Life is strange, deer reader. It twists and turns in all its beauty. And yet, it also decides to be cruel and unforgiving to those it desires. We may never know all its secrets, yet we tru so hard to find it all out.
Why can't we, as a whole, choose to be satisfied and treasure what is given to us. Are we humans really this greedy, to kill and slaughter the others who share our life with us. I'm positive that we are monsters in the eyes of the various other spices of Earth.
But we don't care what they, it, or whatever thinks. We'll destroy it all the same.
If only we could go back to simpler times, without the murder and devastating ruins we've made for ourselves as we forged our path. We, at some point in history I assume, were one with our surroundings and cared not to advance knowledge or own material things we do not need. We have corrupted ourselves, and this is our own doing.
The world is falling apart because of us. For we are the viruses of the Earth...