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28% The Chronicles of Light and Shadows / Chapter 7: Cap 7 - Mage

Chapter 7: Cap 7 - Mage

The seal broke and the book opened, revealing a succession of empty pages, this was igniting a destructive rage in Tristan's chest, "How was such a unique and beautiful seal spoiled in an empty book with nothing to add?"

-There! -He took his finger to his mouth and sucked the blood that ran fine, had been cut by something in the book. Examining the cut saw that it was made by something extremely fine, Tristan did not imagine that a book could do here.

He stared at the drops of blood that rested on the mysterious book, when like an insatiable beast the book absorbed all the drops of blood that had fallen on them. Tristan couldn't help but make a frightened expression, after all, nothing good could come from something that used blood. But a Mage's weapon is also his worst weakness, seeing the words began to appear in the book, curiosity overcame the feeling of danger ...

"Who broke the seal and is daring to want to read me?"

Tristan was stunned, he ran and got a quill and ink bottle from the library counter. He came running back, his mind teeming with ideas and possibilities, he had never heard if he wants to talk about something like that in all his years living in the greatest Academy of Magic in all of Adorin, it was then that with shaking hands of excitement he wrote.

"My name is Tristan, what is your name?" His handwriting was all crooked, looking at them, he realized that the book must be trying to interpret what he had written. After a few minutes, words in red finally started to spring up.

"Are you a stupid boy? I'm a book! Why would I need a name? "

"But if you're a book, how are you talking to me?" Outraged by the book's response, ridiculing him, Tristan managed to write more calmly and his handwriting impeccable forming a sentence so well written where each letter had the same proportions. The answer now came immediately.

"Wrong question, boy! Tell me what you want to know, I'm hungry! "

"How can a book feel hungry then?" That was something that aroused even more the curiosity of the young magician, who watched the paper more carefully.

"Everyone who wants my knowledge has to pay a small tribute, nothing much, you know, right ... Just a small amount of blood. The more blood you give me, the more I can teach you. "

"Do you want my blood?" That was a subject that made the young Mage become more cautious.

"Are you a boy troll by any chance? Of course! So we will sign a contract, my knowledge in exchange for no more than a few drops of blood when you need me. "

"How can we sign a contract?"

"Don't worry, we already signed ..."

"What?" Tristan interrupted the speech of the book, minutes later he would find it funny, because it was always him who had the speech interrupted, the idea of ​​having done it with a book would give him a good laugh. But at that moment, only one thing passed through Tristan's mind, she had gotten into something terrible and had no idea how to deal with it.

"I trasted his blood and I liked it, it has a lot of power. I don't serve weak masters boy, if I didn't like you I would have devoured you already! "

Tristan looked around and grabbed the book from his chest and headed out of the library. The fear that the book knew of his inability to use magic was making him scared, the fact that he needed his blood was also worrying, in the world of magic only the most sordid creatures worked as they consumed blood. The fear and desire for the knowledge contained in that book was intoxicating the little magician. It wasn't something about ambition, but it was the most unlikely thing to happen in Tristan's monotonous life, as much as the young man hadn't been thinking carefully, he decided to see how far it would take him.

He headed for the nearest exit, no one could have known he had that book or it would have dire consequences. But getting a book out of the library without going through the entrance inspectors was a rather impossible task. In addition to an advanced system of spells that prevented the removal of books without permission, they had the stealthy eyes of librarians who missed nothing. It was the severe punishments that were imposed on those caught.

Leaving that aside, Tristan felt the book rubbing on his back and more and more he was sticking to the boy's skin, it made the young magician almost pass out from fear. But that fear was overcome by the eyes of the chief librarian at the counter, it gave Tristan time to think. "I will be killed a hundred times as a punishment." It was then that he began to repeat to himself like a prayer, that the spells at the door would not detect him. The moments that followed were horrible, there was a mixture of adrenaline and the fear of being caught. Each step rang in my ears and a thin line of cold sweat ran down my face. Until Tristan heard a name being called by someone behind him and feels the air being pulled from his lungs, I don't even dare to breathe and a wave of energy runs through my spine. I turn around very slowly and face the chief librarian, James.

-Is there a problem, sir? -Tristan had no idea what to say, his hands started to shake violently, he held the librarian's inquisitive gaze.

-Didn't you pick up any books? -He asks.

-Why the question, sir?

-Every time you come to the library you go out with books, and today you did not stop by the counter to register the withdrawal of any book. -The chief librarian looked closely at the young magician. -I just found the attitude somewhat peculiar.

-Ah! No, I already have books borrowed from the library, today I just came to search for goblins that are giving me problems. -Tristan tried to throw a dull smile to the librarian who does not take his eyes off him and apparently he had not fallen very well on his lie. But when pointing to the series of parchments in the boy's hand James saw that they contained all the necessary information and found the placement plausible - Is that all, sir?

-Yes ... -Even after Tristan turned his eyes the librarian didn't leave him.

{Hi guys, it's me, that one who knows everything! I suggest that you do not create any link with books that drink blood. unless he says his name to you, that's the only exception!}

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