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37.77% TerraCore / Chapter 17: Chapter 16

Chapter 17: Chapter 16

"I'll go and borrow some traps now. You go and carry the cages, new recruit"

Done with our introductions, we prepare ourselves to borrow the capturing equipment's.

"Right... But before you both go; can I also add another request?"

"What would that be, sir Richard?"

"You see, before you both accepted this request. I've sent another person to capture some cave bunnies four hours ago. His name is Bobby, a worker of mine. I'm pretty sure you already seen him before, Evee"

"Sorry, but that name doesn't ring any bell"

"I see... Anyway, he hasn't come back since I ordered him to capture those bunnies. If you can, please do find him. I'm getting worried"

"I'll do what I can, so don't worry about sir Richard"

"Thank you..."

Not really knowing who this Bobby person is, I can't help but question Richard.

"Say... Does this Bobby person have any distinct traits, which we can easily identify him?"

"...Good question. Bobby has does have an afro for a haircut, does that help in any way?"

"I think that's already helpful. I highly doubt that many people have an afro as a regular haircut"

"Is this all, sir Richard?"

"Um! Yes, you can go now"

And with that over, we silently leave Richard's office. Closely following Evee to the storage room, we eventually arrive at the place. Doors open and workers getting in and out. We at last, finally enter the poorly lighted place.

Upon entering the place. A majority of what I can see, were crates and sacks. The room definitely looks like a place where people store their things. Following Evee again, we arrived at a worker who is silently working.


"Ah! Miss Evee, you're here"

"Nice to meet you again, I came to borrow some equipment's"

"Ahh... The usual. What equipment's are you borrowing, this time?"

"Some cave bunny traps and some cages"

"How many?"

"Five of each"

"I see... Wait for a minute"

Waiting for a few minutes. The worker, went and grab some cages and some weird looking contraptions in one of the crates. After grabbing five of each, the worker then came back from where we were waiting and offered the things.

Here's 5 small cages and 5 cave bunny traps. Do be careful with those, miss Evee"

"I will... New recruit, carry the cages will you. I'm going to carry the traps"


Grabbing the cages and stacking them one by one. I easily carried them with no problem. Seeing how Evee seems to not any have problem with her own equipment's. I think we're finally ready to go now.

"Is this all?"

"Seems like it, let's go and catch some bunnies now"


And with that, we then headed straight to the elevator. Riding the elevator with Evee, I can't help but be tense. Despite being companions at this mission, Evee seems pretty cold and distant. I guess it makes sense, since we just met a few minutes ago.

With that said, the situation does feel somewhat awkward. With us being silent and all.

"A-aahhh... so you're also an agent.. I guess that makes you my senior"

"I guess so..."




God.. Kill me. This so awkward.

With my attempt of a conversation failing. We eventually arrived at the 9th floor. Carrying our equipment's, we headed outside after registering ourselves. With this being my second time going in this place, I prayed that an incident like the Rathounds one doesn't occur.

"Quit daydreaming new recruit, we still have a job to do"


And with that we then headed straight to north, where our current objective lays


Walking through the caverns, I can see that it's still quite rocky. Rubbles and stone everywhere, essentially making my journey somewhat hard. Adding the fact that I was carrying 5 cages wasn't helping my case.

Usually I would be very wary traveling at this place. But looking at Evee and seeing how nonchalant she is, I can feel some small relief at the situation.

Walking through the cavern while being guided by the lights made by the settlement. We arrive at an area with a sign and multiple paths.

"Huh.. A sign, how convenient. It even tells us where the areas are"

"...Is this your first time being here, new recruit?"

"Second time actually. My first travel involved me investigating the camp east of where the settlement was"

"...How it'd go?"

"Ahh.. F-fine.."

"I see... but do be careful next time. A lot of dangerous creatures can unexpectedly appear at this place"

"U-umm, Thanks..."

How nice of her. Warning me of the dangers of this place, despite me already experiencing said dangers first hand. Telling her that experience of mine now, would be awkward. So, let's not do that...




"I can't help but notice that your carrying a sword. Quite an orthodox weapon to have in this day and age"

"...I get that a lot. But for me, this weapon is quite perfect and well suited for me"

"How so..?"

"Well.. Have you heard about Psionics?"

"Ahh.. A few. I've heard that people with psionics have superpowers or something"

"You're not wrong in that case. And as for me, the reason why I'm carrying a sword is because I'm a Psionic User"

"How unexpected, I thought you were just some normal person. So.. What category you belong?"

"...You're sounding as if you know a lot about psionics, right now. I thought you said you only know a few?"

"Hehehe.. that was a little lie of mine. I too am also a Psionic User"

"Hmm.. Quite an unexpected turn of events. I never thought that two Psionic Users would team up like this"

"I can say the same, for me"


"In any case.. This information should at least help us understand our capabilities. So, to answer your question. I'm an Enhancement User, what about you?"

Telling my real category might arouse suspicion to me. As much I would like to trust Evee, right now. Telling a stranger what I'm capable totally of, is a generally bad idea in my book.

"I'm a Thought Control User, I'm pretty sure you know what that means?"

"Thought Control... It quiet fits you, to be honest. But do slow down on your compulsive lying. It's somewhat uncanny how natural you are with it"


"We should hurry, now. The lake is somewhat close from here"

"R-right behind you"

Does she know that I was lying about my category...

And with our destination being near, we continue our travels through the rocky cavern.

Just like what Evee said, our destination was indeed not far. In a few minutes of walking, we eventually reached the northern lake. Glancing through the area, I can see a somewhat large body of water surrounded by a myriad of mushrooms. It's quite weird seeing a lake inside a cave, If I were being honest.

"So, what now?"

"For now, we need to set the traps to capture some cave bunnies. Try picking some mushrooms will you, new recruit"

"What for?"




"The reason why cave bunnies live in this area, is due to the abundant number mushrooms that grows here. What we're doing is essentially using their food sorce as bait. So, stop wasting time and go pick some mushrooms. I'll go and look for some holes where those bunnies might live"

"How much are you going to need?"

"Enough to capture at least twenty of them"

"That much!"

"Quiet! You going to scare those bunnies away"

Heading Evee's words, I quietly say my complains to her.

"Are you serious, we only have five cages you know"

"That's more than enough for twenty bunnies"

"Then explain how we're going to carry five cages full with rabbits"

"If we can't carry all of them. We'll just leave some behind and bring them back, after we deliver the others"

"Wait.. So, we have to essentially go back here"

"Any ideas on how we're going carry all of them"


"Fine.. But you said so yourself. This area, is dangerous"

"Stop being a coward will you, I already did this task a million times. Plus aren't we Psionic Users. If anything dangerous does occur we can just fight back"

"Fighting back.. Truly the greatest of all ideas"

"I'd expect to see some mushrooms ready after a minute"

"Fine, I'll do it"

And with our little commotion over, I quickly gathered some mushrooms that I've deemed to be good. Evee on the other hand, is busying herself by searching some holes of which the cave bunnies might be hiding.

After a few minutes of gathering, I've managed to gather myself a ton of mushrooms whom I've deemed to be good. Evee meanwhile also managed to do a successful job herself. Essentially finding a few holes of which some suspected cave bunnies might be hiding.

"Have you gathered enough mushrooms?"

"I think so, here's the one's that I picked"

"Hmm.. I'm seeing a ton of good quality one's. Your quite impressive than you look, new recruit"


"If we sell these to sir Richard, we can probably get a good price from it"

"I thought we were using these as bait"

"Right... which is quite a shame. Anyway, let me show you how this trap works"

Grabbing a few mushrooms from my hand. Evee slowly and carefully put the trap near the hole. putting the mushrooms on the trap's plate. We carefully moved away from the hole, awaiting for something to occur.

"So... how does the trap work?"

"It's quite easy, to be honest. All you need to do is place the trap where you want it placed and then put a bait or some sort at its pressure plate"

"I see..."

"But do be careful with it. Accidentally putting enough weight on the trap's pressure plate, will cause to activate it. And it might leave a little injury to your arm"

"I-I'll take note of that"

After a few minutes of waiting, some small changes can be now seen at the rabbit hole.


Another minute have passed and finally a rabbit like creature appeared. Appearing larger than any rabbit I've seen; I again became even more intrigued at the creatures of this world. With its large feet stomping and red eye's glowing, the rabbit slowly but surely moved its way to the unsuspecting trap. Not fully knowing the danger that lays ahead, the not so smart creature easily entered the trap. Essentially sealing its fate.


Pressing the trap's pressure plate. The mechanical trap suddenly activated and trapping the rabbit inside. Fully understanding the situation that it has stumble to. The rabbit quickly panicked and started using all its might to get out of its jail. Knowing that its action is just futile, me and Evee then moved closer to the trapped rabbit to claim our prize.

"That's one down"

"So.. That's it, huh..."

"Fortunately, yes. Grab that cage and let's put this rabbit on it"

"Roger that..."

After a bit of struggle, we finally managed to put the Cave Bunny on the cage. Seeing a demonstration of how the trap works, live. We began to go on our separate ways, to widen our reach.

Placing the trap on a hole that I can find and putting some mushrooms on it. I began to catch some cave bunnies as expected. Doing said task, took a few hours of waiting. But after capturing enough bunnies to almost fill my cages. I decided to capture one more, just to be safe.

Searching for another hole to find, I manage to stumble in an area near the lake. Seeing a rabbit hole, appearing plainly on site. I put another trap near it and await to claim my prize.

Just one more and I'm finish with this task.




Seeing how nothing seems to be happening, I practically grew bored of waiting.

Is there even a rabbit in there...

Not wanting to be dissuade of the situation, I again waited for a few minutes for a rabbit to appear in the hole. Seeing how nothing seems to change, I began picking some rocks and decided to play with it, out of boredom.

Skipping said rock on the lake's water, I manage to break a few records that I have in the past. Seeing how I'm seem to be enjoying the activity that I'm currently doing. I was reminded of how I experience little to no moments like this in my corporate days. I never knew that doing a simple activity like this, can be this relaxing.

Busying myself with rock skipping, I wasn't able to notice the danger that was lurking in the corner. Like a predator finding its prey, the creature suddenly tried approaching the unsuspecting me in great speed.

Noticing an unknown sound echoed in the place, I finally managed to see the speeding creature that is approaching me. Seeing it's 4 arms and blue like color, the creature is undoubtedly a Psionic Blue Ant like the one from before.

The hell is an Ant, doing here!

Caught off-guard by the appearance of a Psionic Blue Ant, I panickily grab my pistol to begin defending myself. But before I can even begin to fire a shot, a shadowy silhouette suddenly went pass me from behind and engage at the approaching ant.

"Miss Evee!"

The shadowy silhouette was none other than Evee, herself. With a sword in her hand, she managed to stopped the speeding Ant in its tracks. Seeing another person in its vicinity, the ant began attacking Evee with its sharp claws.

"Watch out!"

Without even concerning the dangers, Evee managed to dodge and weave all the Ant's attacks in a graceful manner. Claws, kicks and even attempts of grabbing, all were evaded by her. Seeing how all of its attacks missed, Evee and the ant are now currently in a standoff. Awaiting for each other to move.

Beginning another engagement, the ant began approaching Evee with a leap. With its sharp claws from its four arms, the ant launched a barrage of attacks to Evee. Quickly unsheathing her sword, Evee for the second time, managed to gracefully dodge the numerous attacks of the Ant.

Masterfully throwing the sword's sheath at the ant's face, Evee managed to stun the ant in place. Seeing the great opportunity in sight, she swiftly attacks the ant's arm with her sharp sword.


Coating the sword with some sort of energy, Evee easily amputates the ant's arm in a quick manner.


Loud screams can be heard in the place, as the ant shouts in pain. Not wanting to waste said opportunity, Evee began another attack on the ant; aiming on its leg, this time. Seeing the upcoming attack, the ant tried dodging Evee's sword. Which it manages to do, with only a scathed on its left leg being inflicted.

Quick on her feet, Evee tried kicking the sword's sheath which was on the ground. Successfully doing the kick, the sword's sheath quickly flings onto the ant which caught it off-guard. Getting stunned for the second time, Evee then managed to finally cut the Ant's leg.


Loud screams echoed at the place for the second time, as the Ant loses its balance in pain. Ending their little fight, Evee quickly decapitates the Ant's head with her sword. Blood scattered everywhere as the Ant's head flew off. And with their fight over, Evee then grabs the sword's sheathe on the ground while flicking the blood covered sword.

"You alright, new recruit?"

"A-aahhh.. Y-yeah.."

Seeing the fight with my eyes, I was left with no words. If this is how Psionic Users normally fight, then I have a lot catching up to do before I can reach that level.

Despite how amaze I was on their fight, deep inside I was a bit scared. If I truly encounter a hostile Psionic User at this moment, I'm not even sure if I can survive.

-End of Chapter 16

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