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20% Unrequited : Won't you love me? / Chapter 2: SOPHIE

Chapter 2: SOPHIE

"Sophie so tell us,what have you been up to all these years? You didn't finish your degree,you have no husband, no kids, no job. So what exactly have you been doing with your life" The superiority and disdain in her eyes and voice was obvious. Sandra has always been such a bully. She wasted no time in going for the jugular. Returning to Lagos after 6 years,I didn't know many people and most of my friends were married with at least 2 or 3 kids. Sandra was married to a successful manager, she herself had a cloth line that was doing very well and she had 2 boys and a girl. In all,she was successful and she took every chance to rub it in

"Come on Sandy,give the girl a break. She just returned. Remember this was supposed to be a welcome get together for Sophie? " One would think Anna was defending me. But I knew better. At least Sandra had the balls to say what was obviously on all of their minds. I could almost hear their thoughts. They all looked at me with disdain and a little bit of pity. I know what you're thinking, if they think so little of you,why hang out with them? Well,these were my childhood friends. My girls. We grew up together, went to the same schools,lived in the same neighborhood. They adored and worshipped me at some point because I had everything they could only wish for. I was like the queen bee in our friendship. The three of them always rushing to do things for me. I was not a spoilt brat who took her friends for granted. Far from it. I genuinely loved them and even though we were worlds apart in class, it never bothered me. These were my sisters. I'd die for them. I took care of them. When I shopped, they shopped, wherever I went, they went, when I hung out, they'd be beside me. When kids were being sent home for not paying their fees I ensured my friends were never subjected to that. I never excluded them in any part of my life. We were like quadruplets. Everyone in our high school was jealous of our friendship. Some even went to the extent of trying to break us up but we only waxed stronger. I always believed they loved me as much as I did them. Imagine my surprise when after things fell apart for me,my so called friends deserted me with the speed of lightning. It was like I never existed in their world. They couldn't be bothered to share in my pain rather they became the bearers of my misfortune. Their true characters came out. I was able to see the underlying jealousy and hatred all along. They broke my heart into a million pieces. Shortly after that I left Lagos for the East and I've been away for 6 years. In that time there was no communication, no reaching out, I was dead to these women.

The moment I returned I reached out to them. I didn't really want to but I had to meet with them. I had to see for myself,look into their eyes while I ask them one simple question, WHY? I was surprised they came. So with a wry smile plastered on my face

"It's alright Anna. She's just teasing me"

Over the years I've learnt to hide my true feelings, smile when I really feel like crying, laugh when all I want to do is scream my head off. For years I've been all smiles and laughs with no happiness

"Mandy you've been awfully quiet. Are you not happy to see our "friend" after all these years? "Sandra was not giving up on trying to humiliate me

"I am happy to see her, but I don't understand what we're doing here exactly. Are we here to welcome her or to mock her? So far you've not said anything reasonable or meaningful. You've not asked any sensible question. You've all but spat on Sophie's face. So what would you have me say? Add to your piles of insults? What did she ever do to us to deserve all this?"

Amanda,my best friend,my rock,my constant. Unknown to this other two she has been with me throughout my ordeal. She was there to pick me up when I fell apart. She couldn't be there physically, but she was supporting me from afar. Not financially anyway, she didn't have much,but she was there,calling, talking, comforting, motivating,she was a darling. A quiet soul she has always been. She had to see herself through school after losing her parents. She has not been able to get a good job and she has not been very lucky in love. These other two remained friends with her just to make themselves feel better. As I looked at my friend, there was a tenderness in my eyes that only comes out when I'm around people I truly loved. I love Mandy and I'd do anything for her

"Are you stupid or what? If you don't have anything to say why not shut up your useless mouth. You've forgotten I'm talking to my hubby and his friends about getting you a job. Do you want to remain jobless?" Sandra was fuming. She looked like her excessive make-up was about to crack. Her face right then reminded me of an antelope. It was stretched and pinched from too much cosmetics.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you"

"Well you better be fool. Anyway,I didn't come here to welcome anyone. I heard you were back and when you called I had to come see for myself. And as I expected, nothing has changed. So you don't make the mistake of trying to ask for my help because I'm sure that's why you called, keep your poverty stricken self away from me. We don't belong to the same class and I don't want your bad luck to contaminate my good fortune. Don't reach out to me ever again. To think you arranged a meet here at Sheraton" She burst out laughing

"We all know you can't afford a bottle of Coke here. What were you thinking coming here? You hoped we would pay for this hangout? You better think again. A word of advice, if you're looking for a job, Mandy can hook you up with one of those cleaning jobs she's been doing. That suits you so well. Anna come on " With that they both stood up and left. Mandy was shocked to her bones. The look on her face was hilarious. I kept smiling

"Amanda you look like you're about to have a stroke. Close your mouth girl"I couldn't hold my laughter anymore.

"What's funny. I don't get why you're laughing. Did we not hear the same thing"

"Oh we did. But it's not that serious. I only saw a mad woman making a fool of herself "

"Ah! Mad woman? Sophie if there's anyone who could have helped you in Lagos it's Sandy and she all but just declared war on you and you're laughing? "

"On the contrary my darling, I do not need Sandra's help.

And how do we pay for these drinks Sophie? Those two would have been able to pay. What I have on me cannot even pay for what I had talk more of everything on this table "Mandy was close to tears. I was watching her in amusement

"Mandy would you quit giving yourself a headache. Come on let's go" I stood up and she followed me. She kept looking back to see if we would be called back. I laughed harder. I hugged her goodbye. She walked down to get a bus,I walked back into the hotel

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