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66.66% TerraCore / Chapter 30: Chapter 29

Chapter 30: Chapter 29


Left, right, under...

Continuing my Psionic Training, I began my usual activity of trying to catch the hamster, early in the morning. With the amount of time I've spent in doing the same thing, I've been somewhat familiar with the hamster's movement. Which resulted with my sight being more consistent in following its actions.


Right there!

Seeing an opportunity to activate my ability, I quickly project my energy on the bouncing creature and activate Dominate Mind. But just like before, just as I almost control the thing's consciousness, my link to it suddenly got cut off short. Erasing any progress, I had in trying to control its mind.


Another failure...

"Time's up"

With another attempt resulting in failure, I feel leg's first in the first in the ground. Contemplating for my lack of progress in the training.

"Huh? The same result as before... I'm quite disappointed. You've been showing some great results in your past trainings and seeing you have a hard with this, makes me wonder if your past results were just a fluke"

".. Sorry"

"Well... my expectations weren't that high in the first place. So, don't feel kind of down from what I've said. Just try thinking harder in your jog will you, that might help you understand on why your failing with this task"

Heading Heisenberg's advice, I tried contemplating on why I keep failing on said task, while I complete my jogged.

What the hell, am I doing wrong...

Deep in my thoughts, I first assess the reasons of why I keep failing on said task.

Activating my ability just keeps failing because the thing will just bounce right off my range. And I'm not fast enough to control its mind in a moment either, for my ability takes time and that's the major issue. How the hell can I control it in a short time, I am even capable of such a feat...

Frustrated with how I'm unable to think of any solutions, I wasn't able to notice that my jogged has brought me to the outside halls of the Agronomy Room. Seeing the place, I noticed two workers bringing a cage with cave bunnies inside. With how the bunnies are making a such fuss inside said cage, the one who was carrying the cage accidentally drops the thing, making the other worker somewhat angry.

"What the hell dude?!"

"Oh? How about you carry the thing instead. This bloody rabbit almost bit me while carrying it"

"What are you a pussy? A Cave Bunny's bite, barely even hurts dumbass"


Ignoring their little quarrel, I quickly went passed them and continued my usual jogged. Despite me paying no heed to their quarrel, their words did leave an impression on me.

So, a Cave bunny's bite doesn't hurt that much... quite an interesting information.

While thinking of said knowledge, I can't help but be reminded of the hamster that I was trying to catch for the past week. Despite my hardships with dealing with the creature, the thing overall is pretty harmless. It doesn't even remotely hurt every time it crashes unto me.

The thing is pretty harmless... harmless... harmless!

With the sudden realization, a thought of how to deal with the bloody hamster was quickly made in my mind.

I can't believe that I was overlooking such a detail, for a long time.

Thinking that said plan of mine can work, I can't help but be somewhat excited. With a long free time still remaining, I vent my sudden excitedness by hastening up my jogging pace.

Said jog continued for a few minutes, until the time was up. Somewhat exhausted from my jog, I came back to Heisenberg's room dripping in sweat. Seeing my sweaty appearance, I slowly regret my decision of speeding up pace.

I should have probably slowed down pace...

Seeing how there's nothing much I can do. I entered the place, being ready to begin another attempt at the task.


"Hm? Your back... And dripping in more sweat than before..."

"I'm ready to begin now"

"You're not even going to take a rest?"

"No need, I'm confident in being able to stop the hamster, now"

"Oh really?"


"If you say so..."

Without warning, Heisenberg releases the hamster once more. Already prepared such an event, due to all the training I've done. I quickly followed the fleeing hamster as fast as I can.

Seeing my presence getting closer. The hamster swiftly tried bouncing all over the place once more, which as expected. Not wanting to lose the creature, I hurriedly followed the thing's movement with my sight.


With the hamster flinging all over the place, I readied myself and prepared to do my initial plan. After a few seconds of bouncing, the creature finally bounces straight to my direction. With the thing quickly heading in my way, I instantly use my Psionic Ability.

Dominate Mind

With my ability activated, I quickly tried gaining control of the creature's consciousness. But just as I almost succeeded on doing the thing, the approaching hamster softly crashes on my face. Cutting off, whatever progress I had.

Shit! I shouldn't be minding the bloody thing and only focus on mind controlling it.

With my new approach of stopping the thing, failing in its first try. I quickly brushed off said failure and begin another attempt.


"Left, right, left, straight. Wait! Shi- Ahh"


With my second attempt, resulting with the hamster crashing into my face before I can even activate my ability. I think that primarily focusing on the thing might not be a good idea. I guess... knowing when to activate my ability is also very vital.

And with said thought in mind. I began another try of stopping the bloody thing.




A few minutes has passed



Getting my face turned into a live target shot by the amount of times I got hit, I've lost count of how many times I have tried to stop the creature. The thing doesn't even hurt that much, yet it's soft and fuzzy body somehow triggers something inside of me, to essentially flinch every time it crashes onto me. I seriously need to stop said habit, if I ever want to control this thing.


Seeing the creature bounced once again, I quickly prepare for another attempt. With the amount of times I've already failed, I began changing my mindset and tried blocking any thought of flinching or sense of pain.

Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it...

Before I even knew it, the approaching hamster quickly crashes onto my face once again. Yet despite it coming in contact with my skin, I was only able to notice the thing right after it flings off of me.

That hell just happened...

Due to my confusion of what just happened. I was able to realize the fact that I forgot to activate my Psionic a bit too late.

"Wait.. Fuck!"

Realizing that I've just wasted a good opportunity, I can't help but swear all of the sudden. Wasting such a good opportunity just because I forgot to use my Psionic Ability, despite reminding myself just a few minutes ago. Is such a moronic move of me.

I can't believe I made the same mistake twice...

Panicking due to my mistake, my calm and composed state immediately went away. Mistake after mistake, despite feeling confident about my plan. Is seriously ruining my flow. But just as I try to start another attempt, Heisenberg's words suddenly echoed through my ears. Prompting me to stop in my tracks.

"Your times over"

Hearing the same words, over and over again. I can't help but feel frustrated. I've been trying to catch the bloody hamster for a week, and for me to miss such a good opportunity. Is so infuriating and stupid.

"...I almost had it"


"Seeing your face get pummeled is somewhat entertaining, but I do want to congratulate you for a job well done. You passed the test and you're now is ready to take the final one"

"Huh? What do you mean that I passed the test?"

"What you've just heard is indeed correct. You pass, plain and simple"

"Wait! I didn't even catch the hamster, so how can you call it a pass?"

"I never said anything about catching the thing"

"I thought you said that I should stop the thing, what else could that mean than catching it?"

"Well that was a lie, my intention for this training was to make you learn something that a Thought Control User should have"


"For starters Bruce, while you were busying yourself in engaging with the hamster. What are the things that you've find lacking in your part?"

"A-ah... well for one, my range isn't the farthest making it easy to escape and avoid my attacks, two is that my ability takes time to effect resulting in the same problem and lastly is that a simple disturbance can easily disrupt any progress I have in my ability taking an effect"

"That indeed is correct, the things you've mentioned are the disadvantages of being a Thought Control User. I can see that you at least have the brains to observed that"

"Yeah... but what of it?"

"Well you see Bruce, this training of mine focuses on said disadvantages and how to deal with it. I'm pretty sure that you've already figured that out a long time ago"

"You indeed are correct. But I still can't see how I pass said training"

"Let me ask you a question, Bruce. In the time you've spent with training, have you figure out on how to deal with the hamster?"

"Somewhat... Due to how the hamster can easily get out of my range, my initial plan was to try and control it when it's closely approaching me. The thing doesn't even hurt that much when it comes in contact with me, so I planned on ignoring its impact and focus only on trying to control it. But as you can see, my plan didn't go very well. Dumbass me keeps flinching every time the hamster comes in contact, essentially disrupting my progress"

"You failed in your plan of controlling the creature, but you did succeed on the ignoring part. That's all I needed to see in order for you to pass this training"

"Wait, why?"

"Again, the training was intended to teach you on how to deal with the drawbacks of being Thought Control User. And with you learning to ignore the disturbances of dealing with situations and solely focus on your goal, you pretty much grasp what I was trying to drill on you"

"Okay I get it now, but still... Passing despite me not catching the hamster, just feels very wrong"

"If you're still hang-up about it, you can still train with the hamster catching. But you do have to ask for permission in the Agronomy"

"I see..."

"I guess today's activity is finished now, so please go and take a rest. While you're at it, try taking a shower also"

"I was going to do that anyway"

"Good for you. While we're at it, I might as well inform you about how your final test is going to be"

"Final Test? You mean you're not going to teach me after said test?"

"Sadly yes, despite how much me personality teaching you will improve on things. Not having you experience Psionics by yourself might sully your potential on it. So, I'll let you and life, teach from now on. I have high expectations of you, so don't disappoint me"

"But I've only just learned one ability with your training, are you not going to teach me some?"

"Well you see, Bruce. Psionic Abilities mainly comes down on personal preferences. What a Psionic User's ability will be, is mostly dependent on what the user's wants or needs. That why most User's despite being in the same categories tend to specialize on different aspects and have varying abilities. So, if you want to have a Psionic Ability, I advise you to learn and create your own"

"I-I have to create my own..."

"Unfortunately, yes. But let's not dwell on that, I've yet to inform you about your final test"

"Sorry... but what you've just said, I can't help but feel pressured. Creating an ability is something I've yet to tried"

"That's pretty common for every Psionic User. Again, let's ignore it for now and focus your attention on what I'm about to inform you"


"For your final test, things will be a little different. For now, you're probably familiar with how I start things"

"You give schedules and time limits on said trainings, right? "

"Indeed. But what makes this final test different is that instead of me giving you a schedule, you instead decide on when to start"

"That seems understandable, considering I still am lacking in certain aspects"

"With the amount of time you have, you can choose to either tackle said test or train a bit more. What choose you'll make is up to you? But in order give some tension on it, there will still be a time limit and punishment if you fail"

"So, it's still kind of the same as before"

"You're not entirely wrong. So, good luck"


And with my training over, I've decided to head to the facility showers. But just as I head out from the door, I suddenly remembered Evee's words and went back to Heisenberg.

"Hmm? You forgot something?"

"Not really, but there's something I want to ask"

"And what would that be?"

"Well... Evee mentioned that you're familiar with Psionium, so I want to ask if you can make a weapon out of it"

"Hmm... what a surprise. I would have never thought that you would have such a rare material in your possession. But to answer your question, I indeed can create a weapon or a tool out of it"

"That's great, so how much does it cost?"


"No need, I have an even better idea. Say... Bruce how about we make a deal?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you don't know, making something out of Psionium cost a lot. Basing on size, creating something out of a small Psionium cost about 500 silver monetas. And from what I know, you currently don't have said amount, right?"

"T-that's correct..."

"Well here's where my deal comes into play. In your final test, I'll create whatever you want with your Psionium for free. But I'll only do it, if you pass the test with three tries. Fail at it and I'll have you penalize with 500 silver monetas"

"Isn't that a bit harsh for a punishment?"

"You can simply not agree with my deal. But do bear in mind that this is the only time that I'll be making this deal. Whether if you would like to face the risk or not, is up to you?"

Hearing Heisenberg's words, I began assessing the deal that he just proposed. The penalty of the deal is definitely huge and will greatly impact my finance if I indeed fail at the test. But at the same time, having a weapon be created for free will increase my arsenal and at least ensure some safety in my future missions and tasks.

But just as before I can even decide on whether to accept the deal or not. A window screen suddenly popped out from my view, startling me all of the sudden.

Accept Heisenberg's Deal?

-Yes -No

The hell...?

"So, what's it going to be?"


Ignoring the screen for now, I've decided to think for a few moments of what my choice will be. And after thinking for a few minutes, I've finally decided on what to choose.



"I-I'll accept your deal"

"Huh? What a surprise. I would have never thought that you would accept such a deal"

"Me accepting it, is also very stupid of me. But I can't just ignore such an opportunity, especially if it's very close"

"Well let's see if such demeanor, will pay off. I'll be waiting here, when you're ready"

And with my questions answered, I have nothing more to do in the place. Leaving the area and making my way to the elevator. I can't help but feel shaken by what I did.

Taking such a huge risk, is a very stupid and bold move of mine. But with that said, taking some risk is something that I need to eventually learn, If I ever want to survive in this mysterious and unforgiving world.




With the elevator door slowly opening, I again was shocked to see when a window screen suddenly pops out from my view. Reading the text of the thing, the screen informs me that I failed to decide on what to choose for the last 5 minutes. As such the quest was automatically accepted by the tool

-User's input has been absent for the last 5 minutes. Quest will automatically be accepted as intended.

-Devils Deal Quest is now in session


-End of Chapter 29

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