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21.21% Doctor Who: An Alternate Sequel Series / Chapter 7: The Fire of the Daleks: Part 1 (9th Doctor)

Chapter 7: The Fire of the Daleks: Part 1 (9th Doctor)

"We can't retreat" Zoella shouted.

"We have to. They've got us completely out gunned. If we don't we'll burn with the others" her Captain, Shreskia said before sending the ship on a course for home.

Zoella attempted to stop her captain physically, but she was no match for his greater experience.

The Captain soon discovered that Zoella wasn't the only one angry with him. Five more arrived on the flight deck, furious that he had in their minds, brought shame to their crew.

The largest of the crew had to be restrained by two others from attacking his Captain. "How could you! We vowed that we would give our lives for the people of Meliscor! They had sacrificed so much for us!"

"I had no choice. Meliscor was done for. Those monsters, they had destroyed all of their defences and were blitzing their continents. The last message I received from their people's main command centre was nothing but screams. What could we out here in space have done?"

"A lot more than just running away." Zoella said with disgust.

"We have to get back to our world Zoella. We are now the last planet standing in this entire galaxy. Our people are going to need as many soldiers as they can."

"They won't want our help." She sneered.

"Well if it makes you feel any better our world probably won't survive long enough to reject us anyway." The Captain snapped back.

"I can't believe it." He continued. "82 inhabited planets in this galaxy, and one by one they've all fallen. So many great civilisations, and not one survivor from any of them. If we are to join our comrades. I want to at least see my family one more time, would you begrudge me that."

"You don't think I miss my boy every second of every day?" Zoella said? "We all have a duty to our people that."

Suddenly a bright light began to shine at the other end of the room. All of the soldiers pointed their guns at it, whilst the Captain checked the readings.

"No, it can't be" he said with horror. "One of them is…. how?" He instantly tried to set a new course for the ship, only for a green ray to fire from the light at the controls, destroying them.

Just then the light began to fade and in its place emerged the image of the monster that had spelled the doom for the crews entire galaxy. A Dalek!

They all froze in fear for a moment. They had never had an encounter with a Dalek up this close. No one who did in their galaxy had ever lived to tell about it. For a second they all felt like running away, but the largest at the centre of the group started firing at the Dalek to no avail. 

"EXTERMINATE" it shrieked in its hideous, rasping, metallic voice, before opening fire on all of the crew, except for Zoella and the Captain who stood at the other end.

Just one shot was all it needed to kill multiple people. A Dalek gun could fill an entire area up to 10 feet wide with a green light that at full setting could destroy everything in its path. The rays from a Dalek gun also stimulated every single pain receptor in its victims body to the absolute maximum they could be. Though the crews death only lasted a few seconds, the pain was so intense it felt like several hours.

The Captain pushed Zoella behind him.

"Zoella go, you have to warn the others, we can't let even one of these monsters get back home. You're right. I've failed you all. Go!" Zoella protested, not wanting to leave her captain in spite of everything and so he shoved her out the door and then locked it, whilst firing at the Dalek.


The Captain felt tremendous pain run through his entire body, but after the sensation was over however, to his horror, the Captain was still alive.

He couldn't move a muscle in his body. He couldn't even scream! The Dalek then approached the immobilised and petrified Captain.


"Ah good we've finally landed." The Doctor said as put his book down and headed for the console room.

The Doctor had spent most of the journey in his vast library, catching up with his collection. Dana had urged him to, feeling that it was a shame all of those great books were going to waste with no one reading them. The Doctor had actually read them before, but that was many faces and several thousand years ago. Dana was amazed she had convinced him to do anything. He was so stubborn and grumpy when it came to taking any advice.

"So where's it taken us this time Doctor." Dana said as she arrived in the console room from the lounge.

"According to these readings we've arrived at the Myosirka Galaxy. That's all it'll tell me for the moment. Mysorika? That name is familiar to me? I can't remember why."

"Well I'm sure it will come back to you."

"I suppose. You know Dana when you've been around the universe as much as I have the galaxies really do all start to blend together."

The Doctor and Dana exited the TARDIS and discovered that they had landed on a spaceship. There didn't appear to be anyone around however. The ship was dull, grey and depressing.

"God how hard is it for people to make a cosey spaceship?" The Doctor moaned.

"Well maybe boring and grey is this species idea of cosey." Dana said as she looked down the nearest corridor.

The duo would spend another few minutes exploring the nearby corridors, before a scream stopped them in their tracks. It was absolutely blood curdling, but neither the Doctor nor Dana could see any signs of anyone or anything nearby.

"What is it a ghost?" Dana said jokingly, whilst still somewhat nervous and scared.

"No it's a communicator of some sort I'd wager. Whoever, whatever, is responsible for that horror, wants the rest of the crew to know what's in store for them." The Doctor explained, though Dana wished he hadn't.

The screams chilled both the Doctor and Dana to the bone, but as always the more scared they were, they more curious they became.

The two time travellers explored the nearest corridor with the screaming ringing in their ears. They'd never heard anything quite like it. There wasn't even a seconds relief for the victim.

"Poor soul" Dana said. "So much for landing somewhere nice and quiet."

At the end of the corridor they discovered a large weapons room, filled with several rows of strange rifles.

"Well now at least part of this is starting to make sense, the Doctor said. We're on some kind of military vessel. I'm afraid I don't recognise the weaponry but"

Just then a young man appeared from behind one of the rows of rifles and ambushed the Doctor, pointing his gun into the Time Lords spine.

"Thanks for the heads up Dana" the Doctor said sarcastically.

"Sorry I was little distracted by all the screaming."

"Who are you? How'd you get on board" the figure asked frantically.

"Well now look I can't tell you if you shoot me can I, why don't you just put the gun down and"

The Doctor quickly spun run and knocked the gun out of the soldiers hand, before kicking the gun back to Dana. He then floored the soldier with a quick hit to the stomach and another to the jaw.

"There now perhaps we can have a more civil conversation about just what the hell is going on here" the Doctor said somewhat pompously. Ten more figures however emerged from behind the weapons cabinets.

"Ah okay maybe not" the Doctor said as Dana dropped her gun to the floor.

The young soldier the Doctor had hit jumped up and punched the Time Lord in the face in anger. When he tried to hit him again Dana got the soldier in an arm lock.

"We don't have time for this, we need to get these people, whoever they are to the safe room now!" A young woman who appeared to be the leader of the group said.

The soldiers took the Doctor and Dana through a door at the other end of the weapons room, which led to another long corridor. They then entered a lift that took them down two floors. They were then led down two more corridors. In the middle of the second corridor however, the young woman activated a device which caused a hatch to suddenly appear in the floor. The hatch led to a safe room. Along the way, the screaming stopped. It didn't come to a sudden stop. It more slowly died down.

There was only one soldier in the safe room waiting for them, a young man trying frantically to work several controls.

"They don't look like enemy agents." He said whilst peering over his shoulder.

"I can assure you we're not anybody's agent" the Doctor replied.

"Why don't you tell me what's going on here." The Time Lord continued after a short period of awkward silence.

The leader pointed her gun at the Doctor. "We'll ask the questions. We detected the presence of something on one of the upper levels. It seemed to teleport in just like that metal monster had. Why are you siding with them?"

"With who?" the Doctor said in frustration.

"Don't lie to me. Even if you weren't one of their agents, no one in this Galaxy hasn't heard of the Daleks."

Both the Doctor and Dana's faces filled with horror at the mention of that name.

"Please you have to let me help you. I am just a simple traveller. My vessel's on the upper level. I swear we came here by accident, but if the Daleks are involved."

"Involved?" The woman laughed. "They've destroyed every planet in this entire galaxy! All except ours. For the past five years I've had to watch billions of young soldiers sacrifice themselves for nothing against those monsters. I've seen entire cities, continents and planets burn."

"I know" the Doctor said. "I've seen the Daleks destroy worlds throughout all of history. My friend here meanwhile, well she has more reason to hate them than anyone else. Please just let me and Dana help."

The figure at the controls suddenly interrupted. "I've managed to hack into it Zoella" he said to the leader of the group.

Zoella paused for a minute.

"Do it" she said.

"Do what?" Dana asked.

"There is a self destruct device on board this ship. Only the Captain knows the code. Fortunately our friend here, Resicha was able to hack the mainframe."

"Fortunately? I assume you have a way off this ship." Dana said in disbelief.

"No we don't. Our lives don't matter at all. The Daleks let this ship escape. They were manipulating us. There's an impenetrable force field around our planet. It's the main reason our world is the last one standing. Though maintaining it has not been without cost." She said with regret.

"The Daleks haven't be able to penetrate it, yet." Zoella continued. "So they let one of our ships go, and then teleported one of their own into our vessel. We didn't know they had teleportation technology. They must have developed it recently. They want to get one of their own into our force field."

"Why don't they just teleport in?" Dana asked.

"The force field probably prevents that too." The Doctor said. "Its very rare to find teleportation technology that can penetrate force fields, and if what they say about them just discovering teleportation technology is correct. This is an early point in the Daleks history."

"Once that Dalek is on our world it's all over. We can't take control of the ship, it's locked it on a course for home and it has our Captain." Zoella interrupted.

"Those screams. That's who they were from?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes. For the past two days since it first came here, the Dalek has been torturing him and forcing us to listen. We get a relief from it every now and again only because he faints. We tried to rescue him, but every time we've sent more up there, it kills them. There were 60 of us. Now there's only 12. This place is sealed from the rest of the ship. Even then I think the Dalek more hasn't found us because it doesn't care. It seems to only care about him. It's time to end his pain as well as ours."

"No you can't give up." The Doctor protested.

"We're giving our people back home maybe a few more months before the Daleks find a way to break through the force field anyway. We also won't have to watch our world burn like the others in this galaxy. I'd say its our best option" Zoella said.

The Doctor and Dana attempted to plead with their captors further, but they didn't listen. The countdown started. The Doctor punched one of the soldiers next to him and flipped the other over his shoulder into two more, but when he tried to make a move for the control panel he was overpowered by another three. Dana meanwhile was restrained by the soldiers pointing their guns into her stomach and back.

The countdown went to zero and nothing happened.

"No, no, no! That Dalek, it must have overrun the security system." Zoella screamed in despair.

"Well how's that for one of life's little ironies. I owe my life to a Dalek." the Doctor said in a somewhat chipper tone.

Zoella shoved the Doctor against a wall.

"You think this is funny?" She said in rage.

"You're right, I'm sorry, but if that self destruct device had gone off, you'd have taken us with you. Now you might have a chance. We've fought the Daleks before and we've won against them. I have equipment in my vessel, the TARDIS that might be effective."

"Might be?"

"Well I'm not exactly sure what year it is. These Daleks seem to be quite primitive if they have only just mastered teleportation, but still."

"What you're saying you're a time traveller?"

"Yes and I've seen the Daleks throughout their entire history. No one is ever able to completely destroy them. Some have survived their evil however, and you can too, but only if you let us help you.

"What do we have to loose Zoella?" Resicha said.

"This vessel of yours? It's on the level we found you?" Zoella asked.

"Yes we can take you there now."

"I'll take some of the team. I warn you however. If you try anything you'll both die before either of us."

The Dalek meanwhile had also detected the presence of something on the upper deck. The creature decided to investigate. It knew that none of the races in this galaxy had access to teleportation technology. At the same time he knew that it couldn't be any more of his kind, as they couldn't teleport this far.

When the Dalek arrived at the source of the disturbance, it instead caught sight of the all too familiar blue box. It had heard so much about this object back on Skaro. According to their leaders, it belonged to the Doctor, their legendary enemy who had been attempting to destroy the Dalek race since their birth. The Dalek however had personally never believed these stories. Like all members of its kind it couldn't fathom the idea of any life form being superior to them. It believed that the Doctor was just a lie invented by their leaders to make sure the Daleks never became stagnated.

Now however it was being faced with the reality of this enemy of the Daleks. It wasn't scared however. More curious. The Dalek examined the strange blue box. It knew that its fire power couldn't harm it, but perhaps there was something it could learn from the TARDIS.

"So tell me about your world." The Doctor asked as they made the long trek back to the TARDIS.

"You really claim to not be one of us?" Zoella asked. The Doctor didn't even bother to answer.

"Our world, Heglozia, was once the most advanced of its galaxy. It was a paradise planet filled with red skies, golden water and green lands."


"Like I said in order to keep the force field running and even just to supply weapons and resources to the other worlds. Our planet was stripped clean. It's a waste land now. People fight for the tiniest, most basic resources, the air is polluted, diseases we conquered centuries ago have returned and run rampant; there are constant coups and civil wars to overthrow our leaders. Since the start of this war about 80 percent of all life on Heglozia has been extinguished. The Daleks almost don't need to invade. They've already practically killed our world."

"I'm sorry" Dana replied. "They did the same thing to my world too. It wasn't in my time, but still seeing what they did to my people, I can't imagine what it must have been like to live through it."

"No you can't. I'm sorry but I'm having trouble believing either of you have even met the Daleks. You wouldn't be so flippant about all this if you did."

Dana briefly stopped Zoella in her tracks.

"I'm sorry what became of your world, but trust me when I say this. After what the Daleks did to me I'm not going to be told that I have no idea what they're capable of. Do you understand?"

Zoella didn't say anything, but she didn't have to.

"When the war started, everyone came to us for protection." Zoella continued. "We had been the first race to develop space travel in our galaxy. We had a good head start on the others, but we didn't always treat them right. We exploited the other races during a large part of our history. Still all of those past difficulties were forgotten when the Daleks arrived. We tried to help the others, we threw everything we could at the Dalek but we… we failed our kin."

"I'll make sure I won't fail your world" the Doctor said.

"Well forgive me for not believing you. Before this war started I had a family you know. I've not seen my son in so long now. I don't think I'll ever see him again" Zoella said with regret.

They soon reached the TARDIS thanks to the lift.

"That's your ship? Is it not a little small?" Zoella asked.

"Dana can you go through the usual its bigger on the inside than the outside thing, I have to go and try cobble together something for the sake of this charming young woman's species." The Doctor said as he put the TARDIS key in the lock. Suddenly however his entire body was consumed in a flashing blue light before he collapsed on the floor.

"DOCTOR!" Dana shouted as she rushed to his aid.

"Quick we have to get out of here" Zoella said. Two of Zoella's men lifted the Doctor up by one arm each.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE! YOU ARE TRAPPED" The Dalek shouted from the direction they had just come from.

"Quick we need to move now!" Zoella shouted as she and the others darted down two more corridors and up a large flight of steps, with the Dalek in pursuit. (Its hover pad allowed it to fly up the stairs.)

The only way forward from here was to the control room. Once in there Zoella saw her former Captain, whimpering and shaking on the floor, a completely broken man.

Despite her recent differences with him, Zoella had still always admired her Captain. In his prime he had been one of her people's greatest war heroes. To see him reduced to this by one of those monsters was both terrifying and heartbreaking.

One of the soldiers tried to shut the door, but the Dalek had jammed the controls. "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE YOU ARE TRAPPED" The Dalek barked from down the corridor as it glided towards them. The soldier attempted to shoot the invader and went for its eye stick, but the Dalek shot him down first.(It adjusted its controls so that it was just a beam to preserve the others in case it wanted to interrogate them.)

The soldiers screams were deafening and seemed to last a lot longer before his body crashed to the ground, his face twisted in the most horrific expression of agony.

The Doctor suddenly jumped up and was able to seal the door using his sonic screwdriver, but the Dalek continued to blast at the door several times. Though it burned some holes in it, the door nevertheless withstood the monsters weapon, for now. At full power it could have easily blasted through the door, but that would also damage the controls that it had repaired and jammed inside.

"Doctor, for a second I thought you were dead." Dana said with relief.

"No that Dalek I'd wager wanted to interrogate me. Not to big myself up, but for a Dalek finding out I exist must be like finding a lost treasure for a normal species. It underestimated me though. A little shock like that would have been enough to kill you, but me well." Dana rolled her eyes.

"Better luck next time" the Doctor taunted the Dalek.

The Dalek didn't respond however. It had other plans in mind.

The Captain started to scream and ran towards the door. The remaining soldier tried to restrain him, but it took the combined might of the soldier and Zoella to hold him in place.

"What did that thing do to him" the soldier shouted.

The Doctor used a Venusian neck pinch to render the Captain unconscious before examining him.

"I've seen them do this before. We must be at a fairly early point in the Daleks history right enough" the Doctor said.

"Before they'd mastered proper mind control techniques, they'd inject their victims with a chemical. It caused the most unimaginable pain in the victims to the point where it would literally break them mentally, after which they'd then mould the victims broken mind to obey them. Often the victims just died, or they became vegetables, hence why the Daleks later developed more refined methods. Clearly the Dalek was hoping to use it on the Captain so that when he reached your planet he'd vouch to the authorities that the ship was free to enter the force field."

"Is there any way to reverse the chemical's effects?" Zoella asked?

"I'm afraid not" the Doctor said.

Zoella then shot her Captain in the head. Dana and even the other soldier were absolutely horrified at her actions.

"There's nothing we could do for him. I may not believe all this, alien's stories, but I know the Captain long enough to know that there was nothing left of him in there. Besides now that monster can't use him. He'd rather it was this way."

The Doctor meanwhile who had understood her logic but didn't say anything, started to work the controls.

"My people are a good bit ahead of the Daleks at this stage of development. More so than the Daleks are ahead of yours. I might be able to pilot the ship off course." The Doctor said.

"Where will we go?" the surviving soldier said grimly.

"To another galaxy for help. You're right, you can't even hold the Daleks off for much longer never mind beat them. We'll need to keep looking until we find someone willing to help."

"There is no life in the galaxy next to us. We explored it many centuries ago." Zoella replied.

"Well then we'll explore the one after that, and after that. With a few adjustments to this ship we should be able to find a new galaxy with a new civilisation sometime soon. The Daleks have a habit of uniting all other species together. Trust me, we won't have to look hard to find someone willing to help. Case in point, me and Dana both come from galaxies trillions of light years beyond yours and we're willing to help you against them." The Doctor explained.

"ATTENTION, ATTENTION". The Daleks voice suddenly croaked through the communicator.


"It knew where we were hiding all along" Zoella said.

"Yes. It probably kept you alive in case the Captain died from the chemical so it could just pop down and snatch as many of you as it needed, either to use the chemical on or force to help it. It never once viewed any of you as a threat it needed to deal with right away." The Doctor explained.


The voice of one of Zoella's team came through the communicator.

"Please Zoella don't give in, our lives aren't important."

She was suddenly cut off by a zapping sound, followed by a blood curdling scream. There were several more shots and screams, that were then followed by a deathly silence.

"All those men and women lost?" The soldier said with regret.

"Possibly" the Doctor said. "The Dalek won't have slaughtered its entire leverage. It has something planned which is why I've got to act fast."

In the safe room the Dalek had slaughtered everyone except for Resicha. The monster had sensed he was weaker than the others., and almost relishing in his fear. It cornered the terrified soldier against a wall.


Resicha thought back to his Captain's constant screams. He'd never been the strongest of the soldiers. Sadly at this point the war was so desperate, there were very few actual soldiers left. Zoella and the Captain were among the last. There is no way he would hold out.

"I'll do whatever you want." Resicha said to his eternal shame.


"They won't accept my word?"


Back on the flight deck the Doctor had struggled to take control of the ship.

"What's wrong" Zoella asked.

"The Dalek has created a field around the back up controls. It's drawing energy from the core of the vessel itself. If I attempt to touch it, or even any of the wires; I'll be vaporised. I could maybe try and find a way, but we don't have time."

"After all your talk of being the thing the Daleks fear in the dark, and it turns out you're totally useless." Zoella shouted.

"Well we're not completely finished yet. I might be able to take over the communicator from here. We can warn your people before the Dalek can trick them." The Doctor explained.

"But they'll blast us out of the sky"? Dana said.

"I know Dana, it's a risk we'll have to take to save an entire world." He said with regret.

"It's just one Dalek?" She replied.

"You know what one of those things can do. Chances are it knows everything about their force field. The Daleks will have made the members of Zoella's race they took prisoner talk. They can make anyone talk. If that thing gets down there, it could easily dismantle the force field and allow its army to get in. We have to stop it now."

"I understand. Like you said. It's a small sacrifice to save a planet." Dana sadly agreed.

"Hopefully we'll be able to make it back to the TARDIS in time. The planet below will need us to survive too, as we're the only ones who can fetch help. Still our first priority is too stop that monster from getting down there" the Doctor continued as he tampered with the communications device.

There was a brief shock. "Damn it! He's booby trapped everything, this isn't as complicated as the guidance system however if I can just."

"You're too late." Zoella said.

"We've reached our world"

Suddenly they heard the voice of Resicha in the safe room coming through.

"Hello control, hello control, I would like you to lower the force field for us."

"Resicha! The traitor!" Zoella shouted. "I'll kill him, I swear."

"We hear you, all vessel's were ordered to stay and fight no matter what the cost, to save Meliscor." High command said.

"We only fled because the Daleks had already destroyed their world. We also have Dalek technology. It's vital for the war front." Resicha replied as he held up a Dalek sphere that the monster had given him through the visual communicator.

"Please this could help sway the war in our favour." Resicha continued.

There was a moments silence before the ship was given the all clear.

"The fools." Dana shouted.

"They're desperate." The Doctor replied.

"The idea of having some of the Daleks technology to use against them. It was far too tempting." The Doctor said as he continued to tamper with the controls. Several bolts of blue lightening started to shoot out across the room, one of which struck the surviving soldier knocking him back.

Zoella didn't even bother to check on him, she was too fixated on what the Doctor was doing.

Dana meanwhile tended to the soldier. He was badly burned from the blast, and could barely stand without Dana's help.

"Finally! I've got it!" the Doctor said as he managed to adjust the speaker.

"Zoella quick whilst we still have control."

As Zoella spoke through the communicator the Doctor tended to the soldier. He had been too worked up in dismantling the communicator to notice. "We need to get him help, fast or he won't live" the Doctor said.

"This is first officer Zoella. The Captain is dead. Killed by a Dalek that's still onboard. You have to shoot this vessel down now. Blow it to pieces before it can reach." Suddenly the device broke down.

"Please, please don't kill me" Resicha pathetically begged the Dalek as it cornered him.

"I did everything you said."


"We have to get to the TARDIS now" The Doctor said as he opened the door with his sonic screwdriver. Zoella and Dana carried the wounded soldier with them down the corridor and stairs.

The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to try and detect the booby trap the Dalek had left on the TARDIS door.

"Come on Doctor" Dana shouted frantically.

"I'm trying believe me."

Suddenly a Dalek ray blasted the door of the TARDIS, scattering the Doctor, Dana and Zoella.

The monster soon emerged from the corridor, with Resicha in tow.

"You pathetic coward. You sold out your entire world." Zoella said to him.

"I'm sorry Zoella. Please forgive me. I'm not a real soldier, you know that. I couldn't end up like the Captain."

"Oh don't worry you won't" Zoella said coldly as she shot Resicha in the head.

"You monster." Dana said with disgust to Zoella. "You're no better than the Dalek"

"SILENCE" the Dalek shouted.

"You're too late. They've already got the warning. You'll go up in smoke with the rest of us." The Doctor said to his mortal enemy.



The Dalek responded by shooting the wounded soldier dead.


Before the Dalek could make good on its threats, a massive explosion burst its way out of the flight deck. The ship was being fired at on all fronts. Thankfully control had received Zoella's message.

The Dalek instantly retreated back up the stairs and into the control room to try and pilot the vessel, whilst the Doctor attempted to dismantle the booby trap. A further knock to the ship however caused a piece of debris to fall on Zoella. Dana tried to lift it up. Despite her feelings towards Zoella she wasn't about to just leave her to die.

Unfortunately another piece of debris fell on the TARDIS itself and knocked the Doctor out cold.

Dana tried to rouse the Doctor as more and more flames began to burst their way from the corridors of the ship.

To Be Continued.

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