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Episode 5

(opening plays a piano)

(The opening shows a full moon, that has the title 'The Blue Guardians' on it, then shows Amaya picking flowers, Ayaka with papers flying around her, Chou holding a computer, and Emi taking pictures)

(Then, it switches to a shadow snake attack Emi's house, Emi has the circle around her, once it appears, Chou, Amaya, and Ayaka appear with their weapons behind Emi)

(Chou, Amaya, and Ayaka destroy the monster)

(The opening shows Emi holding her heart, her eyes black with a black background her and she is falling, a butterfly appear)

(The butterfly passes the school, where Ai writing math equations on the chalkboard, Azumi is checking all students passing through the hallway with a deadly glare, and Daoi is trying a prince outfit in a theater room)

(A hand takes Emi's hand and pulls her away, then the camera shows Emi's eyes back to normal, and she sees her friends smiling at her by the house and she runs to them and kisses Daoi on the cheek)

(The opening ends with showing Chou eating a cookie with a smile and wicks her right eye)

(The camera opens with Ayaka in a library, sitting on a chair and writing, on a desk, there is an open book)

(Ayaka was draws a picture of a girl who has two brown hair, wearing a white dress with a crescent moon barrette in her hair, bracelets that has crescent moons too, two swords attached her dress and white heel with the word 'The adventures of' on the top and on the bottom is 'the moon goddess'.)

(After drawing, Ayaka starts to write on the other paper, then she notices a shadow behind her, so she knocks down the person the shadow belongs to)

Ayaka (not turning around, and still writing): You shouldn't sneak up behind somebody.

Azumi: My bad, at least you never let your guard down.

Ayaka: (turns around) Of course, I don't, the entire shadow realm is after Emi, Chou, Amaya, and me.

Azumi: Question (gets up, and leans on Ayaka's chair) what are you doing?

Ayaka: Making a book.

Azumi (eyes light up): No way!

(Ayaka shows Azumi her progress)

Azumi: But, you've only been here for a little while, how can you already be fascinated in books, that you want to make one of your own.

Ayaka: Well, I haven't stopped reading, since I discovered this place.

Azumi: Impressive, and this plot is fascinating, say can I help you?

Ayaka: Well, I do need help. Sure.

Azumi: Great (she pulls up a chair and sits by Ayaka)

(Ayaka and Azumi start working together)

(The camera switches to Ayaka and Azumi still working)

(There is a knock on the door)

Azumi: Yes!

Daoi: I heard you were working so I brought fruit smoothies.

Azumi: Come in.

Ayaka: I have read on fruit smoothies, question do they taste as good as the describe on reviews and on books.

Daoi (as she put the smoothies on the desk away from the papers): Absolutely.

Ayaka: Well, I guess I could try it.

Daoi: Seriously, do you eat where you are from?

Ayaka: We are fillies by positive energy, we don't necessarily need to eat.

(Daoi and Azumi gasped)

Azumi: Then, you're going to love this.

(Ayaka took a sip in her fruit smoothie, then her eyes sparkled and a smile was shown)

Azumi: No way!

Daoi: She smiles (got out her phone and took a picture)

Ayaka (looks at Daoi): It's amazing, who made these?

Daoi: Uh, me.

Ayaka: You are good at this.

Daoi: Thank you, if you ever want seconds (gives thumbs up) just let me know.

(Daoi closes the door)

(The screen switches to Emi and Ai downstairs)

Emi: How are things with your mom?

Ai: Ummm

Emi: You what?

Ai: I stayed over Zi's house because I was too nervous to face my mom.

Emi: Why not, stay with Azumi.

(Ai blushes)

Emi: You seriously should tell her.

Ai: But, what if she doesn't feel the same (tears come down) I can't risk that

Emi (touches Ai's shoulder): I've known you two for a long time and I know that isn't true

Ai (looks at Emi): You sure?

Emi (nods): Yeah

(Ai smiles at Emi, then they walk downstairs)

Azumi (blushing, as she is holding a pencil and sitting down): Does she really think of me?

Ayaka: Is this the emotion of love?

Azumi: What? (turns to Ayaka)

Ayaka (curious): Hmmm

Azumi: Well...well...we should get back to the story

Ayaka (thought) (looking at Azumi writing): You can stalk for now, but I can read your emotions too easily

(The screen switches to Ayaka looking at the sky with the window opening, feeling the window)

Azumi (looks at Ayaka as she is sitting down): Ayaka?

(Ayaka turns around)

Azumi: Can people from your dimension learn love?

Ayaka: I'm unsure, it has never been tested

Azumi: (gets up) (walks to Ayaka) Why not?

Ayaka: Because we don't connect with humans, the fact that we were given this assignment is rare because we are suppose to keep our masters safe from a distance

Azumi: It doesn't get lonely?

Ayaka: We feel no emotions, we just follow orders (walks to the door)

Azumi: Did I offend you (clench her fists) I didn't mean to ask you some many questions

Ayaka: It's not that, I just think I'm done for the day, how about we do something fun?

Azumi: Fun? With everybody

Ayaka (nods): Yeah

Azumi: Okay (heads downstairs)

Emi: I'm surprised that you are showing emotions

Ayaka: Me too! (walks away)

(The episode ends with everybody smiling and eating ice cream)

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