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93.33% TerraCore / Chapter 42: Volume 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 42: Volume 2 Chapter 3

"Say... Larenche could you please kiss me."

As her words echoed in my ears, my face became even more red. Such outrageous demand is too much for someone like me. Not knowing what to do, I sit still in my seat while deep in my thoughts.

W-w-what!!! I screamed in my mind. I was even thinking if the words I heard were real. But seeing her puppy eyed stare directly at me, I became certain of what I heard. Still feeling her warm touch, small drops of sweats formed in my face. I'm becoming more and more nervous as she continues to hold my hand in her face

"U-uummm..." Not knowing what to do I can only utter said sound.

Seeing how I wasn't doing anything, her odd-looking eyes still continued gazing at me. As I gaze back at her, I can feel something bad is about to happen to me.

"U-uumm... s-sorry but I can't do that." I said.


"Sorry but I don't have any experiences when it comes to such things, so I'll only disappoint you."

Hearing the words, I said. The black robed woman can only stare at me with wide eye, not long after said stare became a chuckle. Not being able to hold said laughter, her chuckle then turned to laughter.

"Pppfffttt.... ahahahahaha-hahahaha! G-god... are you serious, Lawreche? You seriously don't want to smooch a woman just because you don't have experiences to it. Hehehehe..."

With her laugh echoing in my ears, my face became more redder due to embarrassment. It's not my fault that I'm not good with such things, were the thoughts that was lingering in my mind.

"Did you just call me here to laugh at me? I said with a serious glare.

"Pppffttt.... who knows...?" The woman in black robe said with a smile.

Seeing how my hand is still on her, I quickly pull my hand to let go of her grip. With my hand now free from her grasp, I became somewhat relieved. Looking back at the woman, she still has her smug smile from before. I can still feel that she's laughing from my earlier statement.

"You sure are a funny one, Lawrenche." The woman in black robe spoke "I never had this fun since forever."

"Right..." I muttered. I'm only doing this because I know that you'll do something bad to me if I don't comply.

Getting back to her seat, she then raises her cup of tea and took a sip from it. Seeing her drink her tea, I can't help wonder my gaze at the cup of tea that was served to me.

"Hmmm? Feeling thirsty, Lawrain?" The woman asked. "No need to be afraid, my dear Lawreche. I promise you that I didn't do anything with your drink."


"Well if you insist..."

As she continues to drink her tea, my eyes wander off in the vast space of light. Seeing the thing that I'm gazing; I can't help but in awe. An endless abyss of light which I can't even measure, currently gazes my eyes. It feels very different from the claustrophobic caves of Terracore.

"Hmmm... you seem to be enjoying yourself there, Lawrenche." The woman spoke. "Do you perhaps enjoy such lights?"

"...Kind of." I spoke. "I've been fond of stars ever since I was young. So, seeing something similar somewhat interest me."

"Stars?" The woman in black robe echoed.

"Don't tell me that you don't know of such a thing?"

"No.... I think I heard of such a word... yet I can't seem to remember."

"You've been saying that ever since we first met. I truly wonder if your memory loss is even real."

"I even wonder about it..." The woman said. "It's really a pain trying to remember something which you can't seem to remember off."

"Even your name?"

"You sure are fixated about names, Lawrenche."

"I think that such behavior is pretty normal. You've been acting very close to me, yet I don't even know who you are."

"Ehhh... if your so fixated about it, then how about you gave me a name then?" The woman in black robe said with a smirk.

"W-what are you saying..."

"Hehehe you sure are easy to tease, Lawrice."


"Well considering that mortals like you refer to each other using names, I suppose having one would be convenient." Pondering for a name to refer herself, the woman in black robe begone a deep thought in her mind. "Hmmmmm..... coming up with names sure is hard." The woman spoke. But after a few minutes of pondering she finally came up with something. "Eureka! I got it. You seem to like that fake sister of yours, so I'll just copy her name then."


"For now on, you'll refer to me as Claire. You got it Lawrenche"

"Wait you can't jus-" But just as I was about to tell her that she can't do such a thing, my vision suddenly got blurry. Feeling that my strength getting weaker, my body fell face first to the table. Wrecking the placed cups and other decorations.

What the hell is happening to me. I thought.

"Oh my? It seems that time is up." The woman in black robe said. "See you in your next visit I suppose, and please don't forget about my tasks for you."

Feeling extremely exhausted to the core, my eyes eventually can't help but close by themselves. As my vision goes dark, the last image I saw was the woman waving her hand with a smile in her face.





Waking up the next day, I was informed that I'm now able to leave the clinic. Evee suggested that I should stay for a bit more to heal up my wounds, but with nothing much to do and the feeling of me neglecting my job, I decided to decline said suggestion.

"You seriously should have just stayed for a bit longer." Evee said as we get out of the clinic building. "Like look at yourself, Bruce. Bandages all over your body and an injured hand, I seriously even wonder if you're thinking straight."

"Sorry, Evee." I apologized. "But with the job still in session, I can't just sit around and wait."

"[Sigh...] I shouldn't have asked you to join this mission." Evee spoke.

"U-ummm... sorry."

"Stop apologizing, will you. What occurred has already happened, so it's too late regret it now" Evee said with concern. "Just don't push yourself too hard."

Hearing Evee said those words, a small smile formed in my face. Despite her constant criticism about my decision, I can somewhat feel that she's only doing it because of her concern about my safety.



"U-umm... Thank you Evee."

"E-eh?" As my words echo in her ears, Evee's face suddenly redden. "W-w-what a-are you thanking me for?"

"You've been visiting me ever since I was injured and you even took the effort of bringing me food. So, I want to thank you for that."

"I already said that there's no need to thank me for that. What I did is just part of the job."

"But the nurse told me that you stayed with me throughout the entire night when I was first brought there. Was that also part of the job?"

As I said those words, Evee's face became even redder. Not really understanding why her face is such, I grew some concern at her health.

"Your face seems redder than before, Evee. Are you perhaps feeling feverish?"

"You're lucky that I'm not allowed to bring my weapon in public."


As I stand still confused at what she meant by those words. Evee quietly begone making her way to the city road.

"Wait up!" I shouted.

Following her from behind, we eventually reached at a rusty looking building. Confused as to why she brought me here, I can't help but ask her some questions.

"What's this?"

"It's where miss Katherine and the others are staying." Evee answered. "Until the trains are allowed for travel again, we'll be staying here."

"I see..."

As Evee casually enter the building, I was left with no choice but to follow suit. Entering the place, I was greeted with a very quiet hall with a fat looking man in the reception area.

"Our room number is 404, located at the 4th floor." Evee said. "Miss Katherine is currently staying at the room next to us, while Null and Pebble share a room which is also near miss Katherine's room."

"I guess that's understandable."

"Anyhow how about you go and visit the room first, I still have something to do."

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"It's my turn buying lunch, and I still haven't bought one." Evee answered. "It's getting somewhat late, so I wonder if they still sell those marinated Deep Eel."

"Well if that's the case then how about I accompany you?"

"Stop being dumb, Bruce." Evee spoke. "You're still injured so you should be resting."


"I can do the task by myself." Evee said. "And as for you, everyone's pretty worried. So, you should least try and relieved their worries."


Complying to Evee's words, I then made my way to the 4th floor. Due to the place not having any elevator, I was force to take the stairs, which was somewhat tiring for my injured body. But not long after, I eventually reached the mentioned floor. As a arrive at the place, the same tight halls and various door greeted my presence. With how small the place is and how rusty it looks outside; I assume that the place is probably a cheap one.


As I try to look for the mentioned room, a door in the floor suddenly opened which revealed Pebble going outside. Shocked to see my presence, both me and Pebble remained standing still in the halls.

"U-ummm... hi, Pebble." Feeling the awkwardness of the situation, I tried greeting him to break the awkward tension.

But just as I greeted him, I noticed a tear drop from Pebble's eye. Not long after I noticed the tear drop, he then approached me with great speeds.

"[Sob-sob!] Junior!!!! Your safe!!." Null shouted as he quickly approaches. "I-I'm so.. Glad!!! I was pretty worried that you weren't going to m-make it!"

As Pebble arrived at my vicinity, he then firmly hugged me with all his might. Feeling his strong arms hugged my injured body, the pain that I was feeling became worse. If Pebble continues hugging me in such a manner, I don't think I'll even survive.

"P-please S-sto-" Urging Pebble to stop, I tried saying some words. But overwhelm with his relieve, his gripped became more tighter as well is his sobbing.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Junior!" Pebble cried. "If only I was there, then you wouldn't have experienced such things!"

Seeing lights in my eyes, it seems that my efforts were inevitable. Accepting my fate, I then close my eyes to embrace my end. But just as I was about to touch the warm lights, Null quickly arrived at the scene and hit Pebble in the head.

"Dumbass! Why are you hugging him for!? Null shouted. "Can't you see that his injured!"

"Oh right! I'm very sorry junior!"

Letting go of me, I felt somewhat relieved. For a second I felt that I was going to die there.

"[Sigh...] You should seriously be more considerate about other people's situation, Pebble."

"Sorry." Pebble apologized. "I was just overwhelmed with my emotions seeing junior be fine."

"Anyway, you okay new recruit?" Null asked.

"I-I think so."

"That's great." Null said with relief. "If your injuries worsen because of what he did, then I made have to report it to miss Katherine."

"Hehehe... sorry."

Seeing Null give his hand to help me stand up, I calmly accepted his offer. Standing in the hall once more, I tried brushing off the dust that were in my clothes.

"So, you're now out from the clinic, eh?" Null spoke.

"Yeah... sitting there just doesn't feel right, especially with the mission still on going."

"Oh my? You sure are an earnest man, Junior." Pebble said. "But if I were to give a suggestion, you should have probably stayed for a bit longer. Missions may be important, but that doesn't mean that you should neglect your health."

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I would say the same thing." Null said. "But if you're going to prioritize the mission, then I won't stop you."

"Come on now, Null. Stop acting cold, you were also worried about junior's safety."

"Shut up, you hulking bastard!"


Seeing the two well and good, I again felt relieved. With how long I been in the clinic, I was somewhat worried that something bad might have happened to them.

"Oh right, I've been wondering... how did you even get here?" Null asked.

"U-umm... Evee brought me here." I answered.

"I see." Pebble muttered. "So, where is she now?"

"Well she told me that she still hasn't bought lunch, so she went somewhere to buy one."

"I see..." Null muttered. "If that's the case then, I guess we have no choice but to wait for her. You know where your room is, right new recruit?"

"Yeah, Evee already informed me about it."

"That's good then." Null said. "Try resting there while we wait for lunch. We'll just bring yours when Evee arrives."

"Thank you, I suppose..." As I said those words, I then made my way to the room with the number 404 on it. Reaching for the doorknob, I was surprised to see that the door wasn't lock. How convenient. I thought to myself. Opening the door, I was greeted with a somewhat neat looking room. One bed with a single small table and 2 chairs as the furniture. Not much I can take note off other than the one window which has a decent view from outside.

But as I gaze over the bright city through the window, I noticed something odd about the room I'm in.

"Wait... aren't me and Evee sharing a room. Why is there only a single bed here?"

Gazing over the single bed in the room, a small drop of sweat then formed in face.

-End of Volume 2 Chapter 3

Author Note: Sorry for the delay, I was busying doing 6 assessment tasks for my school subjects. (Seriously giving a student 6 tasks in the first week is very cruel). Anyhow I was supposed to upload this yesterday, but after scanning my works to make sure that I did all my tasks correctly, I noticed that one of my subject's tasks was to write the assessment answers in paper, which made me redo the entire thing. I still have 2 more upcoming tasks which will only be available for next week, so my upload schedule is still fuck.

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