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16.66% Rise Of The ULTIMATE SIMP / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Rise Of The ULTIMATE SIMP Rise Of The ULTIMATE SIMP original


Author: Crixzivion

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Kim jeon il was just chatting casually in their group chat with his classmates when a female classmate send a pic of a dress

[Female classmate: Hi guys I am planning to buy this nice dress do you think it will look good on me?]

In just a heartbeat Jeon il types in supersonic speed.

[Jeon il: I think that would certainly look fabulous on you, I've never seen any type of clothing that will look bad if you are the one wearing it.]

[Female Classmate: Aww really? Thank you jeon il you're just being nice again as usual.]

Jeon il was just about to type "No problem" when an ad suddenly pops up

[Are you a SIMP?]

[Well you probably are]

"The heck is this?" Kim jeon il muttered.

[Do you think you're a nice guy?]

"Well yeah"

[IF so then you're probably a SIMP]

"Simp your ass I'm a nice guy"Kim jeon il said, he then looks around and thought 'Is this some kind of prank?'

[Worry not as we are offering a limited time app]

[This app will be your companion as you venture to be the greatest SIMP]

[Do you desire power?]

"Power? Who the hell even made this game?"Jeon il said as he thought that whoever make this might have some 8th grader syndrome.

[If so then install this App]


[The 60 seconds limited time has started.]

"Tch just wasted my time, ill just continue chatting with my female classmates." He said as he close the ad but then it suddenly came back again.

Just as he was about to close it again a new text appeared.

[Do you desire money?]

"Money?" Kim jeon il pondered as he thought that money attract girls.' An app that can give money? I tried some apps, but they all give a negligible amount, well I'll just uninstall it if this is some kind of scam.'

[You have 30 seconds remaining]

He looks beside him as he just finishes reading a book that he could definitely say one of the best book in existence, the book called <Diary of a Simpy kid>

He then looks at his phone again

[15 seconds remaining till the offer expires]

After a few seconds of thinking Kim Jeon il finally decided

"You son of a b*tch, I'm in" And he clicks the installation button

The moment he clicks the installation button is just as quickly as the installation finishes.

"Welp that was fast, it might just be a few hundred kilo bytes."

Jeon il tap the home button, and as he expected there's a new app in the home panel

<Rise Of the Ultimate SIMP>

He then taps it and was agape to what he saw

A Highly super detail hyper realistic 3D model of himself, jeon il unconsciously drop his phone as he saw him, his self wearing just a brief and standing, he was bewildered as to how real looking this is, other than being shock as to why this game has himself basically copied, the one thing that filled up his mind.

"Sugui! Just a few hundred kilo bytes could produce such high quality app?? Just by the graphics alone it would at least be a few GB of space."Jeon il was astonished as to how far the technology has progressed.

"But then how can this app have a detailed model of myself? Did the company specifically choose me as the only player, and already did research on me beforehand? Probably not I'm too insignificant in the society, I'm also not popular."Jeon il think of ways of how this is done and only end up in one conclusion.

"The moment I open the app it must have probably scanned all my photos in my gallery, and then using all of that photos to create an accurate model of mine."Jeon il nodded as he agrees in his own conclusion.

"Well too much time has been wasted lets see what can this app offers."Jeon il then look around the screen as he saw a lot of functions with locked symbol, and a two functions that is unlocked, it says shop and storage.

"Is there some kind of tutorial? At least teach me some basic things." Just as he was about to tap the shop button a text suddenly appear in his screen.

[Hello player, first and foremost thank you for installing our game, as you can see there's only two functions as of the moment, in Shop you can buy things such as Skills, weapons, armors, items, etc... As to how you can buy things this game has a currency called Simp coins, by using simp coins you can do a lot of things in this app, you're probably wondering why how to get simp coins right? Well if you're not that stupid you'll probably figure out that you can acquire the coins by doing what a SIMP does, as to what is storage, you can actually store things there just think that you want to put the thing there and kaching it's in the storage, OK I will not explain a lot of things you can figure it out yourself, Well then good luck on becoming the Ultimate SIMP]

As he read the text, the longer he reads the more he thought that whoever comes up with these things must have good imagination

"I'm a nice guy not a SIMP, and what is this storage about?" After reading all the text jeon il then look at his 3d model and still in awe as to how accurate it is, he then tap his body and some kinds of statistics shows in his screen.

<<Player: Kim Jeon il>>

Age: 17

Race: Asian

Specie: Modern human

Constitution: 7

Strength: 7

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 7

Appearance : 5

"Well, this app really must have dive deep into my well-being, they even did something like this."Jeon il said as he thought that a count of 10 must be an average for a regular person, jeon il was never an athletic person and the representation of this number was pretty accurate.

It was at this moment that a chat head pop up in his screen.

It was their group chat.

[female classmate(2): Can someone tell me how to answer the question in number 8?]

And of course, jeon il with his 'nice guy instinct' tapped speedily on his phone.

[Jeon il: Ohh that? No problem I'll send PM you the answer and how did I get it.]

[Female classmate(2): Really? Thank you then, you are really a nice person jeon il]

After that jeon il pm her the answer to that question as well as how to did he get that answer, jeon il was never an intelligent person, but he can at least do these things to help his classmates.(A/N: You mean female classmates? You Effin SIMPPPPP!!)

After that a notification sound can be heard coming from his phone.

[Congratulations you earned 5 SIMP COINS]

Jeon il then saw a currency in the top right corner of his screen, a gold coin with an S symbol on it

And a new text appeared

[Do you want to convert the 5 SIMP COINS into 1 SIMP POINT?]

"SIMP POINT? What does it do?"Jeon il just said it to the phone without expecting an answer but to his surprise it actually responded.

[ SIMP POINTS can be used to increase your stats.]

Jeon il nodded and convert it into a SIMP POINT

A new currency appeared beside the SIMP COINS

A platinum colored coin with an S on it.

Jeon il, with enough IQ understand what he needs to do next.

"Lets see." He then looked at the stats again, beside them there's a plus button.

<<Player: Kim Jeon il>>

Age: 17

Race: Asian

Specie: Modern human

Constitution: 7 [+]

Strength 7 [+]

Agility: 7 [+]

Intelligence: 7 [+]

Appearance : 5 [+]

Before there's no plus sign but now that he have a simp point it must have activated

With a 1 point he is thinking where he can put it.

"To think that I'm actually just half as attractive as a regular person, if I put this point on other attributes I may not feel the change since 7 is pretty close to 10, but putting it in appearance I might saw some noticeable changes in my 3d model."Jeon il thought as he put a point in his appearance making it 6.

After saving the changes the screen suddenly zooms in, in his face, suddenly changes could be seen, although mealy negligible there's actually some changes, the skin in his face looks to be a little smoother than before and a pimple vanishes in his 3d model, and a few changes, but still pretty much negligible.

"Hmm I see, are they using real time editing 3d model editing tool?"Jeon il said.

"Also the app recognize when I'm being a nice guy, the app must have been reading his messages."Jeon il thought that such cheap tricks could not fool him.

He sighs then turn off his phone

"..... "Silence

He looks in the reflection of his face in the phone.

"Hmm? Where's my pimple?"Jeon il said and he widens his eyes.

Suddenly running into the nearest mirror.

"WHAT!"Jeon il look in a mirror, he turns on his phone again, quickly opening the app, look at his 3d model face. At that moment he gasps and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He looks in a mirror again, He looks exactly the same as his 3d model, well of course but, what he means is the minuscule changes before have transpired also in the real version of himself.

Jeon il then looks around, grabbing the nearest thing he could found, he saw the book <The Diary of a Simpy kid> and quickly grab it.

"How do I put this in the storage??"Jeon il could not help but raise his voice a little.

[Do you want to put <The Diary of a Simpy kid> in the storage?]

Jeon il doesn't care anymore if it was using voice recognition as to how the app can hear him and quickly said yes.

"Yes." Suddenly the book in his hands disappears.

[The object has been successfully added in the storage.]

Jeon il saw the book in the storage slot.

It was at this moment that he realize something.

With pure determination in his eyes he said.

"I want to be a SIMP."

Crixzivion Crixzivion

Hello guys I've saw this contest and have a weird idea so I entered it lmao, plss vote for me, also the first chapter might be too much of a filler but in the next few chapters I'll try to fasten the pace

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