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Chapter 4: One man’s sacrifice is another man’s gain.

Third Person



(Silent spells)

("Voiced spells")


Place: Yggdmillennia forest

When: Night


Berserker of red is laughing while having 3 big spikes in his back made of dirt. He smiles as he smacks the golems around him down and they "Die" on the spot.

"HAHHAHAHAHA" Berserker of Red laughs like killing them is a fun joke.

Up in the trees behind Berserker are two people. One is a green haired young woman with a bow and the other one is a green haired man young man, with what seems like Greek style armor.

"Do you think we have to abandon that thing Rider?" the bow woman asks the green haired man.

"It´s stranger of you, Miss, to think that you can convince him." The green haired man named Rider responds with one eye open and a smile.

The green haired Bow woman responds.

"My name is Atalanta." Stop calling me "Miss," Achilles." She says in a no-nonsense voice.

Rider or Achilles as he was called responds with laughing.

"It´s a nickname of endearment. So, don't worry." He says in a joking matter.

"So, might as well… Let´s go see the guys of the Black side." He says with a confident smirk.

"Fine. but if Berserker uses his Noble Phantasm we will retreat. Master should not be forcing his hand" Atalanta responds in a neutral voice.

"Master, huh. Hey, Miss, have you seen your master´s face?" Achilles says in a little bit more serious voice.

Atalanta still looking towards Berserker responds.

"No. The only one I've met is the priest who is the master of Assassin."

"The path is connected. Orders are relayed. But he never shows himself. This is an abnormal situation. Isn't it?"

Achilles says while looking at his hand.

"But still, it is natural for a mage to lurk and hide. I still feel, he is cowardly." Atalanta says as berserker smashes more golems while laughing.

Both Atalanta and Rider is looking at Berserker with a dead pan stare.

"It´s a matter of time before his Noble phantasm goes off." Rider says in a matter of fact tone.

Suddenly Atalanta goes serious like she saw or heard something important.

"Huh, What's wrong?" Rider asks.

"They're coming" Atalanta say in a serious voice.


Place: Yggdmillennia castle

When: Night, about the same time Atalanta and Rider are talking.


"What a gruesome way to fight, that Berserker was born to fight, and his death is ordained trough battle." Darnic says in a matter of fact tone.

"It´s strange that he´s talking. Will he understand if we talk to him?"

Rider of Black responds in a carefree voice and a smile. "She" wears a "girly" knight/noble hybrid clothing.

Darnic again with his "Boring, neutral voice" says.

"The chances are slim. Only mortal enemies will appear in his eyes."

Darnic with his "Boring, neutral voice" says.

"Oh, that´s a shame."

Rider says in a little party-pooped voice.

Vlad on his horse starts talking.

"Now, we shall deliver that insurgent (Aka, Berserker of Red) a crushing blow. Rider, you are up first."

Riders master a woman with glasses, a "hourglass" body, and a whip (She uses it in Rider in dungeons. I leave the rest to you guys and Women's imagination.)

"Go forth, Astolfo! Show me your powers as one of the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne!"

Rider´s master says in a commanding voice.

"Oh, I hate it, I hate it so! I really hate combat scenes!

Rider says with a goofy face. After a second, "she" puffs her cheeks. And smiles.

"But I guess there´s no choice! I will show you how powerful I am!"

Rider says as "she" materializes a white lance with some golden outlines. Then she starts running faster than the speed of sound towards the forest where berserker is, leaving a small cloud dust in her wake.


Place: Yggdmillennia forest

When: around 30 seconds of when Rider began to run.


Berserker madly laughs while smashing down a tree that falls on a golem, destroying it.

"Now, now, oppressors! Let arrogance and the pride of the strong scatter!

Berserker says with a smile as he points his blade towards Rider of Black and starts laughing.


Rider says as "she" hops on the stump that was created from Berserker cutting the tree behind "her".

"Those who are afar, hear and tremble! Those who are near, behold and wonder! I am one of the twelve heroes of-

But that was as far as Rider got before Berserker thrusted his weapon at "Her". Rider backflipped backwards.

"At least let me finish! It´s been a while! Jeez! Rider says in a silly party pooped voice. Berserker just laughs while charging Rider.

If you are up to it, here it goes! Rider says as she puts the lance before "Her" self and activates her Noble Phantasm.

("Trap of Argalia!")

Rider shouts as she faster than berserker could react ran the lance trough his leg and it Dematerializes. Rider turns around, and she stand about 10 meters away from Berserker.

Berserker Madly laughs and turns around ready to strike Rider but before he could do it, he falls on the ground.

"If you touch this lance, it forces your legs to turn into spirit form! Isn´t it amazing?" Rider says as "She" walks 5 meters forward while holding up "her" lance in pride. But Berserker just laughs.

"This level… not quite enough!

Berserker says as he swings his sword but before it hits, his hole arm is full of spikes coming from the ground. Berserker seems to be in pain.

"Then, I´m switching. Bye-bye, see you!" Rider says as she walks away from Berserker.

Berserker turns around there is a man on a horse. He has long blonde hair a trimmed Beard and eyes of a ruler this is Vlad or Lancer of Black. to Vlad´s right is Darnic and to the left, Caster of Black.

"Rebel Berserker of Red… If what you seek is those with power, I am at the pinnacle of them all."

Vlad says. But Berserker just laughs at him.

"So, you are the oppressors! Oh, oppressors! I shall sing a song of triumph!"

But before berserker could do anything two the ground, he was standing on transformed into two golems that trapped him in a hard clay-like subtense.

Berserker focused all his power into Thrusting towards Vlad but before the sword could reach its destination-

("Kazikli Bey!") Vlad says.

The sword stopped.

"You rebel, for your Noble soul sees the strong trampling the weak as a terrible thing. This is the first time I wish to show respect to a rebel."

Vlad says as Berserkers sword was shot out of his hand by another spike from the ground.

"Oppressor… I shall crush you down!" Berserkers says with a Crazy smile.

"Rebel, you shall change." Vlad says with his eyes focused on berserker.

Before berserker could react, a spike came through his throat and he fainted. The clay fully enveloped berserker as well.

"The rest is yours." Vlad says while turning around his horse and riding it away.

Around Berserker is Darnic and some of the masters, Servants of the Black faction and.

Darnic contracts through the Black faction telepathic link, Archer.

{"Archer, are you ready to intercept enemies?"}

Archer is standing on the Yggdmillennia castle walls.

{"Yes, already on it.} Archer responds while seeming to be aiming at something.

Back to Darnic, Berserker and Saber of Black materializes beside him.

"Then I shall leave the battle with the other two to you." Darnic says while looking at them.


Place: Yggdmillennia forest

When: probably 1-10 min after Darnic´s order.


Rider of red is resting on a tree whistling. He opens his eyes and look to the left, there stands Berserker and Saber of Black.

Rider starts with a pretty happy voice.

"Hey, both of you. Oh, Saber and a Berserker? Well they Shure underestimate me. Trying to bring me down with just two servants… Talk about and insult!"

Rider says with a battle hungry expression.

"My Class is Rider but rest assured, I won´t use a chariot. Two opponents are not enough. "

He says in a happy and a little arrogant tone While pointing his spear at them.

Saber attacks and rider meets him head on. As they clash Berserker goes in as well but get put down by Riders excellent Spear skill almost immediately.

While Rider put down Berserker Saber got a chance and sprinted behind Rider and was about to strike him when his hands that were holding his sword was caught by Riders own hands.

"How unfortunate. You're not qualified to fight against me!" Rider says propelling his spear against Saber, but it was deflected by sabers armor.

Rider jumps back 5 meters.

"So, you pride in endurance, as well. This may become a long fight." Rider says in a happy voice.

Suddenly an arrow hit Saber in the elbow and the force made Saber be propelled to a tree backwards where the arrow stuck itself. Saber became surprised.

But Saber walked out from the tree and started activating his Noble Phantasm in a forced manner, but before it could be launched it was deactivated and Saber dematerialized.

"What? This is boring." Rider says in a disappointed voice.

"With a God-Slaying Noble Phantasm, perhaps you could have wounded me." Rider says in a little happy voice.

Suddenly Rider was shot with an arrow while Berserker began to run towards Archer.

Archer of Red shot an arrow. It hit Berserker but she was still running towards Archer like an enraged beast.

Rider took out the arrow and dodged the other ones. He smiled and started chanting.

("Gods of Olympus, Grant me glory and fame with this battle!") When the Chant was done Rider whistles and a chariot comes out. Rider hops on and rides away from the Forest while saying up into the sky towards the mountains.

"The challenge will be later! Next time, I shall get to see your face Archer of Black." Rider says.

Rider is now outside of Archer of Blacks field of view from the Yggdmillennia castle.

Archer turns towards his master.

"It seems the opponent I fight in this Great Holy Grail War has been determined" Archer says with a smile.


Place: Yggdmillennia forest

When: After Siegfried had given is heart to the Homunculus.

(If you have not seen the Anime or read the light Novel, The Homunculus should be the MC original story. I think he is to bland and take up way too much screen time, so I do not write much about him. You should watch the anime thou; it has awesome battles. Its name is (Fate/apocrypha) You can find it on Netflix.)


As Rider of Black and Ruler are to busy with the Homunculus. They did not notice above the tress in the night sky, a Ball of Eyes are focusing on the homunculus like he was something of great interest.

{"Is should report this to the Great one. A homunculus that has the heart of a Dragon will be of great use to Him."} The ball of eyes figured as it started flying towards its master.


Place: Ainz ooal gowns Base.

When: Same night as homunculus gets Dragon Heart.


Ainz is in the extremely large basement under his base that he made by making the Undead dig it up. He has one window that only Eyeball corpses can go through.

He has been preparing a large amount of bones and he was about to start a Greater High Thaumaturgy ritual that would take some time, even for him.

Thanks to his Origin (Master of death) and his element (Necromancy) he could do this ritual with a lot easier than it should be. He was just about to start when an Eyeball, corpse came in and interrupted him.

Ainz turns towards the Eyeball corpse.

"Why did you interrupt me?" Ainz asks in a little irritated voice.

The Eyeball corpse responds immediately.

"I am so sorry, Great one, but this lowly one has found something of utmost importance."

Ainz just stares at the Eyeball corpse for a second before responding.

"Then, show me." Ainz says in an interested voice.

The eyeball immediately shows a screen of its memory, where it sees a dragon heart being transplanted into a homunculus boy.

"This… That homunculus, He will be the reactor to my trump card against the Heroic Spirits. It will take some time to capture him but when we do, This Great Holy Grail War is as good as ours. "

Ainz says in a happy voice, he was just about to start the ritual for his trump card but with that homunculus boy he will stop for now and wait for the boy to be taken to him. It will enable him to create a much better trump card in quality.

"{As long as the other masters does not have "That" type of weapon then I am confident we will win.}" Ainz thinks.

"Now then, your job is to monitor that homunculus, but be careful not to be found, understood."

Ainz says.

"Yes, great one"

The Eyeball corpse responds before flying through the window and start its climb to higher altitude.

{"Now I can go have some thinking time"} Ainz thinks.

("Greater Teleportation")

Ainz casts and now he is in his little throne room. he had an idea but did not know if it was a smart idea or not.

He thinks for a little while and decides that yes, it is a good idea. He casts.

("Greater create item")

And fourth comes a (Mirror of Remote Viewing). Ainz sits on his throne and started to scroll towards the Yggdmillennia territory. When he found it, he scrolled above the clouds.

{"This is a perfect spot"}

Ainz thinks while looking at a place right above the middle of the Yggdmillennia grass plain.

{"I can not go there without hiding"}

Ainz thinks while casting on himself at least 3 hiding spells, (Body of Effulgent Beryl) and every other variant of it so he can tank one attack and escape if he is found. He also Made his armor and put the flying necklace on so no one would see his true form if they saw him.

{"Now time for my plan to start"}

("Greater Teleportation")

Suddenly Ainz is where he was just looking through the mirror and flying thanks to the necklace.

"Let's try it" Ainz says in a low voice

("Delay-Triplet maximized-boosted Magic: Greater Magic Seal")

Ainz says in a low tone. Three magic circles came to life but was quickly hidden by an invisibility magecraft that hid the spell by making Light bounce around it.

This magecraft spell also made any spell that was shot invisible to the naked eye. You could only feel know where the spells comes from if you have some type of organ that can take up on the Prana.

Ainz repeated it 20 times, He had lost about a third of his (MP) from that. Now he loaded all the Magical circles with different spells and meta-magic. He now had about 1 third of his (MP) left.

Now before him stood many invisible magic circles in a big circle. This would be his bombardment that he would use against anyone that endangered Gazef too much and shoot it against the Yggdmillennia Castle.

("Greater teleportation")

And now he was in his throne room again. He sat himself in the throne and metaphorically smiled.

{"Let the Great Holy Grail war commence!"}

LoVarg LoVarg

Have had sleeping problems, but it is over now.

Ainz will start to come more and more into the chapters as we go.

I have made him a bit op but you must remember, He has had 10 years of preperation.

I will take it a bit slow in my writing so i dont burn myself out.

And just so you readers know are:

One chapter =one episode of the Anime.

I take servant fights and such from the Anime and descibe them so you readers can get a bi of backround and not jusr see what Ainz does.

I think the magic with the overlord franchise is to look from different perspectives and see what the MC does that affect the other people in the story.

I hope you have a nice Day/Night.

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