaceful, and the most peaceful place in all of the kingdoms, not even the galactic garden can compare to this.

Shina followed a stone path to get to a destination. For or a few walks, she entered a beautiful patch of different colored tulips, fireflies hovering above the flowers, other flying to the trees. Then the path leads her to a smooth bermuda grass spreading to who knows where it ends. A small cottage made of wood on her far left, people are sitting outside the cottage, one was grilling something, while others are playing in the dark.

On her right side, tree houses on small acacia trees are placed in lines. A spring pool located behind the tree houses, good enough for Shina to see through what they're doing. Well they're swimming.

She paused for a moment to look around. The smiles of the travelers and other creatures made her smile too, having fun with their family, laying around doing nothing, just chilling.

Shina threw the scythe to her right and it floated, she sat on the scythe then flew in the air. The wind is blowing in front of her, her cloak flapped behind and the hood flipped, revealing her obsidian black hair and her clear silver eyes. The scythe brought Shina towards a cute household, the roof is covered with vines, lanterns hanging on each side and a small porch right on the front door.

"Mistress!" a female vampire called, staring at Shina landed with her scythe.

"Valor, how's the camp doing?" Shina asked while walking towards Valor.

"It's doing pretty well Mistress, visitors are increasing every hour." Valor said, swirling her hand, then a clipboard appeared.

"About 200 came thirty minutes ago." Valor continued. "Fifty of them are fairies, twenty five are mer-fairies, another twenty five are mostly mythical creatures, and a hundred of them are high ranked vampires, most are ladies, less are gentlemen."

"Hmm, thank you Valor." Shina thanked, she went inside the house. She house was completely quiet, there's no one yelling, shouting, laughing, sometimes there was someone to let Shina brag about the land of the dead, or that guy would hang around with his fellow workers or it would suddenly shout and get clingy to her, which she find it weird. But now... It was.... Too quiet.....

Shina's eyebrow furrowed, turned to Valor.

"Where's Caesar?" Shina asked suspiciously

"Umm, I saw him giving tour to the ladies." Valor answered honestly

"Mer-fairies again?" Shina clarified

"Actually, it's vampires." Valor answered. Shina's eyes widened, blood surging, she threw her scythe floating on mid air then road in it, then flew towards a place where mostly vampires visit Black valley...

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