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A spark of hope

It has been two weeks since I killed that women and I haven't let this demon take control over my body ever since.

I can't enter any town of village because I don't want to kill more people. This is hell on earth, Onim keeps talking to me and I hate it. But I have to enter a town soon, because I need some social interaction. Someone else than Onim, or else I go crazy and I can't let that happen. I can't go crazy because if I do, Onim will take over and he will destroy everything.

But I can't let anyone know that Onim is inside of me. This land is really religious and the church can do whatever they want, so if they find out that there's a demon inside of me, they will hunt me. They will try to kill me, but when that happens Onim can take over before we die and kill all of them. The only option is to… kill myself.

He can't stop me if I kill myself. This is the only way to stop Onim. If I don't do it now, then he will take over eventually. I…I just got to do it. My whole body was shaking and I was scared, I have never been so scared in my life. I must do it, to save others from suffering because of this demon.

At that moment I used my wind magic to blast myself into the air. I used all my mana on it so I couldn't change my mind. I went up high up into the air and I went straight down. I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't think of anything else than killing this demon.

I fell unconscious in the middle of falling down and that was the moment Onim could take my body over, and he did. He used his own mana to fly and he went straight to the nearest town.

I realised I made a mistake. He will destroy this whole town and I can't do anything about it, I couldn't even save that women back then.

I'm a failure. that's what I am, but I still have to try. Even if I fail, I have to try. I tried to take the control back and I noticed that Onim was weaker than before, that must mean that it takes a lot of strength for him to take over my body. So when he took over the last time he didn't have enough to fully recover from the first time he took over. That means that I can take back control.

That was the first time since onim entered my body that he felt hope.

I took back control and I could barely managed to safely land on the ground, because he could recover some mana when Onim took over. This means that I have a change against him for now and I know for sure that I can safely enter this town.

I entered the town and I wanted to go to the clothing store, but then I realised I didn't have any money on me. I couldn't buy anything, not even a place to sleep tonight.

Why does it always have to be me? Why can't I be happy for once.

Defeated I sat down on the ground. Trying my best not to cry, when suddenly a women came up to me and asked me why I was sitting on the ground.

"Oh nothing I just arrived in town so I'm tired." I replied.

"Then why don't you rent a place to just sleep." she said.

I panicked, how should I respond to this. "Euhm… I… don't have any money." I said.

She looked at me and said: "your clothes are all torn up. Have you been robbed on the way here?"

"I got attacked and I lost everything I had." I replied.

"That's unfortunate, so I guess that you could stay at my place for the night, but first you need to tell me your name." she said.

"My name is Vex. Why would you take me in? We just met so you won't know if I will hurt you or anything." I replied.

"That's true but I'm an adventurer so I will just beat you up if you try to attack me." she replied.

"Okay I will take that offer, thank you so much." I said.

"No need to thank me, I just want to help out."she replied.

"Still thank you, but can I ask what your name is?" I said.

"I'm Jane!" she replied.

"Thank you very much Jane, for letting me stay at your place." I replied.

Jane took me to her house. It was small, but I can't complain. At least I don't have to sleep on the ground.

We went inside and she offered me dinner. I humbly accepted and she gave me a pork stew. I ate it and thanked her once more.

After that she grabbed a spare mattress and put it on the ground. She gave me a blanket and a pillow and we went to sleep.

The next day Jane asked me if I would like to go hunting with her so we could make some money and I agreed. She learned me how to hunt animals.

We catched six chickens and a pig, we got 2 gold coins for it, because there was a meat shortage and that's how we could sell them for that much. We splitted the money and we went to buy some clothes for me.

The one gold coin was enough to buy some clothes and basic armor. This was the first time that I was truly happy since Onim got inside my body, but I knew that I couldn't stay here for long.

I stayed there for three more days and each day I went hunting with Jane. I also bought a sword and I was left with 5 gold coins.

I said goodbye to Jane and she told me to some back sometime and that I was always welcome.

"Don't worry I will come back, I promise." I said.

"You better better keep that promise!" she said.

After that I left the town to go to the forest in case Onim recovered his power, But while I was leaving the town I heard a group of people talk about a ancient artifact which could purify all demons. I got interested so when nobody was looking I stole some papers and books and I left the town.

Lord_Dudok Lord_Dudok

Thank you for reading my second chapter. I'm new to story writing so pls poin out any mistakes. I would apreciate it if you could give me some feedback and just tell me if you like the story so far

I will also try to upload a chapter daily but I guarante that I can do it every day.

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