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11.11% TerraCore / Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Arriving at the shooting range, I casually glance the area first. From what I'm seeing, it just looks like a normal shooting range which I often see in action movies or shows. Not too far from where I am, I see an old looking man sitting from a chair in a relaxed manner.

It's probably the old man that Grace mentioned

"Ahh.. Hello there..."

"Hmmm... I haven't seen you face around here, you new?"

"Yes, the names Bruce Edwards. A new recruit"

"I see... then I assume you're here to try out the shooting range?"

"Yes, Grace said I can receive a free magazine if I practice here"

"That indeed is true but you can only have one. So I suggest you to cherish it while it last, bullets can be very expensive. Now then, tell me what type of gun you have?"

"Ahhh... this is the pistol that I have"

Forgetting what type of pistol, I have. I showed it to the old man to get some conformation.

"A 5mm pistol ehhh... just wait for a moment"

Opening a drawer that was near to him. I got to see a collection of magazines, clips and bullets inside. Picking a single magazine from the various collection, he then closed the drawer and came to me.


Casually throwing the magazine to my direction. I was caught surprise for a moment but manage to catch the magazine without much problem.

"If you want try now, just pick any spot available"

"Thank you"

"No problem"

Hearing what the old man said, I picked the closest available spot from where I was. Loading my pistol, I stand still from my shooting spot while glancing at the practice dummy.


Calm down, calm down, you're just practicing. You've seen these things many times in movies. You just have to grip the gun hard, aim and shoot.

Griping the gun hard and calming my senses. I then begin shooting my pistol.





Riding the elevator up to the 6th floor. I recall my efforts of practicing my pistol in the 2nd floor.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! That was so embarrassing.

What happened back in the 2nd floor was somewhat embarrassing. Despite my great efforts of holding the gun well, I kinda missed every shot that I made. Seeing my shitty performance at the shooting range, I heard a little chuckle came from the old man.

After that situation, I just decided to get out from that floor and meet the head doctor that sir Banner mentioned.

Not wanting to remember the embarrassing moment that happened earlier. I focused my thoughts on thing that lies ahead for now.

Arriving in the 7th floor, I carefully looked for the clinic that was said to somewhere in this floor. Seeing a door with a red + sign from the top, I think I finally found what I was looking for. Arriving at the door and slowly opening it. I again await for the things that I'll encounter past this door.


To my surprise, upon opening the door I found no one at the clinic.

"Huh? It seems that no on-"


Out of nowhere and without warning, an explosion occurred in one of the rooms of the clinic.

"W-what the hell was that"

A huge smoke can be seen from where the explosion occurred. And along with it, a man that is wearing a lab coat also emerges.


"I guess that was a failure"


"Oh my? I haven't seen your face around these parts. Welco-"

Before he can even finish his sentence. The man in a lab coat suddenly drop in the ground. Seeing this I immediately rushed to the downed man to give him some sort of help

"U-uhhhmmmm... a-are you okay?"

"Ahhh.. I'm perfectly fine... I still haven't introduced myself yet. The names Isaac, head doctor of this settlement. N-nice to meet you"

"T-the names Bruce Edwards, but we should be focusing on introductions right now. You look liked you're in bad shape"

"Hahahah, please don't worry about it. This is no prob- [cough-cough] …. Oh my? Blood, how fascinating"

Seeing the man in my arms just cough blood. My concerns just got higher.

"I don't think that you're fine at all. Wait here for a moment, I'll find someone to help"

But before I can even move myself. The clinic door suddenly opened, with a woman whom I don't know entering inside.


"Why hello there, Lily"

"You dumbass. You know how much of the budget you waste, every time you blow something up"

"Hahaha, sorry"

"I seriously can't believe why Banner made you the head doctor of this place"

Seeing how nonchalant they are in their conversation. I can assume that this isn't the first time that this happened.

"Oh? And who might you be?"

"Ahh... my name is Bruce Edwards"


"Well good thing you aren't hurt from whatever the hell Isaac did to this place"

Yeah... lucky me

"Bruce Edwards ehh.. It seems that you're the person that I was looking for"

"Ah yes, sir Banner said that you were looking for me"

"Eh? Don't me tell that you've move to experimenting on things to humans now Isaac?"

"Oh my? How rude. I'm still a Doctor you know"

"Yeah... an exploding one"

Huh... it seems that I've manage to meet another peculiar group of people in this place.

"Well enough with that for now, how about we start with the thing that I asked you to be here for?"

"Umm... are you sure? You were just coughing out blood earlier"

"Don't mind it new guy. Despite his looks he survived far worse things that what happened today"

Ehhh... how carefree are you people with explosions

"Well... with that said, how about we move to my office for now. Staying here Is somewhat unformal due to the smoke and mess from the explosion"


"Well it seems that im not part of this conversation. So I'll just go back to work for now. Don't forget to clean this mess up Isaac"

"There's no need for you to leave Lily. You being here is somewhat convenient for the thing that I'm about discuss with Bruce here"

"From your words just now, I assume that this new guy is one as well"

One as well? What are they talking about?

"Well, how about we saved that discussion and move for now"

And with that, we moved to Isaac's office that was also inside the clinic.

"Both of you can take a seat for now, while I prepare tea. Sorry for the mess back there Bruce"

'It's okay, I wasn't even hurt from it"

Giving us a cup from the tea that he prepared, I was somewhat taken a back from it. The tea was pretty good, even better from the one's that I used to drink. Which is a surprised for me, considering from the information that I have gathered; this place is supposed to be underground.

"That's quite a face there Bruce. I guess you never tasted this kind of tea before?"

"Ummm.... yes, this tea is quite new to me"

"Well enjoy then. Introducing ourselves again my names Isaac and this woman here is Lily"

"Nice to meet both of you"

"Introductions aside, do you know why I asked you to be here Bruce?"

"Not really, I was wondering the same thing as well"

"Well before we answer that. Do you know a thing or two about psionics?"

"Psionics? What's that?"

"Lily, could you please explain to Bruce here what's psionics is"


"Figures that you'll be talking about that. Listen up new guy, Psionics is the ability or use of psychic powers or paranormal abilities"


"Ever since the existence of Terracore, plants and creatures of this world have been shown to have said capabilities. But from the past 200 years some humans have been shown to have the same capabilities as well. As for the origin of it, it's still a total mystery. Some theorized that the reason of why psionics exist in this place is due to Terratech's creations, while others say that this place itself is the one that is giving the creatures of this place psychic powers. As for the case of humans, despite of having no knowledge of how it happened and why it happens. It is pretty much conformed and studied that the reason why some humans have psionics capability is due to a genetic mutation"

"Wait, wait, wait, let me process it first"

Wtf, underground society, fantasy like creatures and now psychic abilities. The more I learn about this world, the stranger it gets.

"You okay now Bruce?"

"I think I get it now, but what does have to do with me?"

"Well you see Bruce, from studying your health records I manage to find out that you're one of the few people who have a psionic potential"

"Wait... does that mean, that I can read people's minds and stuff"

"Hahahaha well you're not wrong in a sense. But you can do more than that"

Oh my, how convenient and here I thought that I'll just be powerless from the things in this world

"So... how do I unlocked this potential?"

"There are multiple ways of unlocking one's psionic potential. The most common one is by having the one with the psionic potential feel extreme mental trauma"

"Ehhhh.... I don't think I like the sound of it"

"That's understandable, but I'm not here to traumatize you. I already tried that method once"


When Isaac mentioned what he said, I've noticed that Lily's face looked somewhat gloomy for a moment.

"Anyway, what I need you to do is take this drug to unlocked your potential"




"D-does this hurt me, in anyway?"

"Did you know Bruce that many scientists experience many failures just for the pursuit of science. Your current predicament can be applied to said words"

His not denying it

"But aren't you a doctor?"

"Different title but still a man science. If anything, that's the more reason why you should trust me"

Thinking more about it, having a psionic ability is extremely essential to me. From my performance earlier, it indeed shows how I lack some survival skills and combat capabilities to survive in this unknown place. And knowing the treats that I can potentially face, the more I need something that can protect me. Despite its risk not dying is more preferable than getting hurt.




"F-fine... I'll take the drug"

"Good, I advise you to relax while taking it. And also trust on me that I'll do what I can when you're feeling unwell"

"From how you're acting it seems that this drug that I'll about to take doesn't seem to be regulated"

"To tell you the truth that indeed is true. This drug a creation of mine basing on my vast studies and research of psionics"

"So, I can trust you that I won't die if I take this?"

"Don't take me for lightly, I'm 100% sure that you won't die. You can even kill me if I'm wrong"

"I don't think that I'll have the chance to do that if I die"

"Hahahaha that is true... Now then are you ready?"

"I'm ready"




Taking the drug and swallowing it. I feel oddly fine despite what Isaac said.

"I thought you sa-"

In just a few seconds of swallowing said drug. I feel a massive pain emerge in my head. Adding to that, I also feel my vision going blurry and dizzy. I can see many colors spinning in my vision and slowly overtaking me. What I'm currently experiencing is pretty out of this world.

"You #k#y Bruc#?"

What are you saying?

"It se#ms t##t his losi#g co##iou#ne#s Lily he## me br##g Bruce to ##e be#s"





And with my consciousness lost all I was able to see was darkness

-Feat Unlocked: Psionic Empathy

-Skills Unlocked: Psionics:

Enhancement: 0 + Elemental: 0 + Thought Control: 0 +

####### #######: Locked

-End of Chapter 4

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