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23.48% Being The Vampire’s Fledgling / Chapter 35: Everest’s Fledgling

Chapter 35: Everest’s Fledgling

Lyle's POV:

"-With the appearance of your fledgling, we've deemed you unworthy of taking care of a fledgling. Your fledgling will be taken from you along with anymore you might have turned. You'll be arrested tonight while we observe your whole nature and household. Afterwards when we've stripped you of your fledglings, we'll carry out your punishment by tearing out your fangs. You'll be then forced to live with either someone of relations, us, or your previous maker. You'll be treated as a fledgling who needs to be reminded of our laws and customs. Those of which do not require taking weaponry made by hunters and carving it into your fledgling. After five years if you're not deemed to be a maker we'll have a witch or wizard take away your venom. Any questions?" I asked. I had the poor lad's maker pinned to the ground by force with the help of Aurelio's magic. He had agreed to pin him for us incase he tried to resist arrest. I could hear murmuring in the crowd, disapproving tones. I was disappointed too. Makers are supposed to help our species. Scum like him is the reason why we have resistance lurking in the shadows. They were raised up wrong and starved. They don't know what's right from wrong and sometimes we have to kill them. "I'm very disappointed in you from one maker to another." I turned my head away from him. "Esther, help Aurelio escort him down to one of our holding cells." I turned towards Everest then. "Everest, I have a question for you, since I know how you've been wanting to be a maker again, his fledgling is going to need one. Would you mind taking over?" Everest's eyes widened and he bit his bottom lip in excitement, about to say yes then paused, looking at Neal questioningly.

"Do you think it'd be okay? I mean... we're going to be busy in May," he whispered to him, shifting a little.

"Umm..... You should have time.... You won't be completely in the bed," he whispered to Everest. I laughed softly, knowing what Neal was talking about. They're wanting to have a baby... Everest is such a great maker, I can't wait to see him as a dad. "Go ahead, it'll give you motherly instincts right?" Everest smiled big time then and quickly kissed him before he looked at me.

"He's mine," he said quickly then darted for the doors with a laugh.  I laughed, interested in watching him taking his first fledgling in a while but turned back to Silas.

"You still need me?" I asked playfully. "I'm sure you can handle the rest of the arrest." Silas nodded and then smiled.

"Yeah, I've got it.... I'll go make sure that he makes it to a cell though," he told me, eyeing Esther down as she escorted the struggling maker out. He growled softly and started to follow them, watching the maker closely. I was suddenly tackled then, arms wrapping around my waist as a small purr rose up from my side as a warm body pressed close to me, sneaking under my arms. Milo. I smirked and looked towards him than pulled him with me out of the room. I followed Everest's scent and was quick enough to catch up to him before he could enter the room. He pulled the doors opened and walked in with a huge smile on his face, looking towards Charles and Pierre. He purred as his eyes landed on his new fledgling and he came up, stealing him from Charles.

"Hi," he purred softly. "I'm going to be taking care of you from today onward," he said and then gently kissed Pierre's cheek. Pierre shivered and looked towards Everest a little then curled up to him. "There we go.... I'm going to have to make you mine. I hope you won't be terrified," he whispered, gently rubbing Pierre's cheek then gently his neck. He leaned in, sharpening his fangs as he went to tilt Pierre's head back but he did it himself instinctively like he'd been trained to feed his master. Everest paused slightly but bit down into him, earning a soft moan from the fledgling. I pulled Milo in so he could see the transformation of stealing another's fledgling in a different point of view than what he experienced. One where it was willing. Charles started to look jealous then as he watched. Milo widened his eyes and held onto me tightly as he watched Everest starting to drain the boy, looking a little freaked out but he relaxed after a few minutes as he watched Pierre not fighting. He fell limp against Everest then and weakly gripped his shirt as he closed his eyes, making Everest pull back before he could kill him. He looked at Pierre then purred softly, leaning back in and gently biting in before he injected his venom into him, earning another moan as Pierre threw his head back in pleasure. Everest pulled back and then bit into his wrist, pressing it against his new fledglings lips and watched as he quickly started to drink from him hungrily. I walked up to Charles and pulled him into my arms.

"It's okay Charles," I purred. "He's going to be around for a long time now. Of course we're not going to let you two share the same room because of your age. In fact there will be more ground rules." Milo frowned a little then widened his eyes.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Charles is only sixteen," Milo whispered, looking him over then looked at Pierre. "He looks about eighteen...." Everest sat the two of them down, keeping him in his lap as he fed him, purring to him comfortingly.

"I'll have to make sure Silas knows to set up some ground rules too," I muttered. Everest nodded.

"Yeah, we don't want them mating with each other at his age," he said and looked towards Charles. "Plus we don't know how Pierre acts. He might've picked up nasty habits from his master. It'd be bad if  he hurt Charles... or if he thought that Charles was going to hurt him. He'll need to be closely watched and handled gently till we can get him to stop fearing and expecting to be abused." I noticed bite marks healing on Charles's neck then and frowned.

"Charles, did Pierre bite you?" I asked and examined the wound closer.

"Y-yeah, he said he was hungry..." Charles whispered.

"Probably from his maker hardly feeding him," I muttered.

"He- he didn't ask me," Charles whispered.

"Well he'll learn to ask soon," I promised. Everest nodded.

"Next time deny it to him if he tries to bite you without asking," he told Charles softly. "We probably won't leave you two alone until I'm sure that he won't attack. We know almost nothing except that he was abused and that he strongly believes in being with mates so much that he'd try to take you."

"I persuaded him to give me back though," Charles mumbled.

"Yes but you might not get as lucky if he had remained with his maker for another year or two learning from the bad influence. It's a good thing he met you tonight." I told him. I looked towards Milo and gave a soft smile. Milo was watching Pierre with interest, but he looked towards me as he felt me watching him then purred a little. Everest pulled his wrist back from Pierre then and watched as Pierre whimpered and went for his neck.

"No," he told him firmly and pressed his hand against his chest to keep him back enough.

"Silas might be in here soon," I purred to Charles. After all he won't want to be too far away from him.... Oh no. No one is with our guests....  I frowned.

"Milo, Everest, Charles, and Pierre, we left our guests without a host." I laughed softly. Everest frowned a little and then went to get up, but Milo shook his head.

"I can go," he told us. "I'll call if something happens."

"No, let's all go back to our guests now." I rubbed Milo's arm. He frowned a little and looked towards Pierre with worry then at me but softened his expression. He nodded then and purred, grabbing Charles and pulling him towards the door as Everest got up and started to carry Pierre towards the door.

"We'll need to take pictures of the scars on Pierre's body that way we have our evidence when we're pulling out his fangs in court in front of the council." I told Everest. "So I'm sure you can make sure that we get those." He nodded.

"I will after the ball when I have him take a bath to make sure that he's clean...." He looked towards Pierre then and kissed the top of his head. He relaxed in his arms and then started to purr, closing his eyes. We walked back into the ball room then and I gave everyone a smile.

"Sorry for our disappearance," I told them. "We'll explain shortly why we're hosting this ball when Silas arrives." The vampires watched and then murmured to each other before they went back to each other, mingling amongst one another. Milo looked towards me and then purred, leaning in and stealing a kiss from my lips then giggled. He gave me a huge smile with a playful look before he started to walk off, heading for a group of vampires. I watched him and smiled. He's gotten more independent of me... I'm not sure if I should like it or not.... I laughed and followed after him.

Silas's POV:

I walked Esther back into the ballroom after locking that maker up, getting the door for her as she walked in. "Take care brother," she purred to me, giving me a wink. "I've heard from some girls that they'd love to meet you. I'd suggest dancing. You'll want to find someone eventually, so get out there Silas. You're not married. You're not even dating or flirting with anyone." She smirked and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me with a frown. Get out there? If I wanted to be out there, I'd be out there. I sighed and walked in, looking around before I headed for the blood table and picked myself up some, sipping on it. I wish Sylar was in here.... He refused to come. I looked at the blood and then took another sip. Too bad... I guess I might have to dance with girls. If he really cared, he would've came. I glanced around the room then, seeing a few girls watching me and giggling with their friends. Why do they travel in packs? I took a deep breath and then smirked a little. Would Sylar get mad at me if he smelled them on me? He might come to the next one if he finds out that I was dancing with others. I downed my blood then and looked the crowd over for my first non-family dance of the night and then landed my eyes on a black haired, moonlight skinned girl that was standing off to the side with another girl, talking softly as they watched the dancing couples. I smirked and started for her, stopping in front of them then bowed.

"May I have this dance?" I purred politely, looking up at the girl as I reached for her hand. She smiled then and looked at me.

"Look sister, I've been asked to dance," she whispered.

"It's Silas.... He's a flirt," the other girl told her then giggled. "You should accept his offer~ You might not get it again." The girl blushed and then looked at me consideringly before she took my hand and let me pull her to the dance floor. I could feel then someone watching me. I frowned slightly and glanced around for them. I know girls watch me, but damn, I normally don't notice it like this.... I caught Charles staring me down with a slight frown. Oh... that's why. It's not a girl. It's my fledgling. I looked at him then gave him a smile, trying to cheer him up. He gave me a small smile then before breaking his eyes from me, glancing around. I looked away from him then, taking her to the middle of the dance floor and led her in a waltz, watching her as she blushed a little then pulled me a bit closer. I purred to her and then smirked. I'll go check on Charles after this dance.... Maybe I'll have him dance with me too. I could feel him watching me again. I laughed a little then glanced his way, looking him over. He gave me a cute smile then as he managed to get my attention. He just wants me over there. I smirked at him then returned my attention to the girl till the end of the song.

"Silas, it's time." I heard Lyle say from beside me, grabbing my arm. I yelped, not expecting him to be over here so quickly. He must've been watching me too, waiting to snatch me up. I looked towards him then frowned a bit before I glanced towards Charles but reluctantly nodded.

"Don't worry, you can be with Charles after your first dance as king," he teased in my ear. "Sorry for stealing him." He told the girl then dragged me towards the middle. "EVERYONE MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" I widened my eyes and then blushed a little. First dance as king? He means I have to pick a girl that'll be ravenous to dance with me after this announcement?! They'll eat me alive and tear me into pieces! They'll all be trying to be with me! No! NOOOO! I'm not going to have a moment's peace for the rest of the ball! They all want to be queen! AH! When the room fell silent he looked at me.

"It's my pleasure to announce that I handed down my title as king to my dear brother, Silas Rosario. We have a witness that it's already been done, Everest was there as I signed off. This ball is to announce and crown him publically as king." He motioned towards the doors then as servants entered with a crown on the pillow. When they reached us Lyle picked the crown up and placed it on my head then gave my cheek a kiss. "Let him pick the lucky person to share his first dance as king." Lyle stepped away from me then. "It has been an honor being king." He gave me a pleased smile. "Silas is going to make a fine king." I blushed and looked towards him. Crap. I totally forgot about the first dance as king.... I glanced around the room and then bit my bottom lip before I looked at Lyle, wondering if it would be outrageous for me to ask for him. Could I even do that? The girls would kill me.... I glanced towards Charles and then stopped. Wait. Charles. I smirked then and started heading for him. Charles blushed as he saw me coming and shook his head slightly, not wanting the attention as everyone started to look towards him. Oh come on Charles.... I walked up towards him anyways.

"Charles," I purred softly. "May I have this dance?" I asked him. Oh my lord, hopefully he doesn't flat out tell me no. That would look real bad for my first dance.

"But- But Silas," he whispered. "Shouldn't it go to a girl?" He asked quietly.

"They'd eat me alive," I whispered to him, glancing at the girls staring us down then looked back at him. "They'd do anything to keep me with them if they got the attention right now." He blushed and took my hand then.

"Okay, but only one..." He gave my hand a squeeze. I smiled and then pulled him towards me.

"Thank you," I told him and then led him to the center, starting to lead him in a dance as the music started. He gave me a sweet smile, focusing on the fact he was with me now instead of all the stares he was receiving. I smiled at him then held him close as I led him in the king's first dance, making it graceful. I'm king now huh.... I'll have to be doing stuff like dancing more often. I guess I'll become a romantic for the balls instead of just a sexy flirt.

"I'm glad you're my maker," he whispered to me softly. "I couldn't have picked anyone better. Thank you Silas for not letting me die." I smiled then.

"Of course I couldn't let you die," I told him. "I'm glad you don't hate me for turning you." I kissed his cheek then and spun him around then back to me. "I've seen fledglings hate their maker for turning them."

"Why would I hate you?" He asked. "If I had died I would have been upset at how quickly it had all ended for me. Now I have a longer chance at this world thanks to you." I laughed a little at him then nodded.

"You have eternity... and you already found the one you were destined to be with. It's a sign," I purred softly. "You're going to have a long and happy life Charles. You're truly unique too." I looked him in the eyes, studying his beautiful purple swirling eyes then smiled. "I'm going to hate when you turn five."

"Because you think I'll leave you so quickly?" He asked me. "I enjoy your company too much to up and go." I smiled happily and nodded.

"Good," I purred. "I'd be upset if you did leave me like that. You'll always have a home here even after you turn one hundred."

"You promise?" He asked and started to purr with delight.

"I promise," I told him quickly. "I'll always be here and take you in even if you've left. Even if I'm dead, I'll make sure my siblings help you."

"I'll hold that against you forever," he teased.

"Oh dear," I teased back and smirked. "Whatever shall you use me for?"

"For anything I can get out of you," he smirked back at me with a playful glimmer in his eyes.

"I'm going to be a broke king before I know it," I purred. He's too good to do that though.

"I'll put you back together if I break you too bad," he promised. I smiled then.

"What did I do to deserve such a good fledgling," I whispered and kissed his forehead as the song ended. "How about you ask Pierre to dance? I'm sure he'd like to be distracted from the fact he was stolen from his maker, even if he beat him."

"Okay, I did promise him a dance.." He gave me a small smile before leaving me to go do it. I watched him go then sighed softly, looking around. So... I'm king now. I'm in charge for once... officially. Whatever shall I do? I've got mine and Lyle's messes to clean up and new messes to make. I guess first I should start by making a mess of the girls here... before they eat me in the halls....

~Time Skip~

I sighed softly as I started to undress in my bedroom, the night over. Everyone was on their way home, leaving us to go to sleep before the sun would come up in an hour. I pulled off my suit and sat it down on the bed then began to pull my tie off then began to unbutton my shirt. The night had been a success.... Everyone enjoyed it... and the arrest from earlier had been a good reminder to the makers to be extra kind to their fledglings. I smiled as I thought about how happy Charles had looked dancing with Pierre and then sat down on my bed, leaving my shirt unbuttoned on my shoulders as I leaned over and started to take my shoes off. My entire family looked extremely happy.... All except Sylar who didn't even come to the ball. I smiled and then put my shoes under the bed then got to my feet and put my shirt down with my suit and then unbuckled my belt and took my pants off, leaving myself in my silk boxers. Hopefully he'll be in a better mood and nothing bad will happen tomorrow night. Sylar walked into my room then and gave me a smile.

"So how'd it go?" He asked curiously. I looked towards him then smiled.

"Rather well. We made an arrest due to the abusing of a fledgling. Charles found his mate. Everest got the abused fledgling, and I danced with a lot of people," I purred to him. I could even still smell all the girls on me that had pretty much snatched me everytime I pulled away from another.

"Glad I didn't attend. Those girls scare me," he mumbled and shivered. I laughed and then sat down on the edge of my bed, knocking my suit and shirt into the floor with my pants.

"They wanted to eat me," I purred teasingly towards him. "I think they want to be queen."

"Well yeah! They're wanting to take any spot that'll give them into a royal family in a big fancy castle with lots of servants." I nodded and smirked.

"Plus I'm one of the sexiest boys around," I teased then laid back in my bed, pulling my sheets around me and covered my body up. "They liked me too when Lyle was king, but now they have more incentive to come for me." I shivered and then curled up to my pillow.

"Well you should tell them you've got other interests," Sylar told me as he walked up to the bed and laid down in it with me. I smirked at him and gave him a playful look. He means himself, doesn't he?

"Oh? What other interests?" I teased him and held back a laugh.

"That you're with a guy."

"Yeah? Which guy?" I purred and felt my smirk widening.

"Me," he whined. "Aren't you?"

"Am I?" I teased playfully and exposed my fangs. He frowned and moved closer to me.

"Don't I mean something to you?" Crap. He's not wanting to play.

"Of course you do," I purred softly to him then pulled him into my arms. "You're my sweet brother and my secret lover." I kissed his cheek then. "I love you."

"I love you too," he whispered and curled up to me. I smiled and then glanced towards the door curiously, wondering if he locked the door behind him or not. When I saw he locked the door, I smirked and then tilted his face up to me and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back and pushed me down onto my back, getting on me. My door handle jiggled suddenly and someone knocked on my door.

"Master Silas! That egg we retrieved from the Nero manor is hatching!" I heard one of the servants tell me. I groaned and looked towards the door as Sylar was on me. I'm busy though....

"Good! It's with Dmitri, right?" I called out, putting my finger against Sylar's lips.

"Yes sir! I thought you'd like to know."

"Thank you very much. I'll be going down tomorrow to meet the dragon then," I hummed out. "Good day!"

"Good day!" I could hear her walking away then. Sylar purred and pounced on me quickly. I yelped and then purred to him. He missed me~ I smirked at him and leaned in like I was going for his lips then kissed his neck as I rubbed his thighs while he straddled me.

"I would have visited the ball but I over heard girls on their way in there talking about jumping me if I showed my face this time. So I decided to wait it out in my room." I nodded and then frowned. I wouldn't have liked it if they had been clawing at him.

"I think that was a good choice," I purred in his ear then nipped at it playfully, giving a loving growl. He laughed softly and leaned his ear away from my mouth.

"Did you miss me too?" He asked.

"Uh huh," I purred to him then laid back, leaning my head against my pillow as I rubbed his thighs. He smiled sweetly towards me than kissed my cheek.

"You're now king in other's eyes- wait a minute did you say Charles found his mate?" I nodded.

"Yeah, his mate is the abused fledgling that Everest is now going to be taking care of," I told him and then adjusted myself under him.

"Wow, what a small world..." He whispered.

"Uh huh, so be careful. There is a fledgling that will be living with us that had been abused and beaten with vampire hunter tools," I whispered to him. "We're not sure how he's going to adjust to living with us. He doesn't seem to understand asking before biting."

"Well if he's going to be Everest's fledgling then I think he'll adjust quickly. Everest is a great influence and has had fledglings before." I nodded.

"I don't doubt he won't be able to turn around three years of negative teaching," I whispered. "I think he could do it." I looked him over and then tilted my head, wondering if he'd get upset if I began to sit up. I started to test it, moving him into my lap. He frowned slightly but let me sit up. He moved off me and laid down next to me. I frowned and watched him. "Sylar," I mumbled and then sighed. Guess he would get upset and then move away off me completely. Him crawling on me was just to be on me.

"What?" He asked softly. I watched him then laid back down beside him.

"N-nothing," I whispered and then rubbed his cheek, trying to keep my disappointment back. He gave me a loving look then.

"Let's get some rest," he suggested. I sighed and then nodded.

"Alright," I told him then curled up to my pillow, nuzzling my head into it. Is it just me, or has he seemed to tone back from me since he got me all the way? I frowned a bit then closed my eyes, trying to get some rest. He kissed my cheek lovingly and pulled me closer to him. I opened my eyes and looked towards him then purred softly to him. He gave me another sweet look before closing his eyes. I watched him and sighed before I ran my fingers through his hair and wrapped him up into my arms. I'll be back to work again tomorrow... and I won't find alone time with him either for a long time more than likely. I gently kissed his neck and breathed his scent in then smiled softly. I guess it's okay. I've got right now. I have the past too. He kissed my cheek then.

"That's not resting," he purred.

"I can't help it," I purred back and smirked. "I'm just thinking about how busy I'm going to be for awhile... and how I'm going to miss having alone time with you."

"I suppose I could sleep in here for now until you're not so busy." He pulled me closer to his body.

"That would be nice," I mumbled and kissed his neck again. He nodded and exposed his neck to me.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. I thought about it then smirked. I could drink... but I'm not exactly starving.

"Uh huh," I hummed out then exposed my fangs, biting into him. He gasped and gripped my sides. I moaned as I got a taste of him then purred, starting to mark him again as I leaned into the bite, sinking my fangs in deeper. He melted against me.

"Silas, don't take too much..." He warned. I growled a little at him but obeyed, pulling my fangs out then licked his neck clean before I kissed it. I moved down a little from the bite and smirked, teasing him as I started to give him a love bite. He moaned softly and tried to stop himself, biting down on his bottom lip. I purred to him and moved a little closer to him, starting to give him another one. "Silas," he whispered. "You didn't miss me too much did you?"

"Did you not?" I purred softly, pulling back slightly from his neck.

"You're so dramatic," he leaned into my neck and kissed me there. I blushed a little. Dramatic? What does that mean? He didn't miss me... did he? I whined then and pulled back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him, giving him a hurt look. "Didn't you miss me too?" Do I not mean anything to him and he tricked me for sex? 

"Of course I missed you, look at you being dramatic." He gave me a cute smile. I frowned and watched him then pulled my pillow close to me, hugging it. It was a valid question though! He kissed the top of my head then. "You're so sweet but aren't you tired?" I thought about it then shook my head no.

"No, not really.... If you are then, I don't mind you sleeping. I'll just lay here and I won't bother you," I told him then gave him a smile. He nodded and closed his eyes.

"Don't wake me up then," he purred. I watched him then gave my pillow a slight squeeze then curled up to it.

"Good day then," I whispered softly to him and cuddled with my pillow.

"Good day," he mumbled softly. I watched him then sighed softly. Maybe he wanted a one time and then just to spend time with me.... I frowned and then looked at my pillow, smelling it before I closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep. Maybe I should stop this.... It might break his heart if I do though. He means a lot to me too... but I'm not sure what he wants from me. I opened my eyes again and looked towards him then blushed as I watched him sleeping. I couldn't. I love him. I blushed a deeper shade of red then started to get up. Damn it Silas! Go take a shower! I started to crawl out of the bed, putting a hand over my mouth as I felt my fangs exposing a little at the sight of Sylar sleeping. Crap! Sylar curled his hair around his fingers, falling asleep quickly as I left.

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