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Demon Control Demon Control original

Demon Control

Author: Lord_Dudok

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The beginning of a new life

I will never forget that day, it was on my birthday. I have saved up my money for 6 months to buy a book. I find magic super intresting so and I studied at a school for young mages. So I went out to buy myself that new book about magic that just came out, when I suddenly got hit on my head. I fell to the ground and I woke up in a strange room, five hooded figures stared at me while I was panicking. I didn't know what was going on. I looked around me and I saw that I was laying in the middle of some strange circle. After five minutes of just laying there another person came in the room. He looked really scary. It felt like a dark presence entered the room. When the person saw that I was awake, he ordered the other persons to knock me out and that's what they did.

I woke up to a terrible pain. It felt like I was dying. The circle I was laying in was glowing and there were orbs flying all around me. I felt something entering me. I couldn't move my own body and then I realised what was going on. I'm not the only one in this body.

I heard a voice in my head say: "Hello human."

I didn't know what was going on and I replied: "who are you, why are you in my head, what's going on?"

The voice replied: "Oh I totally forgot to introduce myself. I'm a demon named Onim and

from now on this body is mine."

I was shocked by what he said. And after that I lost all my control of my body. It felt like I was being controlled like a puppet. The only thing I could do is watch, watch how this demon controles my body.

The demon went absolutely berserk, he broke free from the room we were in and he began destroying the town. I could feel his power and anger and I knew that he could just destroy the whole town in not even a second, but he wanted to have fun. He wanted the people of the town to suffer, and make them suffer he did. I didn't know how to stop him. I tried my best but I couldn't do anything about it. He laughed while murdering all those people.

When I saw my parents and siblings I got worried, worried that they would be killed. I tried even harder to stop the demon and it worked a little bit, but he noticed it. He got so mad that he just destroyed the whole town in one blow, but because he got so enraged I could make a effort to take back my body. I managed to take over my body, but the demon was still inside me. This was the beginning of my new life full of pain.

This all happened a week ago, and I knew that the demon was weak back then because he just entered my body. I know that he will get stronger. I have to find a way to make him get out of my body, before he gets to strong.

Because I don't have a place to go back to I just wander around looking for a way to get rid of this demon.

It has been five days since Onim entered my body and I have finally found a village, but I don't know if I'm going to enter it and Onim started to talk for the first time in five days: "Your lucky that I let my guard down, but I will take over this body and there's nothing you can do about it."

I got scared again, but I replied by telling him that he would never get full control over my body ever again. Onim got mad again and he started insulting me.

I suddenly feel a strong presence coming to me and Onim stops with talking. One second later a female appeared and she said: "where are you from, you outlander."

I replied with: "I'm from keltia."

"So you're the demon who destroyed the whole city." she replied.

"No I didn't do that."I replied.

"Sure, you're just the only survivor."she said.

" I was out of town and I came back when everything was destroyed." I replied.

"I'm not stupid I know that you're the devil who destroyed the city. You will be punished by dying, I Verasta the Great will make sure of that!" she replied.

She grabbed her sword and started swinging it at me. I could evade the first strike, but the second one hit my arm and made a deep cut in it.

Onim spoke again: "Let me fight, or we will die."

I hesitated because I didn't want him to berserk again, but I knew I would die If I wouldn't let him fight. So I let him fight for me. I let him take control of my body again. I was scared, I didn't know if I could hold him back this time. Onim created ten chains and he used them to restrain varasta. She couldn't move and was defeated but Onim still summoned a sword and he stabbed her in her hart.

I quickly took back the control of my body and I sank to my knees. I did it again, I let that monster kill another person. I'm a failure, I can't do anything. I turned back and walked away from the village because I don't want to kill more people.

Lord_Dudok Lord_Dudok

Thank's for reading this chapter. I'm making this novel for fun, so the chapters will be uploaded randomly. If you found any mistakes pls make sure to point them out.

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