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Chapter 12: Chapter 11

After our little lunch, me and Claire went back to our dorms. Still angry at me for some reason, Claire hasn't talked me even after we got home. Confuse of why it's happening, I was reminded of my plan to meet doctor Isaac after lunch. After telling Claire that I have something to do, that relates to my job. I quickly headed to the floor where the clinic was located.

Arriving at the Clinic, I again knock on the door and carefully enter the place.

Let's hope nothing explodes when I enter the place.

Entering the place, I was surprised to see that the damages from before have already been repaired. The place now looks like what it was before the explosion happened.

"I wonder where doc., is?"

Looking for Isaac in the clinic, I arrived at his office. Entering the place, I again was surprised to meet Lily standing the in the office by herself. It seems that she's watering some kind of flower.

"Umm... H-hello"

"Oh, It's you. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Doctor Isaac"

"Let me guess, it's because of something psionic related?"

"Y-yes, Is he around?"

"His at the council meeting in the 6th floor. I'm pretty sure that he'll be back soon. So how about you take a seat, for now"

"Thank you"

Taking a seat at one of the available seats in the office. I tried observing the place, as I wait for Isaac to arrive. Looking at the office, I can't see anything noteworthy that grabs my attention. The place looks like your typical office, with cabinets, chairs and tables filled with paper. But with that said, the plants; especially the flower, does look intriguing.

"Doctor Isaac mentioned that the flower that tells one's psionic category is in his office. I was wondering if that flower is the one, he mentioned"

"... Quite observant of you. Indeed, said flower is the one he mentioned"

"I see... I wonder how it's able to tell one's psionic category"

"You seem very intrigued at this flower. Would you like to try it, yourself?"

"U-umm.. I've just unlocked my psionic potential yesterday. So, I'm still developing my category. Plus, wouldn't I need Doctor Isaac's permission to try it?"

"Not really, anyone with my permission and Isaac's can try the flower by themselves. Plus, trying the flower would act as some sort of training for you"

"What do you mean?"

"Basically, the flower doesn't just act as a thing that tells one's category. It has very convenient function that beginner psionic users might find useful"

"And what's that?"

"Remember what Isaac said about the flower"

"You mean the one, where the flower reacts differently depending on the user's category?"

"Yes, that one"

"What about it?"

"What he told you about the flower, wasn't the whole the story, to say... There were things that he wasn't able to tell in yesterday's meeting"

"I see... Now I'm intrigued. Would you mind telling me what those are?"

"Well if you insist... The flower indeed reacts differently depending on the user's category. But Isaac forgot to mention, how the flower's reaction also varies in one's experience"

"What do you mean?"

"Basically, the quality of the reaction is different from each user's experience with psionics. For example, the flower reacts by growing and fully blooming if an enhancement user projects their psionic energy on it. But how the flower grows depends on the user's experience. A fully experienced enhancement psionic user can easily make the flower grow and bloom. But a beginner on the other hand will have a hard making it grow. And in most cases, will take even take months of training for the user to make the flower bloom. Hearing my explanation, I'm pretty sure, you already know what I'm trying to say"

"W-what you're saying is that... the flower can act as a visual indicator of one's understanding of psionics and as a tool for training"

"Quite smart of you. I would have been disappointed if you still didn't get it, after my explanation"

Having this conversation with Lily, I've managed to gain more understanding about psionics and things that relates to it. I've yet to use one ability by myself, but hearing more about it, the more I want to be able to use it.

"What about it, new guy? What to try it?"

"I understand what you've just said. But how does it help me, who's still developing its psionic energy. Wouldn't the flower not react, if I try it?"

"Good question. But you don't have to worry about it. The flower will still absorb your psionic energy if you project into it. Making you essentially train basic Psionics and as an added bonus helps to the development of your psionic energy faster"

"I see... that's indeed very helpful..."

With that said... I'm not quite sure if trying the flower out, will be the best for me. I've not only used a majority of my points in all 3 categories. Having someone's psionic category formed in just 1 day, might aroused suspicion on me. But... I currently don't have much going on me, when it comes to psionics. And as far as I know, Lily and Doctor Isaac are the only people knowledgeable about psionics that can help me. If I don't choose now, all I did will just be useless...

Thinking hard about my current situation. I've finally decided on what to do.

"Ahhhh... I guess, giving it a try won't hurt"

"Good. Here, you can try it for yourself"

Grabbing the potted plant and putting it on a table. Lily tried calling me over, to try the flower for myself.

"So... how does one project their psionic energy onto the flower, anyway?"

"Just placed your hands, near the flower. And try imagining, you letting something out inside your body. Like sweating for example"

Weird analogy, but okay...

Placing my hands near the flower, I first tried analyzing the thing in front of me. The flower looks nothing like any regular flower that I've seen in my past life. And seeing it up-close, I feel a somewhat strange aura into it.

-Divination Flower

Category: Plants

Description: Unknown

There is it, again.

"Focus! New guy"

"A-ah! Sorry"

Caught surprised by another text popping out in my view. I tried ignoring said mystery. For now, my focus should be on this thing.

Calming my senses and trying what Lily has told me. I suddenly felt a weird sensation in my body, which is quite hard to describe. I felt very weak and tired to the core, and I can't help but feel like sleeping all of the sudden.

"... Focus, new guy. You're leaking too much of your psionic energy"


Heading Lily's words and looking at my body. I was quite surprised to see an aura like thing coating all over me. What I'm seeing feels like something that straight out of fantasy, as such I wasn't able to focus on the task on hand.


Standing at place, I suddenly felt a slight dizziness in my head. My eyes feel like it wants to rest and my tired state became even more than it was before.

S-so.. t-tired...

Not being able to stand what I'm doing. My body, suddenly feel unto the ground. But before I can even touch the ground itself, I was caught by Lily at the last second.

"A-aahhh.. T-thank you..."

"Jeez.. I told you to focused your energy on the flower. You can't even follow, simple instructions"



"For now... How about you try resting in one of the chairs. You leaking that much psionic energy, will probably leave you tired for a whole day"



Witnessing what she just saw earlier. Lily can't help but be mesmerized at what just happened.

A person whom she knows, that just unlocked his psionic potential yesterday. Was able to emit a large amount of psionic energy in just 1 day. Not only that, the reaction of which the flower gave when Bruce's psionic energy was projected on it, also surprised her.

Am I seeing things...

Looking at the flower. The thing seems a bit larger than it was before. By Lily's knowledge, that could only mean that it was projected by an enhancement category psionic energy. But seeing what just happened, she knows for the fact that it isn't the case for this matter.

What she witnessed, was the divination flower, moving, growing and spouting spores at the same time. It was nothing like she has seen in her past observations and experience.

Don't tell me...

Still shocked at what she just witnessed; Lily wasn't able to noticed that Isaac already entered the room.

"Fascinating... In just one day, he was already able to fully developed his category"


"Hello Lily, I'm back. Now then... What do we have here... Judging from the flower, I'm guessing that Bruce here, is in the enhancement category?"

"I think you should take a closer look"


Observing the flower, Isaac was also shocked to see some spores in the flower's pot.


"Not only that, it also moved when he projected his psionic energy on it"

"... This truly is, a fascinating case. What's Bruce's condition, now"

"Nothing critical, his just tired from leaking a majority of his psionic energy"

"I see... quite a normal scene to see from every beginner. When you reckon his going to wake up?"

"Probably a few hours"

"Well then... how about you help me carry him to the beds before that happens"

"-Sigh ...Fine"

"Hahahaha... sorry about this"

"It's fine... But still, I haven't seen any similar case, like this in the past. I assume his one of those people whom you mention?"

"Indeed, he is. It's quite rare to see one in person. Most especially one that is this close"

"I see.."

His acting weird again.

"I'm quite excited to see, how this develops. Let's hope that it doesn't disappoint"





Waking up from another slumber, I again found myself in a somewhat familiar room.

Isn't this the clinic...

"Why hello there Bruce, fancy seeing you again"

Looking at my surrounding, I again noticed both Isaac and Lily. Seeing this scene, I can't help but feel a sort of déjà vu.

"Did something happen to me?"

"Well.. You sort of passed out. And we had to carry you here, again"

Hearing what Isaac said, I now remember what happened. I was trying out the divination flower when all of the sudden I felt tired. I assume I passed out, when I was resting at one of the chairs.

"I see..."

"Well it happens to everyone, so how about you rest for now. It would be a tragedy if something bad happens to you, now"

Looking at Isaac, I can't help but feel weird sensation at him. Judging from his looks, he seems more excited than before. I wonder if something happened while I was passed out"

"You seem to be more thrilled, than the last time I saw you. Did something good happened while I was passed out?"

"... Quite observant of you... I can't help but praise that eyes of yours"


"Hahaha.. No need to give that look, I'm quite serious about it. Rarely do people manage to read me, so I'm impressed. Anyhow... How you feel?"

"... Quite okay, I'm still tired though"

"I can quite see that. Lily said that you were leaking a majority of your psionic energy when tried the flower. So, I suggest you try and practice more, to prevent that from happening in the future"

"Practice ehhh... I guess it can't hurt to try. Say... can you tell me what the result of my effort in the flower, did?"

To be honest, despite not knowing what the flower's reaction are. I already know the general result of what I did. The only reason why I tried asking, is to erase any hint of suspicion on me. What I've done is probably abnormal, in their standards. But telling them of the Character Building Tool, might arouse danger to me. As such, I shall play the fool and not tell my hidden cards, for now.

"... You're quite a fascinating fellow, Bruce. Not only have you developed your psionic category in just 1 day. You're also shown to be Multi-User"


"Basically, you're someone who has multiple psionic categories. In your case, you're a Tri-User; being able to use all three categories"

"I-I see... And that's a good thing, right?"

"Not just good, your case can be more compared to winning the lottery. Having 2 categories is rare enough. But 3, that's just abnormal to me"


"Anyhow, it quite a rarity to stumble such fascinating occurrence. So how about we make an agreement, Bruce?"

"Agreement? And what would that be?"

"No need to be that tense about it. I'm pretty sure that you'll find, what I'm about to say to be a good trade"

"Well, I'm all ears then"

"Good. What I'm trying to suggest is that you basically help me in exchange of me helping you. I'm pretty sure that you already know, that you don't have much knowledge about psionics. Nor have you learned any psionic abilities"

"I already know that. That's why I'm even here in the first place"

"I see.. Then that just makes it easier. So? What about it?"

"Before that, I want to clarify one thing, first. You said you want my help, but what kind of help are you talking about. Cause if it's anything to do with body experimentation, I most likely would have second doubts"

"Hahahaha. You're quite a funny guy, Bruce. But I assure you, that it has nothing to do with what you're thinking. Even if I dissect you, your body would still be normal. So, you don't have to worry about it. What asking you help for, is just some clarifications about psionics"


"You see, Bruce. Psionics is still a new study, in this world. Many mysteries about it, is still unsolved. And with you being a Multi-User, you can possibly help me solve said mysteries and discover more things about it"




Thinking more about it. I can quite say that his suggestion isn't that bad. I really need to learn psionic abilities the most. And just by helping him with his curiosity. I can probably get even more than what I wanted.

"You promise that it doesn't involve, body experimentation?"

"You can take my word, for it"

"... Fine, I'll agree to your agreement"

"Wise decision, Bruce"


"So? What now?"

"Well... you're still tired from earlier. So, what you have to do is rest, for now. As for your training, I'll have Lily here, train you first. When you finally reach the advance levels, that's where I'll get more involved. So, good luck"


Due to me being tired, I've spent a few hours of my time staying in the clinic. While being in bed, can be boring at times. I was treated with the tasty tea from yesterday, which did help energize me in a way. I've also learned a few things about the settlement and manage bond more with Isaac and Lily. I still haven't told them about the Character Building Tool, due to probable dangers that it can gave me. But at this moment, I can quite say that I've manage to get myself some good allies. And with the possibility of learning some psionic abilities in hand, I'm now more equip to handle the dangers in this world.

-End of Chapter 11

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