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47.36% Sweet Words / Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Ouch!

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Ouch!

I wake to my alarm going off. I try to move but I cant. I feel heavy, what happened to me last night?

I open my eyes... Derek! Hes in my bed, he didnt leave? why didnt he go home? do people usually stay over and sleep together after... Oh god i had sex with Derek. Oh god i sent blue lightening through his chest last night.... i look over at him, I dont see any burns just black scorch marks and hes breathing so i didnt kill him. Obviously Im not his first, what ever i am. My alarm goes off again.

"Is it raining?" He pulls me closer to him.

"I dont know. Why?"

"I dont want to go to soccer training this morning." He kisses my neck and i giggle.

"My little witch is ticklish this morning." He rubs his nose along my jaw line than kisses me until he reaches my mouth. mm, im feeling very electric right now, like i have alot of energy. He moves his hands over my breasts than lowers them to my vigina.

"Mm already wet for me..." He moves his body onto mine again. Wait!!! are we having morning sex, oh god ive never had morning sex before. Ive never had anyone stay before either.

he pushes against me and it slides right in.

"Oh god Lisa your eyes are going to be my undoing." I look into his eyes, dark silver with gold flakes. He finds my mouth and send more electric through my body. Why does it feel amazi ng?

"Just going to be a quick one baby, dont think i can handle another massive shock like last night. He goes faster and faster as my palms feel pressure, my finger tips start to turn blue as he gets faster and faster.

"oh Gods lisa." i cum all around him as he grabs my hands and puts them on his chest i let go of a little power. He cums instantly. He falls back ontop of me and starts kissing me.

"If this is what its going to be like with you all the time im going to have to move in." I giggle.

"i hardly think my dad would like that."

"Fine you can move in with me, either way, i am going to crave this everyday." He keeps kissing me. Thunder rolls over the sky.

"Hm, I dont know if that is you or actual rain, either way i get out of training today." He puts his head on my chest. Does he honestly think i could make thunder and rain?

"I could listen to you breath all day."

"You stayed the night." He froze. it felt like an hour but it must have been a minute. He moves his head to look at me. "Is it normal?"

"Yes its normal. You will be treated better." He kisses my nose. "For what you and I have, this will be normal. I dont want you to wake up alone again. Especially after what we did. Twice." He winks at me and i feel my cheeks go red. "Look the gold streaks in my eyes means true loved. It means that I found my other half."

"So your saying I love you but I dont know it yet."

He smiles. "I like how you put that. Im saying i know I love you, but it might take a little while for you to feel the same because of how different we are. I know you will love me just as much as i love you. Gold streaks only show up for true loved souls." Is that why i feel at ease with him, why my logic goes out the window when im with him and Why i had sex with him the very first day we start dating...?

"Hm I better sneak out before your dad catches me."

"Oh crap Dad." realisation hit me. Ive never had to worry about being caught before.

"Dont worry you were out like a light yesterday afternoon and he didnt open your door."

"Crap thats why im so hungry, we didnt have dinner."

"Yes and no. Your power has just woken up so youll need alot of food to get your energy back from using it. Just so you know I didnt know you didnt know. I think whem i first touched you i might have triggered your powers." I freeze.

"Baby steps remember. ease me into it."

He kisses me again. "Now that Ive tasted you its going to be very difficult to not have you. especially when your eyes keep turning purple." I touch his abs and look up.

"Ah, Dont do that Lisa."

I smile cause i know i made my eyes turn purple. "i think this might have to stay covered." He rolls off the bed and puts his shirt on.

"Your going to have to close your eyes or im going to go for round two this morning."

I close my eyes and i feel the bed get heavy. He kisses my neck and i start to giggle.

"Keep them closed. Love that sound." He kisses my cheek and i feel the weight leave the bed.

"Ill pick you up at eight, fifteen. now count to 10 out loud, than you can open your eyes" I smile

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." I open my eyes. I sit up. hes gone. I look at the clock. its onlt six, thirty. I flop back on the bed. Too early for this. I get up and walk towards my bathroom. God my muscles hurt, who would have thought proper sex was an actual workout. I massage my arms and legs in the shower under the warm water.

Walking down the stairs hurt like a bitch. I ate six weekbix two apples and a pear. and i still felt hungry. I put another two apples in my bag and i found a banana. Hopefully that will get me through until lunch. I walk outside to see Derek in my drive way with his black car. A smile spreads on his face when he sees me.

"God i missed you."

"You were gone an hour and a half."

"Yes thats why to long." He picks me up and places me on the hood of his car. he takes my bag and opens my legs with his thighs. He moves in between close enough for me to feel his abs.

"I want this again." He pushes his stomach onto my vigina. I feel myself go red. I look around, how many people are watching?

He grabs my head and faces me to him. "I also want this." He kisses me long and hard ending up with his tongue inside my mouth. I feel like the blue fames want to come out of me everywhere.

"I also want these" He places my hands on his shoulders than pushes my boobs in his chest.

He finds my ear and nibbles it. I giggle.

"I want to hear that noise constantly."

"Thats a big list." He pulls me off the car but holds my thighs around his waist.

"Im also good with spending everyday with you for the rest of my life." He puts my feet on the ground and opens the car door for me.

"Spending that long with someone might get you sick of them." I walk towards the door and get in.

"Never." He closes the door and walks to the other side.

"Yesterday afternoon I worked out what you are becoming. I rang my parents to see if they have any information about it. They did so i went home and they gave me this book." He puts the book on my legs. Its small, very small. "They havent heard of your type in a very long time and because of how rare you are there isnt alot of information out there. I think this will be a learn on the go kind of thing. For you and me."

Great. Im a freak whos rare. And i have to learn what i am by myself. Well it cant be any different from learning who you are when growing up.

"So what am I?"

"You my love are a rare electric Witch. My parents wrote down everything back in the early days. They are part of a research organization."

Im a freaken witch.

"What I remember, is that the electrics were the most powerful of all supernatural creatures. They had super strength and speed like vampires, they had teeth strong like the werewolf, they had more magical abilities than anyone. I remember reading about a lost princess not long ago. My mum use to tell us the story when we were younger. This was many years ago, the electrics are the true royals of the supernatural world, and some bad organisation planned to over thrown them. An attack was made and most of the electrics died or were used for evil purposes. But they say that the king and queen had a sercret baby, that only a handful of people knew about her. To this day, no one has seen an electric. Except for me."

"My what a story." What a load of bullshit.

"My parents and us are the only ones who know and its properly wise to keep it that way."


"Becuase the true royalty of our world is electrics. The vampire king would properly possibility kill you to keep his thrown or worse, make you marry him." I just stare at him. Hes fucking serious about this. Breath Lisa Breath. Maybe there is a camera around here. I look around the car.

"Not sure that was easing me into this slowly."

"Ah, yer sorry. read the book first than ask questions."

"What supernatural creatures are you and your family?"

"We are pure Vampires." Dont panic, blood sucking vampire right next to me..... Yep defently being pranked.

"Dont look like that. " I look at him. "Im not crazy, I know your logic is working over time right now as well as your thoughts on the books you have read. Keep an open mind, we are not what the stories say. I will show you the truth, after youve read about me."

For the rest of the drive we were silent. I just had sex with a lonely. I pick up the book and look at the cover. So this book is all they know about my type. I put the book in my bag. I will read it after i punch something. Ill be going to the gym tonight, i need my head to stop.

"My family and i , have to work this weekend so youll have the weekend to yourself, to think things through." He pulls the car into a car park. "Ill be over tonight just to give you some more reading material. Here give me your phone." I pass him my phone. "What is this?" I look at him, really?

"Its my phone." He hands it back to me without doing anything.

"Ok than."

Peter opens my door.


"Morning Peter."

"Hope i didnt scare you."

"Nope I saw you on the way in. It will take me a little to get use to you all tho."

"Oh, so he told ya about us than, nothings changed."

" the fact that my brain is yelling blood sucker, nope nothings changed."

"Haha good one. Oh you were serious."

"My logic radar is going ballistic right now. Properly going to get a head ache."

Derek grabs my hand, and in a instance i start feeling calmer. Dam him. We walk past Rose and her friends.

"Slut." Oh she so did... Yep today isnt the day. i let go of Dereks hand feeling raged again and punch Rose square in the eye.

"Say it again gorgeous and ill match the other eye." Rose goes down on one knee.

"Im so sorry Lisa, Steve said if i didnt say it he would cheat on me."

"If he told you to jump off a god dam bridge would you? Think before you do Rose." She starts crying as Derek picks me up like a rag doll, I must weigh what 75 kilograms there is no way someone can do that with one hand...

He puts me down inside the school gates.

"Was that necessary?"

"Yes." I stare down at my feet, feeling like a kid.

"Hell yer, if she didnt do it I would have than i would have found Steve. I shake my head and smile at Peter. At that moment without even looking a Derek I felt his angry. Not towards me but Steve. I move my eyes to his.

He grabs my hand and we walk into the school.

"I would have have just walked away but your information that you gave me is making my head ache and i needed to punch something."

"Right good to know, if i bomb you with un logical information or something that freaks you out take you somewhere where you can punch something. Got it."

Peter laughed.

"Dude... Shes going to be a handful for you, im tam compared to her. You got yourself a bad ass, Classic... complete opposites, Love is crazy." He walks away laughing really loudly. Like a crazy person. What have i gotten myself into.

Derek breathes hard and looks at me. "Yer i know." He gives me a kiss on the cheek and i see his eyes.

"Do they always do that?"

"Peter says everytime i touch you they are silver, everytime my lips touch you they get the gold."

"Right, I take it that means you got it bad for me than?"

"Hell yes i do." He grabs my face and kisses me.

The bell rang. "See you at lunch" He walks away.

I couldnt concentrate at all through my classes. I am thankful that the bell rung. I pack up quickly and head towards the lunch room. I am so hungry. I had already eaten the fruit i packed in the beginning of first class.

"Lisa!" I stop walking and look around Derek was at our table. I walk towards him and notice the food.

"Please tell me i can eat this." two sandwiches, a cupcake, and two salads.

"Yes dig in." He grabs the cupcake and moves the rest towards me. "I told you, you would be hungry."

"Im not sure hungry is the right word. Its like i havent eaten since last week."

"Wow girl you got an appetite today." Peter walks over and sits at the opposite side to me. I smile up at him not caring but eating. "Why so hungry?" My whole face went red. that must of said alot to him. "You didnt." Peter punchs Derek in the arm. "You dog you."

Derek rubs his arm "It wasnt planned."

"Ah, man the best ones are always unplanned. Im so happy for you guys. Dads not going to though.... I heard him warn you last week."

I stop eating. "Warn?"

"Here eat up, your going to need to eat alot. Derek did you make sure she had enough to eat at breakfast. I bet you couldnt think of anything else but food."

I nodded my head.

"Sorry babe i didnt realise."

"Shes going to need a massive snack after school, this wont be enough."

"I am? After all this?"

"Yer, this isnt enough. especially if your just transitioning. Dad going to kill you haha." Peter gets up and walks off.

"Whats he mean?"

Derek looks around. "Ask me again after soccer training." I frown, I want to know now. The bell rings just as i finish the last salad. I dont feel full or satisfied. Man I want a cheese burger. We got up and we walked our seperate ways.

the first class was ok, but the next two were a killer.... All I want is food. I am thankful when the bell rings. I pack up like a ninja and almost race out the door. I see Derek waiting for me. How did he get here so dam fast? The bell just rang. He had a sandwich in his hand. I quickly grabbed it without thinking and starting eating it. "So good!" He laughed. We walked to the soccer fields. "You dont have a cheese burger in that bag of yours do you?" He shook his head no.

"Ill get you one after practise."

He sits me down at the front of the stands. He grabs another two sandwiches out of his bag and puts them on my lap. He than takes his shirt off. "Oh man, do you have to do that? I still think your gorgeous with the shirt on." He gives me a big cheesy smile and bends down. "Im going to have to stop coming to this."

"Please dont, I love seeing the purple eyes. Besides its only half an hour today. the coach wants to get out as quick as we do for the weekend. And its just running techniques."

"Being horny for half an hour is still going to be unbearable."

"Ill make it up to you." He kisses my mouth softly. We hear a whistle. "Im really wanting to put that someone he isnt going to like." He runs to the field as i get stuck into the sandwiches.

It took me half an hour to eat both sandwiches. but i was still hungry. I want that God dam cheese burger.

We walk hand to hand to his car.

"What did Peter mean at lunch?"

"Dad said that once true loved make love they complete the bond."

"Oh so we are stuck together.?"

"In a way. You wont fall in love with anyone else while im living and i the same."

"So Your saying I married you?"

"No thats another part of the bond. All it means that our soul bond connected and its going to stay connected. Dad just said to wait until you had developed the feelingd on your own without the bond. When you had finally got the gold streaks thats when i knew you were ready."

"I see."

"I couldnt control myself when you walked out in the towel. God i tried but I just couldnt."

"So your dads going to be pissed at you?"

"Hes mad. He knew as soon as i was home this morning. I got a lecture. especially with you not knowing about our world."

"Ah. are you grounded?"

"In a way yes, I have to work with them this weekend, hence why youll have two days without me."

"And thats punishment?"

"Being at school but in different classes killed me today. and the one and half hour this morning brutal."

"So your very attached to me?"

"Yer I am and I will be until I die. Im not sure why its stronger for me than for my parents or why its not as strong to you."

"Im properly part human, So there will be a sence of protective side."

"It doesnt really work that way, humans cant get pregnant with supernatural and vise versus. Its been tested. alot."

That stopped me from getting into the car.

"Shit, I did it again didnt i? I got to learn just to answer questions not keep going."

I get in. "I need two cheeseburgers" He closes the door. He cant honestly believe that i believe this? How long is he going to keep this going?

Why havent i accepted the fact that I saw lightening come out of my own fingers.

He gets in and starting heading towards a takeaway. He gets me 4 cheeseburgers with 4 chips and a drink. and nothing for himself.

I finish the chips before we even get to my house. He pulls up to my house, but doesnt turn off the car.

"I have to do some errands" He kisses my cheek "Ill be back in like an hour."

"Ok" i grab my food and my bag and get out. " Ill make dinner, What can i feed you?"

"Lisa i eat normal food"

I smile and walk to my door, i hear him leave.

Dam looks like i wont be going to the gym. Maybe ill get a run in before he gets back. This is alot of junk food i got to work off.

Dereks point of view.

Will I have enough control to leave her for two days? My connection to her right now is insane. Its gotten so much worse after making love with her last night. How could my dad expect me to wait? We have know about the bond for a year now. He did admit that he knew i wouldnt be able to be thought i had alot more control over it. why did he had to punish me for it tho. if he knew i wouldnt have been able to control it. Right now Ive got to get her a new phone and a laptop. The phone she handed me this morning is older than my grandmother. and She hand writes everything, she is fast but next year will be alot more work and shes going to need it.

Keeping her identity a secret will be hard if we keep making love. someone is going to sence that much power and will come looking. Got to figure out a plan. I got to go home and pick up true vampire books that my parents have. She going to need to understand what we are, so she can stop that she thinks ive lost my mind look. and rolls her eyes everytime i say something about the supernatural. What I havent worked out is how she doeant believe me even with her witnessing the flames coming out of her fingers. Just thinking about it makes me horny. Will she start loving me soon? Can a true loved just stop loving if their soul mate doesnt love them back. I hope i dont have to find out. Cause I know I cant live without her now. Shes everything.

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