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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

"Scavenger are you even listening to me?"

"Ahh... S-sorry"

Having no idea of what is happening, I decided to wing it for now and try assessing my situation later.

"Fucking hell... you new recruits really are a pain in the ass"


"Well as I was saying, from the initial test that you have taken. You have scored a B+ from combat test while in the written test you have scored an average B. From the total rankings your score is completely average, can't say I'm really impressed. But with that said, you really can't have that much expectations from people in these days"


"Blah Blah Blah. You passed the test, so congratulations you are now an official agent of the Nadezhda South Station. And as a new recruit I highly advise you carefully follow the rules and be N(sigh)N-nicee too everyone. God this job is such a chore"

Ignoring the blatant laziness of the man in front of me. I carefully analyze the words that the man has just said to me.

It seems that from his words. I'm supposedly a new recruit from an organization or some sort that has recently passed a test. Said test, that was mentioned required both a written and a combat test to pass. I have no idea what those tests are but knowing that it actually required a combat test, it somewhat scares me.

Still cautious about the current situation. I for now resume my careful sitting of my chair, while avoiding any suspicious activities

"Oh! right I forgot, considering you are now part of the settlement. I suppose, I should probably try avoid calling you Scavenger huh?"

Not really knowing what to answer. I again try winging it out for now while hoping nothing bad occurs

"Um.. It's o-okay you can call me whatever names you want. I don't really mind"

"Well isn't nice of you?"


"Hah... well no matter, I'll try calling you using your name from now on. Now then, what was your name again"

Hearing those words, I again started panicking from the inside. I don't know if saying my real name might aroused suspicion to me. But to my surprise, it seems that man wasn't asking me for my name. But what he did instead was carefully check at the papers that laid in his table.

"Ah! there you are. Recruit number 0148, real name Bruce Edwards. Wow even your name sounds generic"

Hearing the man utter a name of someone whom I never heard of, I've became even more confuse to my current situation

Bruce Edwards? Who's that

"Well.. you really can't win it all, so for now how about I introduce myself first. Names Harold Gears, instructor and also official tester of this settlement's new recruits. If you have any questions, don't asked me because answering questions is a chore and I don't have time for such things"

Seriously? I'm surprise you even still have a job. Well in that case, not having to ask any questions might be a good thing. I don't want him having any suspicion of me.

"So for now, you can go and fuck off to your dorm or something. Any messages or special announcements will be sent directly to your laptop, so I advise you check that thing everyday"

Seeing from this conversation it seems that I'm finally able to leave this place.

With a bored look, Harold casually put back the papers that he was holding to his table. Sighing from what seems to be a job well done, Harold leisurely sat in his chair while looking like his about to snooze off.

Seeing this, I in turn stood up from where I was sitting and went off to what seems to be the door out. Opening the door, I was met with a somewhat long hall with an elevator at the end. The hall in itself is covered in metallic walls looking very similar to room I was just in. The same also goes to the floor and ceiling of the hall.

A sense of uneasiness again slowly emerges from within me.

As I was about to head off to the ominous elevator, I suddenly realize that I have no idea where I'm going. Knowing this, I again panic from the inside and nervously think of what to do. Not having any clue of what to do, I slowly went back to the room from before.


"The fuck? I thought I already told that you go back to your dorm. Did you forget something in here?"

"S-sorry but I kind of forgot where the dorms where..."

Hearing my words, Harold look at me with great disbelief. Judging from his look, I think his pissed.

"HUH!!!! Did you seriously hit your head or something? The dorms are in the 3rd floor you dumbass. Fucking hell does every new recruit get dumber each day"

"Ahh.. sorry-sorry"

Seeing my pathetic state, Harold can't help but give up on berating me any further. Despite being foulmouthed fellow, it seems that even he has a soft side within him.

"Hahhhhhhhhhh... just fucking go, I still have a report to write to Banner"

"Um.. T-thank you"


And with that, I again walk out to the room. With a new information that I have in hand, it seems that my current destination for now is the dorms. I still don't know what really is going on or where I am. But knowing that I'm not in grave danger, somewhat eases me for a bit.

For now, I should try assessing my situation somewhere safe.


Getting on to the ominous elevator, I was quite relieved to see something that is not out of the ordinary. The inside of the elevator doesn't look bad in itself and the panel looks like every other elevator panel that I'm so ever familiar. The panel has 11 buttons, 9 of which has a number arranged from 1 to 9. Knowing that the dorms is located in the 3rd floor I hesitantly press the button with the number 3 on it.

With the sudden start of the elevator gears, I was caught somewhat surprised. Fixing my posture, I calmly wait for the elevator to take me to my destination.




Arriving to what seems to be the 3rd floor. The elevator door slowly opens, revealing the dorm area. What I saw was just like area from earlier, same aesthetic being all metallic but with more doors and security cameras. Seeing that the all doors has numbers in it, I assume that it's probably the rooms of the ones living in this place.

While analyzing the area more, I was suddenly reminded that I again have no idea where my supposed room is. Thinking more about my predicament, I started checking my pockets to find any clues as to where my room could probably be.

To my surprise, while checking the left pocket of my pants. I was able to find a key with a number attached to it.

206, That's probably the room where I stay in.

Checking the numbers of the doors, I carefully check every room to find the door with the corresponding number of my key

Ah! There it is

Alas, in my careful searching. I was able to find the door with the number 206 in it. Without hesitation I slowly insert the key to the door knob, which in turn easily unlocked the numbered door. Relieved to see that the key works, I calmly open door to see what's inside.

Upon opening the door, what I saw was a dark room which was hard to take a look at. Not having a clear vision of the place, I tried looking for a switch that could probably help turn on the lights. Carefully maneuvering in the room, I was able to find a lonely looking switch; sticking out in the room walls. Pressing said switch easily turned on the room lights, which made looking at the place easier.

With the room being clearer than before. I can somewhat see that the place seems very ordinary. The room lacks some decorations that usually makes a place somewhat unique, even in the item department the room is also very lacking. All I can see in the place is some chairs, tables and a single sofa.

Not a fancy looking place huh

Looking more on the area, I can see that the kitchen and living room seems to be just one room. Checking the only other room of the place, I manage to find what I think is the bed room. Just like the room before the bed room is also very ordinary with no unique features in it, just a single bed with sheets and a cabinet. Also, checking the cabinet reveals nothing out of the ordinary. Just some plain clothes, whom oddly enough has a girl's clothes in it.

"What the hell?"

Confuse but finding no direct answer to said confusion, I closed the cabinet and resumed my exploration of this mysterious place.

Remembering what Harold told me earlier. I tried looking for a laptop in this average looking room, which I easily find laying on one of the tables in living room. Checking the contents of it, I was caught surprise to find that the laptop looks extremely different from the usual ones that I normally use. The desktop of the laptop looks very retro unlike a normal laptop. Even in its contents all I see a file manager and an application that is named messages.

Checking the messages application, I can see a few messages filling the laptop's inbox. From reading the subject of said messages, it seems to be nothing but news about something called TerraCore. Seeing no messages sent by Harold or special announcements that he refers to, I decided to check the contents of the messages for later and focus more on the file manager of the laptop.

Checking the files of the laptop, the only thing that seems to be inside is a folder named Logs. Disappointed of the lack of things inside said file manager, I decided to check the folder to see its contents. To my surprise the folder unlike before actually has something in it, not a lot of things but enough to intrigued my curiosity.

"Just 5 files ehh... well fine enough, I just want to know what's going on"

Clicking the file named Log #1, I was greeted with a bunch of text

Log 1: Day 1 of Nadezhda South Station

Um.. Hello? Hahaha, seriously I can't believe that I don't know how to start a simple log

(Why I am writing this down)

The hell is this writing

Ignoring my feeling of utter confusion to the writing of said log, I continue to read the file.

Well, for now I should probably start from what happened today.

Upon applying for residents in this new settlement, I was glad that we were one of the chosen people. People from the outside said that it usually takes months just to be a candidate of being a resident, well I guess they were wrong.

Seriously being chosen upon applying that's so strange and lucky of me, I guess all that long journey really paid off. With this new life ahead of us, I can finally give Claire a better future than the hellhole that we were in.

Upon being chosen we were given a brief explanation of the place and its rules. Along with it we were also given a key to our rooms.

Comparing our current room and our home back in the slums, it's like heaven and hell. Seriously there's even running water in the kitchen, CLEAN WATER for that matter. Shame that they only have one bed, so for now I'll sleep on the couch.

I still really can't believe that this is happening, it's like a dream come true. So, with this opportunity I'll fulfill my promise to mom and live a normal life and never let Claire suffer the things that I experience in the past.

On another note, I can't believe that they're also giving me a computer. From what Rex have told me from in past, this thing is supposed to cost a lot. So, receiving one for free kind of feels very wrong.

Oh well... good thing Rex has taught me how to use these things before, I'm somewhat thankful to him now. (I wonder how his doing now in the slums)

Another thing to note, I'm kind of jobless now. From their previous explanation, if one needs money; they just need to apply for a job in the settlement or even volunteer for available work. So, for now I'll try and look for some available work or two in this place.

-End of Log

After reading the file, I have now more information in hand. Things are still not yet clear but I think I have a somewhat fine understanding of my current situation.

For what I've read and Harold's words, it seems that this place is a settlement called Nadezhda South Station. From what the file have said, this settlement seems to be a new one? I don't know what the "new" part is referring to, but I assume it's probably referring to establishment. The current room that I'm in, seems to be owned by the mysterious writer of these logs. I still don't know what this all has to do with me, but I already have a speculation as to what my current situation is.

Thinking more about my speculation, I am somewhat shaken by it. Just the thought of it is so unreal to me, that I hoped that by checking the rest of the files I'll be proven wrong.

Hesitantly clicking the next file, I carefully read each log one after another. With each information I learned, the more my speculation gets conformed.

From reading the files, I have learned that the name of the mysterious writer is Bruce Edwards. He and his little sister named Claire joined the newly establish settlement called Nadezhda South Station in order to escape their hard life in the slums from a place called East Terracore. Because Bruce was jobless from just moving into to a different area, he tried volunteering for some works in the settlement just to earn money. To permanently solve his financial problem, he tried applying in the settlement's agent job. Written in the one of the logs were Bruce's experiences in applying said job. As mentioned by Harold and Bruce's logs, the test needed in order to qualify for the job were both a combat and written test.

Seeing this, all the unclear dots from before are finally starting to connect. Knowing the implications of said information, I can't help but look at my current body. Checking my body more clearly, I suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness overtake my body.

These arms, these fingers, even from skin color and height. This whole body feels unfamiliar.

"No way, no way, no way, t-this can't be real"

Having said realization, my head suddenly got dizzy. My breathing also started becoming heavy and the uneasy feeling just got even stronger.

Amid in my state of panic, I was suddenly brought to my senses when I heard an unfamiliar voice.

Soul Transfer Process Complete


-End of Chapter 1

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