"…and that is the layout of the whole compound do you have any questions Xiang?" asked Kat
"No" said Xiang, much too quickly in response. Kat glared back at him, unimpressed. *I bet he forgot it all. Dammit, how am I supposed to make sure that he remembers anything. That answer was so fast I have trouble believing he was doing anything other than reacting to his name…*
"Are you sure?" asked Kat wearily.
Xiang went to shout a retort, but Kat could practically feel the derision before it happened so she moved quickly to slam her hand over his mouth… then decided hitting in the back of his head was preferable, and did that instead, clipping him over the back of his head lightly. Xiang grimaced, and went to complain more, but Kat glared him down, and that silenced any further complaints.
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