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57.77% TerraCore / Chapter 26: Chapter 25

Chapter 26: Chapter 25


With a sword too close for my comfort, I quickly back away from it to avoid further damages. The sword stab was so sudden that I wasn't even able to process what was going on. But before I can even begin to think of what was happening, the sword suddenly slashed the door. Which cuts it into pieces in the process.






"Y-you... bloody b-bastard. Y-you have the fucking gal to show your face to me, after what you did"


In the remains of the once functioning door, stands Evee looking far better than I last saw her. Wearing a casual clothing and with a sword in hand, Evee prepares her stance which weirdly seems to be directed at me.

"I-is this how you normally greet people. With a destroyed door and attempted murder"



Feeling that cracking a joke might sooth the situation, I almost pissed myself when Evee without hesitation slash her sword directly at me. Good thing that she wasn't aiming for any vital parts and only cut a part of my hair.

"Why did you do that for!"

"Shut up! Y-you bastard! Showing up even after what you did... I-I'll fucking kill you"

"What did I do!?"

"C-calm down.. Miss Evee, there must be some sort of misunderstanding. Bruce here, save us from the Psionic Ants. Don't you remember?"



"A-ahh... Who are you?"

Hearing Evee's words, Bobby feel in the ground with both hands. Looking at his face, the look of depression is clearly written all over it. The fact that he got depressed just because Evee doesn't remember him, baffles me.

"A-ahahah.. I'm not even w-worth remembering, even by miss Evee... aha-ha I'm I-I really that unrememberable..."

"Stop being depressed Bobby! Stop her from kil-"

Before I can even finish my words, Evee attack for a second time. Which luckily, I manage to evade.


"Woah-Whoah-Whoah, stop it Evee! What did I even do wrong?"

"Shut up! Just stay still, as I cut you"

"You're being unreasonable here, who in their right mind would just allow themselves to be cut in half"


Seeing the upcoming slash, I quickly side-step away from it. Making me evade another attack, while being somewhat close to Evee.

With me being close to her, Evee begins another attack. Which I manage to stop by grabbing her hand.

"L-let go of me"

"Just calm down will you! Why are you even doing this?"

"Huh?! You lying bastard, did you already forget when you called me stupid!"

"Are you kidding me... You're still fixated about that!?"

"That's not the only reason why I'm pissed! You also lied to me"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said that all of us will escape from the Ants yesterday. But you made yourself as bait, just so we can escape. I can't believe what you've done you lying bastard"

"Huh!? I survive didn't I, so I fulfilled my promise overall"

"You could have died, you fucking bastard! Don't you have any regards about your safety!"

"You say that, while you almost died from saving me. Maybe I should be the one asking you that!"


Seeing how I struck a nerve inside of Evee, I harden my grip over to her so that she can't attack me any longer. Basing on my knowledge considering that Evee herself is an Enhancement Psionic User, I normally would be overpowered by her. But thanks to the injuries she sustained, I was able to somewhat even the odds of strength, despite my non-brawny nature.

"A-arrghh.. I-I said let go of me!"

"No, I refuse! Not until you calm down"

"And you think that grabbing my hands will calm me down"

And with Evee, refusing to back down. Our little commotion went about for a few minutes. I genuinely thought with how Evee is acting, that It would take about forever for our fight to finish. But due to all the noise we made while we were in a struggle, Evee's neighbors got somewhat angry and told us to quiet down.

"Quiet down! Will you! Can't you see that other people have lives as well!"




"Look at what you did, new recruit. Now my neighbors will think that something is wrong with me"

"Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure that I wasn't the one. Who's swinging a sword attempting to kill someone"

"W-why you..."

"Could we please just stop this. We're already inconveniencing many people and to whatever wrong I did to you, I apologize... So, are we cool now?"

"...Just so you know, I'm still mad at what you did"

"I don't care even if your still mad, let's just end this"


Putting her sword down and relaxing her strength, I then released my grip over her. With our little commotion over, we just silently and awkwardly stand in the hall with nothing much to do.




"A-ahhh... Can I come in?"

"Fine... just take off your shoes before you step inside"

"Thanks... Hey Bobby let's com-"

"...Don't mind me... I'm just a speck of dusk, barely visible and unwanted"

I can't believe that his still depressed by that...

"Who's this person, new recruit?"

"I can't believe that you can't even remember the one whom carried you back to safety"

"The o-one who carried me?... You mean that Bobby person?"

"Yes! Are you seriously this short minded?"

"I see... I barely recognize the one who carried due to my injuries. I'm sorry for not recognizing you earlier and I would also want to thank you for saving me"

Hearing Evee's current words. The Once depressed Bobby suddenly became cheerful. I'm quite shocked at sudden change of mood that was displayed by Bobby.

The people in this place sure are something...

"T-thats okay... M-miss E-Evee, I understand now why you weren't able to recognize me. I should have thought of that in the first place"

"Thank you for understanding"

"D-don't mention it.. ahaha..."

"Now that you're back at your senses. Shall we enter now?"

"Right! I almost forgot why we're here in the first place. Sorry for the inconvenience miss Evee..."

With no more inconveniences, we finally entered Evee's place. The lack of a door was somewhat weird to me, but seeing how Evee doesn't seem to care. I just ignored the weirdness of the situation and went about my day.

"Sorry for the inconvenience"

"I don't mind, just sit wherever you like. I'll go and make some tea"

"Um! Miss Evee let me handle it, I don't think that you should be moving very much considering your injuries"

"No need, I already feel much better than before. Plus having to make some tea, does provide me some cardio"

"You sure? Didn't you just sustain that injury yesterday. Overworking isn't very good for your health, you know?"

"I said I'm fine, new recruit. You act as if your Doctor Isaac or something"

"Oh? You know Doc. Isaac?"

"Who wouldn't, he's the head doctor of the settlement. Plus, his knowledge of Psionics is very helpful for people who are Psionic Users"

"I see..."

"Well, for now. How about both of you wait, as I prepare tea"

"Thank you I guess.."

"U-uumm, thank you as well miss Evee"


And with Evee busy preparing tea, I sat in one the available chairs and survey the area. In my short time of scanning, I was somewhat impressed by how neat and clean the place is. It's the complete polar opposite of what was once my room back in my normal world. I barely even have the time to even clean the place, due to the amount of work I have.

Thinking more about it... I wonder what's happening back to my apartment. Did I even payed mister landlord before I was brought here?

With me just being depressed of thinking back on things in my past life. I decided to hold those thoughts for now and continue my mindless survey of the Room.

Looking more closely, I'm again is surprise by how little things are present in the place. Just a few chairs, carpet and table, not even a single room decoration nor TV are present. And here I thought that girls are more decorative when it comes to rooms.

"I'm back"

Not long after, when we were waiting. Evee finally finish making tea, which she nicely prepared along with three cups.

"I hope I didn't bore you both with waiting, looking for a third cup really took me some time"

"It's okay miss Evee, we came here unannounced in the first place. So, you shouldn't have tired yourself"

"Well I already did it anyway... So, enjoy and make yourselves comfortable"


Not wanting to waste the tea that Evee prepared, we began drinking it in our pleasures. Surprisingly enough the aroma and sweetness of the tea, was very good that I thoroughly enjoyed my time drinking it. Normally I would like my drink to be a little bit bitter, but the taste of the tea itself is very good, that I don't mind the sweetness of it.

"T-this is very good... Where'd you get this?"

"This is just a tea that I got as a gift from the Agronomy. You can ask your buddy here if you want more details"



"A-ah.. Right. This tea here is made from Hollow Illios Leaves, which we personally grow in the Agronomy Room. If you want, you can personally ask sir Richard to buy one"

"I see... I guess I'll try that, when I have the time to visit"

"So... anyway... Would both of you care to explain. Why both of you, came here?"

"We came here to see how you're doing. You condition wasn't really in its best after yesterday's incident, so I was concerned"

"S-same here, miss Evee... I was also concerned about your condition. Especially when I heard that, you've just went and leave the clinic instead of resting there"

"I would like to thank you for your concerns but none of that are needed. Again, I'm somewhat okay now and I'm recovering fairly quickly"

"That's great then, I don't know what I would have done. If something, permanently bad happened to you"

"You say that... while you retardedly made yourself as bait. Which mind you, could have ended your life"

"...I see that you're still pissed about that"

"Of course, I am! Do you think that I would just be glad and thankful when someone endanger themselves?"

"I only did that, so that both of you can escape. I was trying to save both of you from the Ants. And don't you give me the "you could have just leave me" argument. Leaving you alone in that place is just immoral and I would rather take a risk than let you die"



"I-I know..."


"I know that you were just trying to save me. But... I just can't take it. I can't handle seeing people endanger themselves to save me"

With the abrupt change of mood, we silently sat down in our chairs while keeping quiet. Evee seems frustrated, judging from her looks and with how firmly she is gripping her cup.

"I'm weak... I already acknowledged that. But I-I can't help but be pissed about it..."




"I can see that you some sort of problem with seeing people in danger and I won't bother you with that. But I will let you know this. People have different thoughts when it comes to different things. Just because you felt that you're a burden doesn't mean that other people think the same. Some will think that leaving someone to die is immoral and will do something to help. So please try and understand other people's thoughts, if you can"


"You want to save people, right? To be honest I find it very admirable. Helping the ones in need and providing strength to the ones that don't have it, it's a good aspiration. But if you really want to save people, I advise you to save yourself first. There's a major difference from being heroic to being outright suicidal"



"Well I hope you get well soon and thanks for the tea. I'll be leaving now"

"Wait dude!... Sorry miss Evee, I'll also be leaving. But I'll make sure to talk some senses to him"



Not wanting to be in the place, any longer. I decided to leave the dorm, and find a more suitable place to soothe my mind. Leaving through the doorless room, my mind was again reminded of what just happened.

I should probably pay her for that...

But seeing how awkward it is to come back, after I announce my leave. I decided to pay her for the damage door, later. Right now, I just want to ease my mind.

"Dude I said wait!"

"What do you want now?"

"What was that for?"

"I'm pissed with her, so I decided to leave"

"I can see that... But that was really uncalled for"

"I can't help but say those words to her. With how she regards herself and with how she just easily accepts dying just because she can't handle other people getting in danger because of her. How can I not be pissed?"

"Listen, I can understand what you're saying but that was just mean, my dude"

"Well, I don't care. Not having any regards about your safety is just outright stupid"

"Come-on dude, please wa-"

"Stop following me"

Not wanting hear anymore of Booby's words, I quickly leave the halls and headed straight to the facility elevator. Before the thing closed down, I noticed Bobby trying to say something to me which I wasn't able to hear. But considering that I'm not in the good mood, I didn't really care to whatever words that he was about to say.





"Fucking hell, Bruce... You act as if you're not also the same"

-End of Chapter 25




Author Note: Writing this chapter, has been really hard for me. I just downloaded Recettear yesterday and i finished it just earlier. A 2 day non stop gaming while taking breaks to write this chapter, really worned out me out. The fact that i still need finish SMT: Strange Journey, is really messing with my schedule.

I guess being a weeb does have its fair share of problems /(-○v○--)\.

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