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7.14% I can see the stars / Chapter 1: So Boring & Encounter
I can see the stars I can see the stars original

I can see the stars

Author: _Hllo

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: So Boring & Encounter

Light Yagami sighed for a few long minutes, watching the faded sign at the entrance to her school. It was the beginning of another school year. Another long school year. Brown took a momentum and followed the school route. As expected, several people approached to greet him. It got to be annoying, every saintly soul that came close to the boy had to suck up to him.

The Japanese knew it was too early to go to the freshman ceremony, which was also boring. However, it was an obligation he had to face in order to remain president of the student council. Then Yagami gently put his things on an empty table and waited for the large crowd of his followers to gather for his attention. Every beginning of the year was practically the same since primary school.

Light was the perfect stereotype type of student, classmate and child. The boy had an incredible ability to be smart and not be a nerd, to behave and not be called "right" and to be adored by everyone. Starting with the appearance, which fit Japanese standards perfectly. His skill in sports, especially tennis, has already brought four trophies to the shelf of his class, and perhaps, finally, his intelligence, which was clearly above average.

Not even the teenager knew when it all started. He just noticed that he was always surrounded by people, always invited to birthday parties, always indicated to represent the group, and that ended up being very convenient. Logically, envy existed, but it didn't even compare to the number of fans he gathered just because he was better.

And you know what? That life was boring.

Imagine yourself living in a world where everyone loves you for the person you pretend to be. Add automatic commands like: smile to everyone, pick up all the girls at school, study useless things and you have the "perfect" life of Light.

Worst of all, getting it was too easy for him. It didn't need much. It was just being the person that everyone wants you to be and they will soon adore you for the beautiful mask you wear.

─ Light-kun, are you listening to me at least? ─ The female voice came out tearful, interrupting the other's thoughts.

─ I can hear you, Misa. ─ He smiled weakly, looking at the blonde, who smiled back.

─ That's what I told you, the principal really sucks, in fact, all this change in the organization of the school. Maybe I'm not even close to my Light-kun. - he said, sitting next to Yagami and resting his head on his shoulder.

It is clear that Light did not understand anything that the girl said. He had not paid any attention to what was said.

─ Don't worry about that. - calmed her, pretending to know what it was about.

The girl's expression showed light when she heard those words. Misa Amane, the cheerleader and young model, was totally obsessed with Light. Together, they formed the perfect little couple in the entire school.

─ Speaking of which, there are some vacation news I need ... ─ The bell rang loudly, finally announcing the beginning of an academic year. Light smiled inside, so I wouldn't have to hear more hours and hours about all the students who started dating or even about the warm colors for summer 2016 and give an opinion about it.

─ It seems that I need to go. - he said, receiving a sad and sly face from the girl beside him. Light hated that expression. It was just as fake and as ridiculous as your life. He almost made a face of disgust, but stopped himself.

─ Misa will see Light on stage, at least. He was content, stretching the little height he had to reach the other's cheek. She quickly turned and skipped away from the boy standing in the yard. He was sure to wait for her to disappear from view to wipe the huge pink smear of lipstick using the back of his hand. Snorted.

How can people like this girl so much?

Despite seeming to be in a hurry to leave the blonde company, Light walked with slow steps, with no intention of getting there. What's the use of getting rid of one boredom to run for another? He mentally prepared to speak to hundreds of newcomers before finally taking the podium and sitting next to teachers and a few other students.

There were few veterans there. In fact, only freshmen come on the first day of school. Everyone is a little deluded when they enter a new school, and in the end, it's always the same shit.

The microphone made a signal that it was turned on, and the students finally sat down.

Fifteen minutes of introduction passed, and like every year, Light didn't mind listening. He would run his eyes over the faces of the newcomers, trying to identify their personality, and which little school group they probably belonged to. That was his favorite hobby: analyzing.

Yagami turned his ears to the gray-haired man at the microphone, just to check if it was time for his


─ This year, we have a novelty in the division of students at the school. - took a breath before continuing - Instead of randomly selecting the names of the groups, we will divide the students according to their performance. Thus, we will have A, the best, B, average, and C, regular. This means that students can move up or down in class depending on their classification. Everyone can check which class they were on the information board at recess.

So that's what Misa was talking about. Now it makes sense why she said she wouldn't be in the same class as me. ─ A brief smile crossed the boy's lips. He was satisfied with that kind of division. At least he wouldn't be around such stupid people.

─ Furthermore, the classes will be divided into pairs, also according to performance. The performance levels range from 1 to 9. That is, the most prepared pairs will be A9 and the least will be C1, the letter represents the level of the class and the number the level of the pair.

Light had to repeat the word "double" three times before reasoning. He would have to be stuck with someone for an entire year. Someone who thinks they are on the same intellectual level as him.

At least it won't be Misa. He laughed.

Some details were added until the speech ended, however Yagami's head was very stuck thinking who would be his stone in the official shoe for the remaining 364 days, starting tomorrow. The first introductory classes at the beginning of the school year were always very tiring for the student council. Light was responsible for explaining all school rules to all classrooms and sharing the functions of all other team members. At the end of the day the sun was already orange and he was happy to finally go home.

─ Ah, Light-san, could you come here? ─ A teacher called you as soon as you crossed the gates.

Light went over to where the woman was, waiting for her to speak.

─ Oh, dear, I have to run out of here and get my son from school. Could you put these papers in the teachers' room?

─ Of course. ─ took the leaves;

She thanked him and ran.

Yagami hurried inside, aiming to waste as little time as possible. The room he was supposed to go to was on the staff block, right next to the principal's office, which by the time was probably empty. There was only one light left. As the boy got closer, it was more possible to hear voices coming from one of the rooms. He was silent.

─ I still tell you that we shouldn't have accepted this boy at school. ─ A male voice barked. ─ He was expelled from practically all the schools he entered. ─ completed.

─ As educators, we have an obligation to welcome as many children as possible. ─ Another voice, this time, a woman, who answered in the same aggressive tone ─ Besides, did you see his notes? They're perfect.

Light had no intention of listening to such a conversation, which transcended the closed wooden door in the hall. Almost unconsciously, he stopped short to hear what it was about.

─ Whatever! But know that his entire responsibility will fall on you. Snarled.

The two people took strong steps, and the boy who spied realized that they were coming towards the door. Light hid behind the wall in a nearby room, and waited for the adults to leave the building. As soon as the steps stopped, the boy switched on the lights in the room, looking for the drawer that would put the papers.

School grades

Teaching grade.

Beginners' files.

Light didn't always go to that place. He was very curious about his partner. He only knew that the boy is called Lawliet, and that he missed the first day. There was hardly anyone in the building at that time. He wouldn't be doing anything wrong if he just wanted to know more about the newbie.

Still a little hesitant, The boy searched the folders for the letter L. He found it, gently removing it and placing it on the table. The document looked much older than it should have been, looking like it hadn't been renewed in years.

L Lawliet

Age: 19 years old

Nationality: English

Notes about the student;

A calm but distracted boy, he never pays attention in class, in fact, he barely comes to school. Always sleepy, but never slept in the living room. There is also no confusion surrounding it.

Speaks good Japanese, even if you are not from here. He is a good player in all sports, however he does not participate in physical education classes often, nor has he joined any club.

Responsible: Ellen Birthday

Address: --------

Telephone: ----------

NOTE: the student has not yet taken any photo for registration

A face of disgust settled on his face. He had created some expectation about the boy while looking over his record. And Lawliet didn't look like much.

How did this idiot get to be my date?

He was ready to save the files, giving up on reading. But for some reason, there was Light, taking out a copy

papers to take home.

Maybe he was just bored, as usual.

[... [

Lately he has been going to the infirmary quite frequently, the reasons are headache and malaise.

─ Nothing about this boy makes sense. He whispered to himself. ─ He doesn't study, but he gets good grades. So I can't classify you as a nerd. On the other hand, he doesn't have friends, but he's great at sports. He seems to have health problems. I can't connect all of that. ─ Light stretched on the chair in his room. He had spent about two hours looking at Lawliet's profile. And at all costs, he tried to trace it, however, he never reached a complete result, he always had a small detail that hindered his diagnosis.

Light raised his eyebrows. He was so used to reading people just passing the eye that he was stressed out by finding someone so inexplicable. And, to complete the picture, the boy had not come to the first day of school just for the beginners.

This is proof that not every freshman comes on the first day, after all.

But why do I care about it, anyway? "He gave a half smile." He's just a strange boy.

All I had to do was treat him like everyone else.

With the weight in his eyes, he slept with those thoughts.

Just treat him like everyone else. He repeated to himself.

One week. That was the time that has passed since the beginning of classes. And the boy named Lawliet didn't even show a sign of life. Light didn't even think about it, until the first double job of the year was requested. Yagami hated this type of task, as he always ended up doing everything alone or having his ideas interrupted, so it was almost a relief when he saw that the alleged boy was missing and he could finally ask for permission to do it alone.

To his sadness, the last part did not go very well. The teacher, who was a novice, practically forced him to go after the pair, through the address provided by the school. Light snorted, but he would have to do it if he wanted his note.

What an irresponsible boy. I still don't know how they put me in the same pair with that bastard. Missing ONE WEEK right at the beginning of classes at an unknown school should be enough for him not to enter class A, who would say, be my partner. ─ thought

Without much choice, Light said he would visit him tomorrow after school.


And there was the brown one, running to get to the place before nightfall. He didn't want to spend so much of his life taking care of an idiot he didn't even know. Unfortunate doubles system.

Stressed, the boy breathed unevenly as he took a breath in the middle of the street. He never imagined that such a place would be so far and so hidden. It was such a steep street that even Light's trained physique struggled to climb. Without much energy, the boy entered a small candy store in order to buy water. He went straight to the cashier to pay, and when he flew to resume his path, he found himself stumbling and hitting the ground.

He considered himself an educated person, but let's face it, every being has its limits. He was opening his mouth to pronounce the first curse he remembered, but reflexively, he looked sideways at whoever had made him fall, and ended up giving up his insults.

He was a boy, but at first sight Light could have sworn he saw a panda. The boy was very pale, but his hair was black and huge. He looked at Light in a curious but not very sorry way, it was almost ironic and he seemed, deep down, to be enjoying the situation. However, the only real reason that made Light calm down, is that the boy was in a wheelchair.

The few people in the store were watching them, but the wheelchair just stares at Light, as if waiting for him to speak.

─ Could you at least apologize ?! - Said loudly, but not so aggressive.

─ I don't think that will make the fall back. He said, putting the tip of his thumb in his mouth.

Yagami was sure that if he put his hands on his forehead, he would feel his veins leaping with anger.

─ What does it cost to apologize? He asked, receiving an empty expression from the other. He snarled, finally leaving the establishment and walking away.

Just a small problem, the boy was following him.

The brown man ignored it, thinking he might be heading in the same direction. But there was no other direction, it was a dead end, and it was coming to an end.

─ Do you want to stop following me? ─ He snapped, crossing his arms and staring at the boy just behind him. The brunette passed by, without answering or giving signs that he heard anything.

─ I'm not following you. He replied, almost five minutes later. ─ My house is at the end of that street.

Light stomped out. I was angry as I hadn't been in years.

─ Why doesn't this damn Lawliet come by even one day? He shouted, ignoring the other's presence, talking to himself.

The elder felt that the wheelchair's movement had stopped. Slowly he turned to look at two black eyes, now slightly wide.

─ What do you want? Growled impatiently.

─ Apologize. ─ simply, the stranger inserted three bullets into his mouth.

─ Is anyone feeling guilty? ─ Light smiled, satisfied and mocking.

─ I already said that I am not feeling any regret for the fact that you do not look where you are. He replied.

Confused, the brown man said nothing.

─ It looks like you're my partner, and I'm causing problems. That is the reason for my apologies. ─ added.

They stood there, in the middle of the slope for a moment, Light was incredulous.

─ Are you Lawliet? He asked in surprise.

L nodded, his mouth full of candy.

Yagami looked at him deeply, waiting for an explanation for the days of absence. Nothing of the brunette saying anything. They didn't even have 10 minutes of conversation and Light couldn't stand looking at that stupidly white face anymore.

Fortunately, before the bigger one exploded, Lawliet spoke again.

─ I suppose you want to know the reason for the absences, don't you? ─ at times he looked at the boy in front of him.

─ No, actually I came to ask you for dating because I fell in love with you when I read your file. He quipped, drawing a heart in the air using his fingers.

L didn't change his expression, he kept looking at Light, that

it continued until Yagami considered the idea that the boy had taken it seriously.

─ I am 98% sure that you are being sarcastic. Still, the other two percent lead me to believe that you don't want an answer about my lack. Unless, of course, you ask me.

Light really wanted to punch him. A lot.

─ Please, Lawliet-kun, could you tell us why you were absent? He asked, swallowing all the hatred he was feeling, and smiling "gently" at the other.

─ Unfortunately, no. But I will certainly go on Monday. - he said, after thinking a little.

Light, stopping to think, has never been so humiliated in his life. Humiliated by a simple strange boy. On all previous occasions, it was enough for him to smile to get any information out, or to have any favors done on the spot.

What's wrong with this anemic?

─ Of course, if you have pending jobs, you can call me to tell me what to do. He articulated, giving the brunette a corner smile.

Yagami had never realized how fragile his pride was until that moment. He was about to kill someone just because he was unable to lead a conversation the way he wanted to. He redirected himself in the opposite direction from the other, walking back home without saying a word. I was angry.

─ In fact, thank you for reading my file. He pronounced when Light was considerably far away. The Japanese didn't turn around, just made his way back home. He soon heard the wheels move, until the sounds disappeared with distance.

Damn Lawliet.

It's not like he's any better than me. I'm sure he's only playing kuudere to feel superior once in his life. Frankly, he is all cold and silent, rude and takes a century to answer.

It was like rubbing in my face: "you can't get to me".

Light was scolded by his mother, as he didn't arrive at his house until about an hour after the incident. His body was broken, and there were still remnants of anger that made his brown head hurt.

But it was strangely exciting. Light finally felt a strong hint of flame in her heart. As if it were fuel.

He would have found his challenge

And he was called L Lawliet.

--- two days later ---

Light had a busy weekend. Although he doesn't usually drink, he ended up exaggerating a little at a welcome party, so he got a little hangover.

He was practically two blocks from the school, but some people were already approaching and walking next to him. They were noisy, which made the head once drunk with brown popcorn. However, he had to continue to be kind and friendly, as he could in no way tarnish his reputation.

And that was the penultimate day for delivery of the work. I had no choice but to talk to the panda boy who was his partner. Upon arriving at school, Light looked for the boy with his eyes, staying right at the entrance so that the brunette could see him when he arrived.

As he was in a wheelchair, it was not difficult to see him coming, even though he was a little far away. He also had someone else with him, but there was nothing to identify because of the distance.

They stopped a street before school. The person accompanying him stopped and bent down, giving what appeared to be a hug in the wheelchair. Then they started to follow different paths, Lawliet going in the direction of Light and the other going back the same way.

L was already close enough to speak to Light, but strangely, he turned to make sure that the one who was with him was already gone, and only when he was sure of it, did he turn to brown.

Light was watching everything closely. He was still determined to find out about the boy, and observation was the only alternative since the panda would never answer his questions.

─ Good morning, Light-kun. - looked at the biggest. L's voice came out a little more hoarsely than the day they met.

─ How do you know my name? He asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

─ In the documents I received at school, the name of my partner also came. He explained.

─ Were you so interested in meeting me? He laughed mockingly, arching an eyebrow.

─ Not as much as you, Light-kun. He replied, giving Light a cynical smile.

L 1 x Light 0

─ We need to do the job today. Said the brown man, ignoring the other's comment.

─ You can call me to say what topics I should research. He suggested.

─ It would be better if we met in person, you can come to my house after class. ─ proposed.

For an instant, Light could have sworn he saw a slightly sad expression cross the Englishman's face, but it may have been just an impression.

"Send me matters over the phone," he repeated.

─ Why, are you afraid of me? I can come to your place if you want. ─ he was irritated, changing his tone of voice.

It's good to remember that for some reason, Lawliet doesn't seem to like visiting

r colleagues' houses.

─ Please, Light-kun, send me the affairs by phone. He said again. Except that different from the other lines, in that there was a pleading tone, the brunette's voice failed in the last words, and his head bowed a little.

What the hell is with him?

─ Let it be then. - gave in, hearing the school signal ring again. Light knew that L didn't know the way to the living room, and he probably wouldn't ask. Why not take advantage of the situation a little?

Yagami was following the flow of students, and as he deduced, the Englishman was following him, they walked through several corridors, until Light stopped in front of a door. The other boy was quick to understand that it was a bathroom.

─ Do you want to stay with me even in the bathroom? ─ He smiled with satisfaction when he saw the confused face of the minor. Light held on to keep from laughing.

Light 1 x L 1

─ I think it is not appropriate, you should go to the room soon. - mocked, opening the bathroom door. What he really wanted was for Lawliet to ask him where his class was, so he would be admitting that he was following the Japanese.

But it was to be expected that the brunette would not follow Light's thoughts. Lawliet turned and left without saying anything else.


--- In the room ---

The teacher made a brief presentation for the English to meet the class. As a wheelchair user, people paid a lot of attention. L really disliked all the painful looks he received, looked at him as if he were on the verge of death.

The white-skinned man sat in the back row, using his own wheelchair. Nobody even spoke to him, because it was stamped on his expression that human contact was not of interest to him. There was something on the board. It looked physical, but it was of no importance to Lawliet. The education system is a liar and ineffective, and besides, that was a subject already dominated by the teenager.

All he did was walk around the faces of his colleagues. He knew the names of some, as the teacher had already called attention to half the room, which was a huge and uncontrollable noise.

What boring people, he thought.

L knew what kind of personality those boys and girls had. They screamed, laughed, cried, all hysterically. However, inside, they are feeling absolutely nothing. It's the rule of thumb: "The louder you shout, the more chances you will get noticed". And being noticed was all they wanted, for some unknown reason.

But it wasn't as if Lawliet had a life full of happiness and philosophy. Not even. He just didn't try to be who they wanted him to be.

And that, in our society, is being strange.

Only, in one of them there was a difference.

Light Yagami.

The brunette didn't know what to think of him. The brown boy was almost bipolar in assessing English. When they first met, at the first moment they met, Lawliet was absolutely sure that he was just another stereotype of striving for perfection. However, it only took five minutes for L not to know what to think of him anymore. All the expressions that the elder had given him seemed so true, I could see that he was really angry, not even trying to be polite. He was ironic and cynical, with great doses of pride in him, and certainly an intelligent boy.

Lawliet enjoyed talking to such a genuine person.

And then, two days later, L could see Light smiling in the middle of a group of people who were crowded around him. His words were very kind and careful, but still, funny.

From his stand, on the other corner of the space, he was convinced that Light simply hated all of that. Maybe he was there just for convenience, or even, fear of being overwhelmed by people, but it wasn't because of status or fame.

As Yagami always gets everything he wants, he was irritated when he met someone who doesn't fall for the fake smiles he gives out, and his pride was hurt. Now he is doing everything to find out about me and have my "friendship".

He wanted this challenge, and I want it too.

Let's see who finds out who first


_Hllo _Hllo


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