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35.55% TerraCore / Chapter 16: Chapter 15

Chapter 16: Chapter 15

Think like a Thought Control user.. That was the advice that Lily gave to me.

Calming my senses, I began another try at the Divination Flower. Unlike from before, I'm now calmer and more relaxed. Erasing any emotional thoughts, I have in mind. I began to see some small changes at the flower's reaction.

Continuing said process for the next hour. The small changes from before, eventually became big. And in a few hours, my wanted result has finally occurred.

It's just moving now...

Spores gone and growth stopped. The flower is now reacting in a singular way. Knowing that I can probably mess this up, if became too excited. I tried suppressing said excitement, for now.

This is really hard...

Continuing said process, I can't help but find it somewhat hard. When I normally project my energy on this, I mainly think with my usual thoughts. But having to do this process with a different mindset, is like a different experience entirely.

Calm down.. focus, focus..

Having maintain said focus for a few hours. My consistency with the flower has been sharpened. The other reactions that pop up every once in a while, no longer show up. And I'm able to properly maintain my energy usage.

With this development, now in hand. I began to tackle another obstacle in this challenge.

"Now.. To fully control this thing"

Continuing to project my energy on the flower, it's usual reaction of moving randomly continued. Trying to stop and control its movement, I've spent about a few hours of trying. But even with that time, not a single changed occurred even once. Which in turn greatly exhausted me.


Out of breath due to exhaustion, I tried resting for a moment. If this development continued for the rest of the day, I'll never be able to control this flower's movements.

"Basic training.. My ass! I bet that guy wasn't even able to do this in one day"

Frustrated at my lack of progress, I began thinking of Heisenberg's words.

As a Thought Control User, you mostly have the ability to control and bend the minds of any creature you see...

"Bend minds, eh... I wonder how is it even possible.."

Thinking more about the bending minds bit. I was somewhat reminded of the books that I've read. In most cases of mind control in stories that I had read. It usually is described as one dominating the mind of others. I wonder if said case is true to this, as well...

The of the qualifications of being a good Thought Control user, Is one's Fortitude and Will.

...Why I'm I remembering his words now.

Somewhat enlightened by Heisenberg's words. I began testing the flower, for the third time. Projecting my energy onto it, I began thinking dominantly without being over expressive. Like a silent tyrant ordering its minions through fear. I tried ordering the flower in my mind to stop moving. This took a somewhat long time of doing, but in the moment of where I suddenly feel like giving up. I sudden changed befall in my sight, which caught me off-guard.


The unpredictable movement of the flower, suddenly stopped moving. Surprised at the sudden changed, I tried maintaining my composure as to not mess up the occurrence that occurred. Looking at the flower and seeing that I'm still projecting my psionic energy on it. The thought of me being able to finally do it, lingered in my mind.

New Ability Learned

-Dominate Mind

-Allows the user to dominate the minds of any living creature through psionics; allows total control of the creature who is affected by the ability (User can only control a total of one creature once ability is active)

"The hell!"

Adding to the laundry list of things that keep's surprising me today. Another text suddenly pops up in my view. To my surprised instead of the typical quest warning or item description, the text seems to allure that I've managed to learn a new ability.

How I suddenly learned a new ability, is beyond me. But not wanting to disrespect the gift that this text has given. I tried reading the description of the ability.

"Dominate Mind... this reads more like a mind control ability"

Realizing the mind control part, I can't help but noticed that my training seems very similar to what the ability does. Controlling this flower's movement, using my own psionic energy. It's too similar to be a coincidence.

"Is sir Heisenberg trying to make me learn this ability?"

With no answer to my question, I continue my training with the plant.

Messing with the flower, I've somehow able to control its movements for a little. Total control is still not in my grasp. But with this development in hand, I'm quite satisfied at the results.

Not wanting to waste more energy on this, I again began resting for a moment. To not truly waste some time doing nothing, I began checking my abilities. Opening the Character Building Tool, I again was surprised to see another weird occurrence. The border of the Dominate Mind ability which normally should be normal, is glowing for some reason. Knowing that I didn't press the ability earlier, I'm somewhat confuse as to how I was able to activate it.

Pressing the ability, the glowing border essentially went away and the usual ability cooldown occurred.


Recalling what I did, before discovering the occurrence. All I remember was me practicing on controlling the flower's movement. Seeing a possible connection on both activities, I began practicing on the flower once more.

"Let's see if it activates the ability.."

With the Character Building Tool present, I began projecting my psionic energy once more. Focusing on controlling the flower, I eventually was able to control its movement just by a little. Finished with the flower part, I then checked the Character Building Tool to see if anything changed.

"It worked!"

Shocked by seeing the ability activate, my knowledge about the Tool has grown more. With this alternative way of activating an ability discovered, I began testing it with other abilities.

In a few minutes of discovering said activation method, I was able to understand how it works. In my findings, I've discovered that in order to activate an ability without pressing its icon. I need to think or engrave the ability in my mind and like that, my body automatically acts as if I already know how it works. It explains as to how I was able to activate the Dominate Mind ability and why most items that I tried analyzing activates Identification.

With this great discovery in hand, I'm now released from the shackles; which was the ability activation method. When I encounter some potential dangers in the future, I won't be a sitting duck anymore.

Motivated with by the good things happening to me, I continued my training with the flower. My current goal, for now. Is to be consistent with the Dominate Mind ability and gain total control of the Divination's Flower movement.




Before I even knew it, I've managed to spent many hours of the day just with this training of mine.



Deep in the rooms, of the Computer Room. Lays a man tinkering with some machinery. Looking deformed and quite cybernetic, the man masterfully tinkered said machinery. Not being bothered by the dark atmosphere, the man continued working at the machinery as if it's the only thing that mattered in his world.






With the room door opening. The usual dark room has been illuminated.

"Yo! Again, with the dark place, old man. I thought I already installed some lights here"

"What are you doing here, Jesse?"

"Bruce, here was looking for you. And I also bought some bread, I've heard that you haven't left this room since yesterday"


"Hahahha.. The usual silent look, ehh. I'll just put this here, just in case you get hungry. Good luck, with whatever you're doing Bruce"

And with that, Jesse left the dark room. Leaving only Bruce and Heisenberg alone by themselves.


"And what about you?"

"I did what you ask"

"Oh really? That's nice..."

"You're just going to leave that bread alone? Jesse really work hard bringing that to you"

"I wished he at least put that amount of effort in work"

"Jesse seems pretty close to you. Wonder what's the story behind that?"

"Don't bother with my personal life, kid. I'm only here to teach you. So, show me if really did what I asked you"

Putting the potted plant in a table, Bruce then projected his psionic energy on the flower. Showing his effort of controlling the plant's movement.

"...Impressive. You actually manage to control the flower's movement. You're still sloppy in some ways. But a little practice might fix it"

"So... did I pass?"


"Hahhh.. That fine by me"

"...Where's that defiant look you have, yesterday. I thought you were going to berate me with how I have to properly teach you Psionics"

"...While training yesterday.. I think I finally understand that you weren't actually being prick to me, but instead was guiding me on how to be a proper Psionic User. So.. I'm sorry for yesterday"




"Hahahaha.. Suck my dick, kid"

"What the hell, I was being nice"

"Well.. I'm not here for your kindness, I only need your full cooperation"

"And here I thought, that you were secretly nice"

"From now on, I'm going to train you in even harsher conditions. So, prepare yourself"


"Now that we're in an agreement. Get out of this room for now and meet me in three days. I also advise you to train with that flower while you have still free time, you're still somewhat sloppy at controlling the flower's movement"

"So you're not going to train me, today?"

"Do you want to? I pretty sure that you must be very tired with yesterday's task"

"Fair point... I guess I'll leave, for now. And please do eat that bread, I feel quite bad if you ignore Jesse's effort"


And with their conversation over. Bruce finally left the room, leaving Heisenberg alone like usual. Alone by himself, Heisenberg slowly made his way to the table and grab the bread which Jesse left. Opening the package, Heisenberg leisurely ate the bread. Looking somewhat satisfied.


Leaving the Computer Room, I am now left with nothing to do. Thinking of where I should go, I was quickly reminded of my job quota.

"Right... I still haven't done a second task. What was that job that Harold told me again?"

Recollecting what the job was, I remembered that it involved some trouble by a guy named Richard in the same floor.

I wonder if anyone still haven't taken the job.

Not knowing the answer of the question. I began a search for where this Richard person could be. Knowing his located in the same floor as the Computer Room. Looking for him, would probably not be hard.

After a little bit of searching and asking for questions. I was led to a room called the Agronomy room. The people said that this Richard person works here. So with nothing to do, I calmly enter the place.

Entering the place, I was meet with a plethora of plants and animals. People taking care of creatures from their cages and some harvesting said crops. My first impression of the place, is me comparing it to a farm.

"Put those in the storage will you. We don't want it rotting here"

Amidst the people working in the place. A man in blue clothes stands out, by looking like his managing the place.

"Have the vegetables been delivered at the cafeteria?"

"Yes! Boss!"

"Good, and the live stocks?"

"Also delivered"

"Good! We're lucky that we still have enough cave bunnies delivered this month"

It seems that their busy with work. I wonder where I can fit to all of this.

Being too busy with their work, Bruce wasn't able to find any opportunity to strike a conversation. Standing silently in the middle of the place, Bruce was finally noticed by the man in blue clothes.

"Never seen your face around here. And who might you be?"

"Ahh... the names Bruce, a new recruit. I'm looking for a person named Richard. I've heard from Harold that he has troubles that is in need of fixing"

"That person would be me"

"I see, nice to meet you sir Richard"

"Greetings as well. So.. You want to take the job, eh?"

"If it's still available, that is..."

"Well lucky for you, I'm still taking some offer. Follow me at my office, will you. Talking here, would be somewhat inappropriate"


Following Richard, I eventually arrived at another room in the place. Aside from the abundant numbers of potted plants, the place looks like a typical office from the looks.

"Take a seat"

"Umm.. Thank you"

"Well then.. About the job.."

"Right.. Harold never once mentioned what the job was. So, I wondering what you were having trouble with"

"The job's quite easy so you don't have to worry"

"I see... Then let's hear it"

"As I mentioned, the mission that I was requesting is very easy. All you have to do is capture some cave bunnies"

"You mean those little creatures from the cages"

"Yes, I would need at least ten of those capture alive and safe"

"May I ask at least why you need these creatures?"

"Well... as I mentioned earlier. Supplies have been low, especially on cave bunnies. As such, I would like you to capture more of them for breeding purposes"

"I see... a supply problem. Then I accept your request, sir Richard"

"I'm glad. Also you can just call me Richard, formalities Isn't really my thing"

"We're quite alike then"

"Hahahaha... Isn't that a coincidence"

"May I also ask where I can capture those bunnies"

"Right! I forgot to mention it. You can capture those little cretins, north of here in the lower parts. They can be seen mostly near the lake where an abandoned Terratech facility is located"

"An abandoned Terratech facility?"

"Yeah, many of those facilities are located everywhere in Terracore. It's quite a mystery, why many of these facilities are abandoned"

"I see... is this all I have to know"

"Mostly, if you need equipment's for capturing those cretins. You can ask some in the storage"

"Thank you.. I suppose"

"Well, good luck out there"

Hearing all I need to hear; I prepare myself to begin the mission. But before I can even get out of the room. Another person appeared.

"Sir Richard, I heard you were having problems"

Who's this

"Oh, hi Evee. What might your reason, being here"

Dress in fine clothing, what intrigued me about the newly appeared woman. Was the fact, that she's carrying a sword.

"Sir Harold said that you were in need of help, so I came here"

"I see.. that's quite perfect, of you to come here in the last minute. Bruce here was about to leave and do the task by his own"


"Evee meet Bruce, his an agent just like you. And he already has taken the job, a minute ago"

"I see.."

"No need to look discourage. With you around, we can capture even more cave bunnies for breeding"

"Are you having trouble with supplies again?"

"Yep. So how about you and Bruce party up, to capture more cave bunnies"

"I don't mind partying up. Unless this guy agrees"

"U-umm.. I don't mind. Grouping up might be a better choice for this task"

"That's great. Both are in an agreement, then"

Grouping up.. this might be my first time partaking in said experience, ever since I was brought here in this world. I'm quite nervous about it..

"Never seen your face around here. The names Evee"

"Ahh.. The names Bruce, a new recruit. Nice to meet you miss E-Evee"

"I see.. then that explains why I've never seen you before"


"I guess... we have no choice but to work, for now. So don't hold me down, when trouble does arrive"

"I-I see.. then I'll do the best I could"

-End of Chapter 15

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