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64.44% TerraCore / Chapter 29: Chapter 28

Chapter 29: Chapter 28

Spending a majority of my time training Psionics with Heisenberg, a week has passed. Despite my grand effort of trying to catch the creature, what happened in my hours of training is just failure after failure. Not even having the slight chance of at least touching the bloody thing.


Finished with the usual jog, I again came back to Heisenberg to continue my training. All that jogging that I've been doing has been pretty hard in the past few days. But as of lately I feel somewhat better in doing said activity, my endurance has been increasing and I don't feel that much tired when jogging after twenty minutes. I guess this is an unexpected benefit of my Psionic Training.

"Good job, you don't look like a dried corpse every time you finished your jog, now"

"...Can I continue my training?"

"I think that's enough for today, but I do want you to answer some questions before you go"

"And what would those be?"

"Well... you've been trying to catch this Poof Hamster for a week now. And I want to question you, if you have at least understood what you've been doing wrong?"

"...I think that me being wrong is the incorrect choice of words. My main problem in trying to stop the hamster is the fact that I have a very short range of attack. Every time I project my ability on the creature, the thing just bounces away from my range, essentially cutting off my link with it"

"Oh really?"

"I'm certain about it. The only reason why I can't stop the creature is that I can't control the thing fast enough. I just need to train more and then maybe I can control it..."



"If you say..."

"Is there a problem?"

"Nothing really, just get of here will you. Your sweaty body is starting to smell awful"


And with my training over, I headed out of the Computer Room and went directly to the facility elevator. With how sweaty my body is, I decided that I should take a quick bath before deciding on what to do for today.

Entering the elevator, I await to reach my destination which is the 3rd floor.





With the elevator door slowly opening, I quickly hop off the thing and made my way to my dorm. Entering the place and seeing how Claire isn't present, I quickly grabbed some clothes just before heading to the Shower Room.

With my preparations ready, I casually headed to the facility Shower Room and took refreshing cold bath. With the time I have in the shower, I was able to have my moment of peace and checked what is up with the Character Building Tool.


Name: Lawrence Craft

Level: 4


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 6

Constitution: 5

Perception: 8

Intelligence: 6

Will: 9

Available Points: 0

Exp: 22/250



Guns: 40

Bows: 0

Melee: 0

Throwing: 0


Dodge: 30

Evasion: 30


Stealth: 15

Hacking: 0

Lockpicking: 0

Pickpocketing: 0

Traps: 0


Mechanics: 0

Electronics: 0

Chemistry: 0

Biology: 0

Tailoring: 0


Enhancement: 35

Elemental: 35

Thought Control: 65

####### #######: Locked


Persuasion: 10

Intimidation: 0

Mercantile: 0

Available Points: 0


-Psionic Empathy

-Total Concentration

-Aimed Shot


-Psionic Boost

-Sprint: Unlockable

-Psionic Productivity: Unlockable

-Markmans: Unlockable

-Perceptional Instinct: Unlockable

Available Points: 1


-No Active Quest Available

Still the same as before...

Upon checking the Tool, I was somewhat disappointed to see that it's still the same as before. Not even a single feat is available despite me spending all my points.


At least I manage to gain a single point in feats... I wonder what ability do I spend this point to...

Checking all my unlockable feats, I was having a hard time on what ability to choose. Reading their descriptions, I find most of them to be helpful. Which is why deciding on only one, is a somewhat unfair predicament for me.

Why can't this thing be more generous when giving points? I almost died from my last venture outside...

Seeing how my complaints seem to do nothing, I decided to not save the point for now. Who knows if I ever get into a similar situation like the Ants incident in the future?

With nothing much to do, I continued my cold shower. As the water dripped into my body, all my sweat was eventually is washed away. Leaving me in a somewhat refreshed state. Experiencing this refreshing shower, I was glad that despite all the dangers of this world, I can still take a bath. Dying while smelling like shit, is definitely not something that I want to experience.

While on the topic of the Character Building Tool, there's one aspect of the thing that I'm really confuse of.


-No Active Quest Available

How does this section of the tool works? It doesn't show any quests that I can take and most of the time when it does function. It just randomly pops a screen which informs me that I'm currently in an active quest.

Thinking more about the thing, I tried recollecting on the things that I at least understand about the "Quest" section of the tool.

The ones I recollected are as follows. One, in random circumstances the thing will randomly decide an odd quest labeled as an Emergency Quest; which will automatically be in session and cannot be declined by me. Two, after Completing the quest, the tool will reward me with something random; be it a "feat", experience or an item. Three, it seems that Emergency Quest are not the only quests available for I also experience a quest when Heisenberg made me fight the Psionic Ant. Information regarding said instance is still unclear, for the fact that I passed out before getting dragged into that area and the fact that I never check the Tool before it suddenly was in session. The quest might have been in the backlog of the tool for all I know, but for now, all what I understand is that not every quest is an emergency quest. Which leaves me to my final findings, accepting other people's tasks doesn't trigger the bloody thing. I'm not really sure about my final finding but seeing how accepting sir Banner's mission, sir Harold's tasks and doing Heisenberg's Psionic Training after the Ant encounter doesn't seem to trigger the "Quest" section of the tool. I can somewhat say that other people's tasks or missions doesn't qualify as a quest. But again, I'm not really sure. Due to the fact that the odd Psionic Training Quest was something that I was able to experience. And I'm pretty sure that it was the test that Heisenberg gave to me in order to be trained by him.

Maybe I should experiment more on the thing to see if my findings are correct...

Finished with my brainstorming, I quickly finished my shower. With a batch of new clothes and cooled state, I decided to come back to my dorm while thinking of what to do next.

Hmm... I've just recently received my payment yesterday. Maybe I should try and visit Grace, considering that I still have to buy that taser from her. And there's also the mystery of this odd rock... I wonder if she can help me with this.

With my next destination decided, I quickly placed my old clothes in the dorm. After which, I made my way to the ever-familiar elevator.

Pressing the 2nd floor button, I await for my next destination.


Arriving at the Warehouse, an unexpected surprise has greeted me at the place. Not far from where I was, is the usual bored looking Grace sitting in her desk and along with her is Evee. From what I've observe it seems that both of them are talking to each other. I then assumed that their conversation is probably just a transaction.


Announcing my presence to both parties, their attention was quickly shifted to my direction.


"Bruce? What are you doing here?"

"Oh? It's you. Have you finally decided on buying the taser?"

"T-taser...? Huh?"

"Yeah, I came to buy it. Is the thing still available?"

"The thing has been rotting in the storage for the past week, awaiting for your arrival. You should feel bad for making it wait, this long"

"I'll take that as a yes then"

"What the hell do you need a taser for Bruce?"

"It's nothing much, I just needed a weapon that suited my Psionic Category"

"I see..."

"Hmmm... so you both know each other?"

"A-ah, yes. We both worked together for a mission once. It wasn't the best of times, is all I can say..."


"That's quite odd to hear from you Evee. But I guess we experience those type of days, every once in a while. Your order will be sent to your dorm by tomorrow, so please wait patiently until its arrival"

"Thank you, Grace"

"No need to thank me, I'm just doing my job..."

"Oh, right?! Speaking of dorms, how's your door doing Evee?"

"If you try mentioning your intention of paying the thing even once, I'll smack you"

"R-right... I can see that serious about it. So, I won't bother you about it anymore"

"Good, you being persistant about it, is very annoying"

"Anyway, has the door been replaced?"

"Yes. After I slashed the thing into pieces, I quickly found someone that was able to replace it the next day. So, you can now stop bothering me about it"

"Okay-okay, I won't. But at least let me know how much it costed?"


"Fine... it costed about 45 silver monetas to install it, you happy?"




"Are you both done?"



"I'll go and get the taser, just wait here for a second"

"Before you do that, there's something that I want you to check"

Grabbing the glowing rock from my pocket, I showed both to Evee and Grace the Psionium that I have in hand. Upon seeing the thing, their normal expression suddenly changed to a surprised one. Which somewhat shocked me.

Is this thing really that shocking...?

"Where did you get that thing, new guy?"

"A-ahh.. It's a h-heirloom from my.. mother"

"I can't believe that you've been holding such a rare material, Bruce"

"What's with all your looks?"

"Don't you see that the thing you're holding is Psionium, of course we'd be surprise"

"What's the hell Psionium anyway"

"Psionium is a very rare and expensive mineral, Bruce. It's such a great conductor of Psionic Energy that it can be used to create powerful weapons and tools. If you're a Psionic user and you have a weapon made Psionium it's pretty much considered a luxury"

"I see..."

"Enough of that new guy, let me see that thing"

Giving the Psionium to Grace, she thoroughly examined the thing while looking like someone whom just received their favorite present. I guess this rock is really worth that hype, for it to somehow change Grace's usual bored expression.

"Holy shit, it's actually a high quality one... S-say.. New guy, if you're going to sell it. I'll buy for 5,000 silver monetas"

"The hell! It cost that much?!"

"Stop scamming the guy will you Grace, that thing can go for even higher than the price you offered"

The hell... it can even go higher than 5,000 silver monetas!

"Fine! My highest offer will be 6,000 silver monetas. But do be warned new guy, if you sell this to me, it's a guarantee profit for you. If you try selling this to anyone, you'll be facing the risk of getting rob by anyone who sees you walking with that thing. Even your buyer can potentially rob you"

"So, nonchalantly walking with this thing can invite some troubles"

"Yeah! So, if you want to sell it, my offer still stands"

Thinking more of whether I want to sell the thing or not, I've spent a few minutes considering some things. After a few minutes of reflecting, I've decided to not sell the Psionium. For I thought of a better use of the thing.

"Sorry Grace but I don't think that I would be selling the thing"


"Again, I'm very sorry. But after a little bit of thinking, it seems that I still can't let go of the thing. It's the only thing I have that reminds me of my mother. So, I'm very sorry"




Confuse with Grace's sudden silence, I tried checking her to see if something's wrong. Upon seeing her face, what greeted me was a look of someone who's drained of life. Her previous enthusiastic face is somehow drained and replace with an even more bored one. Did my refusal seriously affect her that much.


"How gay... and here I thought, that you were smarter than that"

"A-aahh... I-I'm sorry"

"Right... So, what do you want? Why are you even here? Did you just come here to flex that rock of yours? How fucking beta of you..."

"U-ummm... I was going to purchase the taser that you promised"

"Taser? Oh right... you came to buy that junk... Just wait here will you, I'll go grab that useless thing"

"Could you also please add 5 batteries along with it"


Receiving no answer from Grace, I silently watched as she stood up and enter the Warehouse. I hoped that she at least heard what I've said.

"U-umm... is she okay?"

"Don't mind her, Bruce. She usually acts like that if she's greatly disappointed of something. But I'm do surprised, usually people just sell whatever items they have when confronted with that amount of money"

"Well... I did think of accepting her offer, but I thought of something far better to do with this rock"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, but I do have a few questions that you might be able to help"

"I don't mind, as long as I can answer it"

"Thank you Evee"

"Stop with the gratitude's and just ask the question"

"Fine... I want to ask if whether a Thought Control User is able to project their energy on things?"

"You mean normal things, right? Not the living one's?"


"Well... certainly not. A Thought Control User's unique aspect is that they can only affect living things with their abilities. Try mind controlling a pencil and it well result with you looking like a fool. Yet despite said limitations, there is a single non-living thing in which a Thought Control is able to project its energy unto"

"And what's that?"

"The one you're holding right now"

"I see..."

"Talking more with you, I think I finally understand what you're trying to do with that thing"

"Ahaha... I wasn't really keeping it a secret anyway"

"So, what weapon or tool are you going to create the thing into"

"I already have something in mind but I'll keep it a secret until I find someone who can make me one"

"A secret is a secret I guess... But if you're going to look for someone who can create you a weapon, try sir Heisenberg. His very familiar with Psionium"

"I see... Thanks for the help"

"Don't mention it, but I do want to see what you'll turn it into. See you later Bruce"

"Goodbye to you as well Evee"

And with both of us saying our goodbye's, Evee eventually left the warehouse and the 2nd floor. Leaving me alone to wait for Grace. After a few minutes of waiting, Grace eventually arrived bringing the taser along with five batteries. It seems that she indeed heard what I've I said.

"That will be 32 silver and 50 bronze monetas"

Grabbing my money from my pocket, I correctly paid Grace the right amount, for the items I've ordered. Seeing how there are no problems with our transaction, I was finally able to receive the taser I bought. But before I leave the place. There's still a little thing that I have to do.

"U-umm.. Grace?"


"About Evee's order, can you please add this along with her stuff"

Giving Grace 40 silver monetas, I hoped that with said method I am able to pay my debts to Evee. Suddenly receiving 40 silver monetas in her hands, Grace first gave me a funny look. After which, she just sighs and went along with my intention.

"Fine... but don't blame me if she suddenly gets angry with you"

"Thank you, Grace"

"Okay-okay, you already have the things you bought. You can leave now"

With nothing much to do in the facility Warehouse. I casually left the area and ride the elevator as I usually does.

With more things in my current arsenal, I'm slowly but surely becoming more prepared for the dangers that I will potentially encounter.

-End of Chapter 28




Author Note: My parents are planning on moving to different place (I really don't know, when). But seeing how they're having troubles with regards to money. I've been trying to search on ways to monotize this novel making on mine. But after seeing how I won't be able to monotize this thing, unless someone contacts me. I guess I'm fucked in that aspect. But don't worry, I'll still continue creating this story, to anyone who actually reads this thing (If my readers even exist, that is).

PS: Sorry for the rant. And enjoy the chapter.

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