--- Lily ---
"So come on then! Hop on my shoulder!" said Marigold with a grin.
"What?" intoned Lily.
"Well it would be too risky to just hurl you forward right now, that's why I said I'd throw you UPWARDS not forwards. So instead of awkwardly timing our jumps so that neither of us gets stuck behind a basic shield we can jump together with you on my shoulder!" said Marigold.
Lily considered it for a moment before shrugging and transforming. It was a bit of a strange idea, but if she was trusting Marigold this far there was no reason not to. *Though I do want to see if she can understand me like this.* Lily hopped up on Marigold's shoulder and meowed 'Forward'.
Marigold gave Lily a strange look. "Ok… why could I understand that?"
Why is 90% of Lily's dialogue "Meow" in this chapter? Because for some dumb reason it amuses me greatly.
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