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100% Unexpectedlys / Chapter 13: Not Parting Yet

Chapter 13: Not Parting Yet

Everyone! It's party planning time!"

"Eh?" Dani asked with confusion. Party planning? What for? Was it someone's birthday?

"We are throwing a super duper amazing party right here at the Mystery Shack tomorrow night!" Mabel explained while the everyone listened with blank expressions.

Dipper finally decided to ask for the reason, "Mabel, I don't get it. What's the party for exactly?"

"Because Dani's staying dummy. Grunkle Stan approved it and everything!"

"Wait hold up." The ravenette interjected with a wave of her hands, "You're throwing a party for me?"

"Yes, why do you sound so surprised?"

"Uh, no reason it's just a bit of a shock is all. I didn't think my staying was all that of a big deal." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well it is! And that's why we're inviting other people too."

"Like who? I don't know anyone."

"Dani you know Wendy's friends." Dipper pointed out and remembering this, she nodded in agreement.

"Sure...but that's about it."

"Exactly!" the eldest twin exclaimed loudly causing Dani to jolt slightly, "We can use this to introduce you to everyone! For example, you still haven't met Candy and Grenda."

Ah, Candy and Grenda. Mabel had mentioned them when her and Dipper gave Dani the tour around town, but she never did get to meet them in the end.

"Ooh, I first met them at a party and now you will too! It must be a sign that we'll all be like, best friends or something."

"Maybe." They'd have to see when Dani actually spoke to them.

"Hey Hambone, we don't want to overwhelm Dani with too many people." Soos piped up and the girl mouthed a 'thank you' at him.

"Come on it's just my friends and stuff."

"Dude, Soos is right. Candy and Grenda is obviously okay but other than that, let's only invite like, the other people you'll actually see a lot. So no random people in town." Wendy continued.

"It would be easier if there aren't too many strangers there." The Halfa added her two cents to help convince the girl. Honestly the idea of having to meet so many people was unthinkable for her. She hoped the tween understood.

Mabel chewed her lip for a moment before looking at Dani and grinning, "Okay, if it makes you happy! The party's for you after all and you do still get to meet my friends."

"Yeah, well that's sorted. What did you want us to do now?" the ravenette asked a little hesitantly. Knowing Mabel, she might've wanted crazy lights and brights colours. RIP epileptics.

"I am so glad you asked." She turned her attention to the rest of the room, "Everyone! here are your lists." She skipped around handing everyone but Dani a list.

As they all received their lists, the each pulled an awkward expression.

"Oh cool, I don't have to be on entry duty this time." Wendy remarked after a moment with a grin.

"Yep! I know you hated that last time and I want everyone to have fun, so nobody has to do it because entry's free!"

"FREE?!" Mr Pine's voice bellowed from a nearby location and he marched into the room not a moment later.

The kids in the room held back chuckles at his anger.

"Please Grunkle Stan. It's for the sake of everyone."

He pouted and planted his fists on his hips, squinting at everyone before returning to Mabel.

"Just this once."

The girl squealed and clapped her hands before running towards him and hugging him tightly, "You won't regret it."

"Come on! Come on! Everyone, last minute arrangements must be done! The star of the show will be here in T-minus any second now!" Were the first words Dani heard upon descending the stairs. Immediately, she located the one who was speaking. Mabel of course.

"What's happening now?" She expected her arrival to scare the girl but to her surprise, Mabel barely reacted.

"I told them you'd appear. Also, I'm so glad you asked." the brunette turned to cup her hands by her mouth, "IS EVERYONE DONE?" She shouted.

Dani winced at the volume. Of course her super hearing amplified Mabel's voice...

A 'yep' a 'yeah' and a 'yes' were returned to the girl's question.

"Then Soos hit the lights!"

Barely a second later the room was plunged into darkness. Fortunately Dani's eyes didn't begin to glow but instead something cooler happened. Kinda.

Soos turned the party lights on so that the room lit up again, but with dots of an array of different colours that flashed randomly around. A disco ball hung in the middle of the ceiling, reflecting the lights and further bringing a magical effect to the lighting. Colourful banners decorated the walls and for some reason, confetti covered the floor. But the best part to Dani was a load of snacks and drinks spread over three tables.

"Mabes, you did good." she announced proudly.

"Psh, you flatter too much. Now, the guests will arrive in like five minutes so go get changed!" the sweater lover ordered.

"Changed? Why can't I just wear this." Dani gestured to her signature outfit that had recently been repaired.

"Because, it's a party."

"...Okay fine, but I'll have to borrow something of yours." She pointed out before reluctantly returning back upstairs.

"No problem! I'd say make it good but I know all of my clothes are good!"

-19:46 PM-

A good 30 minutes into the party, Dani had so far only been introduced to one person, an old guy going by the name McGucket who had been shown to her by the twins. She found him to be a bit of an oddball but well-meaning. He also seemed to have a history with the Pines family.

The ravenette had to admit she was being fairly anti-social but she didn't really feel like approaching anyone yet. Plus, it wasn't as easy to do when there were a lot of people around her. At that point, she was only talking to Mabel in the hope's that she wouldn't be forced to go up to anyone just yet.

"So, this party is pretty fantastic." She cracked a wavering smile, but she couldn't deny being impressed at the amount of happy people and the number of dancers.

"Fantastic is my speciality. Along with awesome, amazing, brilliant, super, and an assortment of other words." The brunette joked with a grin.

Dani shook her head, "I don't disagree."

"You know, me and Dip-Dop are gonna have a super party like this when it's our birthday!"

"It's August 31st right?"

Mabel gasped, "Is being psychic one of your powers?!"

"No, Stan told me."

"Sweet, we'd be in the same school year." I realise much to my delight. You know, if I went to school.

"Great!" She gasps, "Wait, I don't even know when your birthday is either!"

"December 5th."

"That makes you...8 months older than us?! Oh man that's over half a year." She pouts.

I pat her on the back and smirk triumphantly, "And I'm still a teen and you're not."

"No fair. At least I'm the Alpha twin." Mabel pouts.

"Alpha twin?"

"Yep, I was born five minutes before Dipper."

Even though she also already knew this, Dani still felt as though Dipper fit the role of older twin better due to his less...reckless behaviour and more protective nature. She would know, she got that impression from Danny.

"Well" she perks up, "hate to abandon you at your own party but I'm gonna hit the dance floor. You should go mingle D."

"Oh Mabel you think, but no."

She chuckles, "You never know what will happen 'til you try. That's why you always try."

"Yeah, yeah." I wave a hand dismissively as she disappears from my sight.

And mingle with who exactly? Who would she go to first that wasn't already busy?

Her blue eyes dulled as she scanned around at the nearby party-goers lazily. There's wasn't exactly anyone not pre-occupied so she began to wander around a bit instead. Until she came across one person she could talk to.

A certain blue vested boy.

"You good there Dipper? You look a little out of place." The ravenette joked good naturedly once she reached him.

"Uh..thanks? I'm just waiting for someone. She said she'd come if she could."

"She? Oooh, you got a girlfriend Dipper?" Dani teased and leaned forwards, wanting to know more.

"What? No." Even with the flashing lights, she still managed to catch his blush. "She's just a friend. Why does a guy being friends with a girl automatically mean they have to like each other?"

"That's not true, take me and you for example. We're just friends."


"So, who's the girl?"

"Oh, you're not gonna drop it then?"


Dipper sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "...Her name is Pacifica okay?"

"Pacifica..." The Halfa tapped her chin in thought, "Why do I feel like I recognise that name?"

"Mabel's probably mentioned her, or you've seen her in a newspaper."

"'She famous?"

"In this town."

Well good on Dipper for catching someone famous...and likely rich.


I hear Mabel calling me from the other side of the room. Seriously, she tells me to go talk to people and decides to call me back not even five minutes later? I hope she doesn't want me to dance, that would just be embarrassing, both for me and the people around me.

"Well," She started, preparing her exit, "good luck with your girlfriend."

"She's not my- oh never mind."

The ravenette spotted her friend talking with a short Asian girl and a larger girl. They turned her way as she approached.

"Dani, I have two very important people to show you. This is Candy and Grenda. Ta da!" The sweater lover gestured at each respectively, a grin on her face threatening to split her lips.

"Hello, it's nice to finally meet you Dani." Grenda said with a surprisingly gruff voice.

"Yes, Mabel has told us a lot about you." Candy continued.

"Likewise." The Halfa responded casually.

Then the four went silent. No one knew what to say next. Dani scratched her neck in discomfort.

Mabel suddenly coughed into her fist as her smile wavered, "Come on you three, why don't you talk about your interests!"

"You guys like Alternative Rock?" She asked, trying to help Mabel in breaking the ice.

"We both listen to Pop and Heavy metal." Candy responds.

"Heavy metal ey? That's cool I guess. Any particular bands?"

"If you don't listen to Metal, you probably wouldn't know."

"Um okay. New topic! Reading material. Comic books, normal books, manga, genres. Discuss." Dani didn't really know what information she wanted or needed but she'd start with some basics to try to figure out their personalities and if they would ultimately clash with her.

"Sure, we read." Grenda answered somewhat sassily.

"Yes, especially romance novels." The two glanced at Mabel and devolved into a fit of giggles. Said girl shoved them both with embarrassment and chuckled nervously.

"Tell no one, especially not Grenda's mother."

"Got it... Uh, if that's all I'm gonna uh, go talk to some other people."

"But you've just met these two." Mabel pointed out with a tilt of her head.

"I know but I need to meet the rest too right? I'll be back later." The Halfa promised with a grimace before zipping away into the crowd once again.

"Dani!" The brunette called after her, but she ignored the girl.

The Halfa reached the food table and grabbed some punch before leaning against it. She was very much aware of the way her departure from the girls had been rash but she wasn't relating to Mabel's friends. The conversing was getting dry. Mabel's friends didn't seem like they'd be interested in the same things as her so what could she have said? Romance novels? Blergh.

"So, what's got you down party girl?"

"Oh, hi Wendy." She noticed the older girl's ginger hair out the corner of her eye, "I'm good actually."

"You sure? You seem to be hanging with yourself which is a little odd seeing as though this party's for you."

"Yeah well, it's just...I don't know where to start. Who to start with. I've never had so much attention on myself from this many people. I'm used to...blending in, not standing out."

"I get that." The red head drank some punch, "But if I was you I'd just do it. I know it doesn't seem as easy as that but just try saying hello first, you don't need to plan what to say, a conversation should just come naturally. Besides, you're Dani. You're the bold mischievous kid that we all love."

The younger teen smiled up at her with appreciation, "Thanks Wendy, you always know what to say."

Wendy returned the smile and ruffled her hair, "Go kid."

"I'm a teen." Dani smirked.

"Yeah, whatever."

The Halfa shook her head before forcing herself back into the crowd, directing herself towards a more populated area. She spotted two people talking and figured she could start with them. As she manoeuvred over to them, she took a deep breath. Time to say hello.

The two men halted their conversation as she arrived.

With a wave, Dani introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Dani," she started, "I hope you guys are enjoying the party."

"Oh you're the star of the day, well congratulations! And yes, this party is fantastic. I'm Tyler by the way." The smaller man giggled.

"And I'm Manly Dan! Yeah!" The much larger man punched his fist in the air. Dani admired his enthusiasm.

"Aren't you Wendy's dad?"

"You a friend?"

The ravenette shrugged, "...I think so."

"Your name is like mine and you're friends with my daughter..." He tapped his chin and the girl shuffled on the spot wondering what he was about to say, "Okay! You're good in my books!"

"Right." Dani nervously pointed a finger gun at him with the hand not holding the cup of punch and backed away. She honestly felt a little frightened of the guy but she wouldn't say that out loud, "Continue to enjoy yourselves then."

She breathed a sigh of relief as she swung around to find someone else to say hey to, but in her haste, the Halfa bumped into someone and the drink left her hand.

"Watch where you're-OH MY GOSH. Did you actually just spill that on me?!"

...And landed on their outfit.

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