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50% Isekai Idol! My journey with the fairies! / Chapter 7: Chapter 6~Evil stepmother?

Chapter 7: Chapter 6~Evil stepmother?

Professor Kinizki came back.

Adonis couldn't keep to himself anymore! He wanted to know if phones do exist or not!

"Professor Kinizki, what is that thing?"asked Adonis while pointing at his phone

Professor Kinizki looked shocked but he remembered that just a few days ago Adonis had a mental illness, so it's not a surprise if he didn't know that these exist.

"This is called S-phone! It is a product of Silver fox!"replied Professor Kinizki

S-phone, or should I say smartphone! So it is a smartphone! It exist! Hooray! That means I can take as many pictures as I want! I will definitely make my gallery filled with Vanilla and Drago's pictures!

Vanilla and Drago suddenly felt chill! Must be just a coincidence they thought.

Professor Kinizki found Adonis's behaviour quite strange, but he decided to overlook it.

"Now that I have already explained to you the origin of this world and the living inhabitants! Let's move on to the knowledge that is the most basic things that all the citizens in Maze empire knows about!

Our empire is one of the most powerful empire in this world! People of all kinds of races live in this empire! Our great King Arthur rules over the entire empire! He is known to be the smartest and the greatest king of all time!

He is one of the founders behind the S-phone creation! He and his friends are the founder of Silver fox, a multi-trillionaire cooperation. He has many accomplishments.

This S-phone is the improve version of an old version of nika phone! This S-phone has many features! One of them is, it can connect you to the rest of the world! You can download things like apps to chat with other people! The famous one is Let's chat! There is also Fancy-gram where people can post pictures online!

Magic made it possible to create these devices!

The genius Robert Villin combine magic and alchemy together to create this convenient tool! He is the reason why Silver fox exist! He is an important figure to this world!"explained Professor Kinizki

Adonis realized that the technological advancements of this world matched earth, but the difference was that magic replaced science! He found it so interesting how this world was so similar to earth yet not at the same time.

Suddenly a beautiful woman came in, she has brown hair and eyes. She was breathing heavily as if she just ran a marathon.

"Sorry! I think I came late for teaching Language and Manners class."said the beautiful woman

Professor Kinizki checked his watch.

"Oh no! I'm going to be late! Sorry Miss Franza! I will take my leave now! Adonis I will teach you about magic tomorrow!"said professor Kinizki and he quickly left the library

Adonis looked at Miss Franza, she looks better now after she had calm down.

"Hi! I'm Millie Franza, you may just call me Miss Franza. I am incharge of teaching you language and Manners."said Miss Franza

She began to teach him, Miss Franza was shocked by how quickly Adonis picked up the language and Manners skills as if he has been practicing it for years.

Adonis was kind of scared that this world language will be complicated but luckily it was English! He is good at it! Those manners skills are easy for him to learn, since he had already learned it before in his previous life. He was the eldest son of a billionaire family, so it was necessary for him to be presentable in parties and social gatherings.

"You are a genius! You learn everything so quickly! I think within just a week you will be able to master it."said Miss Franza with an approving look.

Before long it was already 3p.m. Miss Franza took her leave and Adonis was free!

He saw a small figure running towards him at full speed!

"Charlotte! It's dangerous! Don't do that okay!"said Adonis in a strict but caring tone.

The small figure was Charlotte!

"Big bother(child pronunciation)! Play with me! Please!"asked Charlotte with puppy eyes

Adonis couldn't bare to refuse Charlotte! She was too cute! He needs to find a lawyer, who can help him sue his siblings and fairies for attempt murder with cuteness!

Adonis agreed to play with Charlotte, she seemed so happy.

"Sunshine! Blight (bright) sunshine!

betiful(beautiful) flowers growing alound(around)

Love and kisses

grow up big and strong....

..."sang Charlotte in a cheerful and happy mood

Adonis found this song somehow so catchy and he began to hum along with her.

"Adonis, that song is the work of a legendary fairy and her partner! It is also very popular in my world! She is one of the fairies that I inspired to be! She is my Idol!"said Vanilla in a happy tone and began to join along

Drago did not want to be left behind so he also sang along with all of them.

Adonis was feeling so miserable! Why doesn't he have a smartphone? He wants to record this scene!

Before long they arrived in the garden.

Charlotte looked sad!

"Big bother(child pronunciation) I don't have a dolly to give you! The dolly that I wanted to give you, I left it in my room. Sorry! I can give you mine if you want."said Charlotte with a sad and reluctant look on her face.

Adonis understands her pain! It's hard to be separated from your plushies and dolls.

"Charlotte, I will go to your room and get the doll from there! So you don't have to give me your doll, I will quickly come back so just stay here alright!"said Adonis

Charlotte agreed.

Adonis went to Charlotte's room, Charlotte stays with Helen, they both share a room because Charlotte is still small, when he got there, he saw his stepmother Helen looked so angry!

"Mother! Why did you interfere in my life? I told you not to interfere with my family matters!"shouted Helen with rage

He saw an older looking woman, she looked scared and nervous.

"My dear, it was for your own good! I just help you get rid of that bastard! He is a bug in your perfect family!"explain her mother

Helen looked disappointed.

"Mother! You should never blame a child! He did nothing wrong! How could you ask my servants to kill him? Why did you order my servants to mess with him all those years! He was fragile! He was sick! He lost his mother at such a young age! Mother you are really too cruel!"said Helen in a cold icy tone

"Helen! I did it for your own good! That woman came out of nowhere! You were supposed to be his wife, yet she took that position away from you! You gave birth to the eldest child! But you didn't receive the position of wife instead you received a position as his concubine! I can't bear the sight of that child! He is the reminder for you that your husband loved someone else.

I know that you are too kind and thoughtful, but you are also easy to get bullied and walk over by others! If I told you the truth, you would have refused and stopped me from ordering the servants to harass that child! So I decided to do it behind your back."explain her mother

Helen could understand why her mother did that, but she can't accept her behaviour towards Adonis. He is innocent! She never bore a grudge against him.

"Mother don't bear a grudge against Adonis! It's not his fault! You don't have to feel sad for me! Mother please don't ever harass Adonis behind my back. This time, you are safe because Adonis was fine and recover from being a three years old child, if something bad happened to him I would have never forgave you!

Do you think that Duke Hayes will accept this behaviour! He would have punished you! I would not save you! I and my kids could be also implicated because of you! Please mother so don't ever do it again for at least my sake"said Helen

Her mother left the room with rage! Adonis quickly hide in a corner.

life_is_notpotato life_is_notpotato

\( ・ ᗜ ・ )/ Yo readers!

This world has a smartphone! The technology is pretty advance!

This world uses magic instead of science for technological advancements!

Adonis stepmother doesn't seem that bad right? The true culprit was her mother! But some of you might be thinking that she has a split personality? Well?

(◠‿・)—☆stay tuned to find out more!

(≧▽≦)thank you guys for reading my novel! I'm so grateful to you!

(。•̀ᴗ-)✧please show love and support!

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