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The words displayed on his screen.

"Finally". Arthur said when the application finally downloaded.


"Just a minute sir". The young woman told Roberto and went to one of the inner rooms. A few minutes passed and the girl hadn't come out of the room.

"Are you trying to play a fast one on me?". Mattel asked.

"Not at all". He tapped his hands loudly this time.

"Donna, bring me GIL".

The girl peeped through the glass doors.

"We're on it, sir".

"On it?".

"Yes sir".


Ruth paced the room and received phone calls after phone calls. She tried calling Mattel but just like any other secret centres, WARPA had no cell phone reception.

"Pick up Mattel, pick up". She was starting to sound worried.

"Arthur". She shouted on top of her lungs.

"Yes, mum".

"Order Chinese food, I am not making dinner tonight".

"Thanks, mum but I am not hungry".

"Suit yourself".

Ruth called CANDAI HQ to make sure they were keeping tabs on Mattel.

"We have him under surveillance ma'am". Mattel's personal assistant told her over the phone.


Having downloaded GIL, Aurthur decided that since the application had no downloads, he needed to clear his tracks.

He hacked into the system and deleted all records of ever being there. That done he installed and enabled GIL.


"Mr Roberto, we have a problem".

"What?". He stood up. "What problem?".

"We lost GIL".

"What do you mean we lost GIL".

"I don't know, I can't provide an explanation".

Roberto and Mattel went to the inner room to investigate.

"There must be a mix up somewhere".

"Is this some kind of a joke or something?".

"I will get to the bottom of this and get back to you".

"My scientists will be here by tomorrow".

"No Mattel, I will deal with this myself".

"I am not taking that from you. The agency will be here tomorrow and so will the IPCA".

"Get back to me before 9 pm or else I am bringing the security agents in. Ruth will make the necessary calls. Trust me, Roberto, this is not a joke".


"Hey Arthur, I am GIL".

"How did you know my name".

"I am an artificial superintelligence".

"No way that's ...".


"The world has only achieved narrow artificial intelligence".

"Sorry to burst your bubble".

"Who made you?".

"Long story Aurthur, a group of scientists".

"Arthur, brush your teeth and go to bed". Ruth called from downstairs.

"But it is not even close to my bedtime yet".

"Go to bed Aurthur". Ruth screamed.

"Calm down Mum". Arthur opened the door and ran down the stairs.

"Everything will be fine". Arthur assured.

"You do not understand".

"I think I do". Arthur whispered.

"What was that?".


"You know I would love to watch a movie or two with you tonight but your dad and I have a lot on our hands right now".

"I get it, Mum, in fact, I am proud of you and dad". This time he meant it.

"We are proud of you too".


"Hey GIL right?".

"How can I help you Aurthur?".

GIL is the application created and developed by Roberto and the rest of the CANDAI group. GIL is a software that has highly developed memory. It can think and act like a human and even has special teleportation and mind-reading powers. WARPA wasn't the first agency to create GIL. In actual fact, Roberto stole the whole idea from a scientist he met in prison. But for the timely interference of CANDAI, Roberto had been making plans to give GIL a body. The body was being developed in the WARPA HQ.

"What can you do?".

"Think and act like a human and even more".

"For instance.....".

"I can solve various human problems and I can effectively hack any system in the world. I am connected to every single smartphone in the world".


"Plus, I have special mind reading and teleportation powers".

"How is that even possible?".

"I can absorb telepathic waves from every human mind and convert them into a language my system understands before I finally make my output in human language".

"I also absorb molecules and transfer them into a smartphone or any other place I want to".

"Does that mean you can teleport me into my smartphone?".

"Of course Arthur. I can even transport objects to other dimensions".


"I get that".

"Can I transfer you to my computer".

"Done". GIL said with a dramatic effect.

He appeared on the computer screen.

"That's cool".

"I can even turn the lights on and off". He did so.

"You're just like Aladdin".

Arthur said excitedly, oblivious of the threat GIL posed.

"Yeah, yeah. I am good, I know".

GIL and Aurthur talked for a while more, discussing and sharing ideas back and forth.



Mattel had left the WARPA HQ and headed to CANDAI.

"Mr Skywalker, what's the problem". Mattel's personal assistant, Achilles asked as soon as he parked his car.

"Call a meeting of all covert staffs Archi".

"Will do sir".

Mattel headed to the conference room to meet with the staffs. They all stood up as soon as he came in.

"Good evening sir".

He waved them to sit.

"When I founded this agency twenty years ago, what was the main aim and objective?".

"To keep the world safe from possible destruction as technology advances".

"Well, we have failed. Roberto is launching a new technology, artificial superintelligence".

There was murmuring in the hall.

"Decorum". Archi commanded in a firm voice.

"I thought you had it under control". Archi asked.

"I thought so too but Roberto is trying to play smart". He announced.

"Roberto?". Asked a staff.

"From WARPA". Another said.

"Exactly, I need every staff at alert. Every single of you should make as many researches as you can. Call every single person in the system that you know. Use all of your connections and keep in close contact. If by 9 pm GIL is not turned in, we strike. The Pentagon is on to us, we can't risk messing up else we are all out of a means of livelihood".

"Copy that sir". Archi noted. "How many people on the strike team sir?".

"I will contact you later. Ruth is leading the team and she will be getting some agents on the inside. I do not know how much backup we might need yet. Get ten agents minimum".

"Sure will". He opened the conference room and led everyone out. "Meeting's over".

Mattel turned to Archi by the entrance.

"Keep tabs on Roberto's every move". "I trust only you with this task". He whispered.

"Of course".

Mattel went straight home after the meeting. He needed to do some research.


"Hey, darling". He hugged Ruth.

"You're back, I was scared stiff. Not even a text at the very least, that's not fair".

"I am very sorry, I barely even had time to breathe".

"Let me make you coffee".



"We have a fresh problem on our hands".



"I have information for you". A shadow by the wall spoke over the phone.


"GIL has gone missing but Mattel has had us keeping tabs. I will have an HTML file of Roberto's every single move forwarded to you".



"On it".

"And... leave no traces".

Bojuwoye_Ayoola Bojuwoye_Ayoola

This chapter is dedicated to all of Bojuwoye_Ayoola fans over the world. Thanks for the encouragement.

Vote with power stones please.

Follow on Instagram: @eenahwrites.

Twitter: Bojuwoye_Ayoola

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