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31.11% TerraCore / Chapter 14: Chapter 13

Chapter 14: Chapter 13




"Arghhh... W-where.. I'm I?"

Waking up from my unwanted nap, I again found myself in an unfamiliar place. Inspecting the place, I've noticed that the area looks vastly different from the familiar settlement facility. With its aesthetics being not metallic and total lack of cameras and people. It's looks more like an underground subway area, if I'm being honest.

I wonder where in the world, have I been taken.

Reminiscing the events before I got here. I manage to vaguely remember a few things.

"Right... I was talking to that Heisenberg guy and I suddenly lost consciousness... Shit.. That guy probably did something to me..."

Waking up in solid concrete, I can already feel its effects perpetrating me. My back feels like shit, upon waking up. And as an added bonus, my head still hurts.

"A not so good lunch and now, this... I can quite say, that this day has been really good to me"

I was being sarcastic.

Fixing my posture and dusting off some dust that were in my clothes. I carefully thought of what I should to do. I'm not very familiar at where I'm currently at, and wondering off aimlessly might result in me getting lost.


"Maybe I should thoroughly explore the place, for now"

But before I can even act my plan, I was suddenly greeted with a familiar text which appeared in my view.

Psionic Training Quest is Now in Session

-Survive the Psionic Blue Ant Encounter

-Failure of Condition will result in Death


Heading the text's message, I quickly tried finding a spot to hide. Finding a somewhat secure spot between some barrels. I tried hiding there, while inspecting the area for any potential threat. Seeing that there isn't any danger at the moment, I was able to relax and assess my situation for a bit.




No dangers at sight... It seems that I'm safe, for now.


That scared me for a second. I thought it was going to be another rat situation... With that said, I don't remember accepting any quest, for this thing to trigger all of the sudden. Weird...

Inspecting the area, for the second time. And still not finding the threat. I grew extremely warry about my situation. Knowing that I can't find anything if I don't do something. I decided to explore the area.

Checking my jacket and finding that my gun is still intact. I became relieved for a little bit. It's good to know that I still have some sort of protection from all of this.

With my bullets check and gun ready. I started my journey into this place. Carefully and slowly maneuvering the area, I tried checking every nook and cranny of place just in case of dangers. Still not seeing the warned danger, I continue looking for a possible way out.

"Jeez... just show up already. This is making me more anxious that the rats encounter"

Continuing my search, I've managed to discover a few things. One thing I've noticed is that, despite looking like an underground subway area. The way to the rails seems to not exist or in more practical terms, I can't find it. And another thing of note, is that despite being somewhat large. A lot of the areas in the place just leads to dead ends and fenced up areas that I can't enter.


"Another dead end"

Seeing how, I just keep hitting dead ends. I tried resting for a while. Despite being a somewhat active person, for some reason I felt easily exhausted while searching the place. Which reminds me...

What time is it, anyway?

Being knock out, I wasn't really sure how long I have been here. I still have to buy Claire's dinner. So if she finds me missing until tonight, she certainly will grow worried.

The more reason, why I should hurry this up.

Now even more motivated to get out of this place, I continued my search.

While carefully sneaking through the halls of this place, I manage to hear some odd footsteps coming nearby. Alert of what's to come I tried hiding in some corner of the area, essentially concealing my presence.

What was that?

Awaiting for what's to come. I readied my gun, just in case I get into a tough spot. In a few seconds after hiding in my spot. a creature that looks out of this world, appeared from where I was before. The creature looks oddly like a blue ant in appearance, and the fact that it's huge in size and is standing with two leg is somewhat scaring me. Looking at it, I'm quite amazed with its structure and four arms. The creature could fit perfectly as a mob if this was a fantasy game. But knowing that it's not a game, I became extremely warry. With the thing essentially being somewhat close to my vicinity.


This must be the thing that the text was warning about...

Checking the creature for any activities, the thing suddenly began moving around the area. Judging from its movements, it seems that the creature still hasn't found where I am. Which is a relieve.

Not wanting to see what happens if it sees me, I readied my gun to fire. Seeing how the creature's movement seems very erratic, I hold my gun from firing until I'm sure to land a hit.

-Loud Train Sound

"What was that?"

Surprised at sudden noise, I lost focus on the creature for a moment. Seeing my grave mistake, I quickly focused back on the creature which upon seeing suddenly stopped its movement.


What the hell is it doing, now?... W-what the!

Like a creature finding a prey, the ant suddenly moved with a burst of movement. At first, I thought that it was coming towards me, but seeing how it just passed my spot. I was somewhat relieved to be proven wrong.




Wait... Shit!

Seeing the ant ran off, I again was reminded of another grave mistake. If the ant just suddenly ran off the area. My plan of gunning it down by surprise, will just be wasted.

Having no choose in the situation, I readied my gun. And began firing at the creature. Bullet shells drop one by one, as gunshots echo into the entire area. Firing round after round, I was quite shocked to see the results of my efforts.

"N-no way..."


Despite many bullets hitting the creature directly. It seems to have no effect and damage inflicted at the thing. Seeing how I just bombarded the ant with bullets, it seems that it finally found where I am.



Having my bullets render useless, I was left with no choice but to run. Speeding through the quite halls of the area, I ran as far away from the creature as possible. Seeing the action, I'd taken in the situation. The ant began chasing me as well.

Seeing the fast-approaching creature chased me. I began thinking of ways to get out in said situation. But seeing how bullets seem to be ineffective to the thing, I can't think of a single one.

Shit, shit, shit, shit!!

Running for my dear life, the ant eventually reached me and readied its claws. Sensing an incoming attack, I've managed to dodge in the nick of time. Essentially saving myself from decapitation. Seeing how its attack missed, the creature began another attack, which I again managed to dodge. Hopping out from the creature's ranged, I positioned my gun right into its face. Unloading what bullets, I have point black. I again was startled at how it did no damaged, and what it all did was just halt the creature for a few seconds.

"God... your more stubborn that a cockroach"


Recovered from its fazed state, the ant began another attack. Lunging with great speed than I could have anticipated, I panickily began dodging at its claw launch into my body. The ant's claw easily ripped a part of my jacket, but luckily for me, I escape its attack unscathed. But to my surprised, after missing its attack. The ant immediately went for a kick, which I didn't saw coming. Getting hit by its strong leg at the chest, I felt a massive pain cruise through my body as I hurl through the hall of the area.


Seeing my damage state, the ant began another launch unto me. Which unluckily for me, I got caught on. Pinning me down, with its strong arms. The ant began sharping its claws, as it readied to attack my face. Striking me down with a stabbing motion, I immediately moved my head in the nick of time, which luckily save my skin. With how sharp its claws are, the ant easily cracked the ground in where I was pinned to. Essentially holding its one arm, in place.

Seeing this opportunity, I began firing another round to its face. Stunning the ant in place, I've managed to get out of its grip. In which I again began firing another round.



Seeing that I already ran out of bullets. What my meaningless firing all did was just waste time. Not long after, the ant began recovering from its stunned state, for the second time. Readying another attack.


Sensing danger, incoming. I readied myself to dodge another attack. With all this close calls happening to me left and right, I'm somewhat surprised that I was able to dodge all of it. It's probably due to me, putting a majority of my points into Dodge and Evasion in the Character Building Tool.

But before I can even dodge another attack, a familiar loud noise can be heard echoing the area, for the second time.

-Loud Train Noise!


Having the noise appear all of the sudden, it seems to have affect the behavior of the ant in some way. The ant began moving erratically and its readiness from before seem to have vanished. Seeing this, I'm quite baffled at what just occurred.

W-what the...

After the noise vanished the ant started moving normally, again. But instead of launching another attack at me. The ant began moving in the room aimlessly, looking like it's searching for its prey.

The hell...

Seeing the situation, I decided to not move from where I was. Despite me being in its vicinity, it seems that it's unable to locate where I'm standing. Seeing how the situation played out, an idea of what the creature might be, easily formed into my mind.

No way... don't tell me that this thing is actually blind.

Still wondering aimlessly at the area, I'm now more convinced that my assumption is right. Seeing this development occurred suddenly, I was struck with another idea on how to kill this creature. All I need to do for now, is to wait for this thing to leave this place.




After for what seem to be a long time, the creature finally leaved the area. Seeing this, I was somewhat relieved. Having to not move for quite a long time was getting on my mental state. With that said, inspecting the area for the ant's presence and seeing that it's thoroughly gone. I began moving again.

My plan for now is to look for where that train noise is coming from. Reloading my gun and unloading some bullets from my magazine. I began my search of where the noise is coming from.

Carefully maneuvering the place while not making any loud sound. I thoroughly look in every nook and cranny of the place in search of the area where the train noise was from. In my search, I've managed to encounter the ant a few times. Of which I was able to distract it, by throwing a bullet at the opposite of where I was. I did this for a few times until I reached an area with an ominous looking stair that goes from above. Seeing how I have no choice; I began climbing the stairs, which eventually brought me to an area, that looks like a subway station.

From where I was, I can see a few chairs and signs that looked pretty abandoned. Lights flickering in and out and not far from where I am, was a subway tunnel and rail tracks. This is probably where the train sound was coming from.

Checking the area for any dangers and seeing none. I was able to relax for a little bit and rest at one of the chairs. Having reached this part of the plan, I tried checking how many bullets I currently have. Seeing how I'm pretty low with ammo and with a ripped jacket. I'm quite astonished at how I was able to drain this amount of money in just a day.

Which reminds me... where the hell is my money.

Checking my pockets to see if I still have it. Sweat swiftly appears around my face, as I realized that the envelop of money that I have is missing. With this realization in mind, my concern about the ant's danger has now been greatly downplayed. If I don't find that money immediately, Claire's going to kill me.

Not eager to give up, I tried looking in my pockets again, but to no avail. Seeing this unseen development, I sadly sit in my chair while wondering at what will happen to me after this. With nothing much to do, I finally began my plan on motion.

Readying my gun, I began firing at the area. Making as much loud noise as possible. Satisfied with the work, I await for the unsuspecting victim of my plan to arrive.





In a few minutes of waiting, the ant finally arrived to where I was. Knowing that it can't see me without making a noise. I just quietly sat on one of the chairs, while holding a bullet in my hand. Aimlessly moving at the place, I watched as the creature helplessly look for its prey. Having enough with my curiosity for the day. I fling the bullet through the rails, hitting it on the process; which produced a sound that echoed through the place.

Hearing the sound. As expected, the ant mindlessly jumped from where the bullet was.

Game over...

With my plan completed. All I have to do now, is wait for the creature's demised. Precisely a few minutes later, a familiar sound loudly echoed through the place. With how loud the noise was, the helpless ant was left paralyzed at the rail tracks while screeching in pain. Not being able to moved out in its way, the ant was eventually crushed by the speeding train. Ending its life in brutal fashion.

-Quest Accomplished

Psionic Training Quest: Survive the Psionic Blue Ant Encounter

Status: Completed

Reward: 200 EXP, Small High Quality Psionium

-Claim Reward: Yes/No

Psionium? What's that?

Not wanting to waste time, being stuck in this place. I ignored the rewards for now. With this ordeal essentially over, I should try finding a way out in this place.

But before I can even begin my search, a familiar feeling suddenly surges through my body. Making me collapsed, yet again.




"Quite Impressive... I never thought that you would actually kill the thing"

Emerging from the shadows, is none other than Heisenberg. Looking at the squashed-up bug, the old man can't help but be impressed at Bruce's performance. Pulling a phone-like device from his pockets, Heisenberg tried calling for someone to be in this unknown place.

"... Help me.. Drag this kid, will you.."

Finished with his phone call, Heisenberg then put the device back to where it belongs. Moving closer to Bruce's collapsed body. He silently watched as Bruce quietly sleep through the floor

"I guess... Isaac wasn't lying about his assumptions"

-End of Chapter 13




Funny Stories with Author-kun: House almost got burned down due to my electric meter suddenly blowing up. Lucky for me i bought a fire extinguisher a year ago. So for now, my power is down until it's repaired. Good thing i managed to finished this chapter before it happened.

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