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63.15% Sweet Words

Chapter 12 Vampire Part 1

I fell asleep reading the first book. its so long that i only got half way. I had trouble sleeping, which is weird cause you think i would sleep better without Derek. I feel restless, I woke up so many times and i kept seeing flashes of weird objects. Everything was blue so i think i was seeing objects. Everytime something flashed i woke up. I stretch and walked into the bathroom for a shower. Hopefully today wont be so long. I get out and get ready for the gym. I eat breakfast and run to my session. I rather karate than gym at least with karate i get to hit someone.

I stay at the gym for two hours working mainly on my legs and stomach area since those are the ones that are getting effected with the sex.

Once I finish my routines i walk to the fruit shop for a juice and a snack. Great Steve is here.

"Well look whos here without her body guard."

"Morning Steve your looking unpleasant today did you lose your friends?" I paid the checkout assistant and walk out of the store. Steve followed.

He grabs my arm and pulls me to him "Bet you miss me."

"No I actually dont, but it seems like you do. Rose not good enough. Suppose thats what you get with an under ager."

"Mm I guess i can take you back even with the smart mouth of yours, if you beg me."

I make him let go of my arm and laugh at him. "Nar Im good Rose can have you, Im ok with not having you."

"What he got that I dont."

I walk away from him.


I look behind me to see his face turn red. Fuck you ass hole, die in hell.

I get home and do the house work. Dads still in bed its his sleep in day. I put on the coffee machine for him as its nine o'clock he will be up soon.

I wash our clothes and straighten up the living room. Dad will be watching the football after 12pm so this room will become his man cave for the day. Dad walks down the stairs as i walk up them.


"Morning, coffee machine on, living room ready for footy, ill be studying if you need me."

He gives me a kiss on the forehead and walks to the kitchen. Strange, he doesnt usually give me a kiss. Is he sick? "You ok dad?"

"Yep." I shrug my shoulders and walk into my room. Right lets get stuck into these books. I feel like its going to take me a week to even go through these books, but i better start so that i can start believing in all this supernatural business, how else am i going to explain lightening out of my fingers, and him picking me up with one hand, oh and his speed. there is no way someone could get to the door that fast with the bell going at the same time....

So at this stage Book one is about the history of how vampires become.

So its 'believed' that the Gods were bored with the human creation and needed some entertainment. So they decided to create the pure vampire. So we have two Gods creating a pure vampire, A good God and a bad God. The good Fod gave the vampire there abilities and long life. While the evil God gave the vampire the blood diet and the ability to turn humans into infested vampires. His target was to reduce the amount of vampires in this world. Than a game was created... the Gods than needed to catch the infested vampires before they wiped out the whole human population. How stupid can you get? They made it is that only supernatural beings could create pure blood and other supernatural creatures. Hence why there is so many different types of supernatural.

So on the sneaky side the Good God created a pure Electric Witch for the pure vampire to start making babys with and to stop the vampire from over ruling the world. Hence why they were named as the royals of the supernatural world.

After that it goes into depth of how the infection spread around killing half of the human population. It than goes into depth on how the pure blood bit and turned the human. The story is very brutal..... I dont want to think about it again..... And thats the first book. To be honest with you, it was very interesting, ecept for the last part. It would be interesting to find put how many pure there are now combined to how many are bitten.

my lap top starts making a noise. i look at the time ten thirty. I open it up to see Dereks Face.

"Morning Gorgeous hows it going?"

"Goodmorning, good I finished the first book. Are you alright you look sweaty and out of breath."

"Yer, just did something to Peter, ran away from him. and thats crazy, I didnt finish the first book for three days, man your fast."

"It doesnt seem like it the ancient text is making me readil it twice before i can understand the sentence, How young were you when you read these?"

"Two years ago."

"Oh, right well I am a little more advanced so on a normal level that would be ok."

He shakes his head at me. "So we have finished our work early. so we are coming home now. just packing up. My parents will make an action plan and continue it next weekend. So did you take the car for a drive?"

"Oh about that, someone stole the car. I didnt really have the heart to tell you last night."

"Ok not a problem, ill get you a new one tomorrow."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"No one stole the car did they?"

"Of course not, we put it in the garage so no one would steal it. You honestly have something wrong with you..... No sane person would spend that much money on a girl they have just started dating.... You should have saved the money for university for next year."

"Ive been meaning to tell you something." I look at him. "Ill be going to university the year after next. Starting Monday ill be back in year eleven."

I look at the screen in shock..... Is he for reals right now?

"Right you speachless means im in trouble. Ill... well... I got to go love you bye." the screen goes black. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

Did he get dropped on his head when he was younger? Multiple times? It doesnt make logical sence for him to be kept back. How many subjects did he fail for him to get pushed back a grade?

This guy is going to be the death of me.... Or the reason for my headaches. Ah hell.... Better start on book two...

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