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Chapter 22: Chapter 21






How long have I been running...

Wanting to distract the Ants from the fleeing Bobby and Evee, I choose myself to be a distraction so that both of them can escape. Running through the unknown cavern, I hopefully prayed that both of them manage to escape, far enough from the chaos that I was experiencing.

Not far from behind, are numerous Ants chasing me down. Luckily for me, due to having no one to hold me down and a somewhat large space to run. I manage to dash somewhat far enough to where can't get me. If I keep said sprint far enough, I may be able to lose them.

Continuing my mad dash, the scenery became more and more foreign to me. I wonder if I can even get back, after this is over. But before I can even asses the place that I am in, a familiar shadowy figure suddenly approached me in fast speeds.

Noticing the figure, I manage to dodge the figure's attack quick enough to save my skin.

"Third time's the charm you shitty Ant"


The shadowy figure that approach me was none other than the odd Ant that we've encounter earlier. It seems that Evee's sword is still stuck on its body and it's getting ready for a round two of our encounter.


Without warning the odd Ants suddenly emit a loud screeching howl. The howl was so loud that echoed loudly in the deep cavern.


After the deafening howl, I heard a loud screech not far away from where I was. I quickly surmise that the Ant was probably calling for the others.

Shit! This bloody Ant and its abnormal speed.

With how the encounter was quickly developing, I deduced that I'll probably have a harder time if the other Ants get here. Escape is no option either due to the odd Ant's speed. As such, I was left of no choice but to finally use my real plan.

But before I can even start, the odd ant suddenly attacks me with its tail. Seeing the large tail lunge at me, I quickly reacted by dodging in the tail's way. Seeing the Ant's attack in the fight with Evee, I quickly deduced that's its next attack is going to be a tail swipe. Confident in my deduction, I quickly rolled in the ground just before the Ant began to swing its tail, essentially saving me from its second tail attack.

With me in the ground and barely saving my skin for the third time. I quickly sprang up from where I was, and tried leaping back to distance myself from the Ant's range. Without any weapons to fight, I'll be a sitting duck if I get too closed to said creature.

But before I can even properly distance myself, the Ant suddenly sprung at me, which I luckily manage to evade. With its sharp claws being too close for my taste. I was lucky enough to dodge its attack, with only my jacket being the causality.

I wonder how many clothes will I destroy, If I continue this recklessness of mine

With its attack missing, I quickly countered by kicking the ant in its body


Despite my doubt, it seems that my kick did a somewhat a large amount damage from the Ant. I wondered if the thing's injury so bad that a simple kick can damage it, this badly.

Not taking any chances I began distancing myself from the crying Ant. Seeing the opportunity to enact my plan, I quickly began using my abilities with no remorse.

-Total Concentration

-Psionic Boost

-Dominate Mind

The reason why I decided to make myself as a distraction from earlier, was for this moment. Without any plan, I wouldn't even decide to escape the abandoned facility and make myself as bait. But after messing with the Character Building Tool and with Bobby's clarifications. I conducted a mad plan of controlling the Ant that was the superior of all the Ants in this place, the one I'm currently facing and the one that injured Evee, the Ant Queen.


Hit by my attack, the Ant began another screech. As for me, I was internally fighting hard, to gain control of the somewhat large monster.

"Shit! I g-guess you're no queen f-for no reason..."

Despite my grand effort, I still manage to find myself in a tough situation. I never expected that trying to control this creature's mind was going to be extremely hard. But knowing what my fate will be if I fail said task now, I ignore the internal pain that I was experiencing and continued my pressure on the Ant's mind.

One may wonder how I'm able to affect the Ant Queen with my ability despite it being immune earlier. The answer to that is very simple...


Name: Lawrence Craft

Level: 4


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 6

Constitution: 5

Perception: 8

Intelligence: 6

Will: 9

Available Points: 0

Exp: 22/250



Guns: 40

Bows: 0

Melee: 0

Throwing: 0


Dodge: 30

Evasion: 30


Stealth: 15

Hacking: 0

Lockpicking: 0

Pickpocketing: 0

Traps: 0


Mechanics: 0

Electronics: 0

Chemistry: 0

Biology: 0

Tailoring: 0


Enhancement: 35

Elemental: 35

Thought Control: 65

####### #######: Locked


Persuasion: 10

Intimidation: 0

Mercantile: 0

Available Points: 0


-Psionic Empathy

-Total Concentration

-Aimed Shot


-Psionic Boost

-Sprint: Unlockable

-Psionic Productivity: Unlockable

-Markmans: Unlockable

-Perceptional Instinct: Unlockable

Available Points: 1

With my skills being too low to affect the Ant Queen from the earlier encounter. I've secretly dumped all of my points in Will and Thought Control after Bobby's clarification. Adding the Psionic Boost Ability just to make sure that my plan will work. I'm glad that my gamble has paid off, with me now being able to affect the Ant with my ability.

Not wanting to be controlled so easily, the Ant began fighting back by swinging its large tail at directly me. Seeing the upcoming attack, I was left with no choice but to dodge it. As much as I would like to continue the process of controlling the Ant. Taking damage by it, is not something that I'm very keen about.

With my concentration lost, the Ant began to recover and is planning for another attack. Coating its arms with Psionic Energy the ant began a swift dash, with its sharp claws bearing directly at me.

Seeing the Ant approach, I quickly threw my jacket at the dashing creature. Which manages block its view and slow down its movement. Seeing the flying jacket at its view, the Ant madly slashes the thing and destroying it in the process.

Saddened at amount of money I already wasted in this day; I became even more determined at finishing this fight. With the Ant's time wasted by attacking the jacket, it has given me a good opportunity to get close to the creature.

With its view blocked by the destroyed fabric, I quickly got close to the Ant and push Evee's sword that was in its body. With Evee's sword lunging even further in its body, the Ant screeches in pain as I firmly hold the sword in my hands. Seeing how the Ant became even more weakened from what I did. I quickly followed it up, with another initiative.

Please work...

Grabbing its head with both my arms, I activated Dominate Mind for the second time. Hoping that said process will finally work, I internally fought for the control of the Ant's mind with a more determined will.

-Dominate Mind

I can feel a massive headache in my head as I fought for control of the Ants mind. Its feels like a thousand needles were poking my brain as I activated my Thought Control ability.


Holding the Ant's head and with my ability in progress, even more screeches echoed at the area. Not wanting to lose my concentration now, I completely ignore the loud noises and only focused my mind on the Ant in hand.


The other Ants have finally arrived at the area and they were greeted by seeing their Queen in danger. Seeing the scene playout, the Ants quickly dash their way to me who was busy with mind controlling their Queen.

Ignoring all the pain that I'm feeling and the approaching Ants. I madly focused more on the tasked and poured more of my Psionic Energy on the Ant's head.

Come on.. Come on.. Come on!

With all the things I've experienced today, exhaustion was quickly looming through me.

If I don't control this Ant now.. I'll be dead...

With claws ready and a taste for blood, the other Ants quickly entered my vicinity as a silently stand, awaiting for my fate.

Usually I would be panicking in a situation like this, but I feel oddly calm for some reason. Closing my eyes, I calmly ignore the looming threat that was quickly approaching me and continued my task.

Whatever happens to me now... I leave it to fate






"M-miss... Evee.. We're finally here!"

After for what seem to be a long time, Bobby finally reached the settlement. Running from the abandoned facility to the settlement with no rest, has made Bobby extremely exhausted. Judging from his face, his looking like his about to pass out by any moment.

"Miss E-Evee..?"

Asking the person in his back, Bobby was surprise that Evee wasn't responding. Looking at her to get a closer look, he found that Evee seems to have pass out in his back. Thinking of the worst-case scenario, Bobby hurriedly made his way to the settlement and press the panel.

"Please! Open the doors! I have an injured person who's in need of immediate treatment"




"Please wait a moment I'm opening the doors now"

"Hurry it up!"

In a few seconds of waiting the facility door slowly opened. What greeted Bobby were multiple settlement guards and the person whom logs the people who goes out of the settlement.

"P-please save.. Miss Evee..."

"Get the person in his back and place her somewhere safe"

"Yes, sir"

With the guards taking Evee from Bobby's back, he was finally freed of the responsibility that was straining him. With no more load in his back, Bobby collapsed on the ground with an exhausted look in his face. Despite his worn-out look Bobby was still conscious as he rests his face in the floor.

"Man down! Quick get him to somewhere safe"

"Yes, sir"

But before Bobby can even get carried, he suddenly grabs the clothes of the man who works in the logging room.

"P-please s-save... him"

"W-wait.. I don't understand what you're talking about sir?"

"There was another person who's with us. His still outside with his life at risk. P-please... save him"

"I see... I already called the medical team, so they'll be here in any moment. So, rest assured that you and your friend will be taken care off. As for this other person whom you mention, I'll do what I can to save him"

"P-please... we last saw him outside the abandoned facility in the Northern Lake, running farther north.. Save him..."

"Thank you for the needed information, I'll do what I can and order some guards to explore the area"


And with that, Bobby finally passed out. With him blacking out, he finally let's go of the man clothes, freeing him from his grasps. With nothing much to do, the guards carried Bobby's unconscious body to somewhere safe. While waiting for the medical team to arrive.

"Sir... about the other person he mentioned..."

"Right... he mentioned that there was another person who was with them. I somewhat remembered that there was another man who was with the lady when they went out. I guess he must have been talking about him"

"What are we going to do?"

"Prepare some medical supplies and exploring kits, I'll be sending five of you to go looking for the missing person. I'll check the logs just to be sure and report this, to sir Conner and the other higher ups"


"And also, be ready with your weapons. Judging from their injuries it seems that something attacked them out there"

"I'll keep that in mind"

But before the man can even check the logs and call the higher ups. Another guard showed up in the room where the man and the other guard were talking.

"Sir, the medical team have finally arrived"

"That's good, lead them to were the patients are and assist them if they need any assistant"

"Right away sir"

"I'll also be going now and prepare for the task in hand"


And with that over, the man finally was able to check the logs and report the incident to the higher ups.

Bruce Edwards... what a familiar sounding name...

With his task over, he now waits for the guards to be fully prepared for the exploration and conform their upcoming journey.





Not far from where the abandoned facility is located, five armored men carefully made their way to the cavern with weapons ready in their hands.

"Any unusual sights?"

"Nothing unusual in my area, it seems that the blood trail ends here"

"I see... that man was carrying that bleeding women in his back. I guess it make sense that the blood trail leads here"

"Do we continue further from this area?"

"We really have no choice, to begin with. So, let's go further north men"


With no findings in sight, the armored men began making their way to the area where Bruce ran off to. Careful with their surroundings the men warily maneuver the rocky terrain while scanning for any danger in every nook and corner.

After a long time of searching the finding nothing, they began to suspect that the person they were looking for is probably dead.

"Still nothing... you reckon that the guy is probably dead?"

"Stop it will you, we can't be certain with that, until we found a body"

"Right... you're always serious when it comes to missions. Just relax man, I was just joking"

"You're jokes are unneeded. Just focus on the task in hand, and be on the lookout for any unusual things"

"Right... I'm on it, mister big-shot"

With their little quarrel over, they continued their search at the unknown area. With how little to no findings and an eerily silent place. The guards became extremely warry of their situation, which in turn made their guard heighten up even more.

Just before they can think of giving up their search. Another armored guard from the farthest search area, has reported something that had caught all of their attention.

"Reporting, I see something in my area"

"What's your status?"

"Perfectly fine, no threats in sight either. But I do see something laying in the ground"

"Care to explain what you're seeing?"

"I can't say for sure, so I'm taking a closer look... Oh.. God... it's a man"


"I see a man lying in the ground. I don't see any serious injuries either... I'm going in, to check his condition"

"Stand back, soldier. Just keep a watch on him until we arrive. We don't know if there's any threats, yet"

"Ok... I'll keep a watch for now. I'm in the furthest north area, so hurry"

"Roger that"

With the report over, the other armored men made their way to where the reported lying man was.

A man lying in the ground in the middle of nowhere... how truly odd...

-End of Chapter 21

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