--- Kat ---
Kat panicked a touch and asked, "What rank are you?"
"Oh? You haven't worked that out yet?" stated Meg. "Well I think it will be more interesting if I simply don't speak on the matter much. I'm sure you have a good chance of guessing but… if you aren't confident at the moment then that's all it will be. A guess,"
I feel like if it was obvious you at least would've figured it out.
[While I do thank you for the vote of confidence I suspect Meg has made small references, at most, to things we'd only know about if we lived in a Hub. She knows we didn't, or at least suspects we didn't. Not sure if she's overlooking that or if she's deliberately being obtuse. She didn't say we were likely to know, she didn't even say she was surprised. She just acted as if she was and left it at that.]
Well do you have any other questions? I don't want Meg getting bored while I'm forced to carry her.
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