Tokoyami used his dark shadow to knock Ojiro over. Ojiro was now out of the challenge. Tokoyami hit Todoroki But Todoroki used his ice to block his fall. Uraraka made Tenya float into the air and after a while of letting him float, she put her hands together to make him fall! Tenya was about to lose the challenge with 5 minutes left on the clock. Deku saved Tenya from landing off of his feet. He would rather save everyone and let everyone pass them let a low amount of people pass. Tokoyami kicked Bakugo in the back,then Bakugo turned around to see nobody there. Deku was all about letting everyone have a chance to pass,but In his mind,Bakugo didn't deserve it. Bakugo won every challenge this class had,but this time,Deku wouldn't let it happen! Deku grabbed Bakugo by the arm and threw him into the air! Tokoyami used his dark shadow to punch Bakugo over and over,Tenya used his speed and jumping to hit Bakugo back and forth,and when Bakugo was about to land on his feet,Uraraka would touch him to make him float. Deku decided to finish it off with his famous new move."Shoot style!",Deku shouted as he jumped towards Bakugo."Type 2!"
Deku kicked back in the stomach and he was sent flying! The pressure from the kick also sent Deku flying. That meant Deku might fail! It was a worthy sacrifice with a worthy purpose. Deku was about to hit the floor but someone's hand touched him at the last second! It was Uraraka coming to save the day! Deku floated in the air and Bakugo hit the floor making one last explosion before he was out for good. It happened. Bakugo lost..he was out of the challenge! 23 seconds were left on the clock and Bakugo left the arena,swearing like crazy. Deku was about to hit the floor with 5 seconds left! But it was too late. The time was up,and Deku passed! In fact,Momo,Uraraka,Tokoyami,Todoroki,Mina,Tenya,Tsuyu,And Kirishima all passed the test!!
Everyone was excited and everyone was cheering,but the person most surprised was All Might. The new moves Deku had created were stunning to All Might. All might ran out to the field to congratulate everyone who passed the test. All might walked up to Deku and patted him on the head."Good job young Midoriya,and thank you for helping all your friends",All Might said. Everyone went back to their dorms."Today was a long day.",Deku said. "Time to catch some sleep.",
Deku fell onto his bed and switched to sleep mode as soon as he landed on the bed. Deku had accidentally left his phone on and it fell onto the floor and a video turned on."Hello there!",a voice from the phone said."I am a villain named Vicious Playo."
"Come and stop me heroes!"
"I'm coming for UA!"
Deku heard a little part of this video before he fell asleep. He knew what was coming up... a new challenger!