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Chapter 40: Volume 2 Chapter 1





Waking up from my slumber, vast empty whiteness has greeted my sight. A huge space of nothing as far as the eye can see. Confuse at what I'm seeing, I tried reaching my arms to the grasp the white light. But as expected my hand reaches nothing.

W-where.. I'm I...?

Such thought lingered in my mind. Recollecting the events that just happened to me, I remembered fighting a person whom managed to deeply injure me. Being rescued by Null, I lay in the train floor, awaiting for help to arrive.

Said events were the things that I remembered. So, waking up in this unknown place, greatly confuses me.

Have I been moved to a different place?

Looking more at the place, the same empty whiteness that stretches in long distances is the only thing I see. Above, Left and Right it's all the same strange light, all over the place. Even the ground that I'm laying at, despite being solid is the same.


While scanning the ground where I'm lying, I was able to notice that my deep injury was gone. Quickly touching my body, I was shocked to see that my observation was indeed correct. The deep wound which should be present in my chest area, is now missing.

Greatly confuse at what's happening, I stood up from where I lie to check my current situation.

Blood covered clothes, with zero injuries and a vast space of nothingness. These two are the only things that I was able to conform. With two abnormal situations in hand, I wasn't able to logically piece two on two together.

Such an odd circumstance... I thought.

The whole situation when I woke up, has been nothing but an oddity.

With no answers of what's going on. I began to think back of what happened to me, once more. But just as I begin to think, an unknown voice from behind has caught my attention.


Looking from behind, a woman dressed in black robe has greeted my sight. Having a very pale skin and snow like hair, no words can properly describe how beautiful the woman was. With her odd red eyes directly glancing at me, I grew somewhat confused at the woman's presence. Knowing nothing of my current situation, I tried opening my mouth to ask the woman some questions. But just as I began to speak, the woman suddenly vanished from my sight.


Confuse by the woman's sudden disappearance, I tried scanning the place once. Checking every corner of my view, I was caught surprised when something tried grasping my hand out of nowhere. Checking what was the thing that was grasping my hand, I saw a delicately pale pair of hands, holding my hand and touching in any sense of manner.

"My, my, it seems that you're not a very well built my man. Quite a soft and tender hand benefits a woman more"

Seeing the same black robed woman appear from behind, I quickly tried pulling my hand away from her grasp due to shock.

Seeing my shocked look just now, the woman in black robe smiled.

"Who are you...?"


Being asked a question, the lady in black robe suddenly tilted her head. It seems that she's confused by what I've said.

"I-I'm asking who you are?"

"Hmmm... Who am I? Who am I?... Quite a hard question to be asking for some whom you've just met"


"Well... in any case, who am I doesn't really matter What's really important is you"


"Your name is Lawrence Craft isn't it? Average office worker, living somewhat fairl- no wait... It seems that you've been fired"

"H-how do you know my real name?"

"Now that's a question that I can personally answer. But spoiling that now would be anticlimactic"

"Answer my question!"

"Boo... you're such a persistent man, Lawrence. If you keep being like that, then no lady will ever take fancy of you"

"S-sorry... wait that doesn't matter!?"

"Anyway, you should take a seat for now. Dying must have been pretty tiring, judging from how you looked back then. Not that I would personally know"

"Dying... what are you talking about?"

"No, no, no, Lawrence we need to take a seat first. Manners is very important, isn't that what being an office worker taught you?"

Clapping both her hands, various light like energy suddenly started swirling not far from where I stand. After a few seconds of waiting, a well-designed table with a tea set on top was suddenly created and in the end of said table are two fancy looking chairs.

Seeing the creation of said things, I can't help but be mesmerize.

Making her way into one the chairs, the woman in black robe then casually sits on the chair of her choice. With her bright red eye directly glancing at me, she then offers me to take a seat.

Not having much of a choice in the situation, I then made my way to the only available chair and carefully took a seat. Seeing me take her offer, the woman then smiled. Fiddling her finger, the utensils in the table suddenly started floating, after which quickly rearranged themselves. Having a tea cup by the side of my table, the floating tea pot then masterfully poured a red liquid into my cup.

Glancing at the filled tea cup, an odd feeling quickly aroused inside of me. Is as if my body is telling me to not drink the cup.

But as I glance back at the black robed woman, her eerie smile still lingers in her face. She's probably hoping that I drink the thing.


"Oh my? Not even gonna try the tea that I've just prepared?"

"I-I think that I'm fine..."




"I see..." The woman smirks. "How truly unexpected. Usually the puppets that I create immediately take what I offer without hesitation. I haven't been rejected like this for a long time... long time? Huh? Since when was I been rejected? Quite an odd thought to have in mind"

Seeing the lady act in an odd manner, I can't help but be weirded out. The whole situation is already a mystery to me, so adding this beautiful yet odd woman just makes things more confusing.

"I-If you don't mind. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Questions? Right! Questions. You must be very confused Lawrenche"

"My names Lawrence"


"I guess that fine... I just want to know where I am and who are you"

"Again, answering the who question will be difficult for I don't know who I am. But I can answer the other one"

"Fine by me, I suppose"

"Anyhow, the place that you're currently in is called Purgatory or something... To be honest I don't actually know what this place is called, I just call it Purgatory cause of reasons... I think"


"Oh my... It seems that I've already forgotten a lot of things. And I here I thought I could talk a lot of things with you... how clumsy of me"

Engaging a conversation with this woman, I grew even more confuse. From the looks of it, it seems that she herself doesn't fully know some things. If such things are indeed the case, then knowing my situation will probably be difficult.

"You mentioned my real name earlier, how come you know about me?"

"Ahh that... I can read your mind, no wait... I think it's more like that your part of me"


"To put it simply, a part of my soul is bound in you. As such I can see what you see and even read part of your memories"

"W-what.. Your soul being bound in me, seeing what I see. I don't understand what you're saying at all"

"Come on... it's very simple. Your you but at the same time I'm part of you. Even a kid would probably understand what I'm saying"

"What you're saying is clearly nonsensical. How can you be part of me? That's impossible in any sense of logic"

"Hmmm... Lawmaine, do you remember how you came in that world?"

"I-in that world... you mean Terracore?"

"Yes. You must be very confused, by how you suddenly came in that world"

"Why are you talking about that?"

"Explaining how you came to said world, might help you understand the me being part of you explanation"


"Well Lawrenche, the reason why you were transported in that world is because of me. The reason why your even here right now, is because me. Everything that you've been experiencing, from the Character Building Tool and the emergency quest, all of that are my doing"

Hearing what the lady just said, I can't help but be shock. I was always questioning how I came to Terracore and the what's the reason why I was even brought there. And if was she's saying is indeed the truth, then said questions of mine, might probably be answered.

"S-so your telling me that you're the one who brought me there"

"That's right! I transported your soul in there and the reason why I was able to do it is because a part of my soul is inside of you. Do you understand now..."

My body suddenly shivered, as the womans red eyes stare at me. Is as if the devil itself is in my presence.

"I-if what you're saying is indeed the truth, then I want some answers!"


"I want to know why I was brought in Terracore, what's the purpose of me being transported there"


"Answer me!"

"I was just thinking... Why did I even do those things? I remember splitting my soul into different parts and placing it to different individuals. But I can't seem to remember what the purpose of doing those things, why did I decided to split my soul, why did I even transport said souls to Terracore. I just can't seem to remember..."

"W-what... are you saying. You mean that you don't know why you brought me here..."

"Eureka! I think I finally remember. The reason why I brought you in said world is to entertain me"


"I was always been bored being here. Just staring at the endless abyss of lights, unable to escape and even end this suffering. I must have brought you to Terracore to end this boredom of mine..."

'W-what are you talking about?"

"None of that matters anymore. You're now here, in my presence. And that means that you have do anything that I say"

Hearing her say those words. The shivering that I was already feeling just became stronger. My body and mind are telling me to get out. But at the same time, the fear that I was feeling is preventing me to move.

A drip of sweat easily formed in my face, as I try to hide my nervousness. But just as I blink my eye to ease my mood, the woman in black robe suddenly vanished once more as my eyes opened.

Confused, I tried looking for her. But just as I try leave my seat, a pair of pale arms suddenly grabbed a hold of me through my neck, essentially preventing me from moving out of the chair. Looking from behind to see whose arms where hugging me, I saw the black robed lady, eerily smiling at me with her face being too close for my comfort.

"Now, now, Lawrain. Be a good toy and don't disappoint me, will you. I don't that you'll like what happens if I grow bored"

"W-who are you..."

"Again... none of that matters, all you need to know is that you'll be serving me until I have no more use of"



"And why should I listen to you..."

"[Chuckle] Cause if you don't... a little something like this will happen"

Hugging my body firmly with her hand, the black robe woman then licks my neck with her tongue.

Feeling the warm and wet sensation as her tongue slides its way in my neck, I can't help but blush at what she doing. I never really experience any sexual intercourse in my life, so being lick in the neck is a first time for me.

Finished with her licking, she then relaxes her grip on me. Confused by her sudden action, I tried to open my mouth to ask why did she it. But as I slowly open my mouth, my vision suddenly got blurry and I was feeling intense pain from my neck.

Raising my arm to check my neck's condition, I was shocked to see my hand get covered in blood as try to feel my neck. Not long after, massive amounts of blood gushed out from my neck as a huge wound suddenly appeared in my neck.


Feeling an intense pain from my neck, I can't help but scream. Feeling extremely weak from the amount of blood I lost, I then fall from the chair of where I was seating.

Pain, pain, unbearable pain. Such word perfectly describes the feeling that I'm currently experiencing. Trying to hold my bleeding neck with my hands, all I was doing was just delaying the inevitable. But as I await for my impending doom, the pain that I was feeling suddenly went away, along with the massive wound.

Confuse at what just happened, the lady in black robe then chuckle at my state.

"Oh, my I'm quite sorry. But seeing your reaction just now was somewhat entertaining"

"[Cough-cough] W-what did... you do to me"

"Nothing much, I was just giving you a tiny experience of the things that can happen to you if you anger me"

"What the hell do you want then"

"Hmmm... well aside from wanting entertainment, there is something that I want you to do"

"And what would that be"

"Say remember how I said that I split my should into parts and gave it to different individuals? Well... your task is to kill those people for me"


"Well being trapped here, I can't really interact much with the outside world. That's why I need you to do said task personally"

"Don't mess with me, why should I murder innocent people for your sake"

"I don't really understand it as well. A part of my memory is telling me that all the people who has my soul should be killed. But despite how hard I try to think of it, I can't seem to remember why all of you need to die. But non the less, you should try and do what your told, otherwise I might grow bored and do something much worse than what you've just experienced"


"We'll be together for quite a while, so it's a pleasure playing with you Lawrence"

-Quest: Witch's Trial is now in session

-End of Volume 2 Chapter 1

Author Note: I made another art of both characters in this chapter.


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