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24.44% TerraCore / Chapter 11: Chapter 10

Chapter 11: Chapter 10

With a new day arose, I officially have been in this world for about 3 days. Due to the promise that I made with Claire. I'm preparing myself with another cold bath to start off my day.

Quite a shame that the clothes that sir Banner gave me, immediately got dirtied. Now I'm stuck with these old ones.

With the clothes that sir Banner gave me, still on the wash. I've decided to wear my old one for now. Thinking more about it. I should probably buy a new one for myself, in case such situations occurred for the 2nd time.

With my preparations done, I came looking for Claire to see if she's ready.

"You done now Claire?"

"Almost! Just give me a second"




With her preparations also completed. Claire came out to the bedroom, wearing a neat looking dress. The dress of her is covered with a jacket, which aesthetically looks pleasing to me. And despite looking old, I can thoroughly see that the dress was handled with care throughout its lifetime.

"You look nice in that dress"

"... T-thanks..."

Complementing Claire's choice of clothes, I can somewhat see her face turning slightly red.

I guess she's very shy when it comes to these things.

"So, you're ready now?"

"Yes... but do we seriously have to waste money to buy me some clothes. I'm perfectly fine with what I have now"

"Well we can't really do much about our money if we don't spend it. Besides were not just going to buy some clothes, I'm also planning on buying some Mushboar steak for lunch"

"Mush-b-boar s-steak..."

Hearing my words, I can already the drool coming out of Claire's mouth. I guess she really loves that steak, if she's already drooling just by the mention of it.

"F-fine, I'll join you in this date. I guess big bro is just so lonely, that he has to tempt me with Mushboar steak"


"I want two Mushboar steak, by the way. So we better hurry, big bro"

"Fine... But slowdown will you, I don't want seeing you, get into an accident"

"What am I? a kid? Hurry up, big bro!"


And with our preparations over, we headed off to the elevator to reach the 2nd floor. Holding Claire's hand as the elevator gears began moving, we silently waited for the elevator to bring us to our destination.


"So, this is what the 2nd floor looks like"

"You've never been in this floor, Claire?"

"Yeah, I never really got to explore this place as much as I would like to"

"I see... Now that we're here. How about we go and meet the person who'll sell us the things we needed"


Continuing our journey, we headed straight to the facility's warehouse.

Arriving at the warehouse. I still see Grace, sitting in her usual seat looking pretty bored. Unlike the first time of seeing her, it seems that she isn't dozing off, this time.


"Hmm? Oh, it's you. Have you finally decided to buy this time?"

"Just as promised, I came here to buy some clothes"




"It seems that you weren't lying about having a sister. I guess that erases my suspicion of you being a maniac"


Hearing what Grace just said. Claire can't help but be confused. I guess I'm somewhat lucky for bringing her here.

"Enough of that will you, we're here to buy stuff. So, do you the clothes or not?"

"I've already said so before, I have the things you needed. Just tell me what you want and I'll bring it"

"That's good. Now then, what clothes would like, Claire?"

"Eh? A-aahhh... I-I'm actually not that knowledgeable about clothes... S-so I don't know what to buy"

"I see... That's understandable. Hoy! Tin head, guide the kid inside will you. Have her look at the available clothes we have"

Having troubles with Claire's purchase. Grace tried calling, one of stationary guards in the warehouse. It seems that she's letting Claire inside.

"Your allowed to do that?"

"Not really. Normally I'll just bring the items that a customer would want to purchase. But considering that she's a kid, I'll allow her inside as an exception. Plus... bringing a lot of items can be a bit tiring"

I see... she's just being lazy


Entering a new place, by herself. It seems that Claire is a bit scared. Being new to said situation, Claire can't help but take a glance at where I was.

"Go take a look at what you want to buy. I'll just wait for you here"


Guided with the guard that Grace called. Claire slowly enter the inside of the warehouse. And with Claire gone, I'm now alone with Grace who seem to be getting bored.




"Say... can I ask you a question"

"As long if it's not a boring one, sure"

"... Do you know anything about psionics?"

"That's an odd question, but if you're wondering what my answer is. It would yes"

"Oh, really?"

"With the Arena getting more popular, who wouldn't know about psionics these days"

"Arena? What's that?"

"Don't tell me that you don't know what the Arena is?"

"Ahhh... sorry. I busy living in the slums back in east Terracore, so this is my first-time hearing about it"

"You're quite an odd fellow, new guy... The Arena is a very popular televised program, broadcasted in all of Terracore. It is similar in vein to a gladiatorial match where people fight each other to see who's the strongest. If you want to see intense action, gore and death. I suggest giving it a watch, if you're into said things"

"Death? Is it like a fight to the death kind of competition?"

"Kind of. The win condition of a normal Arena fight, is just to render your opponent unable to fight. But killing them is not banned, so you tend to see one happen every now and then"

"I-I see...That's quite a scary thing. But what does it have to do with psionics?"

"Well, a few notable fighters in the Arena are psionic users. So one tends to get familiar with it, just by watching the Arena"

"And I assume, you're one of those people?"

"Well... you're not wrong. But why the interest of psionics, lately?"

"I've just discovered that I'm psionic user yesterday and I want to conform something with you?"

"Good for you, having wizard powers and shit. I'm quite envious. So? what's the thing that you want conformation?"

"I want to know what weapon suites best with a psionic user"

"Hmmm.... that's quite a hard question"

"T-there's no need for you to answer, if you're not able to"

"No... it's the just that every psionic user specialize in different fields, is the one making the question of what weapon universally suites them hard"

"What does that mean?"

"Basically, psionic has 3 categories which all specialize in different fields. For example, an Enhancement with its enhancing ability can specializes in both long and short range when it comes to combat. An Elemental on the other hand, lacks the protective measures that an Enhancement can do. That's why most users of said category tend to specialize in long range. And lastly Thought Control, with its unique way of implementation can only specialize in short range. But depending on the situation that the user is in, he/she can go long range "

"I see, each category has its ups and down"

"In a way. So, if you want to know what weapon suites you more. I'll need to know what category you're on"

Hearing what Grace just said. I was quickly reminded that I spent a majority of my points on all three categories. From all the information that I've gathered so far, I've never heard of a psionic user that is able to use all three categories. So with this new development in hand, I'm now stuck in a situation of where revealing my categories can be either grow suspicion on me or not.

"Ahhh... I-I'm still developing it. So I don't know what category I belong yet"

"I see, Good luck on that then"

While thinking about the new predicament that I've stumble into. Claire finally came out, in the warehouse. Looking more closely at her. I can see that the clothes that she's wearing is completely different from before. The sense of style is still the same, with her new clothes being a dress and a jacket. But the clothes that she is wearing, looks completely brand new unlike her previous one and the color is also different. The dress she is wearing is colored white, while her jacket looks darkish purple.

While busy looking at her clothes, I was caught off-guard when a new text suddenly pops up in my view.

-White Dress

Category: Clothing

Description: Unknown

What the hell is this?

Looking at it, I can see that it looks somewhat similar to an item description that I have seen in many games. But instead of being filled with text about the item. I was instead, greeted with a description that says unknown.

Is this the Identification Feat that I've unlocked yesterday. If so, how the hell did I activate this.

But before I can even comprehend what just happened. I was brought back to reality by Claire.

"Umm.. What do you think, big bro?"

"Huh?.. A-aahh.. r-right.. I-I think you look cute in that. Umm.. great choice of clothing, if I say so myself"


Hearing my panicked attempt at complementing her. Claire's face suddenly looked a bit red. I guess she's not that good at complements, judging by her reaction.

"Now then... How much does her clothes cost?"

"Her clothes cost about 4 silver monetas in total. With that said, are you sure this is all you want to buy?"

"Oh right! I almost forgot. Are there still any of the same type of clothes, that you brought yesterday? I kind of want to buy another one"

"Sorry, but we're out of stock with that brand of clothing. The latest earthquake damage cut off our supply chain. So for now, we're just waiting for the latest things to arrive. But I've heard that they'll be finished with the repairs by tomorrow so I can probably deliver one to you by 2 or 3 days"

"That's fine, I can wait. So how much would it cost to deliver one to me"

"Well... along with her dress, your order will total to 12 silver monetas"

"One last thing, also"

Knowing that Claire will grew suspicious of me, if she hears what I'm about to say out loud. I went a bit closer to Grace and whisper another order of mine, into her ears.

"Could you please add another 5 magazines with that. I'm sure you already know what type I'm looking for. And could you please not mention any of this to her. I'm screwed if she finds out"

In a quick chuckle, Grace quietly says.

"Sure. But that would 22 monetas in total"



Confused of not knowing what Bruce and Grace are talking about. Claire grew a bit suspicious about their relationship. Not wanting any of this to continue, Claire quickly approached Bruce and grab him by her hand.

"Are we done here, big bro?"

"Almost, I still have to pay her for the things we ordered"

"Ok. But hurry up will you, big bro. I'm want to eat Mushboar steak"

"Fine-fine, just let me pay her and we'll go on our way"

Letting go of her brother's hand. Claire carefully watch him as he pays Grace. Seeing their secret interaction earlier, she can't help but feel a bit envious inside.

Looking at her more closely, I can somewhat admit that she looks kind of beautiful. That pale skin of hers and that rack... I guess it would make sense that big bro would fall for her. Wait a minute.... What am I saying! I promised big bro that we'll lived together and be a normal family in the future. So, I can't have any witch seducing him now. Keep it together Claire.

Keeping her cool. And waiting for her brother to finished. Claire intensely glared at the women whom she declared as a mortal enemy.

Seeing her glares and finding it cute. Grace casually smiles at Claire and wished them good luck.

With their shopping now over. Claire and Bruce made their way back to the elevator. Knowing what's to come Claire can't help but be excited.

"Let's go, big bro"

"You're always this excited when it comes to steak, do you?"

"Who doesn't get excited when it comes to Mushboar steak"


With the facility elevator finally arriving, they casually hop on into the thing, to reach the floor where the cafeteria is located. While waiting to arrive at their destination, Claire can't help but take a quick glimpsed at her brother.

Seeing big bro as of lately, I get the feeling that his a bit down. I guess big bro is still adjusting to this place... Is there any way that I can help him...

While busy thinking of things, that can help Bruce. The elevator that they were riding, quickly reached their destination. Surprised at sudden turn of events. Claire was forced to leave the things that she thought, for now. And leave the elevator along with Bruce.

Walking through the facility halls to the cafeteria. Claire can't hold her concerns any longer. And decided to speak out about it.

"U-umm... Big Bro, is there anything wrong?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well... as of lately, I can't help but feel that you're a bit down. So I'm wondering if you're facing any trouble"

"I see... You're quite observant. But you don't have to worry about anything. Your big brother has it under control"


"Claire, I promised you that I'm perfectly fine. So you don't have to worry about me at all. If anything, you should worry about yourself"

'I-I'm perfectly fine. You're the one looking depressed in here and making me worried"

"S-sorry... I guess I'm just stressed out from all the things I'm experiencing lately"

"No need to apologize. I'm just worried that's all... I-I.. Is there any way that I can at least help you"

"Hahahaha, how nice of you. But you looking cute is already helping me a lot"

Hearing Bruce say said words. Claire's face became slightly red. Not expecting her brother to say such words to her, Claire can't help but be flustered.

"I-I'm not joking about it, I'm completely serious!"

"Who said I was joking"

Hearing Bruce's words again. Claire's face became even more red.

What the hell is big bro saying!!! Me being cute and it helping him... T-that's s-so-so.... A-aaahhhh..

With her face glowing red and her heart beating fast. Claire can no longer think straight. With the situation she's in, being very embarrassing for her. She tried slapping Bruce in the face and saying her usual words.

"Big bro, you're such a dumbass!!!"

Running away as she slapped him. Bruce was left dumbfounded at what just happened.

"W-what did I do wron-. Wait!! Claire, where are you going!!"

"I don't want to see big bro's face anymore!"

"What about the steak!!"

Their little chase went for about a few minutes, before settling down. After which they resumed their promised lunch. Due to Bruce, pissing off Claire in their conversation earlier. Which he still doesn't know why it occurred. Bruce was forced to order 3 Mushboar steak for Claire. Having 3 steaks for a kid seems overboard for Bruce, but seeing how Claire gobble all three steaks down like it was nothing. Bruce, assumes that she'll probably be fine.

-End of Chapter 10

Author Note: Slight chapter delay, due to our internet wires getting cut off (literally) yesterday. I'll have to use Internet Load to post my chapters, for now. So sorry for the inconvenience.

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