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27.51% Shot ~ Sexual Fantasies / Chapter 52: Love and Respect

Chapter 52: Love and Respect

"I always wanted to be pampered, to feel desired and wanted, not just needed for a quick lay. He never did that for me. After we got married Joe never seduced me, his entire idea of sex centered on his balls and how fast he could empty them. I never felt he respected me."

I was listening, eavesdropping maybe, as my older sister told her best friend Evelyn one reason why her marriage failed. Several months earlier Cindy had gotten a divorce from her husband of six years. She found him in bed with a pair of pole dancers from Tom's Hideout, one of them male, all naked, all high and heavily involved in a threesome. Since I am her closest immediate family, she ran to me and asked for sanctuary. I invited her to stay in my guest room that night and she had been residing with me since. Cindy and I decided early she didn't need to find her own place for a while. She was helping me with the condo payment but what I was asking was by far less than what she would have to shell out as rent anywhere else. As an added benefit my sister shared cooking and cleaning duties with me.

Cindy and I hated each other as we grew up, especially during the turbulent years of puberty. She started two years before me and turned into maniacal nutcase at thirteen. I followed her on the path to maturity so for about six or seven years we plotted almost daily against the other. Only after she moved from the homestead and my balls quit governing my life did our sibling relationship assume some sort of normalcy. Now that she was 31 we got on very well, I actually liked and respected her.

I was searing steaks on the patio grill while Cindy shared her tales of woe with her friend. "Have you seen anyone since the divorce?" Evelyn asked.

"No, I'm not really in the mood. I have a nagging feeling that most men in our generation that are single would be too much like him. Looking for a hole to pop into once in a while without commitment or romance. I want to be seduced, not fucked."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like that saying 'if he is 30, good looking and single, he is gay'. Everybody else is either a real loser or sniffing around behind the Missus' back."

I didn't know where that left me, I'd had two long relationships but both were too involved in their own lives to share one with me so at 29 I was still single. My mother always said I was good looking and I'm not gay; I like a good hot piece of ass with a pretty pair of tits to complement, I've spent many delightful hours seducing women. I like the heated erotic chase, the sensual reaction of a woman I commit too. Hell, if I wanted a quickie I could buy one on Evergreen Boulevard for less than popcorn at a theater.

As the days slid past the snippet of conversation I'd overheard I kept thinking I needed to show Cindy some love and respect, she had earned that much from me. We had long since gotten past the hormonal driven insanity of our teen years and formed a close sibling bond, but how could I show her? The more I thought about it, the more I became convinced she needed someone to be nice to her and since she wasn't dating, the task fell on my broad shoulders.

I started with flowers. I had a bouquet of spring flowers sent anonymously to her on a Saturday morning. I picked Saturday because I wanted to see her reaction. After the delivery girl left Cindy quickly opened the small card to find only "From one who admires you very much" nothing else.

Her reaction was as delightful as the bouquet itself. She flustered, she blushed sweetly, she spun to me "Who did this, do you know who he is?"

"Nobody said anything to me, and maybe it was a she" I said teasingly.

Cindy caressed those blooms until the petals dropped to the table and she needed to toss them away. Each time she focused on the flowers, she wore a pleasant but puzzled smile.

The next bouquet, slightly larger, was delivered with the message "Dinner and Dance?" Cindy went half nuts waiting for a phone call. She simmered for five days and when she finally realized the invitation might not come my sister said to me dejectedly "Someone is playing with me, even if he did call now I wouldn't go out with him."

I apologized for the crass unknown person then made my offer "I'll take you out, let's go to Luigi's tomorrow, I'll spring for dinner and you can talk me into a club if you want." The spark in her eyes was enough to tell me not only did she accept the invitation, she liked the invitation.

We had a great date, and I call it a date because that is what it felt like to me. It was obvious my sister spent time primping and priming for a night on the town, she looked truly alluring as we enjoyed a slow dinner of pasta and sipped two kinds of wine. After dinner we went to a dance club where Cindy easily talked me into dancing between stints of casual conversation. When we got out of the car at home she clutched my arm close to her side with both hands and rested her head on my shoulder as if I were her boyfriend walking her to the door. I wouldn't have been surprised if she had given me a light goodnight kiss, that's how right it felt. In the condo she announced that she hadn't had such a good time out in years but she was tired and going to bed. As she walked away from me I watched her trim figure wrapped in a red satin blouse and black form revealing skirt and experienced the first ever shiver of desire caused by my sister. High heels stretched and lengthened her calves; the way the skirt swished across the her nylon sheathed legs, the rocking of her hips, all combined to cause my nuts to tingle, my cock to twitch. I'd never before had any serious carnal thoughts about Cindy but what flashed through my mind startled me. I was thinking she could be a fun fuck.

That night I slept naked and fantasized about my older sister. I formed plans, schemes and plots on how I might get her to my bed. The longer the ideas ran free, the more resolute my resolve became. I was going to seduce my sibling, but how to do it without alienating or forcing her?

The next day was hot and humid, the kind of oppressive air that drives people to the beach in droves. Cindy and I were on the balcony in a small circle of shade from the sun umbrella when I asked her if she wanted to go swimming at Lake Shardon. She bounded eagerly from her chair, "I'll put on my suit" she said as she went quickly to her room.

The lake front was crowded but we managed to find a shady spot to spread our large towels and set up the picnic basket. My sister stood tall beside me and pulled her short summer dress by the hem up and off her stretched body, revealing a two piece swim suit that covered very little of her. As she dropped the dress I noticed about 10 sets of male eyes lock onto her, and, if I had to admit it, I was staring at her hourglass form too. The black halter contrasted boldly with her smooth creamy breasts; matching briefs snugged delightfully over her tight round ass. Cindy hadn't lost much of her youthful figure; many high school girls didn't look as fresh and firm as she did. I was so surprised at the sight of her the words "Christ, Cindy, you're really hot" erupted before I could even think them.

My older sister paused as she looked into my eyes then smiled, "If you think so, maybe some of these other guys will too." She walked away toward the water, her ass rocking on long shapely legs; just as it did the night before, my cock pulsed with interest as I followed her. We splashed and played in the water like we were ten years younger, we cavorted as if we were flirting, her laughter tinkled in my ears, her eyes sparked with playfulness, our genetic connection was laid aside for the afternoon.

At home we agreed we were tired, the day had sapped our energy, we wanted nothing more than to relax in front of the TV and watch a movie. Cindy went to shower away the lake then came back to sit on the sofa in a short night robe, smooth shaved legs begged my attention. As she sat with her feet curled under her butt I sensed the robe was the only thing she wore to hide her personal charms. I excused myself and when I returned I too was clean and clad in just a robe. The air in the room was cozy with intimacy, Cindy opened a bottle of California Riesling while I served cheese and crackers. We settled in front of the TV, she started the movie; some Si-fi Earth destroying disaster epic.

The movie ended with the only man left on Earth carrying the only woman to survive the global holocaust to a spaceship built before the end of the world. It was designed to ferry a thousand humans to a recently discovered earth like planet but now it would be only the two; Adam and Eve for a new world.

"I wouldn't mind being the next Eve if the man was tall, handsome and well hung" said my sister.

"Yeah? Well, sailing through space with someone like you could keep me from going bonkers."

Cindy flashed me a cute smile "You think I'm genial enough to spend eternity with?"

"Are you kidding? I'm just beginning to know you after all the years of squabbling and rivalry. Since you moved in I've learned that you are actually a nicely refined person, someone I admire more and more every day. You are not the sister I grew up with, you're the sister that always lingered in my mind, the older sibling to look up to; the example to follow. I wouldn't mind at all being stuck with just you."

Her eyes twinkled easily "Okay, what about the physical stuff? Sex. You can't just expect me to fly out to space and start fucking my own brother, there are laws about that."

"What laws? If we were the only two left, the only laws would be the ones we make. If we decided incest was legal then what's to stop us? Look at Eve, she was created from Adams rib, scientifically that would mean he was screwing his own clone. That's more than incest, that's asexual, like masturbation, self-satisfaction. We could banish the word from our lexicon, it would have no meaning or definition."

My sister paused to look at me intently for a few moments then continued cautiously "Could you respect me if we went to bed? I mean even if it was just you and me, I would want more than an orgasm, I want love and respect." She was echoing the words I heard her tell her friend weeks before.

It was in her eyes, in her pose, in the question; somewhere in the short conversation we went from fantasy in a space ship to reality in the room. I went to my feet then untied the belt of my robe and let it fall apart as I approached my sister who stood to face me. I pulled her sash loose which allowed her robe to open. She reached her arms around my neck then pulled me to her, our bodies met, cheek to cheek, breast to chest, stomach to stomach, groin to groin. The warm softness of her skin on mine caused a major dose of hormones to spill into my blood, my cock levitated quickly and firmly against the junction of her thighs. She hugged me tighter as the temperature around us rapidly increased to stifling. Cindy put her lips on my neck as she pushed my robe off my shoulders.

I turned her around and urged her to the sofa where she laid across the cushions, pulling me down as she went. She was on her back, one foot on the floor, the other resting against the back cushions, her tender sexy center open for me. I probed with the end of my erection then when I felt the head of it slip into her heated body I pushed deep into my fantasy.

Cindy didn't need any long intense fucking to loosen her desire. Less than a minute after I started thrusting in and out of her pussy she shuddered and gripped my shoulders, moaning through a first small orgasm. It surprised me that she got off so quickly but I didn't miss a stroke. She grabbed my head and pulled me down for our first sexual kiss, her long sweet tongue quickly darted between my teeth, searching for mine. As our mouths mated our bodies humped and ground against the other; the longer we fucked the more animated she got, moving, grasping, holding and voicing her rapture. Just as I thought to change up, move to another position, she arched her back off the sofa cushion and gurgled a loud cry of passion. Her second climax sent an urgent message directly to my balls and they willingly gave up their burden to the depths of her love starved womb.

We were relaxing side by side in the afterglow, not saying anything. She lifted her face to me and kissed my cheek "There's more room on my bed." Her words were like an aphrodisiac, my nuts drew up tight and began to brew again, I stood and offered her my hand. As we were walking past the large bouquet of wilting flowers she fingered a limp rose petal. She stopped and looked intently at the display then turned to me and said "Thank you, they were the best thing you could have done, the timing was perfect." My sister had figured out who sent her the flowers.

Cindy's bedroom transformed into a wedding suite when we entered. I lifted her off the floor and carried her to the bed, she had her nose buried in the nape of my neck, giggling as if she were a school girl about to loose her virginity, both excited and embarrassed at the same time. I paused next to the bed and gave her a quick kiss and teased "You already have my respect but if we do this, will you respect me in the morning?"

She glanced down on the bed then back to me with wide sparkling eyes "If we don't do this, you will never have my respect." I dropped her to the bed.

She reached for my hand and tugged on it to lie beside her. We were lying on our sides, face to face, our stomachs and groins pressed together. She bent her leg at the knee then rested her thigh over mine and reached for her desire. Cindy pulled my hard-on between her legs and fitted the head of it in her cum soaked pussy. I trust forward until my nuts caressed her cunt lips then began to slow stroke her as we talked.

Short sentences were punctuated by sips of air, light sexy kisses and muscles twitches as we rocked our hips, bumping and thrusting as we slowly made love. The feeling of sliding through the wet tender lips of her cunt drove waves of ecstasy through me, I was lost in the depths of her body, the depths of her eyes. The conversation that bounced back and forth was sprinkled with "I never thought we would do this" and "We probably shouldn't mention this to mom." I dipped my head for my first taste of Cindy's nipples and got a murmur of approval as my reward. I pulled my sister over until she was sitting on my hard-on then let her set the tempo of my cock moving in and out of her.

I was holding her hips helping her rock her body when she leaned down and put lips on my ear "I like this, Joe never took time with me; not like this. Tell me you love me Chad, he never said anything to me during sex but I always wanted to hear that."

I looked into her eyes then sat up, pushing her to her back. I mounted over her splayed legs and as I drove my cock deep and fast into her searing hot cunt I said, "I love you Cindy; I love you, and I love what we are doing."

My sister's eyes went wide as she arched her back then faded out of focus when the first tremor of the orgasm rippled through her womb. Her legs began to jerk and vibrate as a low wail of rapture was forced from her lungs. Cindy grabbed my ass then dug ruts in my skin with her nails while the climax rose and fell like ocean waves, her groin crashing against mine as I fucked her. My cock cramped tight then the pressure from my balls blew my willpower to pieces and I filled my hot, writhing sister with a second round of cum and the sweet soft echo of my earlier words "I love you Cindy."

She fell limply back to the bed then whispered intimately "Stay with me, if you leave now I'll feel used and dirty, like I was married, I don't want to feel like that again." I stroked her hair as she drifted into a contented sleep with her head on my shoulder. Our genetic connection was cast aside forever.

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