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10% Fate/Death / Chapter 1: Fate/Death
Fate/Death Fate/Death original


Author: LoVarg

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Fate/Death

Third person



(Silent spells)

("Voiced Spells")

Warning for a lot of Internal dialogue the first chapter.


"Huh, where am I?" Ainz says in a panicked voice. He was in his office in the Sorcerer kingdom one second and the next he was here in what looks like a desert. Ainz does not ponder long and tries to contact one of his guardians.


I does not reach anyone so Ainz panicked a little bit before a light comes from his body and he is calm again.

{"It is not connecting."} Ainz is now a little bit worried. {"then I need to test this"}


A gate appears like normal but when Ainz tries to walk through it, it is like walking against a wall.

{"This is not good. I will have to look for Civilization even if it is hostile."}

Ainz Wants to find civilization so he can get information where he is.

He looks around and sees a Pyramid in the horizon.

{"That´s a pyramid! I have only seen those in pictures and some highlevel guild´s that used one as a guild base in Yggdrasil."} The pyramid could be a guild base of high level. So Ainz was carfull.

{"I should hide myself first and gather information for now."}

("Perfect unknowable")


{"Now Where am i?"}

Ainz thinks as he flies towards around the pyramid and sees a city, Staying alert if alert if something attacks him. he descends towards the city.


Time Skip: 6 Hours


{"Hoh, so I am on earth if what I gathered from kidnapping a man and looking at his memories."}

{"This is the 2000 century but this can be an alternate universe from a "Normal" Earth so I should be careful.}

{"I have learned from the new world that laws of magic can change and that other energies like… (Martial arts) may exist."}

After a while of thinking Ainz comes to a decision.

{"It will take time but i will find a way home to Nazarick! Even if it takes me years or centuries I will come back home."}

Ainz thought Determined.


Time skip: 1 Year


{"I have disguised myself with an illusion mask for about a year now and have found this world has a Magical community. I joined it under a disguise of my Momon persona with my armor."}

{"Some Magus tried to take my armor by force, they said something about it being a strong mystic code or something like that before i killed them."}

As a member of the clock tower Ainz got access to the library and what he found was both good and worrying.

{"There magic system can replicate my stronger Elemental spells but that would take a super genius, or many generations of a Magi line dedicated to researching it to even come close to a 8 tier spell in power."}

Most magus spells must follow science, there are no exceptions. is what it says in the books but Ainz doubts it.

{"My time stop spell will be of great use if my information is right."}

{"A great positive thing is that I can replicate there magic or "Magecraft" as they call it here."}

Ainz learned about Origin and Element and used a ritual on himself to check to check.

{"My origins are (Eclipse) and (Master of death),

And My element, s are (Necromancy) and (Death)"}

{"This is probably because of my class levels I had in Yggdrasil. And will help me immensely with what Magecraft I should focus on."}

Ainz is thinking of the uses of his element and origin for a while before coming back to his senses and starts to walk towards his "Workshop" in the clock tower.

{"I also do not have this Od or life energy, as they call it. so, I used my negative energy to compensate and it works fine. It may even boost my spells in necromancy. I will have to try that out later."}

The worrying parts Ainz found is the existence of Gaia, true magic and The 27 Dead apostle ancestors. Ainz does have what they would call a limited true magic so he is not to afraid but, if someone found out and reported it, the Clock Tower will set a sealing designation on him and he will be hunted by every magus worth their salt. So, he thinks it would best to never tell anyone.

{"And now to the dead apostle Ancestors Many of them are powerful and have dangerous abilities, but if they are like vampires in Yggdrasil and are counted as undead…"}

As Ainz was slapped himself from the outside Perspective it looked like a piece of armor was smacking itself, it was almost funny if the armor was not so huge and intimidating.

{"I should not think too much into it first I will experiment, gather a reputation and favors from the Clans and Nobles, then I can confront a Dead apostle ancestor later. But if I am lucky or unlucky and meet one, and they are undead and weaker than me. I hope to get control of one."}

Ainz thinks even if it is a risk, he is willing to take it. He could always teleport away if it became to dangerous.

As for Gaia, Ainz thinks his undead summons may have an expiration date now even if he used a corpse so probably no giant undead army.

But this is something that his will have to be experimented on to test.


Time skip: 10 years


Ainz learned that even with a corpse his undead will start to degrade after 2 weeks, slowly and hold for about 5 weeks all together before they disappear by Gaia´s rejection of magecraft.

In the 10 years he also got a reputation as the Magus of Death, Momon.

He is known through the clock tower as a genius of Necromancy and death-magecraft nearly unparalleled, that works part time mercenary. Many clans have given jobs to him and he has accepted nearly all of them and with a 100% succession rate.

His skill with Necromancy is looked up upon by every necromancer in the clock tower, they almost worship him. His reputation with the church is not very friendly but not hostile either.

With the time, Ainz has gathered enough information to know that It will be nearly impossible to go home if he does not reach the Root and get the information from there. The first thing he did when he learned of the second magic was walking in to Zelretch office and making the request. But his respond was,

"There is to many parallel worlds to know which one you came from, so you will have to find a way to the Root to gain that information. Then I can help you."

So, in those ten Years Ainz searched for a way to the Root, and he had found one. A ritual that was created by the Matou, the exterminated Einzbern and Tohsaka clan a few Centuries years ago. The ritual was called Heavens Feel or Holy grail war.

Time skip: 2 years

"So, you want to join The Great Holy Grail War to, Momon." Says Rocco Belfeban as he looks out the window of his office.

"Yes, I would like to participate for the holy grail myself and grant me my utmost wish" Momon says in a Pragmatic voice.

"then what is it you want Momon, I cannot allow you a chance to get the holy grail without knowing your wish is." He says with a little laugh, but you could hear a little strain in his voice. He would not want someone to wish world destruction.

"My wish? My wish is what every other magus wants to reach the Root or Akasha, whatever suits you"

"Hmm, then welcome to the great holy grail war" as Rocco says in a lighthearted voice clearly glad to have such a strong magus on their side as a master. Ainz starts to experience a feeling of a powerful magical seal setting itself on his hidden bony hand under the armor.

"Then I will depart" As Ainz was about to leave he was stopped.

"Wait Momon I want to give you a catalyst" as Rocco was about to reach in his shelf to take out an Arthurian armor piece Momom turns around.

"That will not be necessary I have already got my own"

Momom leaves Rocco standing there dumbfounded for a second then he starts to laugh inside his head.

{"Hahahaha, Momon you really exceed my expectations, to think that you would already have a catalyst I hope that you will do well in this great Holy grail war."}

Time skip: 5 days

Current time: Night

Ainz is standing in a graveyard in his true form, he has been here for four days and made an army of Undead with the stronger ones coming from the corpses in the graves. When the servants of red attacks the Yggdmillennia clan, Ainz will attack with his undead army and start a ritual with its on mana storage that he created with magecraft, it will cast the spell:

(Undead Army: A 7th tier spell that can summon a huge horde of undead.) repeatedly ones an hour to help his stronger undead as cannon fodder

He will also make a fog of negative energy to heal the undead a little bit. He summoned:

10 Wraiths for scouting other masters.

50 Elder liches that can spawn even more undead cannon fodder and shoot fire balls in the back line.

33 death knights that shall protect the liches and 20 death warriors to be with the attacking force.

13 soul eaters that shall charge in and feed on any souls that dies to get stronger.

He created 4 eyeball corpses the first day and ordered them to scout the for more information on the battlefield.

And the rest of the charges he used to summon 8 doom lords. They were summoned if the scenario that ainz were to fight a servant himself.

"You can never be to carful," that is Ainz ooal gown´s moto.

Now normally the doom lords would have died already due to its skill that chips away their (HP) for greater strength, but Ainz was niffy and made all of them go into an astral form with a spell by his own design that was only possible thanks his research by combining his magic and the magecraft in this world. He was able to create this spell, He calls it.

("Astral form")

When they became astral, he made them go inside his ribacage where Negative energy feeds them like they were babies and Ainz was there mom.

In this world, this is the type of army you would only find in the age of gods, is now standing in this graveyard waiting for their master's commands.

On his last day he got reports from his Eyeball corpses of where the battlefield is. After taking in the information he sent them back to gather information on the red and black teams Servants. After that he just waited for his mana to be up full again, it takes about 24 hours.

Now in the night Ainz with his full mana had prepared everything, it was time to summon his servant.

in front of him is a magical circle with a rock behind it.

On the rock lies ainz catalyst, a strand of black hair.

Ainz walks fourth to the Magic circle as the moonlight shines down on him through the trees.

He stretches out his bony hand towards the circle and let a part of his Prana into it.

{"Its time."}

("For the elements, sliver and iron.")

("For the foundation, Stone and the archduke of Pacts.")

("The color I bestow is, Red. ")

The circle lights up in a red light.

("Raise a wall for the wind that shall fall.")

("Close the gates of the four directions. -Come forth from the crown and follow the forked road leading to the Kingdom")

("Heed my words. My will creates your body and your sword creates my destiny!")

("If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me!")

("I hereby Swear, that I shall be all the good in the world.!")

("That I shall defeat all evil in the world.!")

("Thou Seventh Heaven clad in the three great words of power, Come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of the Scales!")

A blinding red light comes from the circle and in a second it is gone and ainz can see his servant.

A man with red armor with a frame like helmet letting his black hair out at the top. Brown skin showing he is often out in the sun. A face that Anyone looked at would say, "he is a real warrior."

"It´s been a while hasn't it, warrior captain"

The servant is staring at Ainz in Shock for a moment before he started laughing.

" Hahahahahhahahah, Yes, it's been a while hasn't it Gown-dono."

The man goes on a knee

"I am saber of red, Warrior captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff! I ask of you, Are you my master?"

"Yes, I am" Ainz confirmed.

"Then our contract is complete."

Both servant and master are looking at eachother, smiling like they just reunited with an old friend.

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