Lily landed, finally exhausted from her flight. She'd lost track of time at some point and had been grounded by the soreness in her wings. They had muscle definition yes, but no proper practice with endurance and Lily was paying for it now. Kat managed to get away with a lot because of her regeneration, Lily… not so much.
Despite being soar across her entire body, exhaustion was a powerful foe and quickly sent Lily into restful sleep. When she woke up some time later, she found herself wrapped up tightly with blankets. She glanced out at the room and found herself in one of the relaxation rooms for calming patients down again. It may have been the same one, but her current view was obstructed by the blankets. It certainly looked similar but her memory wasn't perfect and she couldn't see the whole room.
Square brackets bold, italic words denote thoughts belonging to the other half of the link. So, during Lily's perspective Kat's thoughts are bold and italicisied while during Kat's perspective it will be Lily's thoughts.
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