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4% The Chronicles of Light and Shadows / Chapter 1: Cap 1 -1000 years ago - The Great Sacred Battle
The Chronicles of Light and Shadows The Chronicles of Light and Shadows original

The Chronicles of Light and Shadows

Author: Rian_Vieira

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Cap 1 -1000 years ago - The Great Sacred Battle

It is raining a lot and the cold is penetrating my bones. It is so dark that I can't see a palm beyond my nose. I'm not sure where the other guardians are, but I can feel his enormous presence beside me, making me feel safe. My legs no longer want to obey me, for hours I have been running blind without getting anywhere. I know what I need to do and I am very afraid, this is the only sensation I cannot get used to, fear is one of the two feelings that I have been forced to feel throughout my life. My options are limited between, my life or humanity, with no middle ground ... I always have to make that sad choice. I look up and I can see through all the darkness, a clean and bright sky with a moon almost at the end of its sweet glow. And on that horrendous night, I am coerced into accepting a sad truth: my sacrifice will save everyone and I cannot do anything about it, not even fail.

I know words by heart. I already repeat them several times. Maybe I'm doomed to have to give up my life whenever I find something worth living for. How I wish I could have a little more time with him ... Maybe a quiet life and as close to normal as possible. Without having to fight or see everyone I love to die or endure the pain of leaving him behind. I am tired of this eternal war between light and darkness. I just wanted to be able to put an end to it all even if it meant being wiped out.

A noise awakens me from my daydreams. I stop and realize that they have a spectrum approaching at high speed. He managed to get past the barrier of guardians who are protecting me, which can only mean that they are facing major problems. But for the energy it is emitting it must be nothing more than a low class. But when it comes to specters, the slightest carelessness can cost my life, or worse the lives of those I love.

I put myself in a battle position, raising my silver-bladed dagger the length of a femur. I'm ready to start fighting. But before the spectrum approaches, a familiar red and violet ray comes from behind me and hits the creature by reducing it to dust. As always, he is aware of any threat that could put me at risk for my life. Putting your existence at risk because of me, I feel once again that I am not the most affected by this whole situation. I put myself in a battle position, raising my silver-bladed dagger the length of a femur. I'm ready to start fighting. But before the spectrum approaches, a familiar red and violet ray comes from behind me and hits the creature by reducing it to dust. As always, he is aware of any threat that could put me at risk for my life. Putting your existence at risk because of me, I feel once again that I am not the most affected by this whole situation.

We are on our way to the place where I will sacrifice my life. I feel disgusted with myself, "Why do I always have to do this to him" ?! I know how it destroys you, but throughout my life, I have to destroy your heart over and over again. And whenever we meet, fate separates us in the worst possible way. I have to sacrifice myself so that the darkness returns. This is my destiny, there is no way for me to escape it. I have to be immolated, destroyed and reduced to dust. I am always warned, in case the dark age fails, it will return and all humanity will pay with my life for my failure. And as the guardian of the light, I must do everything to prevent this. Even renouncing my own life, not that it is easy for a young woman to deal with all this responsibility, but in war, we are forced to mature faster than normal.

However, it just makes things more painful for me and everyone who protects me, especially him. They are protecting me, even though I know that I am going to eminent death. I can feel your sadness. He will wait for me some more time to lose me again. And that circle of torture will be repeated and repeated. "His attachment is strange to me, why doesn't he just forget me soon? What makes you suffer so much for me? ", These are questions that I fear to ask you because above all, I'm afraid of the answers.

A larger group of demons appears, feeling the presence that they emanate for about twenty and I am very worried. Something happened, however, I have to focus on this fight. As a carrier of the Light, I have skills in humanities. They say that my power and gift from heaven are, even if I am not proud of its origin. But, it doesn't matter much, just know that I have the power to fight evil and make it come back.

Before the spectra move, I throw myself to the side, in an attempt to gain space to invest. They have wolf shapes. Focus on general-class demons, we would have even bigger problems. When one of the demons jumps in my direction, I launch myself into the air and step over it, scraping its spectral flesh with my dagger that takes the shape of a sword when I land almost like a feather. on floor.

I find myself surrounded by about eight demons and their red eyes stare at me deeply. The moment they take off on me, I jump as high as I can and spin gracefully in midair. I hit a kick right in the temple of the first, the moment I take off the head of three of them, still spinning in the air. As soon as I reach the ground I launch myself over the biggest one, burying my dagger right in its heart. Four of them throw themselves at me, one on each side. I bend down, put my hands on the floor, and lift my torso and rotate my feet. The tip of a knife protrudes from the tips of my boot. I tear off the legs of two who fall squealing and killing the other two in midair. I apply mercy by silencing those who had fallen into the battle without delay.

When I turn to face the last one, who has already thrown himself at me with his mouth open. I flex my knees with my sword in hand. And in a fraction of a second, he is in front of me, with his right hand emitting rays of red light and with his own hands he pulls as close to a heart that the demons have what remains of him explodes in the dust. Looking at the farthest corner, about a hundred sticks away, I can see the terrible battle that had happened there over the flames of fire that lit up everything, several bodies of demons destroyed, all the upper classes that had come he decimated.

We don't have much time and we continue in silence, I want to talk to him. But I don't want to create more things for him to get caught up in when I'm not here anymore. We fight against all kinds of spectra. We didn't find any of the twelve underworld princes, thankfully, or the mission would be seriously compromised. The other guardians must be trying to keep them as far away from me as possible, in a circle formation to protect me. Some of the specters fled when they noticed the presence of those who were in the center of the circle with me, we spent a lot of time on our journey safely thanks to him, that huge aura that was emitted made all our plants wither and die.

We found one of the guardians, after a long time in the forest, the bearer of the fire. He looks at us with scorn and with his mouth cracked. He leads us to the place of the holocaust without letting his guard down for a minute and projecting his weapon in the direction of the black-clad creature standing next to me, making it very clear that I don't trust him. I feel your hostility and thirst for struggle. As soon as the specters appeared, he summoned his flames to dust. We proceed without facing much greater dangers.

We arrived at the destination, leaving the two behind, who scanned the site looking for traces of the presence of enemies. I walk to the tabernacle, a scarlet stone that carries a little death in its minerals, I stop and realize that my hands are shaking uncontrollably. He takes my hand, which reacts to his touch, reassuring me. The firekeeper grips his shoulder with a force that would break a normal human's collarbone and cast him a hateful look. He would never do me any harm. Kiss me on the cheek and let go of my complaining hands wanting to feel safe again. At this moment the guardian loosens his shoulders, making a disgusted noise with his mouth and turning his face disapprovingly at the symbol of affection exchanged between me and the creature in black.

In time some guardians arrive alive. Now they just have to protect me until I'm done with it. The larger demons arrived shortly after the guardians arrived. I go to the tabernacle, surrounded by seven stones, the stones of the gods of light, which are beginning to shine. When I pass them I feel huge negative energy being launched on the field, some of the princes of the underworld had arrived, it's almost impossible to breathe, this is war. But I am no longer connected to the battlefield, I enter a brief trance state, nirvana, total illumination of my body, I feel my feet rise from the ground and a warm light welling up inside me.

Soon after I become aware of everything, everyone who is dying, to the leaves that fall from the cherry trees that are already withering by the pressure of the struggle, life slowly leaving the Earth, fear, pain, the shadows in the hearts. I have the power to stop everything. I have to stop everything. Several guardians have already died, and many more are dying ... He is fighting for me together with the others. I have to do this for everyone. For the sake of life.

I lift the dagger of fate and cut my palm. My blood runs bright red, against the scarlet tabernacle creating a slight contrast. My blood runs down the lines forming the symbol of light, which emits a slight glow. I lift it to yours and my eyes begin to warm up and emit white light, as pure as snow and as warm as a passionate heart.

-I, the carrier of light. -My body begins to heat up, as if I were being thrown into a volcano and descending to the center of its heat, I hear the demons shouting to stop me and I can feel the onslaught of the princes of the underworld- I voluntarily renounce my life to let the shadows return. -They are doing everything to stop me, but I can feel the power getting stronger and stronger. Because it is the least I can do for those I love and for those who are sacrificing with me. -Even though the darkness rises strong, I will oppose them and destroy them with my own life. May hope once again be reborn in this world bathed in shadows and chaos. I, the bearer of divine light, am here as a gift ... Listen to my voice, let everyone be like my witnesses. And you who profaned the sacred Earth, and you take away the brightness of the sky with your corruption, go back to the rightful place. I invoke you in pure light, in a language that no mortal is worthy to speak. Orok miranabuk legorath rams teck etherion.

I feel the fire consuming my insides. It's all over. It hurts a lot, every part of my body is being torn apart with small razors of light. The pain is so great that I feel anesthetized. I just want to meet you again as soon as possible and that our next meeting is different, because I want to put an end to all this and I will not go through it all again, I look at the sky and cry out in a restrained prayer that next time things will not happen that way. I can say one last thing before my body becomes the light that will make the darkness return, "I love you" and I am sure that he was able to hear ... Even if no one else has.

"Hi guys, it's me,that one who knows everything! This chapter is a little bit of what happened in the war 1000 years ago. From here, I will present the new scenario of this incredible world. Throughout the week publish a chapter every day. I have an alert to do, I will be reviewing this work next week. If you started reading now, please, don't care about the series of mistakes I made! I'm not a native English speaker and I have to write and edit by myself, if you noticed something wrong please put in the comments that facilitates my review work. See you in Adorin."

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