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100% Rise Of The ULTIMATE SIMP / Chapter 6: A beast of a gym

Chapter 6: A beast of a gym

Jeon il is currently in the door of their classroom.

Silence engulfs the room, all of his classmates were staring at him.

"What?"Jeon il ask.

Right at this moment Leo walks closely to him, patting his shoulder before saying.

"Dude you're famous now." Leo said.

Jeon il was confused and so he asks.

"What? Why?"

"You're part of the student council now right?" Leo said.


"You probably don't think that much but being a part of the student council is a big deal, the masses respects the strong, this is our world." Leo said.

"I see."Jeon il nodded, and proceed to sit-in his chair.

Jeon il just ignores the stares of his classmates.

'If I Simp on a girl that adores me, would it be considered simping if she actually harbors feelings for me? Will I get points? Nah, if I Simp on a girl that respects me, my simping could lead to her having feelings for me which will I'm return defies the forbidden law of us SIMP, the law of "Just friends" no matter a SIMP would do for a girl, the girl must always treat their relationship as only friends, if a SIMP surpasses the border of a friendship then he's not a SIMP anymore.'Jeon il thought.

'This is really ironic, I'm chasing pussies but then if someone will offer it to me I can't accept it, because I will not be a SIMP anymore.'Jeon il thought to himself that being a SIMP is actually a sad story.

Well jeon il already finish reading all the books, he already covered the lesson from

Prelims to finals, next week will be their prelims examinations, jeon il was confident on reaching the top 10.

As the classes started, jeon il's mind wanders.

He already added another point on his appearance.

Also, he figures out something that can save him a lot of Simp coins.

Instead of buying the level 1 skills, why can't he just learn it?

That's what jeon il thought.

As the classes just goes on, jeon il's was just using his phone, of course he is hiding it under his desk.

He is searching about martial arts styles of some sort.

Ranging from karate, aikido, jeet kune do and others.

Jeon il thought that watching videos is more beneficial to him but reading is faster for him now, so he just kinds of reads articles, as to where he can find something that teaches martial arts but in text and image form.

Jeon il began reading the whole morning about different kinds of martial arts.

It's lunch now.

Fortunately jeon il didn't forget his lunchbox again.

But he didn't eat in his class room, instead he went to the martial arts club.

As he looked around the room he saw a lot of people, about 30 students at most, well, the room itself has a considerable size.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asked jeon il.

"Just wanna take a look."Jeon il said, just before Sarah can reply he continued with a smile." At you."

"Hmmp! Suit yourself just don't cause any trouble or I'll come for you." Sarah threateningly said.

"You'll come for me?"Jeon il said.

"Yes do you have anything to say?"

"Nothing."Jeon il said.

Just as Sarah left a certain distance.

"I prefer you come to me at night."Jeon il jokingly said, as he saw Sarah halt her steps and a vicious aura seems to surround her, with that jeon il hurriedly left the scene.

Jeon il is watching these people train to learn something while he eats, not forgetting to Simp every now and then.

Jeon il discovers that if you Simp to a girl that disgust you, you will surprisingly have much higher points than just simping with neutral feelings, If you Simp to someone that neither like nor hates you'll have a 1 to 4 Simp points.

As jeon il keep watching, he is learning tremendously, he actually had already read before this all the moves that they are doing, well at the least he knows now how should it actually look like.

As the lunch ended jeon il goes back of his classroom.

Reading at his phone again throughout the afternoon.

The dismissal arrive at 5 pm.

But jeon il didn't directly go home, instead he tries to find some local boxing gym which he did find one.

Entering the gym no one even spare some effort to look at him.

"this place is packed."Jeon il said, gyms we're never this packed before, since this is a world with a lot of strange shits and strength prevails, jeon il guess that there were actually a lot of people who chase strength, at this sight jeon il feel the differences of both worlds.

Looking at the dumbbells he tried to lift a 100kg ones

"Eh?"This is the only then he could let out as he thought.'Not to brag but this thing is as light as paper.'

Jeon il proceeds to bench press.

150 puts a little weight

At 200 jeon il already felt the pressure a bit.

At 250 he can still do it without that much difficulty

At 300 jeon il is already sweating profusely,

At 340 jeon il can't do it anymore.

'So my comfortable weights is at 270? That's really low considering that I'm suppose to be 4 times more stronger than a regular person, i remember that the heaviest weight ever lifted is 2800 something kilograms.'

Jeon il garnered stares at him, moonlight city is just a small city so it's not everyday they see someone bench press that much considering his small frame, surely someone can do it also but those people are heavyweight lifters and experienced on what they are doing, and they have huge body.

And this youth right here is lifting a weight that is 3 or 4 times heavier than him, it's also impressive that he's still a student and have a lot of time to improve more.

"Hey brat, pretty strong aren't you?"

Said a middle age man wearing a hat, he have a towering height, probably 6'5 or 6'6, and his body resembling hulk.

Jeon il's height is 5'7 only, facing this man he looks like a kitten in front of a tiger.

"I started working out recently hehe."Jeon il awkwardly said, and continues."I'm planning to learn boxing, I'm just wondering if there Is someone here who can enlighten me."

The man's eyes lit up and laugh."Hahaha I'm just kidding, do you want to learn boxing? If so you have come to the right place."The man suddenly lift jeon il like a ragged doll, he then raise his voice a little and said.

"Anyone there who ha some spare time to test this brat?"With that all of the people look at their direction and they seem like they are forcing themselves to not laugh, their eyes says that 'Another one again.' on whatever that even means we will know shortly.

"Me, it's been a long time since something like this happen again."A young man who looks to be the age of 25 volunteer, the thing is, he is certainly skinny, he looks like a person who doesn't exercise at all.

Jeon il looks around as he notice that there are a lot people who looks like they doesn't workout at all but they gave these indomitable aura.

"Got it, let me prepare this brat first, and wait in the ring."The middle age man said as he put some rubber bandages around my arms I don't what they are called though, he then put my gloves on and some protective gears, and lastly mouthpiece.

"Done, go all out kid, you don't want to go home with some broken bones aren't you?"The middle age man said.

I nodded as i look at the man in the ring and look back to this middle age mam before saying softly."Are you sure I should fight him? I mean you see I'm quite strong myself."

The middle age man laugh as well as all of the people in the gym.

"Kid you're overestimating yourself."The middle age man said just as he lift jeon il and throws at him in the ring.


"Ouchyy"Jeon il landed with butt first, not gonna lie he does like flying for a mere seconds right there.

"Get up."Jeon il's opponent said.

Jeon il stand up and raise his guard.

He's kind of afraid to hit this frail body.

"Don't hold back."The young man said as he dash forward.

'fast.'Jeon il thought as he stepped back but it's too late he will eat a punch.

Just as jeon il blink once he saw that the man never actually moves.

'did I hallucinate?'Jusy as he thought that his vision was suddenly covered by a glove.

Jeon il was hit in the face so hard that he shit through the rope of the arena and was. Able to come by bouncing off.

His nose is bleeding, even with a protective gear.

Jeon il was shock, he didn't know what even happens.

"What brat? I lightly touch you and you can't even take it anymore? I'm just a skinny man you can't even take a one punch from mine?" The young man said.

'He is trying to bait me, let's think clearly, he is not normal by any means, just as he said he's just a skinny person but then I'm like this in front of him.'Jeon il thought as he focused his eyes to his opponent and became serious.

'I've never seen that kind of fighting style when I read about boxing.'

Jeon il gets his head together and back at the ring.

Jeon il hop up and down.

As he saw that the person in front of him he shot a fast jab.

And his fist connect for a split second before catapulting again to the rope of the ring and bounces of.

Jeon il clutch his liver.

'Shit that hurts, i was sure I hit something.'Jeon il's pain right now is unimaginable, but he still tries to fight.

'Is he going invisible, or he's just fast? He body shot me, I'll try something.'

Jeon il hop up and down again.

This time he dashes forward.

Guarding his body with his left hand and his right hand for offense.

As his opponent vanish he knew his opponent would attack his right side.

Jeon il bend his knee and lower his body.

At this moment he heard the wind whistling

'I dodged it!'with that thought jeon il speedily and with all his strength throws a hook.


Jeon il raise his head and saw his fist in his opponents body.

For a split second jeon il became happy as the world suddenly goes dark.


"You awake kid? You're pretty durable usually no one survives in the first hit."

Jeon il opened his eyes fully as he saw the middle age man.

He notices that he is laying down.

"What happens?"Jeon il said.

"You got knocked out, as you became happy with your little to no damage punch you got hit by an uppercut."

"This is unfair why did I spar with the strongest?"Jeon il said.

"Strongest?"The middle age man smirk.

The middle age man throws him in the ring again with other opponent, he still gets knocked out.

"That's the second strongest right?"


Throws him again and gets knocked out.

"The third strongest?"Jeon il said weakly.


Throws him again in the ring, jeon il already fought tens of people with his result being knocked out on 1 to 3 punches.

Jeon il woke up again his face looks like the incarnation of the tomato, bruises were all over his body, if jeon il didn't have a strong body and just a normal person he might have already died multiple times.

Jeon il's state right now is really pitiable.

The middle age man laugh again as he said.

"Brat, you might be some big shot in your school, but inside our gym you are nothing."

"So do you want to learn boxing?" The 6 middle age man asked.

Frankly the middle age man hope to teach this kid, it's been long since he has seen a good seedling to grow.

"Well I would want but not now, I'll be back here after my body recovers."Jeon il said and continues.

"I'll keep coming back here until I defeat all of these people."Jeon il confidently said.

The middle age man was taken off guard usually people would feel down and depressed knowing that their strength actually amount to nothing and there's always a sky after the mountain.

"Well do whatever you want, our gym is always open for young ones like you." The middle age man said and patted jeon il's back which make jeon il groan in pain.

What makes jeon il confident because he knows that he have this God given app in his disposal, and sooner or later he might actually one day achieve this kind of strength.

With that jeon il left the gym the people see him out with plastered smiles in their faces.

Jeon il officially went home at 9:00 pm.

Jeon il doesn't even have the strength to do anything.

And so he tries to sleep, just before his consciousness fades off.

'That beast of a gym, one day I'll be able to beat them I promise that.'

Crixzivion Crixzivion

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