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53.33% TerraCore / Chapter 24: Chapter 23

Chapter 24: Chapter 23

Riding the facility elevator, I headed straight to the 2nd floor, early in the morning. My lack of bullets and destroyed clothes, requires me for another resupply. Which saddens in a little bit, because It means that I need to waste more money.

Fucking Ants, you costed me more bullets and 2 jackets in just a few days. You creatures are lucky that I don't have the ability to kill all of you, yet.


After a few minutes of waiting, I finally arrived to said floor. Getting out of the elevator, I again made my way to the warehouse where I hoped to see Grace.

Walking to the facility's halls, the ever presence of cameras still linger the place. If it weren't for me getting used to it, I might have a hard time adjusting to this place.

After a few minutes if walking, I quickly arrived at the settlement Warehouse. Glancing at the place, the two guards guarding the place are still present and Grace seems to be still bored as ever.


"Heh? Oh... it's you. It's been a while"

"Same, I came here to buy more ammo and I might as well add a jacket with that"

"Huh? Same things as before... I understand the bullets but why the jacket?"

"Well... let's just say that a little mission of mine, ended with my jacket getting ripped apart"

"I see, how sad. So, how many more magazines do you want?"

"Let's keep it the same, I don't want to waste more money"

"5 magazine and a jacket, I'll be right back"

"Thank you"

Standing up from her chair, Grace made her way into the Warehouse. After which, in just a few minutes she later came back carrying a jacket and 5 pistol magazines.

"That will be 15 silver monetas, so pay up"


Grabbing 15 silver monetas in my pockets, I then gave it to Grace. After counting said money and putting it a cash register. I finally then received all my order from Grace's hands.


"No need for the thanks, It's just a simple transaction after all"

"I'm still thankful none the less. So, how's your day?"

"I mostly sit in this boring ass place for long hours, so you tell me?"

"I can guess that it can be very boring. And judging from your face, I can also guess that you have nothing much to do in this place either"

"Ding, ding, ding. Wow... you have guessed correct. What are you a psychic or something?"

"Nice sarcasm. But your joke kind of feel flat, considering I'm someone who can be classified as a psychic"




"Shit... I forgot that you were a Psionic User. I kind of feel retarded now, by saying that"

"I don't have any comment about what you've just said. But I suggest you try remembering things more often, considering your job and all"

"Right... You already have what you need, why are you still here for?"

"I have some questions that needs answering"

"More questions, huh... Well, it's not like I have much to do. So, go for it. That might keep me from getting bored"

"Thank you I guess... Well to start off, I already conformed my Psionic category. So, I would like to know what weapon benefits me more"

"I see... So, what category you belong to?"

"Thought Control"


"A-aahhh... I'm still new. But does mind controlling count?"

"Mind controlling... how basic. I expected much more from you, when you revealed that you were a Psionic User. But who am I to judge"

"I just need some information, not your admiration. So please do start when you feel like it"

"Fine! You're a Thought Control Psionic user, right? So, you're somewhat special in a sense that in most cases, you only need to fulfill your abilities conditions in order to win a fight. Your range isn't the farthest nor you are the strongest, so you pretty much lack the basic essentials in fighting"

"I see..."

"You need to fulfill those gaps that you have, in order to be a good Thought Control User. That's where equipment's and allies come along. You can either find some people that can help fill your weak spots or you can be a total loner and just have tools or items fill it for you"

"Tools and allies, huh... I already fill the range part with my pistol, but as far in defense I totally lack that. And I highly doubt that I can easily find some people to work with"

"You could have just said that you're a loser, no need to say the "I highly doubt" part"

"Thank you for your intellectual thought, that really contributed a lot"

"Your welcome"


"So... does that mean that I need some sort of armor to protect myself"

"Sort off. Putting some armor, does add some protection but it comes with the cost of one's speed and mobility. So, it has its ups and downs"


"So unless you're a dodging god, you will need some protection or some sort when you get in a fight"

Dodging, huh... Maybe my Character Building Tool can help me with that.

"I'll keep that mind... Another thing I want some clarification is my cast time"

"Cast time? You mean how long you cast your abilities"


"What's wrong with it?"

"Basically, I only have a single ability at the moment and its cast time is somewhat long, to the point that one can easily back off from me and cancel my casting, or one can just simply attack me essentially doing the same thing"

"I see... your ability takes time to fully effect, which has the downside of being easily avoided or canceled. Quite a common problem that Thought Control users face"

"Oh really? Then I assume you probably also have some sort of tip for such problems"

"I'm not really a Psionic User so I'm not really sure. But I do have some thoughts that might help tackle with said dilemma"

"Sure, or unsure. Any help will do, in my current situation. So, I would like to hear what thoughts"

"I could tell you my thoughts, but... I feel like I'm being cheated here. I'm a business person first and for most. So, I would like you to pay for it"

"Fair point, Information is valuable. But I do feel like selling tips for money is some jewish level of scamming, which is comparable to wasting money for jpegs"


"Ignore what I said. What I'm saying is that I don't have much money to waste on said tips. I still have a sister to feed, taxes to pay, and some other commodities that need resupplying"

"I see... If you're having such troubles with money. How about you try accepting some a job or two. That will definitely help with your situation"

"I'm planning to but as of now, I'll be busy with other things. Mainly Psionic training"

"Well... what a shame. I'll guess I have to say my thoughts If I ever want to profit"


"Basically, if you're having troubles with your ability, why not use something that can fixed it. A thing that can stop one's movement and be use to defend yourself. Something like a taser perhaps"

"A taser... holy shit, I never thought of that... that actually would be very helpful, now that I think about it"

"Right... so how about you buy one, now. I'll give you a 15% discount for it, batteries are not included thou"

"You're quite quick on the selling side, but okay... So? How much does a taser cost?"

"30 silver monetas. It's not the best when it comes to quality but it's a taser non the less"

"That sounds like a sham, I expected it to cost much lower than that"

"Well too bad, I ain't the one decides on prices of things. You can either take it or leave it, I'm not lowering the price any further"

"Fine, I'll buy it but not today. I already wasted some monetas, buying pistol magazines and a jacket. So reserved it, until I get my next paycheck"

"Okay... So, is this all you want?"

"For now, probably. I can't think of any more questions to ask either. So I guess that's goodbye"

"I see... then farewell and do purchase more of your needs in the future"

"Thank you for helping me again, by the way"

"I'm only doing it for profit and to ease my boredom. So, don't go thanking me too much"

"I'm just being formal. But I do appreciate you helping me. I would have a harder time with Psionics without you"




"Don't mention it... I-I guess..."

And with my questions answered, I then leave the warehouse and continued my way back to my dorms. Seeing how I have nothing much to do in the rest of the day. I began thinking of things that might make my day more productive.

I wonder what I should do now... Heisenberg's training won't begin until tomorrow and I don't have any work to do... Maybe I should visit Evee, I didn't saw her and Bobby in the clinic yesterday. So, I wonder where they were.

Wanting to know what happened to both of them, I concluded that my next journey for today would be to visit the clinic. I might also learn a thing or two about psionics if I visit there. Which might be a nice bonus.

Heading to the facility elevator, I first made my way to the dorms to put the jacket away. After which, I began heading to the 7th floor and walked to where the clinic was.

Arriving at the room with a red + symbol, I carefully knock on the door and entered the place slowly.


As usual, I saw not a single person in the place. Quite an odd scene to see, if I'm being honest. For a clinic, I'd expected to see more people working in this place.

"Why hello there, Bruce"


Out of nowhere I suddenly heard a familiar voice from my back. Not expecting the occurrence, I was caught surprise by it.

"A-ahh.. It's you miss Lily"

"I thought I already told you to stop with the "miss" part"

"Sorry, I just have a hard habit with formalities"


"I guess I can't blame you with that. So, what are doing here anyway?"

"Right... I was looking for someone called Evee, she was with me in the incident yesterday and was heavily wounded. So, I was wondering if she's in here"

"Evee huh... The Enhancement girl who carries a sword. She was being treated her yesterday but quickly leaved after her treatment despite our advices on how dangerous it is for her"

"So... is she okay? Or was she being suicidal again?"

"I don't think you would need to worry about her, Enhancement Psionic users tend to heal very quickly than both categories. And judging from her face she doesn't look depressed to me, if anything she looked somewhat more pissed"

"I see... that explains why she wasn't here when I woke up yesterday"

"Yeah, she went off and leave just before you were found. She was even mumbling about we need to save you from Psionic Ants. You might have left a great impression on her, if she was that concerned about you"


"Don't you know? Evee is not really someone who's found of people. She barely remembers anyone whom she meets in this place nor she has any person whom she calls a friend"

"I see... so she's just like you"

"... I'm going to ignore your remark about me. But as far as I know, she doesn't have any relatives of her own and she pretty much lives alone in this settlement. So, if you want to visit her, you might have to ask someone that knows where she lives"

"You so don't know where she lives?"

"Sadly no, she rarely visits the clinic unless it involves some task that we need help with Agents"

"I guess I have to ask Bobby myself then, speaking of which. Might I also ask what happened to Bobby"

"Bobby? I don't remember anyone with that name, but there was this guy with an afro hair that was brought here yesterday due to passing out. If he's your guy, then all I know was that after he waked up he was called back to the Agronomy despite his bickering about needing to be with the injured Evee"

"That definitely sounds like him. I guess I have to thank you for your help miss Lily"


"Don't mention it..."

"Before I leave, I was wondering. Why does this place look very quiet? For a clinic I was expecting that there would be more people working here"

"Well... it's understandable why you would be confused. But considering that we're just a newly built settlement, it's very hard to find some people who have licenses in medicine and healthcare. The only ones we had are only a few and some of them were recruited as part in the settlement's expansion"

"Does it ever get difficult in this place?"

"Not really. Isaac mostly does all of the work and we rarely ever get a lot of patients in this place. The only times where I'm having a difficult time, is when Isaac messes something up and wrecks the place"

"Is Doc. Isaac really that destructive?"

"He destroyed the clinic and laboratory more times that I can count with his experiments. I'm even surprise that he still wasn't fired from all the messes he made"

"I see..."

"Well, despite him destructiveness I can't deny that his a very skilled Doctor. Of all the doctors I've meet, none of them can be compared to his skills"

"Huh... I never knew... He doesn't really strike me as someone who's very skilled"

"First impressions can be very deceiving. So, is this all you want?"

"Right, I think that would be all. Thank you again, miss Lily"

"Just be careful with your work, next time. You were pretty lucky that you made it out alive"

"I will"

Finding out that Evee isn't in the Clinic, I began my search at where she could probably be. Not knowing where she personally live, I made my way to the Agronomy to search for Bobby; whom might probably know where she personally lives.

-End of Chapter 23




Author Note: I've been playing SMT: Strange Journey lately, so I've been having a hard time focusing on writing this. But I'm do surprise of how I'm still able keep up my writing pace, while still able to progress somewhat far in the game.

Another thing of note is that I've thinking of ideas for a different story that i want to make. But seeing how I'm already having a hard time, keeping up my 1 chapter per 2 days schedule. It might take a long time, before that story of mine be realize. (It kind of feels weird writing this, If i don't even know. If people really read this shitty story of mine \(• - •)°)

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