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100% Unrequited : Won't you love me? / Chapter 10: NEW BEGINNINGS


Amanda had gone on more interviews than she could remember in the space of two years and she has written even more applications but all she ever got was "we'll get back to you" but nobody ever got back to her. She wanted a career in human resources management and she knew she would be damn good at it. She had applied for the position of an assistant human resource person because she was very much aware she couldn't just jumb to being manager,she had to start as an assistant but she had been rejected by every single one of these companies. Some of the Managers who held the interview went to the extent of asking her to do despicable things if she wanted the job. She knew she was desperate but she wasn't that desperate. She had narrated her ordeal to her friend who promised to help. She wasn't sure how much help Sophie would be since she just came back so when Sophie told her she had gotten her an interview with SAAF,she was very surprised but also had very mixed feelings. SAAF was a leading accounting firm in the city and she always dreamed of joining their HR team. So not only had she gone for an interview in this very company,for the same position,twice,but the HR manager clearly told her after her second interview with them not to apply anymore in the case that they didn't get back to her. That was why she was not just worried about another rejection, but that she might be publicly disgraced for coming back a third time. These were her fears as she sat in their reception area waiting for her interview. She honestly didn't want to face that man a third time after what he did the last time and she could have easily told Sophie she already applied for this same job but she believed her friend must have gone through a lot to get her an interview so she felt the least she could do was show up. The receptionist kept giving her side glances of pity and a little bit of admiration. What's not to admire? Who comes in for an interview a third time after being rejected twice? Nobody that's who.

Unlike the first and second interview,she didn't wait long when the young receptionist approached her,"Miss Amanda,you can go in now"

"Ok,things are looking up" she thought to herself. Maybe this time would be different. She waited three hours for the previous interviews but she has only been here for an hour. "Who am I kidding. This doesn't mean anything. The man probably wants to dismiss me as fast as he can" she thought with a sad smile. She walked into the HR office half expecting to be ordered out of the office at best or ushered out of the company by security at worse. These were going through her mind as she walked into the office

"Hello Miss Amanda. I apologize for keeping you waiting. It's been a crazy morning. Please,sit"

She kept standing. She was not greeted by the HR manager. This man was new and looked like a five course meal in a five star restaurant. She couldn't stop staring. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" She was literally screaming in her head

"Miss Amanda?"

"Yes! Sorry"She smiled and sat down,unconsciously adjusting her clothes. She wished she wore something nicer

He smiled back.

"I won't take much of your time ma'am. I have gone over your résumé and I'm quite impressed. I was made to understand you've applied for this position twice?"

"That's correct sir."

"And you went ahead to apply a third time?"

"Yes sir"she answered weakly. Her heart sank at this point. She knew what was coming. She knew applying a third time was too much

"Wow! You sure are persistent. I admire that" he gave her a smile filled wit admiration

She looked up in shock. This was definitely not the reaction she was expecting.

"Like I said, this won't take long. I need to get back to my office. The HR manager was recently relieved of his position in the company so I had to take this interview instead. You couldn't have come at a better time I tell you. It was becoming too much combining my work with that of the HR. That being said,when can you start Miss Amanda?"

She couldn't believe what she just heard. Her eyes were rounder than a tennis ball as she asked "When can I start? I have the job?"

"Yes you have the job."

She felt like doing a back flip right there and then. "Thank you so much Sir. I can start tomorrow if that's okay" she calmly replied instead

"Tomorrow is perfect. Be here by 9am. Someone will meet with you to give you a proper orientation meanwhile this is the company handbook. Go over it. If you have any question,feel free to ask tomorrow during your orientation. Welcome to the team and I hope you'll enjoy working with us as much as we'll enjoy working with you."

She took the book he handed to her,"Definitely sir. Thank you once again. I really appreciate this opportunity. I won't disappoint you."

They both stood up. He extended his hands and she shook it. She walked out of that office gently,holding in her screams by a thread. She called Sophie as soon as she stepped outside to give her the good news but she her phone went off the minute she dialed her number. She shook her head in pity but it didn't last long. She was not going to allow anything spoil such a wonderful day. At least now she would be able to afford a new phone and throw that old thing away. She went home to wait for her friend instead.

On getting home she started a celebratory dinner. In no time she was done. She set the table and sat down to wait for Sophie. Few minutes later she heard her drive in so she stood up and went to meet her outside like a little wife. She was just so excited and couldn't wait to share her good news. She walked up to the car and stood by the door.


After work I drove to the closest mall to grab a bottle of wine to celebrate with my friend. I knew her interview was today and I had no doubt she got the job. I quickly dropped by the phone sections and got her a new phone as a congratulatory gift. I can't let her show up at work with the phone she was currently using. When I was done I headed home. Luckily I didn't meet much traffic as was typical in Lagos so I was home in a short while. I bumped into someone as I stepped out of the car.

"Amanda! You scared the shit out of me!"

She didn't say anything she just kept smiling like an idiot and doing little jumps. I understood how she felt. Who wouldn't feel the same way after years of doing menial jobs as a graduate and feeding hand to mouth

"Let me guess,you got the job? "

She put her hand on her chest in a shocked reaction "Sophie Daniels you better not downplay this news like this. Don't be so calm. Yes! I got the job!" She screamed. Well to hell with the rules of the estate. I'll break any rule for this girl and bear the consequence. I joined her in screaming and gave her a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you darling. You deserve only the best"

She had tears in her eyes,"I can't believe how lucky I am to have finally gotten this job"

"No my dear" I said as I wiped her tears, "They are lucky to have you"

She moved her head to the side,nodded and smiled at me. It was an emotional moment for both of us so we didn't need to say much to each other. I reached into the car,grabbed the shopping bag and we went back inside. We sat down to celebrate the news properly. While she dishes our food,I placed the wine on the table and the gift wrapped phone beside her. She looked down in shock

"Aww Mandy,you didn't have to" she unwrapped the gift and her expression was all the reward I needed for money well spent."Thank you. How can I ever repay your kindness" Tears came to her eyes again

"For such a tough lady you're too much of a cry baby you know" that made her laugh

"That's better. Now stop talking nonsense and pick up your glass" I poured the wine and we both raised up our glasses,"To new beginnings "

"To new beginnings "

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