What do they mean, the road of life, or the path fore which we take? We travel far, and see the sights, and sometimes we get lost. As one who gets lost are not always found, be careful to remember your roots. For if you ever find safe haven, you'll still be close to yourself. And when you finally come home, you'll be met with open arms.
What sounds of the child are the best, be they laugh or cry or scream? We may not understand their simple minds at times, but emotions are there to see. A tear when sad, A yell when angry, or a laugh when having joy. To me it's the laughter that matters, for it means you did something right…
As you travel home tonight, be wary of the darkness. As one who stays awake often then, I know it attracts the worst, those monsters lay at waiting. And if you hear a cry or scream, be glad to have been warned. The question is, however, did you listen and prepare?
There once was a jolly old majesty, who sat upon his throne. He tried his best to pass a test, and give the world a gift. But no matter how he tried, he failed, for nature itself rejected it. But he tried again and again and again, never close to the end. His people grew worried, for who but their king would fight so recklessly and endlessly for a goal. So they sought to ask what goal to work together. And the answer was "World Peace"…
Upon the hill, a lone tree stood, swaying to and fro. It was big and old and bare, not a leaf to see. I wonder what that tree saw, up on that there hill? What good, what bad, and what else? I asked the tree and it did not answer. Was its silence a reluctance to share such things or because it had no voice? I hope for all our sakes it was the latter, because if it was the former I fear for what horrendously beautiful tales it could have told…