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50% Rise Of The ULTIMATE SIMP / Chapter 3: SIMPtoms

Chapter 3: SIMPtoms

Jeon il arrived at his room, there's still a few people in the room currently.

He then walks to his chair at the backrow just near by the window.

Putting his bag under the desk and sits.

No one in the room knows what happened just now, except for the person that just entered the room.

Leo open the door and run in front of jeon il

They stare at each other, and a few moments of silence.

"Dude what the hell? You've hidden yourself really really well, why aren't you in the martial arts club or student council?"Leo said.

"What can I get by joining any of those two anyway? It's not like it'll benefit me, if I hidden myself just like what you said, then I wouldn't bother about those things."Jeon il said, in fact he didn't know this things actually exist, he only transferred here a year ago for some financial reasons, right now he is a Grade 12 student after this school year he will be a college student, he don't even know if his family could afford it, also he don't know what course he would take, last year he's busy simping around that he don't know what is the know how in this school, his contacts in his phone is basically 90% females.

"what can you get? Dude you'll have 500 bucks every month, some privileges, and your words hold power in the school, you might even be able to participate in some martial arts event."Leo said.

"500 bucks? Privileges? Martial art events?"Jeon il was in question, he certainly don't have any idea what this guy is saying, then it hits him.

'No matter how ignorant I am, i must know what the guy is saying, I don't have any recollection about the club and council as welll as this martial arts event thingy, in wherever direction I am looking this is clearly a SIMPtoms of isekai.'Jeon il thought.

"You don't know? Well there's a lot of rumors that you're always fooling around girls so you might not know these things, even though it's been going on since ages, your parents should have tell you this."Leo said.

"History?"Jeon il said then continues,"do you have any history book?"

"yes."Leo said as he grab the book in his bag and hand it over.

Jeon il quickly grabbed it, jeon il grabbed the book thinking that he is using a normal human speed.

"The hell?"Leo exclaim as he saw jeon il grab the book like a mantis.

Jeon il then proceeds to read the book for a few minutes.

Jeon il slams the book at his desk, which garners the stares of his classmates.

"Oh sorry, i accidentally drop it."Jeon il said and smiled apologetically.

He then looks at Leo.

"What?"Leo said.

"Do you have powers?"Jeon il said.

"Me? No i don't, though all the members in the council are quite strong, at least they are stronger by twofold if you compare them to the regular person, well I don't have any martial arts manual even just the beginner version they cost a damn lot, so usually only rich people and influencial people can afford it. Although if you are talented you might get sponsors, well even if I have a manual you need to have an aptitude for it."Leo said taking a breath and continues.

"Why are you asking me this? Judging by your strength you must have at least a martial arts manual, heck maybe you have a cultivation manual judging by how strong you are, I mean isn't your sister strong? She's famous though, aren't she a prodigy?"Leo said.

Jeon il take all of this information like a mini gun that kept coming

'martial arts manual? Cultivation manual? Strong? Sister that is a prodigy? I don't have any recollection of this shits, just now when I tried to read the history book it says that thousands of years ago a person shows a feat that a normal human can't, then it progress to this point where any capital city in the world flooded by people who have powers, martial arts? Magic? You name it and people holds it, our province solely focus on martial arts since we are in the jurisdiction of the martial arts alliance, there are other alliances also, there are ministry of magic, heck, there are even other races featuring in the history book.'Jeon il was really dumbstruck, there's no way a person could be this utterly ignorant of the world unless..... this is not his world.

Jeon il was definitely shock but he kinda adapt to it very fast since lately there are some things that happened to him personally.

"Of course I knew all those things I'm just messing with you since I don't have any male friends I just wanna make the conversation long."Jeon il said, he thought that he don't want to raise any suspicions to him.

"Really? Then we're friends now, I mean us men can't actually talk to you since you have this invincible barrier that only let's females enter."Leo said, and was touched a bit that jeon il wants to be friends with him, Leo have a dark brown hair and a light brown skin.

"I like your bluntness."Jeon il said, 'no matter how you hear what he said he sounds like he's saying im a SIMP, I'm a nice guy though, aren't I?' jeon il thought and proceeds to return the book.

"I'll talk to you later, i still have something to do, i haven't done my assignments yet."jeon il said.

"You haven't done your assignments yet? I heard that you send answers to our female classmates? I'm surprised that you haven't finished it yet."Leo nonchalantly said.

Jeon il's forehead formed a tick mark before saying.

"Yeah im surprised too, classes are bout to start it's better if the teacher won't see us chatting."

"Okay c'yah later."

Jeon il then grab his phone he saw a series of notifications, but what caught his attention is the one that he received 100 Simp coins in one go

[ Congratulations you earned 100 Simp coins ]

'It must have come from that nerdy girl, I should ask her what did she feel when I saved her, i need to know what emotions she holds at that time in order to know what is the basis of earning the points, did she feel thank you? Or pure disgust knowing that I'm probably simping?'Jeon il thought and he looks at his updated Simp coins

<Simp coins: 468>

<Simp points: 8>

After looking at it he tap home and went to contacts, scrolling through it he found the contact he's searching for.

[ Ma Sistah Kim Sae ron ]

Jeon il smiles seeing that the contact name Is still the same.


After a few seconds the other end picked up

[ jeon il: Yo]

[ Sae ron: Yo your ass, you know I'm always busy, what do you want?]

[ Jeon il: Do you have a martial arts manual?]

[ Sae ron:.....]

[ Sae ron: Of course I do, i tried to give it to you many many times but you don't want it, girls is always on your mind, I guess it's normal to think like that since you are now becoming an adult.]

[ jeon il: I see, do you still have it? Can you give it to me?]

[ Sae ron: Are you not feeling well? Are sleeping enough hours? Are you eating well? Well maybe you're just changing, okay I'll deliver it to you, you are now living in a apartment right? Give me the address, it will arrive for a few days maybe.]

[ Jeon il: gotcha, I'll hang up now our classes will start in a few minutes.]

Jeon il then ended the call, he's grateful that his sister's personality doesn't change.

Jeon il was now sure that he bears a serious condition, all of the Simptoms are showing, he is indeed in another world now.

The whole world he knows vanishes

He wonders if in this world his mother still have a sickness and his father is still working in a factory.

'When did it all start?'Jeon il thought as he is thinking when did the world changes.

Looking at his phone again.

"Rise of the Ultimate SIMP."Jeon il muttered.

'Whenever it is, I'm 100% sure this app is related on why I am here.'Jeon il thought as he saw the teacher goes in.

'Welp I will think about this stuff later, classes first.'

Jeon il then regain his usual self, looking beside him is a female classmate, the girl seems to be finding something.

"If you don't have a pen, i can let you borrow mine."Jeon il said with a dashing smile.(A/N: Annndddd he's back again on being a SIMP.)

Crixzivion Crixzivion

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