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70% Fate/Death / Chapter 7: Let The Despair... Begin!

Chapter 7: Let The Despair... Begin!


Place: Sigohara, with Momon and Rider

When: Night


Rider Rushes at Momon faster then the speed of sound. "She" was now before Momon with "her" lance drawn back.

"It´s over!". Rider of Black says in her high-pitched voice.

"She" swings her weapon onto Momon´s Chest armor.


Rider is sent back two meters by force of "her" own attack. When Rider looks at where she swung her weapon "She" saw a dent on Momon´s Armor.

"Awwwwww, why did it do so little damage?" Rider says with a pouty face.

"It is because your weak. Rider." Momon says in an Arrogant voice.

"Huff" Rider Huffs like "She" took the insult to the face literally.

"If I can´t kill you soon my master will punish me more." Rider says in a bored voice.

Sooooooooooo. Let us end this now!" Rider says.

Rider backs of now they are about 10 meters apart. Rider takes a Stance with "her" lance in front of "her" with both hands.

A golden light comes around "her" Lance.

{"A Noble Phantasm!"} Momon commands his Doom lords to be ready to attack on his command.

("Trap of Argalia!")

Rider is in front of Momon in less than a Second.

{"Now!"} Ain commands fast.

Before Rider could touch Momon with "her" lance. 8 Scythes came flying from Momom´s sides towards Rider.

4 of them Intercepted "her" Lance while the other 4 attacked her in the stomach and elbows.

Rider Jumped away as fast as "she" could but, "she" got a flesh wound in the stomach and one of her elbows could not move at all.

When Rider looked back at Momon "she" could not see a trace of the scythes that attacked "her".

"Hey! Momon. That was scary!" Rider says with a pained smile.

"You should not have attacked me so lightly. Now, Rider! Now I will show you! True Despair!

Momon says in his arrogant voice.

Suddenly Rider felt something new. When "she" looked at Momon "she" was not seeing Momon anymore. What "she" was seeing was something Worse than Death.

Primal fear. That is what Rider was feeling. It is new for "her" to experience it. "She" was standing still in fear.

{"Rider. Get away from there!"} Riders master commands telepathically.

Rider snaps a little bit out of "her" fear hearing "her" masters voice.

Rider Smiles while "her" body is shaking.

"See you next time. Mr. Momon." Rider says while "she" starts to dematerialize.

"I won't let you!" Momon says seriously, while pointing a finger towards "her".

("Maximize-Magic, Astral Smite!")

Momon roars as a barrage of Light blue colored small stakes came at "her" at a speed that exceeds Rider´s B rank speed.

Rider while Dematerializing could not react in time and was further Damaged to the point that

"she" vomited out at least half a liter of blood.

A second Later, Rider dematerializes fully and "runs" away as fast as "she" could to "her" master.

{"Dam. "She" got away! But I got important information. ("Trap of Argalia"), Huh, I will have to research it."}

Momon thinks a little bit happy while he started walking towards Saber´s position.


Place: Sigohara, with Saber and Archer

Place: same time as the fight between Saber and Archer


Saber came down with his sword and the bow broke. Archer jumped away ten meters before Saber could swing at him again.

"See you next time in Trifas. Saber of Red." Archer says with a smile while taking a big leap away.

Gazef stares as Archer retreats knowing that he can not chase Archer anymore he started walking towards his master position.


Place: Sigohara, In Mommy's house.

When: 1 hour after Jack, Momon and Gazef where shot by Archer.


Jack is siting and eating with her mommy.

"I could heal you if I was a Mage. I'm sorry." Mommy says.

"Nope. Mommy, it´s not your fault." Jack says with a smile.

"Archer was just being unfair."

Mommy serves Jack their last Mage heart. Jack eats it and her body became fully healed.

"Mommy. Where out of hearts. What now?" Jack asks.

"It´s fine. If we go to Trifas tomorrow, there should be Mages there. We shall hunt against."

Jacks Mommy says.

"Ok." Jack says.

"By the way. Mommy?"

Mommy looks at Jack with a smile.

"Yes. What is it Jack?" Mommy asks.

"When can we go see Papa?" Jack asks with a smile.

But when Jacks locks at her Mommy's face she does not see a smile, just a solid frozen expression looking back at her.


Place: Sigohara

When: Day


Ruler is walking around Sigohara looking at the collateral damage the servants caused. She walks in a crossroad and puts one hand on the floor and makes a Magecraft circle. It shines and a Golden line appears.

Ruler looks at the direction it is going.

"So, that direction…��� Ruler says to herself.

Ruler walks for 10 minutes and comes to a Church.

She walks in but when she is about a third of the way to the end of the chapel a magical circle surround´s her on the floor. A bunch of chains made of Magical Energy binds her.

Ruler equips her Ruler armor and her magical resistance takes effect and the chains are destroyed.

"This was originally a trap for a mage." Ruler deduces.

Suddenly. Ruler has a vision of a white haired, brown skinned Japanese Man.

"That Revelation just now! I must meet him." Ruler says seriously.


Place: Yggdmillennia castle

When: Same day


"As shown here, we have found out that ancient ruins and many excavated artifacts have been brought to the country." Darnic says.

"The Red faction?" Vlad asks neutrally.

"Most likely ingredients for Caster´s Studio." Darnic Answers.

"hmm. They are vowing earlier than expected. If they attack, it is likely tonight." Vlad says with a smile. Darnic reacts a little bit.

"That is how war is fought, Darnic." Vlad says.

"Yes. We will immediately prepare our defenses, my King." Darnic says while walking out of the room.

Uknown to Darnic. Vlad is thinking about Momon. He got the information of Rider after she came back.

{"A human that can match Heroic spirits, huh. Interesting! I hope to see you on the battlefield. Momon!"} Vlad think excitedly.


Place: Throne Room, Hanging Gardens of Babylon

When: Same day


Karna walks by Rider who is lying down on the floor and Archer who is standing with her arms crossed and eyes closed.

Lancer stops near the stairs to the throne.

"Lancer, I apologize for calling out for you." Shirou Kotomine says.

"No matter. Is it finally Time?" Karna asks unfaced.

"Yes. The last one will arrive shortly. I´ll go into the details at that point- - "

Shirou says but his sentence was broken by.

"Thou art Black as hell, as Dark as night! For I have sworn thee fair and thought thee bright!" The dramatic voice of Caster of Red. The one known as Shakespeare!"

Caster bows towards Assassin of Red who is sitting in her throne.

Assassin sights.

"Can I assume you are speaking about me?" Assassin says.

"Who else I there, O Empress of Assyria?" Caster responds.

They talk back towards each other about how Caster is incompetent at Magecraft and that he will not fight because he is bad at fighting in general. Even worse than a normal Magus.

Caster just want to write the Ending of The Great Holy Grail War. He says in a serious voicer that he must do so. Even if it ends in despair, he said, again, that his only wish for the war is that he gets to write it to the end, no matter what.


Place: Outside of The Hanging Garden of Babylon

When: After the discussion between Caster and Assassin.


Ruler is in a forest that she was led to thanks to her Magecraft and revelation.

Rumble! Rumbles! Rumbles!

The earth rumbled and like an earthquake. Jeanne looks towards the source.

A mass of earth fills her vision and when she looks again, she sees in the sky a massive flying fortress. Ruler looks at the fortress in shock.

"The Having Garden of Babylon?" Ruler says surprised.

Back in The Hanging Gardens. The Servants of Red are looking from a balcony to the ground, stunned.

"Hey now, what kind of Joke is this?" Rider of Red says with eyes the size of plates.

"Are you Surprised at my Noble Phantasm, Hanging Gardens of Babylon?"

"This Castle does not exist for protection."

Assassin says in a little bit mocking voice.

"I get it. So, we´re going to invade using this." Rider of Red says impressed.

"Quite impressive." Karna says.

"With this speed, we are almost close enough to those defending the Millenia Citadel.

So, everyone, prepare for battle." Shirou Kotomine says with a smile.


Place: Forest

When: Night


Jeanne is following the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. A bunch of Dragon tooth´s fall from the fortress and transforms into DTW

(Dragon Tooth Warriors =DTW, I do not want to write that long name all the time).

The DTW starts to walk towards The Yggdmillennia castle.


Place: Yggdmillennia Castle

When: Night


Archer of Black is looking at HGOB (HGOB = Hanging Gardens of Babylon)

"To invade with their entire Domain… That was Definitely Unexpected." Archer says.

"Archer, what is the current status?" Archers master, Fiore, Asks.

"It has stopped. It seems their intent to use the meadow here as the battlefield."

The masters walk into the castle so that they are protected.

The servant of Black Materializes and are looking towards the DTW.

"Archer take command of the homunculus army." Vlad commands.

"Understood. However, if Rider of Red were to appear…" Arches says.

"I do not mind. Take charge at the start." Vlad says unaffected.

Archer Nods.

"Caster. Be on standby in the rear. When to use Berserker of Red is up to you." Vlad says.

"Understood" Caster says.

"Huh? Lancer, you ride horses?" Rider of Black says.

When she came back, she did not get a punishment because of the unexpected threat that Momon was. So, she was fully healed and back in top shape.

"That´s a loss of face for me!" Rider says with a silly face."

"Rider, nothing matters anymore. Now is the time to show your prowess as one of the twelve paladins of Charlemagne." Vlad says

"Yeah! Leave it to me! this is this and that is that. This Great War is my appointed mission!"

Rider says enthusiastically.

"Berserker! You are free! Perform your mad dance until you perish!" Vlad says.

"All of you! Saber is gone, and Assassin is absent! On the other hand, they likely have all six servants excepting Berserker! It is a big difference in military strength!" Vlad Says.

"Now, here is a question for all of you! Are you willing to accept defeat?" Vlad asks.

All of them says NO in their body language.

"Good! We will be victorious! Such difference in military strength, Such despair… Who claim to be a hero without devouring it all down? Those are barbarians! They are corrupting my domain and smirking in arrogance!

They are fools who must be killed! Laugh as you murder them! Now Go!"

Vlad declares charismatically while charging with his horse. The other servant doing what they were assigned to.


Place: The farm that Sieg was left on.

When: Night


Sieg walks down the stairs and there is the Old farmer stitching.

They talk a bit and Sieg has decided to leave. The old farmer gave Sieg a belt for his sword.

Sieg thanked him and Left.

LoVarg LoVarg

Man I am sooooooo Lazyyyyyyy.

Spoiler... Kinda!

I will start to change the plot alot, lot more, very soon.


I would like to be rated a bit more, I want to get how you Readers feel my work is in quality!

That would be my only request to you Readers.

Anyway. I hope you Readers have a good Day/Night.

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