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Chapter 134: Reuniting.

Noriko picked up the shard of Mimicry and adjusted her suit, her cowl resting on the nape of her neck. She wore tight black leather gloves that were aligned with metal plates, with metal tipped shoes. She left the base with Psylocke, Shadowcat, Colossus and M.O.D.O.K resting against the wall. They were covered in scorch marks, their hair stood on end, with crackles of violet lightning around them.

"If you guys can hear me through this thing, I'll see you in Australia." She said boarding the Quinjet.

Kate entered the throne room in her lilac leather armour, with her ulfbert by her hip, and her new bow on her back. The Asgardians bowed and handed Kate the shard of Mimicry, with Eitri and Brokkr waiting at the side, and small chest beside them. They presented her with a lilac leather odomar, designed like the head of a hawk. Kate bowed to the Asgardians and smiled, adorning her new helmet.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me."

"The pleasure is all ours, Valkyrie. Now go and defend your realm." Freya said, with a smile.

"Oh before you go, we finally thought of a name for your bow." Brokkr said excitedly.

"Shatter." Eitri said making an arch over his head with his hands.

Kate smiled and chuckled. She stood at the ready slotting the shard of Mimicry into her waist. A blinding light of rainbow enveloped over her. Colleen wore a loose white cardigan, tight white jeans, and black converse shoes. Her long hair plaited into a pony tail, draped over both her katanas. She stood in front of the portal with Connie.

"I don't know how you wear my clothes better than me." Connie said annoyed.

"Probably an older sister thing to make you look bad." She said with a smile.

Connie and Colleen embraced one another.

"Stay safe." Connie said.

"I'll be fine. Are you ready to go?" Colleen said smiling up at Shao Lao.

Shao Lao made an okay gesture with his claw and smirked at her. Colleen leapt a top his back. He let out a roar, coiling up and flew through the portal. Emma Frost sat on a make shift throne, and beside her sat the metal throbbing cocoon. She sipped her wine placing her hand on the cocoon.

"Almost 2 months inside with no change. What are you doing in there girl?"

"Evolving." Apocalypse said entering into the room.

He stood next to the cocoon, placing his hand on it.

"She is entering into her final evolution. She will make a worthy bride to stand by my side."

Emma scoffed chugging her wine.

"Whatever you say. All I see is a ball of metal. I'm going to..."

"You will go nowhere!" Apocalypse ordered.

Emma froze feeling a wave of terror run down her spine.

"When she awakens, you will convince her. I will not have her attack your sisters and brothers." Apocalypse said staring into the destroyed city.

"What are you doing?" Emma asked.

"In her mind, that boy promised to return in three months. It is time, and I will wait for him."

"Are you afraid of some stupid boy running around with a sword?"

"That boy, is the first person to make me bleed in over two millennia. I will not take him lightly. Now go and keep her safe." Apocalypse said flying off.

Emma rolled her eyes, and her skin became coated in diamonds. She lifted the cocoon of metal above her head and walked out of the room. An army of mutants organised a fight ring, forcing humans into gladiatorial combat. She tossed the metal cocoon into the middle of the ring.

"Watch that thing for me." She said coldly walking away.

The mutants all gazed at the metal cocoon, struggling to push it out of the ring, when the metal cracked. They all stood back watching the metal cocoon rock violently side to side, with spiky protrusions. The cocoon began to recede, slowly taking the shape of Wolverine. They watched on mesmerised as the metal finally shrunk, and a fully armoured Wolverine stood before them. The metal armour mimicked her old grey and black suit, but now her eyes were matte white and hollow. She scanned the area, looking at her new armour, and then to the scared humans. Her armour scowled with her, as if it was her skin, and she clenched her fists. *SNIKT* her claws popped out, twice the length with serrated edges.

Maria sat in the A.I.M base, staring at the map. A tenth of the ice that encased U.S.A, had been removed. However the base of China, and Hydra territory was blotted black, and continuing to creep up Asia.

"Hawkins, any news?" Maria said tapping her foot restlessly.

"Miss. Ashida is about to approach to the last known location of Onslaught."

A wave of dread filled Maria, she felt a layer of sweat on her brow, and she clenched her fists.

"I don't like sending her in alone. She needs back up."

"Her new powers would make any assistance given, a detriment to her. It is best to leave her alone."

"Shit...I don't like this...we haven't heard word from anyone else in her team. Laura goes missing and turns into some metal f**king caterpillar. We don't even know if they're alive or not!" Maria yelled slamming her fist on the table behind her.

"Director, I believe you should look at the screen." Hawkins said.

Maria snapped back looking at the screen. A live feed of a Hydra fighter jet flew beside Shao Lao slithering through the air, with Colleen smiling on his back. She waved at them with her hair blowing in the wind, and the jet flew away.

"Was...was she riding a F**KING DRAGON!?" Maria yelled.

The screen changed again to a blurred and distorted feed. A rainbow beam blasted the ground, and Kate emerged spreading her lilac crow wings. She gazed around in the feed before taking flight into the air. A smile spread across Maria's face, as she gazed at the screen in awe, feeling a wave of joy.

"She's alive and has powers now!" Maria celebrated, cheering at the screen.

As she jumped up and down with joy the screen changed once more. Blood dripped down the screen, obscuring the vision, with heavy breathing on the other side.

"What am I looking at Hawkins?"

"We...we...we surrender..." a trembling voice said.

A loud screeching sound of metal wiping on glass, revealed a trembling mutant drenched in blood. Two claws ripped through his skull like butter and Wolverine stood in front of the camera.

"...Laura? Is that you?" Maria said confused.

"Send the Sentienels." She said with an echoic voice.

Maria took a breath of joy, at a loss for words. The screen changed one last time, to a Hydra warship engulfed in black flames, skipping across the water, splitting the ocean apart. Tears welled in her eyes.

"Hey, Maria. Sorry for the radio silence, I'm back in action. ETA 20 minutes. Give me another 10 to kill Apocalypse."

The radio went silent, and the warship went even faster with the soul fire raging on.

"Stupid me a damn head ache." She said with a smile.

Emma Frost sat in her lavish room, taking off her white fur coat and poured herself a glass of brandy. She closed her eyes, and the thoughts of terrified humans rushed in, each one filling her with joy. She smiled before looking in the mirror and seeing the scar on her throat. She scowled sculling her glass and tossing it at the mirror.

"Stupid arrow girl! You ruined my perfect skin!" She shouted.

Her door was knocked down with a powerful thrust kick. Her skin turned to diamond and she readied herself. Wolverine walked through glaring at Emma.


"That stupid arrow girl, is my friend."

She scoffed and her skin reverted to normal. Emma placed two fingers to her temple and smiled.

"You're an idiot Laura. To attack an omega level psychic head on? What were you thinking?"

Emma's face strained, unable to enter her mind. Wolverine took a step forward, her claws at the ready.

"I don't know what ever the hell that armour is, but it doesn't matter anyway. You could never cut through my Diamond skin. So what will you do now? Bash each other till the ends of time?" She said with a smug smile, as her skin changed to diamond.

Wolverine approached slowly placing her claws over Emma's shoulder. She retracted her claws, and they sliced through her diamond skin like silk. Emma reeled in pain clutching her shoulder, and desperately tried to push Wolverine away. Her arm was grabbed and Emma was slammed into the bed, crashing through the floor. Wolverine planted her armoured foot onto her chest, pinning Emma down. She kneeled over Emma as she coughed up blood struggling to push her off. The metal mask pulled away, reveal Laura's scowling glare at Emma.

"YOU IDIOT!" Emma shouted with a smile.

She entered into Laura's head, seeing a million different variations of how Laura would gut her. Emma reeled back in horror, as Laura smiled down at her.

"Did you get a good look? I'm personally going to go with option five." She said.

Emma desperately struggled to push Laura off. Her metal mask reformed and she began skinning Emma's diamond skin off with her claws. She cried out in agony with diamond tears falling out, kicking and flailing hers, with blood gushing out. Wolverine stood over Emma gurgling in blood, her flayed body convulsing.

"Now for that c**t Apocalypse." Wolverine growled leaving the room.

Kate flew through the air, her crow wings made no sound with each beat. Her new helmet shielded her eyes from the dust and debris in the air. She soared through the air with Shatter in her hand. Metal feathers flew through the air striking her side. Kate was thrown off course and quickly recovered.

"THE AIR IS MY DOMAIN!" Angel shouted, hiding in the clouds above.

Kate hovered in the air trying to find the origin of his voice. Another metal feather struck her back, knocking her off balance.


She smiled drawing back the arctic blue bowstring. An arrow manifested with its tip covered in an icy cold smoke. Archangel silently hovered behind her, with a sly grin. Kate snapped back firing a round. Archangel raised his wings to block the arrow. The front of his metal wings covered in frost. He scowled at her as he shook off the frozen feather. She smirked at him drawing back Shatter.

"How did you find me?" Archangel growled.

"My name is Hawkeye."

She loosed another arrow. Archangel fell to the side evading the arrow. Kate fired a flurry of frost arrows. Archangel weaved through the air, plummeting to the ground, with Kate flying after him. The frost arrows would chill his wings to the bone, even when they nicked them. He tried desperately to out manoeuvre her, flying into the clouds. She came to a stop and grinned.

"Goodbye bird." She said, firing a rapid succession of arrows into the clouds.

The clouds turned instantly into a glacier plummeting down towards the Earth. She flew to the side watching half his body frozen in the cloud. He desperately tried to free himself, as his skin turned blue, and dread filled his body. He let out a scream of anger and terror, before he crashed into the Earth, and shattered into pieces.

"Now for that c**t Apocalypse." Kate said flying off.

Noriko stepped off the Quinjet, pulling down her cowl. She stared off into ruined city, buildings turned upside down, destroyed streets, and ruined lives. As the Quinjet took off, a force began to pull it down. Surge threw a violet bolt of lightning and the Quinjet took off into the air. Onslaught emerged, cresting over the horizon of a destroyed building.

"My dear Noriko, you have grown so much. Come join us, and you could be even more powerful." Onslaught said holding out his hand.

"Go f**k yourself." Surge growled.

Onslaught chortled.

"I said, join us." He said.

"I said, go f**k yourself."

Onslaught clenched his fists.

"I said!"

A bolt of violet lightning flew towards him, being dispersed against an invisible barrier.

"You'll never mess with my thoughts again, or anyone else's thoughts." She growled clenching her fists.

"Come now girl. Do you really think that was enough to defeat us?" Onslaught said lifting several clumps of metal debris.

Violet lightning crackled around Surge, creating a violent aura, the ground melting underneath her feet. Onslaught lifted his finger, the metal debris condense into a ball, and shot towards Surge. With a thunderous boom and a blinding violet flash, she appeared in front of Onslaught. He reeled backed in shock, his two glowing white eyes widened, and he was engulfed in an explosion of violet lightning. Onslaught was thrown violently through the air, his cape and suit smouldering. He tried to stand up coughing, when a bright light shone from above. Surge threw a beam of lightning down. He split the earth apart as he was blown downwards. Onslaught let out an enraged scream, and the lighting began to disperse around him. He levitated out of the crater huffing, scowling at Surge. She stood there calmly, with her violet lightning now silently wafting around her. He tossed his burnt pauldron to the side.

"You've made a grave error little girl!" He yelled clenching his fists.

He entered into her mind, suddenly falling to his knees and clutching his head, screaming out.


Onslaught was bombarded by a billion thoughts. It felt like billion fiery needles prodding his mind. Surge stood there silently staring at him.

"Does it hurt? To process that many thoughts at once Charles? Keep digging Charles, I want you to find a certain memory." She said marching towards him.

Onslaught tossed his helmet aside, revealing a deformed skull underneath, his skin bright red, and large white fangs. Charles suddenly stood before Laura and Noriko cuddling in front of the screen at the mansion.

" am I here?" He said looking around confused.

"You took this moment from me. Thousands of tiny little moments like this with Laura I lost, because of you, and your spite. And so I want you and Erik to experience a pain that no one else in the world could ever imagine." She said her eyes glowing with violet lighting.

Onslaught scrambled back, shaking his head, finally leaving her mind. He stood up roaring throwing a punch down. His fist shattered the ground into a fine dust, and he felt a warm on the nape of his neck. Onslaught couldn't react, he held his breath feeling her hands on his temples.

"You took irreplaceable moments of my life."

A stream of lightning filled his skull, and he reeled back screaming. Falling to his knees, his jaw hung down, and he was motionless. Surge stepped off his back, grabbing his face, as he stared off vacantly.

"Enjoy your eternity together."

A weak mental voice reached out to her.

"What...what did you do to us?" Erik and Charles asked.

"I fried every single nerve cell in your body. You'll never move again, and now you'll enjoy this agony." Surge growled sending another stream of lightning through his skull.

Surge raised her hand magnetizing a thousand metal fragments.. Small streams of lightning super heated each piece to a red hot state. Erik and Charles watched horrified as time had slowed down to a crawl. It seemed like an eternity had passed, and her fingers had just left their skull.

"I super charged your thought process. You both perceive time a million times faster than any human right now. But that makes a second in our life time feel like an eternity to you. So I wonder how long it takes for you to process this." Surge said closing her fist.

The red hot metals swirled around Onslaught as blinding molten storm, tearing him to shreds, and turned him into a smouldering paste. Erik and Charles screamed out in agony in their minds, feeling each metal shard branding their skin, and crawling against their skin.


Surge took a deep breath lowering her violet lightning aura. She felt a wave of relief wash over her, and then continued on.

"Now for that c**t Apocalypse."

Colleen slapped Shao Lao's head to his annoyance.

"Can't you go any faster!?" She yelled with wind blowing violently in her face.

"Even your father wasn't this ungrateful." He said rolling his eyes, as he slithered through the clouds.

"He locked you up, and milked you for chi and blood!"

He was silent and let out a low groan, flying even faster.

"Can you sense him?" Shao Lao asked.

"Yeah, I can sense him. He's close." Colleen said with a confident smile.

Juggernaut stampeded through the city, with a deep booming laugh running through the destroyed city. Shao Lao landed with Colleen jumping down and stroking his mane like a stallion.

"His life force is quite large." Shao Lao said.

"Yeah it is, he's always been hard to kill."

Juggernaut came to a screeching halt in front of Shao Lao and Colleen, with his gigantic metal maul, slung over his shoulder.

"A F**KING DRAGON!" He laughed, flourishing his weapon.

"I'll see you back at Kun'Lun." Colleen said patting Shao Lao.

"Hurry up, and do not forget out deal." Shao Lao said levitating into the air.

"Trust me Andrew's cooking is amazing."

"We will see." He said flying into the air.

"GET BACK HERE!" Juggernaut shouted hurling his maul.

The throw ripped through the sound barrier, creating a gigantic sonic boom. Colleen leapt up grabbing the maul with one arm, and grabbed the air with her other hand. Another shockwave rippled behind her, as Shao Lao continued to fly on. Juggernaut looked on stunned as Colleen stood in the air above him, tossing his maul back to him. The maul fell through the ground with its handle barely sticking out of the concrete. She gently floated back down to the ground, smiling at Juggernaut. He pulled his maul out of the ground, slinging over his shoulder.

"Where's the boyfriend? You're boring to fight."

"What's wrong dickhead? You afraid to die?" Colleen said with a smug smirk.

Juggernaut clenched his maul and teeth tightly.

"Ooh, did I pinch a nerve? That dickhead of yours must be very sensitive."

He swung his maul behind his head, letting out an enraged roar.


Colleen raised her hand stopping the maul. The shockwave ripped past her, ripping the ground up, but she did not move. Juggernaut reeled back letting go of his weapon and holding his hands.

"WHAT THE F**K!" He yelled shaking his hands.

Colleen grabbed the maul and swung it upwards. The maul caved in his chest, and he vomited up bone and blood, flying into the distance. He crashed through the ground coughing and holding his chest, as it healed. A shadow crawled over him and Juggernaut looked up to see Colleen standing above him on the air, with a smug smile.

"You think that's going to stop me? Don't you know who I am!? I'M THE JUG-"

He curled in, spitting blood, as Colleen's foot dug deep into his chest, shattering his sternum.

"None of that. I will never hear that line again." Colleen said annoyed.

Juggernaut gave a bloody grin, clasping Colleen in his hulking hands. He let out a malicious laugh, as she gave him an indifferent gaze.

"GOT YOU!" He said squeezing with all his might.

Her arms didn't move and she cocked her head at him confused. He looked at confused and shocked, starting to feel a sense of dread fill his body. She slowly pushed away his arms, and smiled at him.

"What the hell happened to you? You were not this strong the last time we fought!"

Colleen grabbed his face with one hand and hurled him out of the rubble. He tumbled and bounced jumping to his feet, clenching his fists, and breathing heavily. From the crater a gigantic white flame shot up to the sky, and Juggernaut took a step back trembling. A gigantic white coiling dragon gazed down at him, and Colleen emerged, flourishing both her katanas.

"When we first fought, I held back, because I never wanted to kill. That thought nearly got me killed, and it cost Andrew a ribcage and tremendous pain. Now I wouldn't make a good wife, if I didn't get revenge for my husband."

Juggernaut began laughing maniacally.


In the blink of an eye, Juggernaut's arms were sliced off, and Colleen appeared behind him.

"I said I will not hear that line anymore." She growled.

It took him a few seconds to realise, only after falling to his knees and several spurts of blood, did Juggernaut scream out in pain. He writhed in agony, before his arms grew back and he let out a furious roar, pounding his chest.


"I wasn't trying yet." Colleen said with a grin.

A shiver ran down his spine, a wave of dread filled his body. He had never felt fear in his life, except for now. The fangs of a dragon bearing down on his body, made it impossible to breath or move. Colleen lowered herself, holding a katana at each side. The hamon line filled with Chi, large ferocious dragons coiled around each katana, snapping their fangs over her shoulder. Juggernaut tried to move, but he couldn't, he couldn't even breath. He could only hear his heart pounding in his ears like a deafening drum beat. With a deep breath, Colleen whispered an incantation.

"Sunder the Earth, DRAGON'S FLIGHT!"

She stepped in bringing both katanas up, slicing a cross through Juggernaut, splitting him into four pieces. Her speed threw the chunks of Juggernaut across the destroyed field. She sheathed her katanas on her back, and stood over his head, starting to heal. She ran her hand over his bloody neck chopping off the re-growth, and clutched his skull tightly.

"You punched my future husband through a building. So I'm gonna return your act of kindness a thousand fold!" Colleen yelled.

She became engulfed in white flames, leaping to the clouds, and cocked her fist back. His eyes widened with fear, as Colleen hurled his skull into outer space, the force parted the clouds and his head flew into the cold vacuum of space. She gently floated back down to the ground and stretched her shoulder.

"Now for that c**t Apocalypse."

The sun was blaring down at the on the beach. Cyclops sat atop a high throne, surrounded by thousands of mutants, staring off into the ocean. They gathered and cheered forcing humans into the beach front, tossing them a surfboard.

"PLEASE! THIS IS INHUMAN!" The ragged man desperately pleaded with tears streaming down his face.

"RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN!" They chanted.

Cyclops stood up in his throne, placing his fingers by his eyes, burning a bright crimson. The man quickly grabbed the surfboard, scrambling to the waters. He stumbled into the raging waters, frantically trying to swim across the waves. He began smiling, as he saw Cyclops in the far distance, swimming further and further away.

"MEGA OPTIC BLAST?" Cyclops roared riling up the mutants.

"MEGA OPTIC BLAST!" They chanted on repeat.

Cyclops took off his visor and the ocean was reduced into a scalding cloud, with the ragged man disappearing. He quickly put his visor back on laughing maniacally with the mutants. A old Hydra fleet admiral, with several terrified Hydra agents huddled in the corner of the control room. Andrew stood behind the dashboard with his arms behind his back, wearing a tattered and torn suit. He turned around smiling at the terrified agents. They cowered in fear letting out yelps.

"Guys, relax. I'm not going to kill you. I just needed a boat, and something to make a dramatic entrance. When this is over, you guys can home. Just remember to run when we land."

Andrew punched a few buttons on the dashboard.

"Hawkins, can you hear me?"

"Yes, Andrew. It is good to hear your voice again. How may I help you?"

"Status report."

"Juggernaut, White Queen, Onslaught, and Archangel have been killed, with several hundred other hostile mutants. Scattered footage I have of them, show the four girls heading towards Apocalypse."

The cowering men, all froze from the knowledge, as Andrew began chuckling.

"Damn, I really did come in late. Guess I should pick up my weight, if I want to keep my team leader position."

The mutants forced another ragged and beaten woman to the beach front, handing her a boogie board. She threw it aside and opened her arms.


Cyclops stood up staring into the distance. Everyone gazed off silently, watch the horizon be blotted out by a black fire. The warship crested over the horizon and the mutants began to step back. Cyclops smirked and took off his visor letting out a roar. A gigantic red laser engulfed the ocean water and the warship. The black fiery warship tore through the beam, Cyclops let out a small strain. Everyone winced away covering their eyes from the blinding beam, and looked back to see the water receding back into place.

"What the f**k was that!?" A mutant shouted.

"A dead man." Cyclops growled.

Andrew landed into the sand next to the woman, holding a mega phone, with half of the warship crashing behind them. The mutants all ducked down for cover, the crashing sounds rung out. Cyclops clenched his fists and teeth, scowling at Andrew.

"You all have 5 seconds to run into the ocean and drown yourselves. Or die a slow terrible death by my hands." Andrew declared through the mega phone.

They were all silent, before Cyclops broke the silence and made the army of mutants break out into laughter.

"You are surrounded 10,000 to 1! All of them are Bravo and Alpha threats!" Cyclops declared.

Andrew summoned his sword planting into the ground, and rested his chin on it, blowing out a sigh.

"Just remember, I don't want to hear any crying or begging." Andrew said slinging his sword onto his back, with a smug grin.

Cyclops took off his visor release a mega optic blast. The woman screamed out holding her arms out. The sword cracked and fractured, immolated in black flames. Andrew brought his sword down, the blade clicking back into one solid piece, released a black wave of Chi tearing through the beam. Cyclops closed his eyes raising his hand to catch the black wave and absorbed it through his hand. The mutant took a step back stunned, as the woman looked around shocked. Andrew's smug smile infuriated Cyclops to no end.

"You hurt a lot of people Scott. You destroy my country; you kill my people, and your biggest sin of all. You've hurt two of the closest people to me, with how far back you've set mutant rights. And for all of that, I won't kill you, I'll let Laura do it."

"I have an army! What could you possibly do against us, when you can't even hurt me?"

"You can't absorb when you project energy."

Cyclops bit his tongue and a step back.

"Oh, and if you really you call this an army, wait till you see mine."

Andrew held out his soul fire engulfing the entire area in black fire. As everyone covered their eyes, the fire shattered in a million pieces. The mutant army stood frozen in terror as each piece beside them turned into a copy of Mimi. Mimi now doubled in size, towering over each of them on all fours. He licked his lips and snapped his fangs. The broken sirens of the warship activated.

"Now playing, Rip and Tear by Mick Gordon." Hawkins announced.

With a blaring of heavy metal music, carnage ensued with screams of pain and terror. They were muffled by the deafening sound of bones snapping in the copies of Mimi. Blood and guts littered the area, and Cyclops leapt into the air. He released a beam from his eyes propelling him out of the massacre. Andrew leapt into the air after Cyclops, using his rope to pull himself to the ground. Cyclops slowed his decent with a wide beam, and continued to run, the terrifying sounds abating. A black rope coiled around his leg and he was tripped face first into the dirt.

"You know for a guy playing target practice with people. You got scared real fast."

He turned around scowling blasting the rope away. Cyclops looked up and gasped. The air escaped his lungs, his body became stiff as stone, and his eyes unblinking. A giant black wolf glared down at him, with blood red eyes, and large swords acting as its fangs. Cyclops trembled reaching for his visor as Andrew slowly approached him. He ripped his visor off and saturated the entire area in a red glow. Cyclops laughed maniacally as he focused his gaze, where Andrew once stood.


A black spiky metal gauntlet, of layered metal, clawed out his eyes. Cyclops fell back screaming, blood gushing out of his eyes, writhing in agony. Andrew stood over Cyclops with smoke radiating from him.

"Now you try to steal my country's famous word? That's the biggest no-no."


"F**k you that's how." Andrew said stomping his foot through both of Cyclop's knees.

He cried out in pain, with Andrew summoning a copy of Mimi.

"Stay alive, Scott. I'm not the one who kills you."

He leapt on his back and rode off into the distance. Apocalypse sat atop the destroyed mansion, now ruined into his makeshift throne. He stared off into the desert, as the dawn broke a new day. The chugging of a motorcycle engine came into focus, and Apocalypse stared down. Laura was now slender again, however her muscles remained toned, and step was light again. She stood up glaring at Apocalypse.

"My Hemet, you are reborn." He said with a smile.

She snarled at him, her metal armour spawned from her skin, encasing her. Wolverine's long serrated claws popped out. Apocalypse glanced to the air. Surge leapt off a Quinjet, creating a chain of lighting to the Quinjet, slowing her descent. She landed next to Wolverine, with a calm aura of violet lightning. They shared a quick glance, before Kate landed next to them wearing her new armour. The three of them smiled at each other, when a shadow loomed over them. Apocalypse looked up seeing Colleen above them with a big smile. She gently dropped down next to them drawing out both her katanas. The gigantic white aura shot to the sky and Apocalypse smiled with glee at the scowling dragon. The three girls looked at her astonished.

"You..uh make up with Connie?" Kate asked.

"Yeah we worked things out. You finally got powers, want to explain that?"

"Tournament of Pantheons two, electrical boogaloo. Want to explain the new get up Laura?"

"Hard to explain, but he gave me a boost." Laura said pointing to Apocalypse.

Apocalypse stood up from the throne, jumping down and towered over them.

"Good, you are finally all here. You five may provide me my first challenge in 2,000 years."

The four of them turned around with a wryly smile, as Andrew walked in with his tattered suit.

"Seesh, you're late." Surge said.

"And dressed poorly." Kate remarked.

"God, it's good to see you again." Colleen said with a big grin.

"Are you ready to kill this mother f**ker?" Wolverine asked.

Andrew smiled. Layered matte black steel shrouded him. Each layered of black metal clicked into place, his body encased in spiked armour. A long black flowing cape flapped behind him in the wind, with his wolf shaped helm snapping into place, the eye sockets turning crimson. Andrew summoned and flourished his sword, with Colleen gawking at him, and her mouth hanging down. Apocalypse cracked his knuckles and smiled at them with pure glee, as Andrew took his place beside the girls.

"Are you ready to fight me?"

Andrew's armour immolated with soul fire, and he pointed his sword to Apocalypse.

"Let's kill this c**t!" Andrew ordered.

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